President Obama Cold Fusion/LENR: Is an October Surprise Immanent, Eminent, and Imminent? Part 3 Politics

An October Surprise (outline)

Definition of Immanent

1: Indwelling, inherent. <beauty is not something imposed but something immanent — Anthony Burgess>

2: Being within the limits of possible experience or knowledge — compare transcendent.

Definition of Eminent

1: Standing out so as to be readily perceived or noted.
2: Jutting out, projecting.
3: Exhibiting eminence especially in standing above others in some quality or position – prominent.

Definition of Imminent

1: Ready to take place; especially as in hanging threateningly over one’s head.

“The immanent beauty of LENR (low energy nuclear reaction) is that it delivers inexpensive clean energy freely and controllably within the limits of our knowledge and experience. Cold fusion/LENR power imminently promises to hold the eminent position in world energy markets overthrowing all others.”

The unveiling of cold fusion LENR engineering may take place on the world stage by the end of October.

Some might argue that it has already taken place.

The race to cold fusion/LENR power is on.

Who will be the first to capitalize on the popularity of this new, nearly free and unlimited, clean energy?

  • “In American political jargon, an October surprise is a news event with the potential to influence the outcome of an election, particularly one for the U.S. presidency. The reference to the month of October is because the Tuesday after the first Monday in November is the date for national elections (as well as many state and local elections), and therefore events that take place in late October have greater potential to influence the decisions of prospective voters.”


The development of Cold Fusion LENR engineering is just in time for an October Surprise.

An October Surprise could come from either party or from another source.

  • Republicans are aware of LENR power.
  • Obama is aware of LENR power.
  • Congress is aware.
  • Anti-fracking, anti-nuclear U238 groups, and environmental groups are aware of LENR power.


The U.S. Governments’ access to the E-cat for testing has been established.

Other cold fusion LENR companies have developed independent testing.

A mainstream oil industry magazine has warned the oil industry of LENR engineering.

Cold Fusion/LENR is close to being breaking news.

The stage is set for Obama to announce cold fusion now.

LENR power is an important technological development for the United States.

Cold fusion/LENR engineering is a matter of national security.

It is essential for our armed forces pre-eminence and our pre-eminence in space. (Administration)

The U.S Government is leading the way with licensing for use of LENR power technology engineered by NASA. This opens the door to U.S. contracts for next generation military vehicles and NASA spacecraft powered by LENR.

What are the risks and benefits of making or not making an announcement?


If President Obama does announce cold fusion/LENR

  • Will he be accused of being delusional for believing in cold fusion? – He has plenty to back him up as far as the realism and outlook of LENR thru NASA. The Administration of the Office of the President is presently observing an E-Cat device.
  • The world economy will go through a troublesome adjustment. – The President can hardly be blamed for loss of value of energy sector investment or present day energy sector jobs lost to cold fusion. Simply put, energy will decrease in value.
  • He may lose the support given his administration by the oil, coal, and nuclear U238 cartels. – The money behind these industries will quickly follow new opportunities. Oil and coal will become less influential. The people of wealth behind the money will continue to have influence through investment in the opportunities that cold fusion LENR power will create.


If President Obama does not announce cold fusion/LENR before it hits the market

  • He may be accused of incompetence and blind ignorance. – He could say the announcement had to wait as a matter of national security. The race to cold fusion was real and barely won by the U.S. through the administrations’ successful efforts to bring Andre Rossi and the E-Cat to the U.S. and from research work done by NASA and the Navy.
  • If it is suspected that he had ample knowledge of cold fusion LENR engineering he may be accused of purposely keeping it under wraps to protect oil and coal interests. – He could say this helped buffer losses to U.S. holdings in the energy sector.
  • If foreknowledge of LENR is proven, continued subsidies for oil and coal, granting new permits for pipelines and ecologically dangerous artic and deep well drilling, and continued fracking may be judged as gross negligence. – He could say we still need these energy resources till complete conversion to LENR power is completed through a natural market process.


Future generations are watching us. That’s the meaning of having a sense of ones’ place in history. Does President Obama have a sense that his administration is history in the making, engaged in the most important technological innovation of our time, the nearly free and unlimited energy age?


If Obama announces Cold fusion/LENR power as an October Surprise

  • Announcing that his administration is behind cold fusion energy, and setting a national goal for a speedy conversion to LENR power would mark President Obama as a true leader, one with insight and courage.
  • The popularity of subsidized oil, coal, fracking, tar sands, pipelines, oil wars, and environmental strife caused by our energy demand being met by fossil fuels or U238 is at an all time low.
  • The popularity of “stop pollution and global warming” is at an all time high, especially if the plan to do so spurs economic opportunity and growth. A plan for rapid conversion to LENR power would do just that.
  • The high and rising cost of energy is a problem for all. Nearly free energy will be an economic relief for government, institutions, industry, businesses, and citizens alike. Conversion to LENR power will prove to be a popular political platform.
  • Cold fusion/LENR power will be the defining framework for action. Create economic opportunities… how? Cold fusion. Block the Keystone pipeline… why? Cold fusion. Reduce all transportation costs… how? Cold fusion. No funding for the MIT Takamak hot fusion reactor… why? Cold fusion. Stop burning coal in high polluting power plants… how? Cold fusion. Shut down dangerous nuclear power… why? Cold Fusion. Stop global warming… how? Cold fusion. No more carbon trading… why? Cold fusion. Restore ecological damage… how? Cold fusion. Stop deep well drilling… why? Cold fusion. Expand into space… how? Cold fusion.


Will Obama be the first politician to capitalize on the benefits of cold fusion/LENR power? Or will a political opponent announce it first? The first announcement may come from a news agency, an LENR company, a consortium of cold fusion activists, or from a cold fusion/LENR power manufacturers association such as QUEMA.

Quantum Unlimited Energy Manufacturing Association

QUEMA – The New Fire

At the end of this article there is a list of “Politics of Cold Fusion Now”. (page)

The list is impressive yet incomplete, many readers have taken actions that we haven’t documented. A few examples are Paul Maher contacted every oil industry expert he could find and Greg Goble contacted every anti fracking group. Now we have an oil industry magazine article warning about cold fusion and anti-fracking demonstrators demanding cold fusion in Washington. Over a thousand people read Cold Fusion Now magazine every couple of days. Cold Fusion Now is only one of many organizations carrying the message of cold fusion. Knowledge and awareness is growing exponentially. Keep spreading the word.

Cold Fusion/LENR power should be part of every political debate. Do everything you can to bring it into the political discourse on energy, economy, or environment.


Cold Fusion Now

Politics of Cold Fusion Now

There is this political Cold Fusion quanundrum that Ruby clearly took on the “chin”…

Title “One Response”

The article in whole is… (Worth noting. Thanks).

“Sadly, since school started I’ve been grading papers instead of writing letters in support of cold fusion. But over the summer, our Cold Fusion Now team did several large mailings of letters to legislators and agencies, accompanied by a Cold Fusion Now sticker, asking for attention and funding for LENR research. The letters varied, each one unique to that senator’s accomplishments, but all of them discussed funding for low-energy nuclear reactions research using the vocabulary of “clean energy”.

This is the first response from any senator regarding those letters, and it comes from my home-state Senator Feinstein. Interestingly, I have telephoned, sent an email, and written a letter to Ms. Feinstein. This response below came through the email and is regarding my “letter” which did not contain an email address. So I guess they’ve got me sewed up all which ways!

Though the response is stock (it does not mention LENR, LANR, or cold fusion), I have to wonder, where did she put her Cold Fusion Now sticker???

Dear Ms. Carter:

Thank you for writing to express your support for passage of a clean energy and climate bill through the United States Senate in the 111th Congress. I appreciate hearing from you, and I welcome the opportunity to respond.

The “Clean Energy Jobs and Oil Company Accountability Act” (S. 3663) was introduced by Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) on July 28, 2010. This legislation combines a number of proposals that I support to address energy efficiency, climate change, oil spill response and accountability, and funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF). Although Senator Reid did not bring the bill to the Senate floor for a vote in July, please be assured that I support debating the bill on the Senate floor.

The “Clean Energy Jobs and Oil Company Accountability Act” includes five billion dollars for the HOMESTAR program, which provides incentives to promote greater residential energy efficiency. You may be interested to know that I have cosponsored the “Home Star Energy Retrofit Act of 2010″ (S. 3434), which provided the basis for the HOMESTAR provisions in S. 3663.

The “Clean Energy Jobs and Oil Company Accountability Act” also addresses oil spill response and accountability issues observed during the recent Gulf Coast oil spill. It would increase the liability caps on those who cause oil spills, require oil spill response plans to be far more specific, mandate that oil companies invest in technologies that help to prevent and respond to oil spills, improve the Federal government’s ability to respond to catastrophic oil spills in deepwater, and reform the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement (known previously as the Minerals Management Service) to prevent mismanagement and corruption.

Lastly, the “Clean Energy Jobs and Oil Company Accountability Act” would fund the LWCF at $900 million each year for the next five fiscal years. I am committed to preserving our nation’s natural resources. As Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment and Related Agencies, I have worked with my colleagues to secure funding for the LWCF each fiscal year.

I remain committed to working with my Senate colleagues to advance legislation that will address oil spill response and accountability, climate change, job creation, and increasing our energy security. During this Congress, we have not yet been able to put together a comprehensive climate and energy bill capable of gaining the 60 votes necessary to pass the Senate, but I will continue to work with my colleagues to enact meaningful legislation in this area.

Again, thank you for your letter. If you have any other questions or comments, please contact my Washington, D.C. office at (202) 224-3841.
Best regards.

Sincerely yours,
Dianne Feinstein
United States Senator

PS. I have telephoned my senators, as well as others on key committees, and that’s the easiest way to get the “clean energy” meme in their heads. Go ahead and make your call!

Thanks Ruby.. tsn’t a knockout punch anyways.. hey!!

“David J. Nagel on Cash Flow: A Reasoned Approach to Funding”  August 24, 2010, Ruby Carat

“What a great plan, and a great way to present to the Department of Energy, the National Research Council, and our elected officials in charge of funding these programs.”  as follows…

“Letters must go to these Senate Committees:

1. Commerce, Science and Transportation
2. Energy and Natural Resources
3. Environment and Public Works

Letters must go to these House Committees:

1. Energy and Commerce
2. Science and Technology
3. House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming

These folks need to hear from us.
They need to hear that we want a new energy paradigm.
We want funding for this clean energy research.” – COLD FUSION NOW .org

“Letter to ARPA-E” Cold Fusion Now .org – August 17, 2010 / Ruby Carat

Please take 10 minutes and write a letter to support cold fusion research. Write or call your elected representatives and local and national media”.

“The lack of funding is a travesty, one that we must rectify. If we don’t get off this petroleum and gas, we’re cooked – literally!”

“Here’s what I wrote:”… Ruby Carat

Dr. Arun Majumdar
Director, ARPA-E (link)
Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy
U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Avenue, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20585

Dear Dr. Majumdar,

In researching energy issues and ways to reduce fossil fuel consumption, I was surprised to learn that there exists an extremely promising field of inquiry that gets absolutely no funding from the Department of Energy. I am talking about LANR, lattice-assisted nuclear reactions.

Have you looked at the results coming out of labs worldwide lately?
Present success is generating megawatts from 0.3 grams of palladium. Energetics Technologies, based in New Jersey, has produced output energy 25 times the input energy! > end point, Ruby Carat.

“ Proposes Changes to Green Party Platform Regarding Energy Policy”

“We suggest the Green Party say NO to FISSION, and YES to FUSION.

Whatever your political leaning, it makes sense to have everybody clear on the different kinds of nuclear power. I want EVERY POLITICAL PARTY to understand this difference, and support clean, green, cold fusion power. I just happen to be starting with the Greens as they are my registered party.

Now, let’s be clear: party politics are not my thing. It just goes to show how important this particular issue is that I am getting up off my *** to get involved this way.

Help the Greens. Help your third party. If words are magnets, then let’s get the right words attracting clean fusion power, no matter what the political stride.”

“Letters Mailed to Senate Energy Subcommittee Members”

“It’ll take a couple of weeks to get through security, but 15 senators will have a nice surprise waiting for them when they get back from recess. Each member on the Energy sub-committee got a unique letter requesting funding for low-energy nuclear reactions research accompanied by two complimentary Cold Fusion Now stickers.”

Here’s a sample letter sent to Senator Debbie Stabenow from Michigan:

Senator Debbie Stabenow
133 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510

Dear Senator Stabenow,

Please lend your support for the only viable alternative energy beyond the renewables – low-energy nuclear reactions, also know as cold fusion. continued (link)”

The names of the senators who received this particular mailing are:

Sen. John Barrasso WY
Sen. Evan Bayh IN
Sen. Robert Bennett UT
Sen. Sam Brownback KS
Sen. Jim Bunning KY
Sen. Richard Burr NC
Sen. Maria Cantwell WA
Sen. Bob Corker TN
Sen. Byron Dorgon ND
Sen. Menendez NJ
Sen. Bernie Sanders VT
Sen. Jeff Sessions AL
Sen. Jeanne Shaheen NH
Sen. Debbie Stabenow MI
Sen. Mark Udall CO
Sen. Ron Wyden OR

“Forcast Cold on 10/10/10” September 15, 2010 / Ruby Carat

“Who can forget Angelina Jolie as the sexy-smart soon-to-be MIT student in Hackers?

But today, environmentalism is cool. And although many environmentalists could use a dose of science, it’s true enough that science could use a good dose of environmentalism.

So Cold Fusion Now will holding an action event coordinated with, a group dedicated to reducing CO2 in the atmosphere below 350 ppm. On 10/10/10, is sponsoring a Global Work Party to highlight climate change and our politician’s lack of response with leadership in this area.”

“Letter to the Secretary of Energy and Others” October 14, 2010 / Ruby Carat

Office of Science and Technology Policy
Attn: Dr. John Holdren
725 17th Street Room 5228
Washington, DC 20502

U.S. Department of Energy
Attn: Under Secretary Steve Koonin
Attn: Secretary Steven Chu
1000 Independence Avenue SW
Washington, DC 20585

“Green Party Moves Closer to Support Cold Fusion” October 22, 2010 Ruby Carat – Audio Commentary – James Martinez

“James Martinez, the only talk radio host regularly featuring interviews with cold fusion scientists has formally achieved another first: getting politicians to talk about cold fusion. On the Thursday, Oct. 21 edition of Cash-flow, James interviewed Laura Wells, the Green Party candidate for Governor of California. She had recently been arrested trying to enter the candidate’s debate, from which all third party candidates are excluded, and with a ticket in hand, was escorted by armed men into a waiting vehicle. Outrageous indeed.

But, could the Green Party be the first third party to openly support cold fusion on their party platform, forcing the discussion of clean energy towards a viable alternative to the renewables?

Word has it that David Cobb, the 2004 Green Party presidential candidate is meeting in DC with some LENR scientists to be briefed on this technology. If he realizes the potential of this energy source and how it will completely change the paradigm of life in the 21st century, as well as the opportunity it gives the Green Party in the U.S., then he will have to go back and convince the party members.”

“Senate Debates Now on Patent Reform Act of 2011” – March 1, 2011 / Ruby Carat

“If you are concerned about the United States Patent and Trademark Office USPTO practices, the window is closing to contact your senator, as well as those on the the Judiciary Committee, in regards to the Patent Reform Act of 2011. They have opened the debate on the Patent Reform Act of 2011 to the full senate. Full text of the bill is available here. Members of the Judiciary are listed here.

Contact your Senator.

A list of supporters of this bill is located. (see article)

The United States Patent and Trademark Office has been criticized for failing to issue patents related to cold fusion technologies, thereby suppressing the free-flow of information on new energy research and hampering the development of clean energy devices. For some cogent thoughts on this issue, see the recent post “Robert Duncan Interview on Cash-flow: ‘Public Investment means public ownership.’ “

“A Letter to Ed Markey” (Congressional Representative) – April 20, 2011 / Ruby Carat

“And as we have learned more, we wonder now at the worth of sending letters to politicians. Does it really make a difference? Deep water permits for oil drilling in the Gulf, temporarily suspended, have been continued, and there is no evidence at all that multi-national corporations such as BP have developed any tools capable of responding to a similar disaster, which makes it only a matter of time before another one occurs. As the largest consumer of fossil fuels, the US has done little to create a clean energy policy.

Is it be better to throw our efforts at wealthy private individuals, angels, and venture capital firms, and direct that money towards the blossoming number of private companies who might rather stay under the radar of meddling politicians? Perhaps US officials get involved, they will ruin the opportunities that exist today for young scientists and start-up companies to create a new world?

We are conflicted.

In any case, though our letter writing has diminished in recent months (due to the demands of daily classroom activities), we have not stopped the activism.

We have spoken with colleagues who work at colleges and universities, educating them about the recent advances in LENR, most of whom knew nothing about it. We have spoken to our students, and showed them the papers and videos of these emerging technologies.

I have personally done math problems in algebra class adapted from this science. Yes, that’s right, energy out/in ratios, mass-to-energy equations, and many more LENR topics that I can simplify to basic algebra. And students loved it.

Today, we send Representative Ed Markey a letter thanking him for his accomplishments in holding Big Fossil accountable and pursuing justice for the environment. We also sent Representative Henry Waxman and House Energy and Environment Committee Chairman a letter as well. Each letter asks for support for LENR research and includes a Cold Fusion Now sticker.

As we mailed these few letters today, not knowing if it is helpful, or possibly hurtful, we continue to keep talking, and keep typing. (See archived post: Jan Marwan: “Start talking.”) And if your so inclined, and you feel it helps, copy and paste portions of this letter in a message to send to your Representative.”

“U.S. Senate Hopeful – A LENR Enthusiast” – May 16, 2011 / Eli

“He’s an underdog, but this Navy veteran from Michigan has the most relevant credentials in energy interests, and he’s not afraid to share them even during his run for the U.S. Senate.

Randy Hekman, running for the Michigan U.S Senate seat, is a promoter of LENR, Low Energy Nuclear Reaction technology. And as mentioned, he’s not afraid to talk about it, going so far as to state the massive potential it has for industry.”

“Government Subsidies for the Energy Industry” – June 27, 2011 / Ruby Carat

“An oilman drills a well that costs $100,000. He finds a reservoir containing $10,000,000 worth of oil. The well produces $1 million worth of oil per year for ten years. In the very first year, thanks to the depletion allowance, the oilman could deduct 27.5 per cent, or $275,000, of that $1 million in income from his taxable income. Thus, in just one year, he’s deducted nearly three times his initial investment. But the depletion allowance continues to pay off. For each of the next nine years, he gets to continue taking the $275,000 depletion deduction. By the end of the tenth year, the oilman has deducted $2.75 million from his taxable income, even though his initial investment was only $100,000.”

“President John Kennedy was fighting to repeal the oil depletion allowance at the time of his death, and a Democratic attempt to repeal it was recently killed in the Senate.” –Charles Baron

“If patents aren’t issued, government is not only withholding funding, it’s inhibiting the technological development of clean energy.

Working to ensure the new-energy movement has funding from both private and government entities includes demanding federal laws and tax-breaks that support new-energy researchers and companies developing clean LENR technologies.

Talk to your Senators, Congresspersons, and elected officials today.

Tell them to move away from subsidizing dirty fossil fuels and dangerous nuclear power plants and support LENR research now.

In the US? Contact your representatives. (see article)

“Online Petition Supports Cold Fusion” – June 20, 2011 / Ruby Carat

“A new online petition from Quinton Crawford believes that “Cold Fusion atomic energy (non-radioactive) has been ignored and pushed aside in discussions/ presentations about alternative energy for too long.” Online Petition from Quinton Crawford

“Secretary Chu Looking at LENR/CF?” – June 13, 2011 / Ruby Carat

“Dr. Steven Chu, Secretary of Energy is looking at Lattice-assisted Nuclear Reactions (LANR) Cold Fusion as a part of implementing President Obama’s ambitious agenda to invest in clean energy, reduce our dependence on foreign oil, address the global climate crisis, and create millions of new jobs.” “This weekend at (MIT) Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, a global group of scientist and entrepreneurs met to discuss the latest advancements in LANR and CF.”

“On target with Dr. Chu vision to devote his recent scientific career to the search for new solutions to our energy challenges and stopping global climate change – a mission he continues with even greater urgency as Secretary of Energy. The event held at MIT brings together key players in the Cold Fusion LANR and other types of Nuclear Reactions.”
– from Steven Chu looks at Lattice-assisted Nuclear Reactions Cold Fusion

“2 Month Activity Log” July 13, 2010 / Ruby Carat

“Our first act was to get Cold Fusion Now stickers printed up from Sticker Guy.  They took quite a while to be delivered, but they look great, and since the end of June, we have started sending them out as promotional tools.

Stickers were first sent, along with a letter supporting cold fusion research, to our “local” California Senators Boxer and Feinstein in California and Representative Mike Thompson.

Since then, they have been mailed around the country to friends, artists, and scientists in California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Idaho, New Mexico, Illinois, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Washington DC, and Florida.  We are hoping to get some good photos of Active CFN Sticker locations, so if you got yours, be sure to document that location – and email us your photo!

Cold Fusion Now stickers traveled with the Humboldt County Green Party delegation to Detroit, MI for their Green Party National Meeting aligned with the US Social Forum. We continue to lobby for cold fusion energy to be included in their party platform.

Sporting our stickers around town is a real conversation starter and the CFN crew spoke with a bunch of citizens during Arts Alive! art night and the 4th of July Independence Day celebration. We had a sign that sparked some interest and several individuals stopped to ask “What is cold fusion?” and chat.  A surprising number of people already knew what it was, and it was interesting to see their faces change as memories of  “Oh yeah…… that cold fusion…” replayed in their minds.

The Tea Party Patriots had a booth at the 4th of July street fair, and I spoke with one of their members.  Left or right, it doesn’t matter, energy is on the minds of everybody, and I was happy with “Hmmm, I’ll look into it…”

We have just started the whole sticker mailing and I can tell you we have plans to contact members of the Senate’s Energy and Natural Resources  and Environment and Public Works committees as well as key legislators in the House of Representatives.  Hollywood has been targeted for its talent, and money,  and we continue to promote cold fusion to artists, musicians, and students, as well as political entities.”

“Dear Mr. President” November 8, 2010 / Eli

“Call the Whitehouse Comment Line 1-202-456-1111.
Tell President Obama that there is another path to a clean energy future.
Fund LENR research.
Create jobs for young scientists.
Jumpstart a new energy economy.
Create a whole new industry based on clean technology.
Fund LENR research and cold fusion now for a smooth transition to a new kind of world.”


“Response From the Secretary of State” – August 6, 2011 / Ruby Carat

“Cold Fusion Now recently sent a second letter to the Department of Energy DoE requesting remedy to the lack of funding for LENR research. 30 signatures in support of the letter were collected over two hours from concerned citizens during an event at the beach.

We are gratified to receive a response from Mr. Eugene A. Henry, though it was not the response I had hoped for.

“However, it is clear the topic of low energy nuclear reactions remains highly speculative and that the purported mechanism has not yet been validated by the physics community as a reality.” –Mr. Eugene A. Henry

On May 1, 1989, the Spring meeting of the American Physical Society held a Special Session on Cold Fusion. Just over one month after Professors Fleischmann and Pons made their announcement, scientists were trying to sort out the results from hasty experiments attempting to reproduce the excess-heat effect.

The most vocal of the group were all negative about the veracity of the claim, and apparently, they won the day, and the next two decades. Funding by the Department of Energy was denied to cold fusion researchers and they pointed to statements from this meeting to justify why.

Current Under-secretary of Energy Steve Koonin was at that meeting more than two decades ago, stating that there was no reliable confirmation [of the excess heat effect], and “we are suffering from the incompetence or delusions of Fleischmann and Pons.”

Twenty years later, with the world on fire, and a 100% reproducibility rate available for LENR, we can no longer ignore this solution to our energy problems.

Make postcards, get your friends to sign them, and send them to the Department of Energy. We need a miracle on Pennsylvania Avenue.”

“Department of Energy Policy Continues to Ignore Revolutionary New Energy” September 20, 2011 / Ruby Carat

“Keith Owens of Cold Fusion Energy, Inc. asked the Department of Energy DoE what their “stand” on cold fusion was.

The response was a clear statement of their policy: cold fusion does not merit any attention:

From: Afzal, Shahida [mailto:Shahida.Af…] On Behalf Of Opdenaker, Albert
Sent: Monday, September 19, 2011 4:05 PM
To: ‘Ke…
Subject: Cold Fusion

Dear Mr. Owens:

This is in response to your e-mail message to Secretary Chu dated September 13, 2011 in which you asked to know where the Department of Energy stands on “cold fusion.”

In 1989, a review panel that had been charged by the Department concluded that reports of the experimental results of excess heat from calorimetric cells did not present convincing evidence that useful sources of energy will result from the phenomena attributed to “cold fusion.” To quote the panel, “Hence, we recommend against the establishment of special programs or research centers to develop cold fusion.”

In 2004, the Department organized a second review of the field and that review reached essentially the same conclusion as the 1989 review. The Department’s Office of Sciences does not provide any funding support for “cold fusion” research.

Al Opdenaker

Fusion Energy Sciences
Office of Science
US Department of Energy

“But these letters are not in vain. Writing a letter is a lesson in expressing a complicated issue in a one-page petition; collecting
signatures is a fun time talking with the people on the streets; we learn more science, and made new pals along the way. Every action adds to the momentum of cold fusion as a clean energy reality. And we are on the verge of new technology that will change the world!

The Department of Energy will be the last in line for their device – and it’s going to be a long line.

Next up: the Energy committees in the House and Senate….”

“Citizens Petition Calls for Open Support of Cold Fusion Technology”

Kelley T (now known as zed short!) of Sierra Vista, AZ is the creator of the petitionasking President Obama to “investigate the usefulness of the Energy Catalyzer, a creation of the Italian inventor Andrea Rossi and he needs your help in gathering signatures to move the request forward to the President.

Can you take a moment and sign the petition to publicly put this issue in front of President Obama? You must register with using an email address to sign the petition, and the effort needs over 24,000 signatures to make it through.

Having just sent a batch of letters to the Congressional House and Senate Sub-committees on Energy, this effort towards the Whitehouse completes the triptych.

“Letters to Congressional Energy Sub-committees Repeat Hearings Request”

In an editorial for the Los Angeles Times on June 18, 1989, Representative Dana Rohrabacher chastised physicists for their vehemence, beginning with a quote:

“Every great idea has three stages of reaction:
1) It won’t work.
2) Even if it works, it’s not useful.
3) I said it was a great idea all along.”
–Arthur C. Clarke

It has been almost three months since two obscure chemists at the University of Utah held a press conference to announce that they had found something truly incredible in their test tube. Their reported discovery of cold fusion, if accurate, would usher not only science but all aspects of modern life into an era of growth and improvement that mankind has not experienced since the Industrial Revolution.” –  Representative Dana Rohrabacher

Perhaps our message will prompt him to think back to those moments when he had the courage and fire to speak for what was right, and this time, feel the strong and worthy support behind him to do it again.

In politics, we don’t have to agree on everything.

We just need folks to do their jobs.

Join us in asking Congress to do theirs.

Why doesn’t the DOE consider LENR science and technology, and why isn’t the Patent Office prioritizing LENR patents?

“Letters to the Senate Request Hearings on Doe and USPTO”

This past week Cold Fusion Now sent letters to all the US Senators on the Energy Sub-Committee requesting hearings on the Department of Energy’s refusal to acknowledge LENR science as a part of its research funding AND the US Patent Office’s lack of action on LENR technology.

Join us!

These folks here are the designated energy policy makers who need to be educated on the emerging technology that promises clean energy and a 21rst century economy.

2011 US Senate Energy Natural Resources Committee ENERGY SUBCOMMITTEE

11 Replies to “President Obama Cold Fusion/LENR: Is an October Surprise Immanent, Eminent, and Imminent? Part 3 Politics”

  1. There is no doubt in my mind Obama knows about cold fusion.
    But when, and if, he would say anything — ?

    The old energy paradigm won’t just roll over.

    Wow, thanks Greg for dredging up all my early letter-writing efforts! I’ve learned so much in two years… Now I concentrate on the public. Every time we write about cold fusion, every time we talk about cold fusion, every time we publish a video, we are doing alot to bring this to a real energy solution.

    Bravo to you!

  2. From: Robert Chew
    Subject: Re: Cold Fusion Now UPdate | COLD FUSION NOW!
    Date: September 14, 2012 7:40:43 AM
    TO: heinrichk
    Cc: gowolfe

    Hello Heinz: I am intrigued by the historical and scientific facts that now present themselves to the future of my generations of two grandsons, both Tyler (almost 6 in 10 days) and brother Toby (3.5) yrs. are going to see in their lifetime cars and trucks, and even trains that run on Cold Fusion, or the Japanese version of New Hydrogen or thin air.

    Happy to know you and your projects for the near future too. regards, open minded Chew or SpongeBob Chew the interested science is as important to when I remember that zip codes became a new practice in the 1960’s.

    I am only 61 now, and still learning that things in the 60’s made huge strides for science and engineering to this day. I recall 1989 for the big earth quake in California that impacted thousands for 10 years the way it took to rebuild freeways and biways that only took Northridge about 3 years to overcome.
    Both political and socioEconomic factors doomed the speed of rebuilding as did some 30,000 plus residents have to have a process to reroute a freeway of old to a new path of Postal Office proportions.

    regards, bob chew, berkeley ca 94702. smilBob Chew

    “Moving Information and Technology at the speed of Excitement,

    and taking one project at a time to its next level of success.”

    1. A unique sort of thought: A sudden displacement of the hydro-carbon economy would lead to an unprecedented collapse of western economies. Forget government incentives. If we are talking 6 months of heat for 50g of nickle, this will fund itself. In fact, what Rossi proposed to cost sub 2k, will probably triple in price within the first 6 months, simply by the laws of supply and demand. This is the best sort of incentive to business. Trillions in capital is on the sidelines of the market waiting for the next big thing. This tech would get funded if it can get out of the starting gate. Rossi said one million ECATS this year? He should have made a few hundred and got them out in the market place. He is foolish playing the patent game to this extent. Until this happens, this tech is stuck in the mud. Government dollars would evaporate, as the tech stubbornly refuses to get out of the mire. Hey I have put up with the ridicule and condescension from my scientific colleagues, arguing Rossi should be given the chance to pull this rabbit out of the hat. Or… has everyone pretty well admitted that will happen on the next cold day in hell? If so, then the field of contenders becomes rather thin. All the economy needs to see is even short-lived viability (in some sort of commercial product). Brillion wouldn’t know what to do with the cash. Nor would any other innovator. The transition away from hydrocarbons will take years. and years. The short term damage would be in the investment engine of stock markets heavily addicted to oil. But, then the market will price in the pace of conversion and we would see a relatively smooth transition, regulated by supply, demand would be a given. This is supply side economics which, because nature abhors a vacuum, will create its own economy. Producing billions of units will take a very long time to undertake. Let it fund itself. Stay out of the already bankrupt tax payer’s pockets!

      1. Rossi should go where the political climate is friendly toward change. And, IMO, it would be no surprise if the Middle East, Australia and one of the best democracies in the world, Sweden, would be among the first destinations. I personally know an elite family in Pakistan who will also be quick to adopt this technology and sell it IF IT WORKS.

        Assuming Rossi’s product turns out to be highly effective, he might partner with the owners of Bloombox which can offer him a logistical advantage while not tied to NatGas and Big Oil entities.

  3. From: David Axelrod September 14, 2012 9:16:25 AM PDT
    To: Heinrich ! Reply-To:!
    Friend —
    Sheldon Adelson, the conservative billionaire Las Vegas casino owner, has pledged to give up to $100 million — whatever it takes — ……………….Take it to Cold Fusion Now!
    We know it’s not out of love for Mitt Romney, so why part with so much money? As President Clinton reminded us last week, sometimes the answer is as simple as arithmetic.
    So let’s do the math: According to a new report from the Center for American Progress Action Fund, Adelson could see up to $2 billion in savings under Mitt Romney’s tax plan versus the President’s plan. That’s how much Romney’s policies would favor millionaires and billionaires.
    Donate instead to Cold Fusion Now!

    If Mitt Romney wins — $2 billion more for Adelson. If Barack Obama wins, millionaires and billionaires pay their fair share.

    It’s a highly cynical but straightforward calculation.

    Here’s how it would work for Adelson in a Romney-Ryan administration:

    — Romney would keep in place the Bush tax cuts, and cut Adelson’s income taxes by an additional 20 percent. Adelson savings: $1.5 million per year on income he earns as CEO.

    — Romney’s plan eliminates taxes on foreign profits like the ones Adelson makes on his Asian casinos. Adelson savings: $1.2 billion.

    — Romney’s plan maintains the current low tax rate on dividends. Adelson savings: $120 million per year.

    — Romney’s plan removes the estate tax. Adelson heirs save: $8.9 billion.

    I honestly can’t think of a more straightforward contrast in this election.

    We don’t have Sheldon Adelson, and with all due respect, we don’t want him.

    We’re relying on more than 3 million grassroots donors, who are giving an average of $58.

    Donate $25 or more today and let’s win our way:


    P.S. — With only 53 days left until Election Day, the money we raise right now is critical. Don’t hesitate — chip in today.

  4. Shrewd politicians will distance themselves from the smug twerps who set LENR back nearly a quarter of a century.

  5. An accommodating resource of energy using a smaller cold fusion engine can also power vehicles of all sizes. World leaders need to endorse this safer alternative too. Job losses may initially be massive but 3x to 10x more jobs would be created. Worldwide unemployment would drop dramatically due to increased lower cost energy availability.

  6. My novella “POWER, A Story of Cold Fusion – Barack Obama and the New Green Energy” which was first reviewed by Greg Goble on this site this summer, is still available free at, down under the headline, “AR’s Coverage of Cold Fusion” in the middle of the home page. It addresses many of the issues raised in these excellent comments. I hope you will enjoy it!

  7. Nothing will happen until after the election . Even the libs have positions in energy not to mention the conservatives. The only game saver for O is to start a war in the middle east and that will be the October surprise.
    We can only hope that Brillioun, Defkalion, Ecat or another major player will jump start the Lenr mkt with a reliable heat generator. China may outdo the rest of the world since they approved a Brillioun patent. Dick

    1. This series was written knowing the slim chance of it… hoping it would stir things up. Putting the idea out has got the thought circulating around in quite a few circles. I’m still keeping my fingers crossed.

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