From 2018 to 2019, hostess Ruby Carat surveyed scientists and technologists in the cold fusion/LENR community to determine the current state of research and development towards a new atomic power from water.
It was a cooperative effort!
Episodes recorded by Robin Carter a.k.a. Ruby Carat Cold Fusion Now!
Music and Editing by Esa Ruoho a.k.a. Lackluster
Distribution and Website John Humphrey Eureka Web Design

2019/09/22 e026 Frank Acland is the creator and Administrator of, a site for the new energy and E-Cat technology community. Trained as a librarian, he has documented the dramatic story of Andrea Rossi who has been attempting to engineer a commercial steam generator based on the unknown atomic reaction between a host metal nickel and the light-hydrogen from water.
Frank Acland, Creator and Administrator of E-Cat World [Right Click to Download]

2019/07/03 e025 Sergei Tcvetkov is a physicist and nuclear engineer now retired from the Research and Design Institute of Power Engineering (SF NIKIET). He has experimented extensively with LENR-based reactors using a titanium cathode with deuterium, measuring nuclear products and excess heat of several hundred watts thermal power.
Sergei Tcvetkov, Nuclear Physicist [Right Click to Download]

2019/06/05 e024 Sveinn Ólafsson is a research Professor at the School of Engineering and Natural Sciences at University of Iceland. Dr. Ólafsson received his Ph.D. from Uppsala University and worked in hydrogen storage before his interest in LENR led him to Dr. Leif Holmlid’s work in ultra-dense hydrogen.
Dr. Sveinn Olafsson, [Right Click to Download]

2019/04/28 e023 Dimiter Alexandrov, Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Lakehead University Thunder Bay, Canada. He received his PhD from Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria, EU and works in materials science and electronic devices and head of the Semiconductor Research Laboratory at Lakehead University. During experiments using palladium and deuterium, he discovered by accident that helium was being generated. He speaks about the reproducible experiment that generates helium-3 and helium-4 as measured by mass spectroscopy.
Dimiter Alexandrov, Electrical Engineer [Right Click to Download]

2019/03/18 e022 Stephen C. Bannister, Economist at University of Utah focuses on energy and the economy. Dr. Bannister discusses the strong historical correlation between energy inputs and economic outputs, and how breakthrough LENR technology could change our world. He also gives an update on campus activity and interest as we mark the 30th anniversary of the announcement of cold fusion by Drs. Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons, who was Chairman of Chemistry at University of Utah.
Stephen C. Bannister, Economist [Right Click to Download]

2019/02/19 e021 Yasuhiro Iwamura, Nuclear Engineer and Research Professor with the Electron-Photon Research Center at Tohoku University has developed a unique method of transmutations with his team at Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, and now also with Clean Planet. Thin-film layers of metals and oxides are doped with elements and exposed to a deuterium gas, transmuting the elements. Experiments using radioactive cesium may lead to a method of transmuting radioactive waste into benign material. Dr. Iwamura is also working with a second Metal Hydrogen Energy generator successfully replicating excess heat profiles of the first MHE at Kobe University.
Yasuhiro Iwamura, Nuclear Engineer [Right Click to Download]

2019/01/15 e020 Robert Godes, President and Chief Technical Officer of Brillouin Energy Corporation, with 30-years experience as an inventor of technology with applications in areas from distributed data collection to control systems. Brillouin Energy Corp.’s signature product is the Hydrogen Hot Tube HHT, which has had leaps in output power in recent months. After having its technology tested and evaluated by SRI International, two reports were issued with power output generally less than 10 Watts thermal excess. New 2019 tests of the reactor core with a fresh Q-pulse panel are showing 100+ Watts at just over 2x power output.
Robert Godes, Engineer Inventor [Right Click to Download]

2019/01/13 e019 Edmund Storms, Nuclear chemist with Kiva Labs and former Los Alamos National Laboratory rocket scientist. There, his work involved basic research in the field of high temperature chemistry as applied to materials used in nuclear power and propulsion reactors, including studies of cold fusion since 1989. Experimental work included finding tritium generated from Fleischmann-Pons cells and discovering many properties of the reaction, such as high-loading is not necessary to generate or sustain a reaction. Dr. Storms is the author of The Science of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction, a survey of the experiments and theories of the field through 2007, and, The Explanation of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction, A Comprehensive Compilation of Evidence and Explanations about Cold Fusion, describing some of the main models of LENR, as well as a new idea based on hydrogen-filled nano-spaces as the nuclear active environment.
Edmund Storms, Nuclear Chemist [Right Click to Download]
2018/10/23 e018 David Daggett, Engineer, President, Phonon Energy now closed and current candidate for Washington State Legislature. David Daggett received a PhD in Engineering from Cranfield University specializing in Power and Propulsion and worked for large corporations like Parker Aerospace and Boeing maturing ideas into working concepts focused on energy and environmental technologies. Now ready to bring science back to policy-making as a State Legislature candidate, he is focused on public issues such as healthcare and fairer taxes.
David Daggett, Engineer [Right Click to Download]

2018/10/13 e017 Dr. Francis Tanzella, Program Manager Low Energy Nuclear Reactions SRI, International recently retired and now consulting privately. After earning his Ph.D in Chemistry from UC Berkeley, and studying Electrochemistry as a post-doctoral at the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Tanzella worked as a chemist at DuPont. Since 1986, he helped develop the low energy nuclear reactions (LENR) electrochemical and calorimetry program at SRI and hosted many other LENR researchers in attempts to reproduce and understand their processes and devices. Dr. Tanzella gives his account of the evaluation of the Brillouin HotTube, and how that relationship will continue despite the closing of SRI’s LENR lab.
Francis Tanzella, Chemist [Right Click to Download]

2018/09/23 e016 Dr. Pamela Mosier-Boss, Analytical Chemist emeritus at the Navy’s Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command SPAWAR working on environmental sensors, detecting chemical toxins and bacteria. She spent over two-decades as a LENR experimentalist successfully using the co-deposition method to generate numerous nuclear effects. At the ICCF-21 conference, she and her colleagues proposed employing LENR-generated neutrons to fission uranium for a hybrid fusion-fission reactor design.
Pamela Mosier-Boss, Analytical Chemist [Right Click to Download]

2018/09/13 e015 Dr. Dennis Cravens, Physicist and LENR researcher received his PhD from Florida State University and has been working on cold fusion since 1989. Dennis Cravens has demonstrated multiple live LENR systems throughout the years, and recently presented at the ICCF-21 conference with his associate Dennis Letts where they discussed their experiments generating excess heat of an average of 7 Watts thermal for durational periods.
Dennis Cravens, Physicist [Right Click to Download]

2018/09/03 e014 Alan Goldwater, Independent LENR Researcher and member of the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project. He received a Bachelor’s degree in Physics from Columbia University and studied architecture and computer science before having a successful career in electronic design and embedded software. Alan will discuss his glow stick experiments and what live open science means for our future.
Alan Goldwater, Independent LENR Researcher Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project [Right Click to Download]
2018/07/02 e013 Dr. Michael McKubre, LENR consultant and former Director of Energy Research at SRI International speaks Monday, June 4 on the campus of Colorado State University at the 21st International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science ICCF-21 about The Fleischmann Pons Heat and Ancillary Effects: What Do We Know, and Why? How Might We Proceed?.
Find more notes, audio, and photos of ICCF-21 courtesy the Cold Fusion Now! Collective here.
Michael McKubre, Electro-chemist [Right Click to Download]

2018/05/13 e012 Dr. Melvin Miles is a former US Navy electro-chemist and LENR experimentalist who in 1990 discovered a relationship between the heat production in cold fusion cells with the production of helium, confirming the nuclear nature of the elusive reaction. He received a Bachelor’s degree at Brigham Young University and a Ph.D at the University of Utah in Physical Chemistry, minoring in Physics. Following his degree, he was awarded a NATO fellowship to work as a postdoc for one year with Dr. Heinz Gerischer in Munich, Germany. Dr. Miles has just published a collection of Letters from Martin Fleischmann to Melvin Miles, documenting sixteen years of collaboration with Martin Fleischmann, who along with Stanley Pons, discovered the Anomalous Excess Heat Effect known as cold fusion.
Melvin Miles, Electro-chemist [Right Click to Download]

2018/05/03 e011 Dr. Vladimir Vysotskii, Nuclear Physicist and Head of Theoretical Radiophysics Department at Kiev National Shevchenko University, Ukraine. His work in LENR is both theoretical and experimental, reporting the transmutation of elements within micro-organisms in a LENR environment. He is the author of many scientific books including, with Dr. Alla Kornilova, Nuclear Transmutation of Stable and Radioactive Isotopes in Biological Systems. A transcript is here.
Vladimir Vysotskii, Nuclear Physicist [Right Click to Download]

2018/04/23 e010 Mats Lewan, Science and Technology Journalist and Author of An Impossible Invention The true story of the energy source that could change the world. He has Master of Science in Engineering Physics from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockhom and spent fifteen years working as technology reporter for the magazine Ny Teknik. Mats also attended the Innovation Journalism Program at Stanford University in California during which time reported for CBS-CNET News in San Francisco. Mats Lewan was one of the few journalists chronicling Andrea Rossi’s early public demonstrations of the Energy Catalyzer and authored the book An Impossible Invention about the experience. Find more at
Mats Lewan, Science/Technology Journalist and Author [Right Click to Download]

2018/04/13 e009 Abd ul-Rahman Lomax, Director of He attended the physics lectures of Richard Feynmann in 1961-1963, and then spent years in community organizing. In 2009, he challenged Wikipedia on their bias against cold fusion and since then, has been researching the cold fusion/LENR field. He has published on the heat and helium correlation in the 2015 special LENR issue of the journal Current Science and documented the Andrea Rossi-Industrial Heat lawsuits and court trial on his website.
Abd ul-Rahman Lomax, Director, [Right Click to Download]

2018/04/03 e008 David French, retired Patent Attorney and the Principal and CEO of Second Counsel Services, provides LENR scientists with guidance on intellectual property and patents. A graduate of McMaster University in Engineering Physics and of the University of Toronto Law School, David French spent 35 years at private law firms and also working with the Canadian government on law reform and international patent issues.
David J. French, Patent Lawyer [Right Click to Download]

2018/03/23 e007 Dr. Mahadeva Srinivasan, Nuclear Physicist and former Head of Neutron Physics Division at the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre in Mumbai. He co-edited the 2015 special LENR issue of Current Science journal and jump-started several LENR research groups now researching nickel and hydrogen systems to generate power and look for transmutations.
Mahadeva Srinivasan, Nuclear Physicist [Right Click to Download]

2018/03/14 e006 William Collis is Chief Executive of the International Society of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, the largest association serving cold fusion/LENR researchers globally through conferences, a journal, and scientific paper archive. He has a degree in Biochemistry from the University of Oxford and is an expert in atomic weights whose interest in LENR is not entirely theoretical.
William Collis, Chief Executive of the International Society of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science [Right Click to Download]

2018/03/06 e005 Alan Smith is Director of, an online shop dedicated to supplying open science research with laboratory needs. Alan has spent a career in various fields related to materials research and engineering, with a focus on polymers and is the author of books on craft subjects. He is also a moderator on LENR-forum.
Alan Smith, Director [Right Click to Download]

2018/02/14 e004 Dr. Jean-Paul Biberian is a Professor of Physics at University of Marseilles. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science and author of Fusion in All Its Forms: Cold Fusion, ITER, Alchemy, Biological Transmutations with Foreword by Stanley Pons.
Jean-Paul Biberian, LENR experimentalist [Right Click to Download]

2018/01/20 e003 Dr. Andrew Meulenberg is an experimental physicist and LENR theoretician. He earned a PhD from Vanderbilt University in low-energy Nuclear Physics and spent 37 years in the aerospace industry as an independent consultant. He was also a Principle Scientist at Draper Laboratories (previously MIT Instrumentation Lab).
Andrew Meulenberg, LENR Theoretician [Right Click to Download]

2018/01/10 e002 Dr. Michael McKubre, former Director of Energy Research at SRI International, previously Stanford Research Institute – where there continues an almost-thirty-years program of experimental research in LENR/cold fusion. He semi-retired to New Zealand in March 2016 and is currently consulting with international research groups.
Michael McKubre, LENR Consultant [Right Click to Download]

2018/01/03 e001 Dr. David J. Nagel of George Washington University in Washington, DC will be talking about The Science of Low Energy Nuclear Reactions, an area of condensed matter nuclear science that has major scientific challenges ahead and yet holds a very real promise of a practical new ultra-clean energy technology.
David J. Nagel, George Washington University [Right Click to Download]
Cold Fusion Now! Podcast Series Intro [Right Click to Download]