Italian Senator lobbies Parliament for action

At meeting #53, Italian Senator Domenico Scilipoti, speaking to the Ministers of Education, University and Research and Economic Development, asked the Parliamentary Legislature in Italy to take initiatives to “promote the theoretical and experimental research” and “engineering and development of these new technologies”, referring to the nickel-hydrogen exothermic reaction that is the core of Italian low-energy nuclear reaction (LENR) research.

Published in Italian June 27, 2013 on the site, a Google translate follows here:

Act n. 3-00187

Posted June 27, 2013, at its meeting no. 53

Scilipoti – To the Ministers of Education, University and Research and Economic Development. –

Given that:

has recently been published online on the archive of scientific papers at Cornell University arXiv, a technical report entitled “Indication of anomalous heat energy production in a reactor device” (Detection of abnormal generation of thermal energy in a reactor), whose authors are part of an international team of researchers consisting of: They Essén (theoretical physicist, former president of the Swedish Skeptic’s Society, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm), Evelyn Foschi (physics expert in radiation protection, former University of Bologna), Torbjörn Hartman ( senior engineer at the Svedberg Laboratory, Uppsala), Bo Höistad (particle physicist, professor at the University of Uppsala), Giuseppe Levi (nuclear physicist, University of Bologna and associate of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics), Roland Pettersson (former professor of Chemistry at the University of Uppsala), Lars Tegnér (professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Uppsala);

in the technical report were made public the results of two different experiments carried out on the thermal generator E-Cat (energy catalyzer) developed by Andrea Rossi in collaboration with Sergio Focardi, a physicist and professor emeritus of the University of Bologna, the reactor uses small amounts hydrogen stable isotopes of nickel and special catalysts. The experiments were funded by the Swedish company Elforsk that operates in the energy sector. On the website of this society the results obtained have been qualified in a positive and defined as “quite remarkable”;

article authors have measured in two different scientific experiments, one of the duration of 96 hours and the other of the duration of 116 hours, an anomalous heat production with an energy density considerably higher than the density obtainable by normal chemical reactions; in first experiment was produced thermal energy equal to 62 kilowatt hours with a power consumption of 33 kWh and a density of thermal energy equal to 61,000 kilowatt-hours per kilogram. In the second experiment the energy produced was equal to 160 kilowatt thermal absorption with a 35-kilowatt electric and a density of 680 kilowatt-hours per pound;

please note that the thermal energy produced by a pound of gasoline is equivalent to just 13 kilowatt hours. Both experiments are terminated with the deliberate shutdown of the reactor, not for the depletion of the active material used;

the orders of magnitude of the energies at play exclude both the possibility of experimental errors, both conventional interpretation of the new source of energy;

is also promising and realistic perspective of use in the near future such reactors for the production of electrical energy, thanks also to the thermodynamic performance obtainable from their high operating temperatures;

although there is still no generally accepted theory that explains the origin, the reality of the phenomena of abnormal heat generation is supported by thousands of scientific publications and many patents, some of which, such as the recently issued patent to Professor Francesco Piantelli University of Siena, offering technological solutions similar to those used in the E-Cat reactors;

Rossi has already obtained an Italian patent entitled “Process and apparatus for exothermic reactions, particularly nickel and hydrogen”;

many institutions and Italian and foreign companies, as Aeneas, INFN, NASA, MIT, Mitsubishi, Toyota, U.S. Navy, National Instruments, ST Microelectronics, and many universities are, or have been involved in this particular area of ​​scientific research, still considered by someone as controversial, mainly due to the lack of a conclusive theory;

Martin Fleischmann also the memorial project has recently replicated the experiments of Dr. Francesco Celani INFN,

asks to know:

if the Ministers address does not intend to take initiatives to promote the theoretical and experimental research that allow to clarify, finally, the nature and characteristics of the above phenomena;

if you do not intend to take initiatives to engineering and development of these new technologies with a view to a possible reduction of energy costs and promote economic growth and competitiveness of the country, which would become an exporter of electricity at low cost with huge benefits financial and environmental.

What Senator in the U.S. Senate has the … courage to stand up and say this very speech?


European parliament ITRE committee meets over Fleischmann-Pons Effect

Political Support for Cold Fusion in an Election Year

Al Gore mentions Cold Fusion Today (6/11) at Google+ Conversation

algoreIn a 40 minute video chat published today by TakePart TV as part of a Google+ Conversation series, Al Gore is interviewed on climate change and is asked about various alternative energy solutions.

Just before the 19 minute mark, he is asked about Nuclear Fusion wherein he states that he’s been told by the experts he trusts that it’s 50 years away at least, referring to Hot Fusion.

He IMMEDIATELY then changes gears, and with a slow dramatic emphasis, he states “there are some very intriguing explorations of what used to be called Cold Fusion…”

Naturally he goes on to say something to the effect of ‘don’t bet all your marbles on it in the near future’, but nevertheless, the emphasis and excitement in his one little line is enough to tell he knows a bit more than he’s willing to let on. Perhaps knew he had to break the ice on the long standing ignoring, denouncing, and “inconvenient truth” of Cold Fusion. Of course he tries to create some distance with the term as well…“they don’t like to call it that anymore…”

Watch the full video, but skip to around the 19 minute mark for the short and sweet Cold Fusion blurb.

European Parliament ITRE committee meets over Fleischmann-Pons Effect

Euro-Parl-logoThe European Parliament’s Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) committee chaired by Amalia Sartori met yesterday in Brussels with scientists and business leaders from the new energy community to discuss the status of the Fleischmann-Pons Effect (FPE), the generation of anomalous excess heat from a reaction between hydrogen and various transition metals.

Titled “New advancements on the Fleischmann-Pons Effect: paving the way for a potential new clean renewable energy source?“, the meeting was co-organized by the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA). An announcement on their website read:

3 June 2013, Brussels. New advancements on the Fleischmann-Pons Effect: paving the way for a potential new clean renewable energy source? Event co-organized by ENEA at the European Parliament. Under the patronage of Hon. Amalia Sartori, Chair of the ITRE Committee c / o European Parliament, the event sees participants between the Commissioner ENEA Giovanni Lelli, the Director of the Industrial Technologies Directorate Herbert Von Bose, the Director of the Sidney Kimmel Institute for Nuclear Renaissance (USA) Graham Hubler, and the Vice-Chancellor for Research, University of Missouri (USA) Robert Duncan.

Daniele Passerini at 22Passi first reported the participants listed as:

Robert Duncan , Vice-Chancellor for Research University of Missouri (USA)
Michael McKubre , SRI – Stanford Research International (USA)
Graham Hubler , Director Sidney Kimmel Institute for Nuclear Renaissance (USA)
Stefano Concezzi , Vice President of National Instruments (USA)
PJ King , CEO ReResearch (Ireland))
Konrad Czerski , University of Szczecin (Poland), Technische Universität Berlin (Germany)
Vittorio Violante , Roma2 Tor Vergata University , Research Centre ENEA Frascati
Andrea Aparo , Roma1 Sapienza University , Politecnico di Milano , Ansaldo Energia
Enrico Paganini , ENEL Green Power
Antonio La Gatta , President TSEM Engineering and Electronics
Giovanni Lelli , Commissioner ENEA
Aldo Pizzuto , Head of Technical Unit Merger ENEA
Maximum Busuoli , Head of EU ENEA – Liaison Office
Herbert von Bose , Director of Industrial Technologies Sub-Commission of the European Parliament
Amalia Sartori , President comission ITRE Committee of the European Parliament

Passerini has posted a report of the meeting which includes photos of slides of several presentations.

Dr. Vittorio Violante and Dr. Michael McKubre at European Parliament ITRE meeting.
Dr. Vittorio Violante and Dr. Michael McKubre at European Parliament ITRE meeting.
Dr. Michael McKubre presented on New Nuclear Effects in Deuterium-Palladium Electrolysis and Gas Systems under near ambient conditions [visit]

Dr. Vittorio Violante, of whom McKubre said “was once the only man in the world who could make palladium that worked”, presented Material Science for Understanding the Fleischmann and Pons Effect. [visit]

Konrad Czerski New Evidence of the Cold Nuclear Fusion – Accelerator Experiments at Very Low Energies. [visit]


Dr. Graham Hubler is Director of Sidney Kimmel Institute for Nuclear Renaissance
Dr. Graham Hubler is Director of Sidney Kimmel Institute for Nuclear Renaissance at University of Missouri.
Dr. Graham Hubler presented Anomalous Heat Results from the Naval Research Lab and the University of Missouri. [visit]

Dr. Robert Duncan presented Discovery of New Nuclear Phenomena in Condensed Matter the State. [visit]

Both Hubler and Duncan will be hosting the 18th International Conference on Cold Fusion ICCF-18 this July from their campus at University of Missouri.

According to Passerini, the meeting in Brussels was held “to convince decision makers of the importance of funding research.”

From their website, the ITRE Committee “will deal with legislative proposals on Research; the EU policy on research is due to be redefined for the years to come and to cope with new challenges.”

Ironically, Passerini cites American research as an impetus for the European community, implying targeted support for new energy in the U.S. – were it only true. He also mentions Italy’s official position on cold fusion, which mirror’s the U.S. federal stance: cold fusion is impossible, so let’s ignore it.

Still, Italy has been the heart of new energy research in Europe beginning with Vittorio Violante‘s lab at ENEA focusing on palladium-deuterium cells, and Francesco Piantelli and Sergio Focardi‘s early work on nickel-hydrogen reactions.

Andrea Rossi presented his first public demonstration of the E-Cat steam generator at the University of Bologna in January 2011 which brought the world’s attention to new energy and galvanized a whole community of supporters. Today, an open source project links citizen scientists around the world with longtime researcher Francesco Celani of the Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN).

ENEA published a report in 2008 on the History of Cold Fusion in Italy [ .pdf] to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of Drs. Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons’ announcement of cold fusion which coincided with the 15th International Conference on Cold Fusion held in Rome in 2009.

No doubt there were discussions of the recent report on Rossi’s progress and redesign of the E-Cat HT. The caliber of research presented by both scientists and entrepreneurs could only have impressed the ITRE committee. Positive recommendations to the full Parliament could produce a funding stream for a coordinated research program to hasten the quickening pace of development.

A letter to local legislators

I wrote this to the mayor of Seattle, the nearest large city. I will also send a suitably-modified version to the mayor of Bellevue. Perhaps I will do more, such as attend a Bellevue city council meeting and try to work out a way to stimulate local political discussion, or at least awareness, of the matter. —George Henry

Mayor McGinn,

Seattle has taken the lead in divesting from fossil fuels, which is aligned with our need as a nation to replace our dependence on dirty energy with the cultivation of clean energy alternatives. I think Seattle’s initiative is very laudable and thank you again for being a visionary leader in this area.

Within the past week, articles have appeared in Forbes magazine and elsewhere affirming that Italian inventor Andrea Rossi‘s E-Cat “cold fusion” power generator actually works substantially as claimed, producing “anomalous” amounts of heat / power that cannot be explained via conventional chemical reactions. The importance of this corroboration can hardly be overestimated. One knowledgeable commentator dubs this method of generating energy “the most important invention since fire” and states that because of it the world economic playing field has been radically reconfigured and that positive change will rapidly accelerate, now that the viability of Rossi’s invention has been soundly confirmed via independent study.

It’s worthy of note that Rossi is only perhaps the most advanced of many inventors and scientists working with this technology. Although national governments continue to invest wastefully in technologies that don’t work and may never work, and/or are more expensive and ultimately less practical, research in low-energy and chemically-assisted nuclear reactions (LENR/CANR) continues due to the passionate interest of scientists and their supporters, individuals and small groups, who are determined to find a clean, dependable and cheap way to fulfill humanity’s energy needs. Over the past 20+ years, hundreds if not thousands of experiments have conclusively proven that the technology works. This energy revolution therefore will definitely happen; the only question is when, and the validation of Rossi’s work seems to indicate that it will happen sooner than many may have imagined – indeed it is already happening.

Although it will require a significant investment of your personal time, I strongly recommend that you listen to the audio at and read the free ebook available at (or at least the chapters of the latter that you deem most relevant), as well as do any further research on this topic that you feel inclined to indulge in. The information is interesting in an abstract sense, but more importantly it will help you and anyone else who accesses and understands it to be “ahead of the curve” in education and, as a result, ready to participate most beneficially in the energy revolution that is now upon us.

Please consider the economic benefits that our community as a whole will reap from early and enthusiastic adoption of this technology. Ultimately, the fossil fuel industry will have to reinvent itself and get on the bandwagon by investing in and supporting this technology, or that industry will simply fade away. Suppressing the technology via anything short of a worldwide Fascist dictatorship will not succeed. It seems a fair assessment that all industries, as well as private persons, who are primarily consumers rather than producers of energy will benefit immeasurably. Of even greater ad global importance, this technology fulfills the promise of abundant, clean and inexpensive energy – something that our civilization desperately needs if we are to survive and thrive on a planet that can continue indefinitely to support us.

Thank you for considering my rather lengthy missive.

Warm regards,
George Henry
Bellevue, WA

Gerald Celente on “the biggest element that could change the world in a positive way”

Gerald Celente is singular in his field.

Founder of the Trends Institute and their signature publication Trends Journal, he features new energy in his forecasting work. An early subscriber to Infinite Energy magazine and friend to Eugene Mallove, Celente has been following and writing about cold fusion since 1989.

Why is he so alone among forecasters? Gerald Celente answers in this CFN exclusive.

Gerald Celente“Whether it’s infinite energy, or the economy or geopolitics, people have belief systems, and it’s very hard to break out of them, so they have a very narrow vision of the future,” says Celente.

“For example, in the political realm people will say things like I’m a Republican or a Democrat, I’m a liberal, I’m a conservative, I’m left-wing or right-wing. We don’t care who you are or what you believe in. We just look at the facts. It’s what is.”

“And to think that here we are in the 21st century and fossil fuels are our main source of energy, it’s a fossil idea.”

For the rationale, Celente loosely quotes from his nationally bestselling book Trends 2000: How to Prepare for and Profit from the Changes of the 21st Century published January 1, 1997 and translated into eight different languages:

“Looking back from Galileo to the Wright brothers to Wegener and his theory of continental drift, all through the history of science, there’s a sequence of breakthrough discoveries that are automatically dismissed and derided by the establishment of the day.”

“Newspapers ignored the Wright brothers’ flight in 1903. Scientific American claimed it was a hoax. ‘For the next five years – with the Wright Brothers routinely flying test-flights around the field at Kitty Hawk – experts continued to argue that heavier-than-air machines were scientifically impossible.'”

“And the special interests are big roadblocks. Do you think the coal or oil or gas industry wants to see a competitor that could put them out of business?” he asks. “Can you imagine Exxon Mobile going out of business? Think of what refrigeration did to the ice business. There’s no more icemen around!”

“There are special interests that have their ideas of what the future should look like and whether it’s going in that direction or not. They are blinded by their desk-vision, and I have no interest in special interests.”

“In the end, people want results”

“I go back to those days when Infinite Energy magazine was born. I remember what happened with Fleischmann and Pons, and their inability to replicate the experiments,” Celente recalls.

Magazine covers on May 8, 1989
Magazine covers on May 8, 1989

“I don’t know if it was a matter of money or a matter of science, I don’t judge those things. But going back to those days, I can tell you the high-expectations for an alternative energy were actually much higher than they are today. For someone who has been writing about it all those years, I remember the excitement and the massive coverage it was getting.”

And he doesn’t mean the conventional alternatives of wind, solar, geothermal or bio-fuel.

“Whether it’s cold fusion or hydrino power, whatever it might be, when the results are there, they’ll forget who said what, and who was right or wrong. But now, I can’t believe that we’re so locked into the 19th and 20th century ideas of energy and its potential.”

“If we could build an atom bomb to fight a war with a Manhattan Project that wasn’t compromised by special interests – we could have a Manhattan Project of alternative energy, if the will was there, and the money was there, and if the special interests weren’t there.”

“Necessity is the mother of invention, and I think out of necessity, we’re going to see that new invention, if it doesn’t come first out of the human spirit. But again, there’s so much holding it back.”

“The biggest factor, of course, is money”

Regarding the problems that independent labs have protecting their intellectual work, Celente says, “We’ve written about the strangle-hold the patent office has on new patents, too. Without the achievable goal and the money, it’s all small ventures, and people are trying to protect their rights as well as trying to develop the system, so it’s very difficult without the money.”

He wonders when the billionaires are going to “do something really big with their money. They could make this thing happen in no time.”

According to Celente, an angel isn’t the answer, just “an enlightened human being.”

trend-tracking-88“When I wrote my book Trend Tracking back in 1988, the government had spent $13 trillion fighting the Cold War. That number’s probably quadrupled since then.”

“Look at the moronic things they’re doing every day: fighting wars, losing old ones, starting new ones. Look at the money they wasted on this F35; it’s going to cost a trillion dollars. That could have brought us an alternative energy.”

He continued, “As of March 31, the United States Congress appropriated more than $54 billion to support the ANSF Afghan National Security Forces – just this year. This is according to And as of March 31, the United States has spent $10.4 billion on equipment and vehicles, meaning the American tax-payer paid for that.”

“Neither the will or the money is there,” he declares.

“Alternative energy could change the entire economic paradigm. It is the biggest, biggest element I see that could change the world in a positive way.”

“Imagine being off the grid and getting all the energy you could need. Imagine how our foreign policy, and that of the rest of the world, would change. There would be no Iraq war, there would be no Libyan war. It was about oil, it certainly wasn’t about weapons of mass destruction and ties to Al Qaeda, they didn’t have any. But Libya has some of the finest sweet crude oil on the planet. The whole middle east situation changes.”

“To me, at this time, alternative energy is the holy grail of civilization”

“It could be much bigger, for example, than the boom, and the whole Internet revolution. You saw what that did. This could trump that by thousands of times. It’s one of our most important discoveries waiting to happen that could really be a civilization-changer.”

“But as my father would say, may his soul rest in peace, ‘don’t get upset, we’re dealing with people who have little minds.’ So that’s it, we’re dealing with people with little minds, and they just can’t see the big picture.”

“Scientific and industrial opposition may slow the energy revolution”, writes Celente, but they will not stop it, and we can look forward to “a revolution on the order of the discovery of fire”, making it possible for people to live the alternative lifestyles they believe in.

trends2000From Trends 2000:
The energy revolution will be the single-biggest investment opportunity of the twenty-first century. Its ramifications will extend to practically every aspect of human and planetary life. To profit from the trend, potential investors should start familiarizing themselves with the field thoroughly and immediately, and keep abreast of developments before they become official. Recommended reading Infinite Energy magazine Post Office Box 2816 Concord, New HampshireGerald Celente Trends 2000

Freed from reliance upon established institutions and infrastructures, access to free energy can “make a life of voluntary simplicity, self-sufficiency and techno-tribalism” based in a “psychology of inner freedom”.

Cold Fusion Now!

Related Links

Trends Journal taps new energy again Ruby Carat

The Wright Aeroplane and its Fabled Performance from Scientific American Vol. XCIV No. 2 January 13, 1905 page 40 courtesy Mississippi State University

The Wright Brothers and Cold Fusion Jed Rothwell


John Varney: Small-scale fusion power is “a matter of absolute urgency”

John W VarneyJohn Varney describes an energy transition plan away from fossil fuels and towards clean, small-scale fusion and shares his designs for a Dense Plasma Focus (DPF) reactor and applications that could radically transform power generation for transportation, solutions impossible with chemical energies, but mandatory for a green technological human future.

DPF is not cold fusion, but a produces power by focusing multiple streams of plasma together in super-high-temperature pulses. Fusing protons with boron nuclei in the concentrated plasma pulse point is aneutronic, a reaction producing no neutrons. Research in small-scale production of this kind was reported here in The Alternate Path to a Cleaner, Brighter Future by zed short.

Emergence from Chaos, a shining new Order
The world cries out for urgent action by governments, industry, academia and yes, the media, to focus with determination, resolve and cohesion, on refining and mass producing equipment incorporating technologies [some of which are already proven in research laboratories] that will provide vehicle propulsion [on land, sea, air and space] and power generation with compact, efficient, safe, clean and low cost units that will replace all fossil fuels and nuclear [fission] fuel within a decade.

The redundant nuclear weapons, nuclear power plants in power stations and in naval ships [both surface and submarine vessels] will be deactivated [decommissioned], dismantled, decontaminated and the fissile material placed in adequately shielded containers for temporary storage.

We can now accept the reality, that a dawn of enlightened progress, can now begin its delivery to the global village.

Various forms of controlled plasma streams, [the Hydrino plasma, LENR and LANR plasmas and the emerging technology of nuclear fusion via the Dense Plasma Focus Device] herald a transformation of global industry toward a non-polluting regime that may not only introduce direct electrical power generation from these plasmas, but also apply them [via direct injection] to turbo-machinery and to the existing furnaces of fossil fired power plant [where the fossil fuel supply systems, the ash collection systems and the flue gas treatment systems, are all deactivated and removed].

This strategy will ensure that recent and ongoing massive worldwide investment in fossil fired power plant can be relatively easily upgraded to plasma power plant [salvaging the major portions of the existing plant and speeding up the conversion down time].

All internal combustion engines presently powering aircraft, ships, yachts, trains and all road vehicles will, within the decade be replaced with alternative electric power plants that do not involve the combustion process and thus do not in any way contribute to global warming and climate change.


Varney Global Fast Ferry

Varney Supersonic Jet

Varney Freighter Space Plane

With the need to have a plan for steady growth, a cleaner environment and time urgent action to control the degree of calamity from climate change, this technology is achievable with a transparent and committed international project that is planned and implemented immediately.

It will not only foster international trust and co-operation, but will trigger an enormous, diverse, healthy and clean industrial revolution that will represent a huge step in global cohesion and enlightenment.

The more recent strategy, embracing nuclear fusion [via the DPF reactor system] reveals the direct conversion of an extreme high temperature plasma to electrical power avoiding the elaborate and expensive thermal system that is traditional in power generation and propulsion. This strategy is called the Varney Protocol and the following associated documents outline the DPF reactor and its application to the market place.

The Varney Protocol – Summary

The Varney Protocol – An illustrated pressurized DPF reactor system

Prime objective, project set-up and funding framework [for first phase of prototype experimentation]

Removal from earth of all nuclear weapons and fissile material

Space-plane details & flight plan analysis

Both national and local governments, all the major corporations [Rolls-Royce, Siemens, General Electric, Airbus, Boeing and NASA] have received the listed documents and refuse to discuss the material, despite the fact that all oil, gas and coal fired power generating plants [in fact all power plants incorporating the combustion process] will be decommissioned, decontaminated and dismantled within the decade.

Why have today’s industrial societies been totally absent in planning and implementing such an all-important, urgent and necessary strategy?

I-40-Arizona-Sunset-on-Fossil-Fuel-PowerThe simple and tragic reason is that these important decisions are not made by politicians, they are made by a secretive, wealthy, powerful and ruthless cabal that represents [what President Eisenhower had originally coined] the military/industrial complex that informs sitting heads of governments, what strategies will be implemented. These strategies will meet with their requirements for widespread weapons production [for global sales] and extensive “Black budgets” that enable development and control of technologies that are perhaps a century in advance of technologies that are available to the rest of civilization.

Should this “cabal” practice transparency, a sincere sense of service to the worlds citizens and true compassion for the billions suffering from starvation, failing health, general poverty and exploitation [by the corporate world], they would ensure that all technologies [energy, transport systems] that would arrest global warming, promote a higher and healthier standard of living for everyone would be made available to every corner of the globe as a matter of absolute urgency.

Sometimes silence is golden.

Sometimes silence can be deadly if it equates to maintaining the status quo in regard to the use of fossil and nuclear fission fuels [and the existence of nuclear weapons with delivery systems].

From Transformation Protocol Canada, “We have a great opportunity, at this moment, to exercise faith in our collective scientific and technological capabilities, to leapfrog the more modest, methodical and comfortable research programs that are now in operation, to secure for our children and grand-children, a real opportunity to thrive in a world that can recover from the devastation that our collective stupidity has brought upon them.”

For this to happen in the short period of time available to us [before global warming and climate change proceeds to the condition that humanity can no longer control the deterioration of the environment from dooming are future existence], we must unite our efforts with the many experts and specialists able to transform this conceptual design into a practical reality.

It can be done and it must be done now, before we fall asleep in comfortable denial of the dire, global predicament.

The previously posted article Transformation Protocol Canada reveals a strategy to harness a variety of cold fusion plasmas by the injection into gas turbine systems, where a plasma-air mix chamber replaces the traditional combustion chamber and thus achieves a transformation from combustion. However this strategy involves the pressurization of the plasma process.
