The Washington Post Business section website has asked “What energy sources offer the most promise for the U.S.?”
You must sign-in or register to vote for your solution.
Currently, low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR) is in the #1 spot.
Let’s keep it there!
Go here to vote now:
Cold Fusion Now!
Lenr/cold fusion if real will transform the world for the massive amount energy that humans will have at their command at a cost that will make almost anything we can currently think of possible .Think of the possibilities of most Humans having the power of the sun at their disposal without radiation and radio active waste to dispose and from a system that is locate .
Don’t forget to Vote Thumbs up or Like all the other LENR comments While you are there. This is a Known paper.. Lets tell them this is real
Looking brighter every day.
By far
Energetic Star
With over half the votes and ideas posted crediting the future solution to cold fusion now. To date 6-16
LENR won!
Came here via Wonkblog. Congrats! I was hoping they would do more reporting instead of just printing comments, but now that I know about this website, I can find out for myself. It’s been a long time since I looked into cold fusion.