Robert Godes on the Cold Fusion Now! podcast

Robert Godes, the President and Chief Technical Officer of Brillouin Energy, is the guest on the Cold Fusion Now! podcast and discusses the latest changes to their signature LENR reactor now in development as a commercial product, the Brillouin Hydrogen Hot Tube.

Listen to Robert Godes, Brillouin Energy on the Cold Fusion Now! Podcast page

Last June 2018 at ICCF-21, Dr. Francis Tanzella of SRI International reported on a year-long test of over thirty Brillouin HHT reactor cores with thermal power outputs of about 1.5x the initial electrical input, and producing under 10 Watts excess.

Watch video of Dr. Francis Tanzella’s ICCF-21 presentation Nanosecond Pulse Stimulation in the Ni-H2 System here.

Download the ICCF-21 presentation file here.

On-and-off control of the reaction has been routine for the Brillouin lab since its inception; they use a proprietary “Q-pulse” electrical stimulation to initiate and regulate the excess thermal power. But swapping out reactor cores and producing the same excess power results demonstrated that the year-long focus on quality materials manufacturing paid off.

Go to the Brillouin Energy website to download the technical reports issued by SRI International.

By December 2018, a newly-designed Q-pulse board raised the thermal output to about 50 Watts reliable excess heat, all generated by a 2x COP.

“The highest power run then was 53 watts in and 109 Watts out,” wrote Godes. “A typical run looks like this”:

But just since this podcast was recorded, the HHT thermal power output has surged, more than doubling its December values and jumping to 100+ Watts – with more than 2x power output.

In the interview with Ruby, Robert Godes explains the Hydrogen Hot Tube marketing plans. Brillouin Energy Corp. has negotiated and sold licensing rights to several companies along the Pacific rim and there are negotiations with a mid-Eastern company for regional manufacturing rights.

All this may seem pre-mature; there are still engineering challenges ahead. However, with the LENR field advancing quickly, companies are accepting the risk and making the research investment now, fearing the higher costs after breakthrough.

The next phase of Hot Tube development is also open to a select public. One billion “Brillouin units” will available for purchase at a new company website

From the website:

There is an opportunity for up to 299 US investors and up to 1,700 non-US investors to participate in this fund. Access to the fund will be on a first come, first served basis, beginning soon.

The minimum investment in this fund is 24,750 EUR. Register here to get on the waitlist and receive advanced notice when the units in the fund become for sale.

With the fund’s proceeds, BEC Ltd. will purchase from Brillouin Energy Corp. a dedicated class of preferred stock established in its charter, with the following terms.

Brillouin Energy Corp. will distribute 20% of its net profit to BEC Ltd. until the total distributed profit reaches five times the initial fund value, after which

Brillouin Energy Corp. will distribute 10% of its net profit to BEC Ltd. until the total distributed profit reaches ten times the initial fund value, after which

Brillouin Energy Corp. will distribute 5% of its net profit to BEC Ltd. in perpetuity

BEC Ltd. will distribute all revenues received from Brillouin Energy Corp. to unit holders equally on a per unit basis.

“I’m determined to bring the Hot Tube to market,” says Robert Godes. “We’ve got original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) that can design our reactor into highly energy-efficient products and de-carbonize this planet.”

The amount of hydrogen in an average glass of water contains enough energy density, when applied to Brillouin Energy’s unique boiler systems, to power 30,000 homes for a year.

Listen to Brillouin Energy’s President and Chief Technical Officer Robert Godes discuss, science, technology, and LENR theory on the twentieth episode Cold Fusion Now! podcast with Ruby Carat on our podcast page, or, subscribe in iTunes.

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Brillouin Energy Corp. presented its groundbreaking thermal energy technology on Capitol Hill last week. Attendees included Members of Congress, congressional aides, federal government officials, industry representatives, and citizens’ groups concerned with the federal government’s progress on developing clean energy solutions.

“It was great to see that much interest in DC for a true safe green nuclear power technology,” commented Brillouin’s President and Chief Technology Officer, Robert Godes.

Attendees were able to learn about Brillouin’s prototype LENR reactors and hear from a number of speakers, including Dr. Michael McKubre of Stanford Research International (SRI). Brillouin and SRI have entered into a technology research agreement under which SRI is engaged in calibration testing and independent analysis of the Brillouin technology.

As Dr. McKubre noted in a report distributed at the event, “it is very clear that something on the order of four times (4x) and potentially more gain in power (and therefore ultimately energy) was achieved at an impressive and industrially significant operating temperature of around 640°C. To my knowledge this had not been achieved before in the LENR field. The fact that the Q pulse input is capable of triggering the excess power on and off is also highly significant.”

In addition, Dr. Banning Garrett, former Strategic Foresight Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council, was also present and issued a report detailing the current status of the LENR field and credibility of Brillouin’s claims. As Dr. Garrett noted, “LENR power generation, if realized, has the potential to become one of the technologies for transformation of the global energy system.”

Brillouin’s breakthrough technology is now garnering national and international attention and the company looks forward to working with government and industry leaders to bring this technology to market.

Background on Brillouin
Brillouin Energy Corporation is a clean-technology company based in Berkeley, CA, which is developing, in collaboration with the Stanford Research Institute (SRI), an ultra-clean, low-cost, renewable energy technology that is capable of producing commercially useful amounts of thermal energy.

The Brillouin technology is based on low energy nuclear reactions (LENR). The result is ultra-clean, low-cost, and sustainable renewable energy that doesn’t rely on any type of fossil fuel, chemical, or nuclear fuel. This process produces zero emissions and no solid wastes which pollute the environment.

Brillouin’s technology is a proprietary method of electrical stimulation of nickel metal conductors using a proprietary control system. The process pulses the system to generate excess heat. The excess heat produced is a product of reactions in hydrogen (from water or gas) in the nickel metal lattice. The process is neither fission nor fusion—rather, electrons change protons to nearly-stationary neutrons in the nickel metal lattice, generating heat.

The reactor converts hydrogen into helium, which has slightly less mass—that mass difference creates a large amount of thermal energy without burning any hydrocarbon energy sources. The reactor is very small relative to the amount of thermal energy output, making the technology very clean and efficient with a virtually inexhaustible fuel supply. Brillouin is currently working to scale the heat production up to commercial output levels.
Brillouin has developed TWO systems:

1) The WET™ Boiler, which is being designed to generate heat from 212º to 302º Fahrenheit, and is intended for home heating and hot water use.
2) The HHT™ Boiler, which is being designed to generate heat at 932º to 1,112º Fahrenheit, and is intended for commercial electricity generation.

For more information:
POC: Robert George


Vindication: MFMP granted original Fleischmann-Pons palladium wire

More exciting news from the 19th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science (ICCF-19) in Padua, Italy today.

button-MFMP-200x200_3From the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project Facebook page:

Vindication – Part 3


The MFMP has been offered something no one knew existed, something priceless and which could reveal critical secrets many in the LENR field have been seeking for over a quarter century.

Before Martin Fleischmann left the US, he personally gave a trusted friend an original pre-1989 Johnson Matthey palladium wire – the very same as used in experiments that led to that fateful announcement of a new primary energy source that came to be known as cold fusion.

He has held this secret all these years until now. We checked today with Mike McKubre, Vitorio Violante and Melvin Miles if there was any known public metallurgical and elemental / isotopic characterisation of this material, the answer was a resounding no.

It is known that the early attempts to replicate the Pons and Fleischmann effect mostly failed due to the purity and processing of ‘palladium’ used. In fact ENEA has been trying to establish what additives and structures are critical to creating the effect for more than 2 decades. Many of the principal research labs working in the field are trying to establish the correct crystal shapes, sizes, orientation etc. and chemistry.

In our own nickel powder / hydrogen research, we have tried to get the purest nickel possible – but have failed to see any excess heat. Now we know from our recent isotopic analysis of Dr. Parkhomov’s Nickel, that there is high concentrations of Carbon and Oxygen on the surface, elements also found in Rossi’s fuels.

The unique opportunity we have been honoured with is profoundly important, and there is not a person we asked at the conference that were not falling over themselves to help in what ever way they could. Ultimately it is down to the current owner to decide exactly what happens but from the available piece, which is about the thickness of a toothpick and between 7 and 8 cm long, the current plan is to

1. Use 3 X 2mm samples to characterise structure, isotopic constitution etc.

2. Run at least two 2cm segments in Pons and Fleischmann cells, copied from the original and/or use the original cell.

3. Reserve remainder

We will auction the ownership rights of the post run, post analysis 2cm segments in a one of a kind, never to be repeated auction. This is an unrepeatable opportunity to own the only known samples of this historic precious metal.

This auction, along with the auction of the donated 1 ounce Pd 1989 “Cold Fusion” coins is design to raise enough money the help ensure a fully faithful replication that will be conducted by someone who is not currently a member of the MFMP and who is a very experienced experimentalist. The work will be conducted in France with the help of Jean-Paul Biberian and all data will public.

We must work with the best resources on the planet to ensure that this materials secrets are revealed for all. It is wonderful to be a part of something that will yield critical data for advancement of the field.

More information to be published about the Vindication program.

The name of the current owner and how he came to be entrusted with the electrode will be revealed in time, right now, given the incredible importance to maintain security, we have been asked to hold off on publishing that information.

We want to take this opportunity however, to publicly thank the donor and curator of this material for coming forward.

Vindication MFMP

ICCF-19 Program for Tuesday

Also from the MFMP Facebook page, that “Carl Page is in Padua, as is Bill Gates – apparently…”

22Passi caught an old photo in todays newspaper in Padua ICCF19: “Bill Gates belives in perpetual motion?”

Dr. Bob is perplexed and asks Bill Gates to visit Padua?

E-Cat World provided a report on Day 2 by Robert Ellefson.

Peter Gluck has a news round-up sometimes before it happens.

Cold Fusion Dog Dr. Bob summed up ICCF19 – Day 2

New video of Tom Darden was posted on MFMP Youtube:

Yesterday Alain Coetmeur of provided summaries of these talks from Day 1:

Brillioun reactor core
Brillioun reactor core
David Nygren obtained a photo earlier in the day from Robert Godes, who was presenting at poster session. Godes described the photo, “That is a 3rd generation Brillouin Energy HHT reactor system…. we are now on gen 4. The Nickel rod fits inside the tube that goes all the way through the vessel with the bolted ring. We flow inert gas through the largest tube with the bolted ring and fill the second tube with H2 gas. We then pass high current pulses through the Ni rod. This system has produced 4X more thermal energy out than Q -pulse energy deposited in the core. We have performed this with the same core in both our lab in Berkeley, CA and at SRI.”

What will tomorrow bring?

SRI replicates six different types of cells

Dr. Michael McKubre describes his career researching cold fusion/LENR/CMNS at SRI, in Cold Fusion; 25 years of research at SRI presented November 5, 2014 in Oslo, Norway.

Presentation slides are here from

A description of the visit was published by Infinite Energy Magazine.

The Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences (NTVA) and The Norwegian Society of Graduate Technical and Scientific Professionals (Tekna) sponsored the event as part of a one-day seminar Can LENR provide cheap and clean energy? drawing a capacity-crowd of around 60 people.

Former-head of Norway Defense Research Establishment and Nuclear Engineer Nils Holme chaired the committee, inviting speakers Sten Bergman of Stone Power AB in Sweden, and Hanno Essén of the Department of Mechanics, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden, and Øystein Noreng, an economist from Norway.

Photo: Hanno Essen speaking in Oslo. Courtesy Infinite Energy Magazine

Hanno Essen, the past Chair of the Swedish Skeptics Society, recently released a report describing tests made of the E-Cat reactor, and spoke about “the various Rossi replications”.

Sten Bergman represented the energy industry perspective on LENR and Øystein Noreng spoke on “economic and other challenges of bringing any kind of LENR technology to the marketplace.”

McKubre also gave “the up-to-date status of Brillouin Energy’s latest technical progress”. SRI has been working with Brillouin Energy Corp. on the testing and design of an evolving energy cell. The design’s on-demand control of the reaction needs only a higher thermal output to be commercially viable.

Slide from M.McKubre: Brillouin Energy gas flow cell gets up to 650 degrees
Slide from M.McKubre: Brillouin Energy gas flow cell gets up to 650 degrees

McKubre lists Blacklight Power, Francesco Piantelli, Andrea Rossi, Defkalion, and Brillouin Energy Corporation all as working towards a commercial product using “small dimension nickel” and light-hydrogen. As small start-ups try to piece together a product, smart communities are preparing for a world without fossil fuels. McKubre writes that the seminar was called for to help Scandinavians educate themselves and plan for a future after the rich, local oil and gas resources run out.

“The object was to inform the possibility that Martin Fleischmann was right (and, by implication, Randy Mills, Mel Miles, Francesco Piantelli, Les Case, Yoshio Arata, Andrea Rossi, Tadahiko Mizuno, Defkalion, Brillouin and a host of others afterwards),” writes McKubre.

Slide from M.McKubre 25 Years Research at SRI: Successful replications of six different types of cold fusion experiment.
Slide from M.McKubre 25 Years Research at SRI: Successful replications of six different types of cold fusion experiment.
McKubre writes, “I believe what my hosts would like to see is at least one active, productive research project established in a Nordic country (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark) that would allow this community to “pay to play” in the LENR/CMNS world and thus be prepared for any sudden advances. A secondary purpose would be to train young people to be the next leaders of any ensuing technology.”

“This is a reasonable and rational approach that I certainly support. Let me say that more strongly. Any major country or company that does not engage now, or soon, runs a serious risk of missing the start of the revolution and being trampled.”

“That is not to say that I know that LENR will contribute significantly to primary power generation in any form in the near future, or that I know how.

But having studied the field closely now for more than 25 years (more than 35 years if you count our earlier studies of the Pd-D system for other reasons), nothing I know stands as significant impediment to this achievement…

… and the hoped-for goal of the “good guys” appears to be rapidly approaching. For a long time now corporations have been “lining up to be second” — afraid of the stigma, afraid to be left behind, but with insufficient courage to go first.[2]”

“With this in mind the Norwegian strategy of “hedging” seems to be entirely appropriate with no risk attached and very little cost associated. In the worst case young people can be trained in relevant disciplines of physical sciences and physics that will have high value in a wide range of applications and implementations. In the best case Norway, Sweden and whichever Nordic country chooses to be involved can position themselves to be at or near the front of the coming wave.”

Read the full article here compliments Infinite Energy Magazine.

Download the presentation slides here on

Brillouin Energy Lab Tour

Video: Brillouin Energy Lab Tour conducted by Sterling Allan of PESN.

A visit to California took Sterling Allan of PESN to the labs of SRI International and Brillouin Energy to tour the facilities and get the latest on their research on low-energy nuclear reaction (LENR) energy cells in development for commercial use.

An interview with SRI International’s Dr. Michael McKubre was previously posted. Now, video interviews have been posted of SRI International’s Dr. Francis Tanzella and Brillouin Energy’s Chief Technical Office Robert Godes as well as Brillouin CFO David Firshein and CEO Bob George.

Original article on PESN here.

Video: Francis L Tanzella tour of Brillouin’s SRI International set up

Video: Brillouin’s Finance Opportunities: Car Ride with David N. Firshein, CFO

Video: Brillouin Roundtable Discussion at SRI

Brillouin Energy and SRI advancing together

Video: Robert Godes speaking at ICCF-18 in the Entrepreneurs session.

Brillouin Energy Corporation and SRI International continue their association cooperatively on experiments towards a commercial quantum fusion energy generator.

“We are solving engineering problems with the Hydrogen Hot Tube (HHT&#8482) and expect to have a solid system by the end of 2014,” says President and Chief Technical Officer Robert Godes. “We also bounce ideas about the next-gen WET™ system. They [SRI] are great to work with.”

A relationship with investment firm Sunrise Securities is ongoing, but Godes says, “I don’t see Brillouin Energy going public. We may start a subsidiary corp with Sunrise for power plant operations with the HHT&#8482 system at some point.”

Most importantly, Brillouin’s cell test equipment is dressed for success with a message that properly focuses the effort:

An active quantum fusion experiment from Brillouin Energy Corporation
Brillouin Energy test equipment at SRI International

Cold Fusion Now!

Related Links

A Closer Look at Brillouin

Brillouin Energy patent granted in China

New kid on the block? – Brillouin Energy Corporation

Brillouin Energy interview on Ca$h Flow: “We can re-power coal plants with LENR”
