Vote for LENR at Washington Post web poll

The Washington Post Business section website has asked “What energy sources offer the most promise for the U.S.?

You must sign-in or register to vote for your solution.

Currently, low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR) is in the #1 spot.

Let’s keep it there!

Go here to vote now:

Cold Fusion Now!

E-Cat World wants your video for LENR/cold fusion movie

A crowdsourced video on new energy needs your 30-second spots.

Frank Acland, proprietor of E-Cat World, will compile video clips from the public on low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR). The purpose? Increase awareness about the current revolution in energy happening now unbeknownst to the majority of people.

After two-and-a-half decades of science, a technology is being engineered that will transform every aspect of our lives. Yet the field is not even acknowledged by policy-makers and energy agencies from most countries around the world.

“I’d like to play a part in helping people understand that there is something important going on that could benefit countless lives all over the world — and I know there are many others who have been following this story who feel the same,” writes Acland.

“What we are dealing with here is not just another cool gadget, or an incremental improvement on an already existing technology. It’s something fundamentally new, which can be used to improve lives everywhere.”

The content of submissions should be facts about the science of LENR and the new technology now emerging. The project is directed towards the general public, so the message should be easy-to-understand.

Ideas can be:

  • Factoids about the science and/or technology
  • Description of historical events
  • Speculations on the effects of LENR technology on society
  • Environmental implications of clean, abundant energy

Those interested in submitting video should put their contribution in a 30-second good-quality video format such as .MOV, .MPEG4, .AVI, .WMV, .MPEGPS, .FLV, 3GPP, or WebM.

Include your first and last name, your physical location and profession.

If you are not speaking in English, please provide the text of your remarks, and sub-titles will be added to your video.

Send all work to Frank Acland at

Acland has “no idea what the response will be” so videos may be edited, and while there is no guarantee that your video will be included, he believes this endeavor “could be an effective way to share information.”

Don’t be shy! Just a few seconds of your time is all it takes, and you’ll be contributing to a global art project that supports a green energy future for all of us!

Cold Fusion Now!

A letter to local legislators

I wrote this to the mayor of Seattle, the nearest large city. I will also send a suitably-modified version to the mayor of Bellevue. Perhaps I will do more, such as attend a Bellevue city council meeting and try to work out a way to stimulate local political discussion, or at least awareness, of the matter. —George Henry

Mayor McGinn,

Seattle has taken the lead in divesting from fossil fuels, which is aligned with our need as a nation to replace our dependence on dirty energy with the cultivation of clean energy alternatives. I think Seattle’s initiative is very laudable and thank you again for being a visionary leader in this area.

Within the past week, articles have appeared in Forbes magazine and elsewhere affirming that Italian inventor Andrea Rossi‘s E-Cat “cold fusion” power generator actually works substantially as claimed, producing “anomalous” amounts of heat / power that cannot be explained via conventional chemical reactions. The importance of this corroboration can hardly be overestimated. One knowledgeable commentator dubs this method of generating energy “the most important invention since fire” and states that because of it the world economic playing field has been radically reconfigured and that positive change will rapidly accelerate, now that the viability of Rossi’s invention has been soundly confirmed via independent study.

It’s worthy of note that Rossi is only perhaps the most advanced of many inventors and scientists working with this technology. Although national governments continue to invest wastefully in technologies that don’t work and may never work, and/or are more expensive and ultimately less practical, research in low-energy and chemically-assisted nuclear reactions (LENR/CANR) continues due to the passionate interest of scientists and their supporters, individuals and small groups, who are determined to find a clean, dependable and cheap way to fulfill humanity’s energy needs. Over the past 20+ years, hundreds if not thousands of experiments have conclusively proven that the technology works. This energy revolution therefore will definitely happen; the only question is when, and the validation of Rossi’s work seems to indicate that it will happen sooner than many may have imagined – indeed it is already happening.

Although it will require a significant investment of your personal time, I strongly recommend that you listen to the audio at and read the free ebook available at (or at least the chapters of the latter that you deem most relevant), as well as do any further research on this topic that you feel inclined to indulge in. The information is interesting in an abstract sense, but more importantly it will help you and anyone else who accesses and understands it to be “ahead of the curve” in education and, as a result, ready to participate most beneficially in the energy revolution that is now upon us.

Please consider the economic benefits that our community as a whole will reap from early and enthusiastic adoption of this technology. Ultimately, the fossil fuel industry will have to reinvent itself and get on the bandwagon by investing in and supporting this technology, or that industry will simply fade away. Suppressing the technology via anything short of a worldwide Fascist dictatorship will not succeed. It seems a fair assessment that all industries, as well as private persons, who are primarily consumers rather than producers of energy will benefit immeasurably. Of even greater ad global importance, this technology fulfills the promise of abundant, clean and inexpensive energy – something that our civilization desperately needs if we are to survive and thrive on a planet that can continue indefinitely to support us.

Thank you for considering my rather lengthy missive.

Warm regards,
George Henry
Bellevue, WA

Discovery News misinforms on cold fusion again

The recent article 5 Reasons Cold Fusion is Bunk published on News continues the misinformation and serious inaccuracies that make clear mainstream media’s ignorance of a new discovery that offers a solution to our energy problems.

The article does not clearly discern the five distinct reasons that cold fusion cannot occur, but objections appear to be the same criticisms heard for two-and-a-half decades: cold fusion does not fit the conventional nuclear theory of hot fusion developed one hundred years ago, and therefore it cannot occur.

Sources for the article are astrophysisist Ethan Siegel, who does not accept the two-and-a-half-decades research documenting anomalous effects from deuterated systems, and known Rossi-detractor Steven Krivit, Editor of New Energy Times, who actively campaigns against E-Cat HT technology.

Taken one at a time, the “reasons” given that cold fusion cannot occur are:

Inaccuracy 1 Fusion of two elements requires high-temperatures and pressure, like the conditions inside the Sun, to overcome the Coulomb barrier, the force that keeps like-charged nucleons apart.

This statement is true for hot fusion, which has spent untold billions on attempting to re-create the conditions of the Sun here on Earth, without successfully generating any usable power.

The statement is not true of cold fusion.

“The circumstances of cold fusion are not the circumstances of hot fusion”, said Nobel laureate Julian Schwinger.

Heat is correlated with Helium in this slide from Michael McKubre
Heat is correlated with Helium in this slide from Michael McKubre
Cold fusion has no definitive theory – as yet, but the experimental evidence is overwhelming: anomalous heat and transmutations can occur within metallic-hydrides systems contained in small cells that sit on a table-top.

In experiments were palladium is infused with deuterium (Pd-D), the resulting reaction produces heat and helium. This has been documented by scientists from California Polytechnic Institute, the Navy’s China Lake research lab, and SRI International in Menlo Park, California.

This is not a likely reaction pathway that occurs in hot fusion, and yet, it occurs almost exclusively in Pd-D. Whether your vocabulary is low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR), lattice-assisted nuclear reactions (LANR), quantum fusion, or the Anomalous Heat Effect (AHE), the result does not change; put in deuterium and you can generate helium.

Table-1 from Review of Transmutation Reactions in Solids by G. H. Miley and J. Shrestha
Table-1 from Review of Transmutation Reactions in Solids by G. H. Miley and J. Shrestha
While the nuclear mechanism is still unknown, resonance appears to be a key component of initiating the reaction. Irving Dardik‘s Superwaves describe the fractal electromagnetic pulses that brought Energetics Technologies energy output to 25x energy input. Robert GodesQ-waves give Brillouin Energy control over its Hot Tube reaction.

Increasing the temperature, as in Andrea Rossi‘s E-Cat HT and Defkalion’s Hyperion, also create movement in the system.

There are many discoveries and hypotheses today that are absurd on the face of it, yet people accept them without second thought. The idea that two particles can join together in a solid material through resonance by a nuclear mechanism we have yet to understand should not be a difficult concept, that is unless you have a vested interest in not seeing this technology come to light.

Inaccuracy 2 Fusion is always accompanied by dangerous radiation.

This statement is true of hot fusion as modeled by the Standard Model of nuclear reactions from one-hundred years ago.

It is not true of cold fusion.

Cold fusion cells sometimes emit radiation, depending on the type of design.

Radiation from cold fusion cells is 11 million times less than hot fusion. Some systems emit no radiation at all.

The Pd-D systems cited above emit only helium. In all cases, the radiation is so little, scientists must work hard to even detect it.

Indeed, the lack of radiation is what makes cold fusion the ultra-clean energy-dense solution for a green technological future on Earth.

The sources for this article compare cold fusion with the theory of hot fusion, a mistake the conventionally-minded make when they do not review the literature and refuse to accept the experimental data. It is a perplexing scientific question, and needs the full community to solve it.

Inaccuracy 3 Transmutation of nickel to copper cannot occur at room-temperature, in condensed matter.

Researchers at the University of Chicago Urbana-Champagne, University of LaVerne, at Mitsubishi in Japan, at labs in France, among others around the world, have all have detected a host of elements generated by their LENR cells.

In the Ukraine, Vladimir Vysotskii has reported biological transmutations, whereby a bacteria absorbs radioactive cesium and transmutes it into other benign materials, research which may lead to a process that can rid the planet of the thousands of tons of radioactive waste.

Reports of copper in both Pd-D and Nickel-Hydrogen Ni-H systems, as well as other elements not present before the experiment, have been reported by numerous scientists in the field causing some to use a new name for this particular research avenue: low-energy nuclear transmutations (LENT).

Inaccuracy 4 The intimation that there was a secret, hidden power source during the E-Cat testing of which the scientists were unaware, or if aware, in collusion with each other, to create the observed power output.

Testing of Andrea Rossi's E-Cat HT was conducted by independent scientists.
Testing of Andrea Rossi’s E-Cat HT was conducted by independent scientists.
It stretches the boundaries of logic to suggest that the half-a-dozen scientists who conducted the third-party E-Cat test are so incompetent as to miss a secret power source, or, that they were colluding with Rossi for some global fraud.

Such accusations should address what these scientists would have to gain from this association, in either case.

The scientists who tested the unit were:

Giuseppe Levi, Bologna University, Bologna, Italy
Evelyn Foschi, Bologna, Italy
Torbjorn Hartman, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
Bo Hoistad, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
Roland Pettersson, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
Lars Tegner, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
Hanno Essen, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden

Continuing to attack the capability or veracity of this group is reprehensible.

Inaccuracy 5 Rossi has not divulged his secret catalyst that makes the E-Cat produce such big heat because he is hiding a fraudulent claim.

It is true that the scientists who conducted the tests were unable to inspect the proprietary fuel mixture inside the inner-cartridge.

However, as a black box, where all other inputs and outputs were known and measured, it was clear to the authors of the test report that the reactor made a lot of excess heat.

Whatever the 0.3 grams nickel-powder mixture inside, the E-Cat HT energy density was off-the-chart.

Rossi’s proprietary mixture of fuel is his secret alone, which he will likely have to share for a U.S. patent. If he chooses to produce marketable devices without a patent, then he will be attempting to stay ahead of the competition by driving innovation and price.

Nevertheless, the fact that there is secrecy involved in a revolutionary new energy technology is not surprising. Each of the independent labs and small companies working on a commercial device have their own proprietary element, though none have yet achieved (as far as we know) the kind of big heat, and/or or the stability and control demanded for a usable product.

What you can do is part of Discovery Communications which appears to operate websites for the Discovery Channel, the Science Channel, Discovery Magazine, and surprisingly, the Oprah Winfrey Network!

Their magazine has published material on the Widom-Larsen Theory of cold fusion, which has not been confirmed (no definitive theory of cold fusion exists yet). Their source continues to be only those who have negative views of the field, and I haven’t seen any positive LENR pieces on the Science channel. (Let me know if you do!) The battle with misinformation will continue until a commercial product is available for purchase, or, a theory of cold fusion is confirmed.

Until then, let’s ask Oprah to turn her empire towards a green energy solution.

Post your request on Do You Have an Idea for Lisa Ling?

Our family is in trouble, and we could use some help.

Cold Fusion Now!

Jeremy Rys says “Go to space or go extinct…it’s your choice humanity!”

Jeremy Rys is a physicist, filmmaker, and advocate of new energy science.

He put together our Cold Fusion Now Youtube channel with his video The Answer to All Our Energy Problems, and was the inspiration for me to start making movies.

Most recently, Jeremy attended the 2013 MIT IAP Cold Fusion 101 course and captured lectures of Drs. Peter Hagelstein and Mitchell Swartz.

His new release titled Go to Space or Go Extinct … It’s Your Choice Humanity! again features the new energy solution, and it’s narrated in Jeremy’s rocking New Englander-voice that will inspire even the most apathetic to action!

Related Links

Youth keeping new energy movement alive with constant creations of non-conventional science October 29, 2010

Widespread destruction of ecosystems and wildlife from tar sands

This is a re-post from the Post Carbon Insitute, dedicated to documenting the last moments of the Chemical Age and who unfortunately does not yet realize the potential of the New Energy Age.

Original article is here.

Tar Sands Is Worse Than You Can Imagine: Incredible Images You Have to See
Posted Apr 19, 2013 by Leslie Moyer

The Suncor Energy upgrading refinery, on the banks of the Athabasca River.     Photo Credit: Copyrighted image; photographer not disclosed.
The Suncor Energy upgrading refinery, on the banks of the Athabasca River.
Photo Credit: Copyrighted image; photographer not disclosed.

Post Carbon Institute and Alternet have partnered to shed a powerful light on the true costs of our addiction to fossil fuels, starting with the Alberta tar sands .

Every powerful photo is linked to three meaningful actions that you can take right now to fight back against tar sands mining. We need your help getting the word out; please take a look at the images, take a stand, and share far and wide with your friends, colleagues and neighbors.

The mining of the Alberta tar sands is the biggest industrial project on earth and quite possibly the world’s most environmentally destructive. The visuals are hard to stomach, but the story is an important one to tell.

Click to see the slideshow

As conventional oil and gas deplete, the energy industry must resort to unconventional resources that are more expensive, more technically challenging to access, and pose far greater risks to ecosystems and communities than ever before. The result is destruction on an unprecedented level.

The tar sands tale is told frame by frame in the image deck, guiding us from the clear-cutting of pristine Boreal forest and creation of vast open-pit mines all the way to the pipelines that transport diluted bitumen across the continent.

The connection between the astounding environmental destruction taking place in Canada and the debate over approval of the Keystone XL pipeline here in the USis clear. As the recent rupture of the Pegasus Pipeline in Arkansas makes abundantly clear, the transport of diluted bitumen from Alberta via pipelines to oil refineries thousands of miles away poses unacceptable environmental risks.

As important, the Keystone XL Pipeline is a key litmus test for the Obama Administration and the country as a whole. And the rest of the world is watching.

Although the Canadian tar sands contribute a small percentage of total global oil production and the Keystone XL Pipeline is just one of many contested fossil fuel projects in the world (in fact, First Nations and thousands of other Canadians are fighting an equally dangerous tar sands pipeline, the Northern Gateway Pipeline), this decision by President Obama is a keystone of a different kind – representing the kind of energy future we want for ourselves and our loved ones.

For that reason, it’s not mere hyperbole to say that this is a life and death decision.

We’re reaching out to you to speak up against the Keystone XL Pipeline by sharing these images with your friends, family, and neighbors, and by clicking on one of the calls to action associated with each image.

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Begin Cold Fusion Now commentary*************

Cold Fusion Now!

