Italian Senator lobbies Parliament for action

At meeting #53, Italian Senator Domenico Scilipoti, speaking to the Ministers of Education, University and Research and Economic Development, asked the Parliamentary Legislature in Italy to take initiatives to “promote the theoretical and experimental research” and “engineering and development of these new technologies”, referring to the nickel-hydrogen exothermic reaction that is the core of Italian low-energy nuclear reaction (LENR) research.

Published in Italian June 27, 2013 on the site, a Google translate follows here:

Act n. 3-00187

Posted June 27, 2013, at its meeting no. 53

Scilipoti – To the Ministers of Education, University and Research and Economic Development. –

Given that:

has recently been published online on the archive of scientific papers at Cornell University arXiv, a technical report entitled “Indication of anomalous heat energy production in a reactor device” (Detection of abnormal generation of thermal energy in a reactor), whose authors are part of an international team of researchers consisting of: They Essén (theoretical physicist, former president of the Swedish Skeptic’s Society, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm), Evelyn Foschi (physics expert in radiation protection, former University of Bologna), Torbjörn Hartman ( senior engineer at the Svedberg Laboratory, Uppsala), Bo Höistad (particle physicist, professor at the University of Uppsala), Giuseppe Levi (nuclear physicist, University of Bologna and associate of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics), Roland Pettersson (former professor of Chemistry at the University of Uppsala), Lars Tegnér (professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Uppsala);

in the technical report were made public the results of two different experiments carried out on the thermal generator E-Cat (energy catalyzer) developed by Andrea Rossi in collaboration with Sergio Focardi, a physicist and professor emeritus of the University of Bologna, the reactor uses small amounts hydrogen stable isotopes of nickel and special catalysts. The experiments were funded by the Swedish company Elforsk that operates in the energy sector. On the website of this society the results obtained have been qualified in a positive and defined as “quite remarkable”;

article authors have measured in two different scientific experiments, one of the duration of 96 hours and the other of the duration of 116 hours, an anomalous heat production with an energy density considerably higher than the density obtainable by normal chemical reactions; in first experiment was produced thermal energy equal to 62 kilowatt hours with a power consumption of 33 kWh and a density of thermal energy equal to 61,000 kilowatt-hours per kilogram. In the second experiment the energy produced was equal to 160 kilowatt thermal absorption with a 35-kilowatt electric and a density of 680 kilowatt-hours per pound;

please note that the thermal energy produced by a pound of gasoline is equivalent to just 13 kilowatt hours. Both experiments are terminated with the deliberate shutdown of the reactor, not for the depletion of the active material used;

the orders of magnitude of the energies at play exclude both the possibility of experimental errors, both conventional interpretation of the new source of energy;

is also promising and realistic perspective of use in the near future such reactors for the production of electrical energy, thanks also to the thermodynamic performance obtainable from their high operating temperatures;

although there is still no generally accepted theory that explains the origin, the reality of the phenomena of abnormal heat generation is supported by thousands of scientific publications and many patents, some of which, such as the recently issued patent to Professor Francesco Piantelli University of Siena, offering technological solutions similar to those used in the E-Cat reactors;

Rossi has already obtained an Italian patent entitled “Process and apparatus for exothermic reactions, particularly nickel and hydrogen”;

many institutions and Italian and foreign companies, as Aeneas, INFN, NASA, MIT, Mitsubishi, Toyota, U.S. Navy, National Instruments, ST Microelectronics, and many universities are, or have been involved in this particular area of ​​scientific research, still considered by someone as controversial, mainly due to the lack of a conclusive theory;

Martin Fleischmann also the memorial project has recently replicated the experiments of Dr. Francesco Celani INFN,

asks to know:

if the Ministers address does not intend to take initiatives to promote the theoretical and experimental research that allow to clarify, finally, the nature and characteristics of the above phenomena;

if you do not intend to take initiatives to engineering and development of these new technologies with a view to a possible reduction of energy costs and promote economic growth and competitiveness of the country, which would become an exporter of electricity at low cost with huge benefits financial and environmental.

What Senator in the U.S. Senate has the … courage to stand up and say this very speech?


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7 Replies to “Italian Senator lobbies Parliament for action”

    1. Yeah, can you imagine one of our Senators on the floor saying this? Oh, I forgot, they all had to go to a fundraiser.

      1. Hey Ruby, Gotta spread this news everwhere. You are without a shadow of a doubt my hero.
        Go Get Em,


  1. “Interest in LENR Device Resurges as Independent Report is Released”

    By: Jeremy Wakeford 7th June 2013 Wakeford is an independent economist specializing in energy and sustainability, and chairs the Association for the Study of Peak Oil (ASPO) South Africa, a think-tank researching and advising on the implications of global oil depletion for South Africa.

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