Honoring Martin Fleischmann

The Telegraph
New York Times

Los Angeles Times
Salt Lake Tribune
Washington Post
Philadelphia Inquirer reprint Peter Svensson Associated Press

Too many obituaries like these continue the myth:
that cold fusion is a phenomenon imagined in the minds of lesser scientists.

(A shriekingly loud wailing erupts) Aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrgghgghhhhh!

O my peoples! Let us correct this – We got your back Martin!

Please take a moment to write to your local newspaper, your national newspaper or news magazine, and tell them that cold fusion is real, and has been replicated hundreds of times in labs around the world.

Tell them Navy researchers have confirmed the effect twenty years ago, NASA is testing technology, and commercial products from independent companies are in development.

Tell them to look at the interviews with scientists on coldfusionnow.org.

You could engage in no greater honor for Martin Fleischmann, as well as the collection of scientists who continued to work on the Fleischmann-Pons Effect despite the hostility of the conventionally-thinking minds and myths like this headline above.

Of course, the greatest tribute to Martin Fleischmann remains the body of work these scientists produced in spite of the offensive conditions.

The “fax” that started it all:
M. Fleischmann, S. Pons, M. Hawkins, Electrochemically Induced Nuclear Fusion of Deuterium J. Electroanalytical Chem., vol. 261, pp 301-308, and erratum, vol. 263, p 187 (1989). [.pdf].

A discovery that wrote the names of Martin Fleischmann, Stanley Pons, and Marvin Hawkins in the pages of history forever, with the glory, and the sacrifice.

Hal Fox‘s
Fusion Facts
Volume 1 Number 7
January 1990 [.pdf]

Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons named
Fusion Scientists of the Year 1989

New Energy Times Fusion Facts Archive is here.

Additional archives sorted by author from New Energy Times here.


Our tribute, from the community of new energy supporters, continues to create expressions of love and peace for better world, which we firmly believe, is possible.

Love 2 Martin Fleischmann by Ra Superstar

Patty and Barry Simon performed a beautiful set of music, embellished in the video with Dr. Fleischmann’s fellow scientists words.

Martin Fleischmann leaves brilliant legacy of courage in pursuit of truth by Ruby Carat
The Deep Reach of Martin Fleischmann by Ruby Carat
A Story of Cold Fusion Power: Barack Obama and the New Green Energy New Fiction by Joe Shea

And ….?

A Story of Cold Fusion Power

The long cold fusion summer is heating up nicely. The transmutation era is readying to be launched. LENR engineering is entering the business world.

As I ponder this fact, I reflect with amazement at the amount, quality, and wealth of actions undertaken by “cold fusioneers” informing governments and politicos, activists and environmentalists, and many others about state of the art cold fusion; gratitude blossoms in my heart.

As the message conveyed by the likes of Cold Fusion Now .org and other media wizards reaches more and more people an exponential growth of understanding is inevitable. Big thanks to you all.

This novella was just published and is another example of exciting cold fusion media. It is also a “perfect kick back, relax, and read” story for this long cold fusion summer.

The story lends insight to intrigue, providing repast to the tension this summers’ suspense brings. Its’ cleverly crafted plot takes the reader thru a few twists and turns in the world of politics, cold fusion, and national security.


Fiction by Joe Shea

(Joe Shea started the American Reporter in April 1995, and has served as Editor-in-Chief ever since. This is his fourth novella, and only the second long fiction piece to run in AR. Write Joe at amreporter@aol.com, or call him at (941) 462-2616.)


Dedicated to Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann

“Who saw their careers deliberately destroyed by other scientists after their discovery of cold fusion.”


“A Story of Cold Fusion Power Barack Obama and the New Green Energy”

Vol. 18, No. 4,525 – The American Reporter – August 10, 2012 (read)

from the novella…


“President Obama, perhaps a few months too late (only time will tell), finally realized that energy and gasoline prices and their control would be the defining challenge he would face in his fight for re-election…”


“someone was supplying selected small utilities with a controversial device…”


“someone was out to kill King Coal again!”

Pure Nickel Coins

Left: Euthydemos II – c.190-171 BC – Nickel didrachm 24mm diameter, 7g. Apollo bust / tripod monogram to left “Of King Euthydemos” Right: Agathokles – c.171-160 BC – Nickel drachm 19mm diameter, 3.3g. Dionysos bust / Panther touching vine monogram behind “Of King Agathokles” [Source]

Three rulers in the Bactrian kingdom were first to issue nickel coins in the first century AD. Two of the coins are pictured at the top. The coins were 25% nickel and 75% copper alloy, just like today’s U.S. nickel coin. The source of the ancient nickel is unknown.

Let’s surrender our Nickels to our Senators and Representatives, sending a message regarding the coming shift in the energy paradigm. —Paul Maher

Send a link to your reps along with coin image to Cold Fusion Now for posting.

Print a few coins to a page saying

1.25 grams of nickel can make energy equivalent to 5 barrels of oil!
LENR/Cold Fusion Works!

to post on bulletin boards around your neighborhood.

Cold Fusion Now has a particular interest in numismatics. Author John Francisco is an ancient coin collector whose specialty is the Pythagorean coins of Magna Graecia. His research on ancient coins is regularly published in The Celator magazine. [visit]

Personally, my favorite is the ancient electrum from Lydia and Ionia, some of the first coins ever minted, but more recently, I’ve been snagging nickels.

While in Florida last winter, I met Steve Schor at the Hollywood Coin Club. [visit] Steve is a huge resource on coins from every age. His breadth of knowledge commands the whole club be asking him “What’s up with this coin?”

Of course I give him the cold fusion now rundown – and he goes for it!

I had a table at a coin show last October 2011 in Hollywood, Florida, and here’s a photo showing the portion dedicated to clean energy. Notice Edmund StormsThe Science of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction, .pdfs of the 2011 MIT CF/LANR Colloquium, and Cold Fusion Now stickers.

Steve borrowed my copy of Storms’ The Science of, but luckily, I got it back.

Cold Fusion Now represents at the Hollywood Coin Show in Hollywood, Florida last October 2011.

Yes, there are plenty of coin collectors in the South Florida area who will not be surprised when technology is released thanks to this event.

Steve Schor, former engineer and coin collector, just compiled a list of “all nickel” coins. I can’t believe how many there have been. If you’ve got any of these coins, take a picture and send it to me, cause I collect pictures of nickels, too!

Schor’s file has been re-formatted and v.2 of Pure Nickel Coins is available as Excel spreadsheet [.xls] or exported to [.pdf]. Note: weight is in grams.

Look at all that power – in your pocket!

If you have any questions about these coins, email Steve here.

Greetings from the Groundlings

To the participants of the 17th International Conference on Cold
Fusion: http://www.iccf17.org/program.php

by Kelley Trezise a.k.a. Zedshort

From the “Groundling-believers of the Blog-O-Sphere”, we the unvetted, the unmarked many (or possibly few as we too are uncertain as to our numbers) devoted to the events and rumors of the day concerning, LENR, LANR, cold-fusion or what name you may apply to the phenomena, send you salutations. Your scientific endeavors are close to our hearts in that we too hope you may, some day soon, bear forth the truth concerning the evolution of Anomalous Energy Generation.

Fear not. We, the groundlings, the uninvited, are not here to storm your stage and disrupt the proceedings, nor to make demands for more and better evidence; nor are we here to engage in a loud, rancorous battle of the believers-vs.-skeptics here, before your alarmed eyes. We are, in fact, not even here.

We, the groundling-believers are simultaneously nowhere and everywhere as we fill the ether of the net. Our communications, though they may capture the attention for a time as brief as that of the life of a mayfly some interested few of our fellow groundlings, we too are in a sense here among you, and we are hopeful to hear the good news.

We, the believers, the groundlings, hope that someday soon you will reveal the facts, the whole facts and nothing but the facts and so to end for us this interminably long and tortuous suspension of our judgment as to the reality of the phenomena. We implore you: give us evidence and give us peace.

We, the believers, ultimately hope from you affirmative results, and penultimately the production of some device capable of producing the clean, abundant energy that might lift us, the mere groundlings, to greater and greener abundances.

We, the believers, the groundlings, lift our faces upward, however tremulously and briefly, into the face of a hope for a brighter future for all.

And though we are mere groundlings, we wish you the best and success in your scientific endeavors be they positive or null.

What if?

Peter Gluck, a long-time researcher in cold fusion/LANR/LENR and contributor to the first issue of Infinite Energy magaizine with his “Why Technology First”, asked a simple question: What if twenty-three years ago, the scientific authorities moved to fully investigate and develop cold fusion technology?

What would have happened?

It’s your chance to write a sci fi story.

From his EgoOut site:

An alternative history of Cold Fusion.
November 1989- the state authorities for research in
the US and in all the other industrialized countries take a
historic decision: “We will go Cold!”.
That means- all the funding and forces used for Hot Fusion
will go starting from now to search and develop Cold Fusion.
Great money, thousands of scientists, many hundreds
of labs worldwide, a million of Pd-D cells (soon) all
specialized and dedicated to cold fusion. The best theorists
worldwide publishing Cold Fusion papers in peer reviewed
journals. Patent Offices following the example of US developing
fast methods for the approval of the Cold Fusion patents.
Cold Fusion has successfully climbed all the Everests of high priority.
So it has started, can you tell how it has continued up to today? –Peter Gluck


An early paper from 1992 from Dr. Peter Gluck attempting to identify the nuclear active environment:
Understanding Reproducibility: Topology is the Key download .pdf

Policy Points for Clean Energy

Easy to remember facts about cold fusion science and technology can go just about anywhere. Message the chip body, or print and post up where your chemical body goes. Snail mail your legislative representatives and local decision-makers.

Three elements are colliding together, the degradation of the environment, the plummeting economy, and the energy crisis. I think its been called a clusterf**k. There is no way out for seven billion people, unless we have an energy dense clean form of next-generation power.

Energy is a currency. Choose the best value for now and for to come.

Choose cold fusion.

Download the fullsize Top-Five-Benefits

I’ve updated so that white space in the image contains address for snail mail when you just fold paper and staple together.

Download the fullsize Top-Five-Benefits .pdf

Dowload Top-Five-Benefits .doc
