Chase Peterson, Former President of University of Utah, Dies

This article was originally published in Infinite Energy Magazine here.


by Marianne Macy

Chase Nebeker Peterson, former President of University of Utah, died on September 14, 2014 from complications of pneumonia. His life story was traced in his 2012 autobiography, The Guardian Poplar: A Memoir of Deep Roots, Journey, and Rediscovery. The concept of roots were important to Chase Peterson. He never forgot his own from a family of Mormon pioneers, despite a life that would take him from his birthplace of Logan, Utah to elite eastern prep schools and Harvard University, from which he was an undergraduate and graduate of the medical school. In 2006, Peterson received the Harvard Medal, awarded at commencement by the Alumni Association for a “lifetime contribution to Harvard.” He had three official careers—Vice President of Harvard University, Vice President for Health Services at the University of Utah, and President of the University of Utah. He also practiced medicine and taught his last class in July of 2014. He was a public spokesperson for innovation at the institutions he was associated with, an innovator, administrator who instituted an open door policy with students, doctor, writer, and visionary.

Cornel West, philosopher, best-selling author, civil rights activist, saluted Chase Peterson for “his prophetic witness at Harvard in the turbulent 60s and 70s, his promotion of black priesthood in the Mormon church, his support of anti-apartheid protest in the 1980s, and his steadfast defense of academic freedom during the cold fusion controversy in the early 90s—all expressed his quiet and humble effort to be true to himself.”

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell, Jr. heard that Dr. Chase Peterson had died and put a moving tribute on air that saluted Peterson for his historically important actions at Harvard which included hiring the first African-American admissions staff member, instituting an enrollment strategy to embrace students less privileged than the typical Ivy League undergraduate—which, as it turned out, included O’Donnell himself, whose admissions entry interview was with Chase Peterson. The United States Supreme Court cited the measures Chase Peterson instituted as exemplary.

In 1978 Peterson had returned from Harvard to the University of Utah as Vice President in charge of health sciences and the university hospital program. There he found “a unique culture.” The University of Utah, he wrote, offered “an unfettered opportunity to restless young faculty members” who would not face the restraints imposed by more settled places. “Ambitious people—often mavericks held back by practices at other institutions—found comfort and support at the University of Utah.” In his book, Peterson mentioned Max Wintrobe, who in the 1940s was the leading hemotologist, texbook author and junior professor at John Hopkins, where he felt at the time he hit a glass ceiling of anti-Semitism at the otherwise excellent institution. Wintrobe, Peterson wrote, felt Utah, while lacking the research budgets of the institutions in the east, “nevertheless presented unlimited opportunity—a new Zion as it were—open to a Jew or anyone else smart and hard-working enough to take advantage of possibilities. As chief of the Department of Internal Medicine, he brought with him a critical mass of respected young medical investigators. Even more importantly, he brought a personal level of excellence that was infectious and launched Utah toward the upper ranks of medical schools and centers.” Peterson also pointed out that this receptive climate was historically illustrated in 1916, when Utah elected the second Jewish governor in the United States, Simon Bamberger, who was widely admired. He added that Bamberger had called the Utah Legislature into special session to ratify the national woman’s suffrage amendment.

Salt Lake City’s University of Utah is the “economic engine for the state,” a phrase coined by former University President David Gardner. Chase Peterson throughout his career valued his home state for its pioneering spirit and what to him was the epitome of American opportunity. Peterson worked to establish a nationally recognized center of medical research, with special contributions in genetic research and the high profile recognition for being the site of the first human heart implant based on research done by Dr. Willem Kolff. In 1982 Kolff’s results were approved by the FDA. In December 1982 the chief surgeon, Dr. William DeVries, operated on Barney Clark and implanted the artificial heart. Chase Peterson was the face of the University, giving twice a day reports to the assembled international media. In his memoir, Dr. Chase Peterson discussed the extraordinary events, but in a narrative twist completely his own finished his in-depth account of the medical breakthrough with the sort of question that Peterson attributed to the extraordinary world fascination with the story. Chase Peterson wrote that Barney Clark’s wife had told Chase right before surgery Barney had asked, “I wonder if I will still love you when I lose my heart?” Peterson wrote, “He answered that question a few days post-op when—still reduced whispering around a tracheotomy tube—he gestured to his wife and mouthed the words, ‘I love you.’ The scalpel had met its match. Love required a functional pump, but its home was elsewhere.”

Chase Peterson’s tenure and tributes are marked with mentions of his leadership, enthusiasm and generosity. Others remarked on his courage and support of academic freedom, freedom of inquiry and pursuit of ideas. To Peterson, this was a sacred trust he felt was his mission to uphold. His obituaries mentioned controversies of his tenure as University President, what he wrote of as the “perfect storm” on conflicting interests and opinions over Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons’ discovery and work on cold fusion at the University of Utah. The variety of descriptions reflected on the field now in Peterson’s obituary accounts illustrate the spectrum of those perspectives. Chase Peterson never stopped believing it was his job and responsibility to support the freedom of research, no matter the personal cost to himself and his family, no matter the warnings of no less an advisor than Nobel laureate Hans Bethe, who told him ahead of time, “They will only laugh at you.”

Peterson wrote in his memoir: “No president, dean or department chair at any research university can arbitrarily influence the publication or suppression of something against a faculty member’s will, whether that something is a chemical process, a better can opener, a concerto, a play, a piece of writing, or anything else. Neither can a faculty member’s right to publish or circulate something be prevented. Such action violates academic freedom in its most basic sense.”

If cold fusion could work, Chase Peterson said, it would be as important as the discovery of fire. The local NPR station in Salt Lake City rebroadcast a program on Peterson’s book this week that quoted him as saying this. More important was the right to pursue cold fusion, or any idea. Chase Peterson’s support of cold fusion was instrumental in costing him the presidency of the University of Utah. He often stated that he would do it all over again. Patrick Shea, who had served as counsel to Fleischmann and Pons, this week reflecting on Chase Peterson’s death commented, “No University of Utah president has ever done as much to support his faculty and their academic freedom.”

Chase Peterson is survived by his wife Grethe Ballif Peterson, his children Stuart and Edward Peterson, Erika Munson, and thirteen grandchildren. His memorial service will be held on September 27th at 10:00 am in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Monument Park North Stake.

Marianne Macy has been doing oral histories relating to the history of cold fusion since 2007 and is writing a book on cold fusion’s start to the present day. An excerpt from the book will run in Issue 118 of Infinite Energy.

Related Links

The Guardian Poplar: A Memoir of Deep Roots, Journey, and Rediscover by Chase Nebeker Peterson

Cold Fusion Now Cross-Country Tour Ruby Carat visits the University of Utah campus.

Dr. Sally Goerner Discusses Chaos, Complexity & Social Transition — Interview

This is an interview I recently conducted w/ general systems theorist Dr. Sally J. Goerner. While not focusing on Cold Fusion-LENR per se, it does focus on how a society might transition (aka self-organize) during a time of tumultuous change. It seems to me that CF-LENR, as well as the hope & uncertainty that accompanies it, is undoubtedly part of this complex “bifurcation point” in planetary history. I think the success of CF-LENR depends as much on humanity discovering innovative and/or “emergent” social arrangements, aka “cooperative modes” — and the two technologies will mutually reinforce one another through feedback. The dialogue is rather long, so I have provided an outline below. Thanks for taking an interest:

0.min-10.min: Dr. Goerner’s eclectic background; general systems theory; studying under Ralph Abraham; patterns & strange attractors; physical vs. spiritual; order-producing universe; energy network science vs. chaos theory; popular misconceptions surrounding chaos theory; lost meaning & lost science

10.min-20.min: Energy flow networks; self-organization vs. classical mechanization; basic elements of chaos theory; complementarity & chaos; boiling water & hydrodynamic self-organization; autopoetic cycles; bifurcation points

20.min-30.min: Orders & David Bohm; entropy as a subtle form of order; quantum chaos; fractal orders; particles as localized energy flow; linear vs. non-linear systems; importance of coupling; determinism

30.min-40.min: Reconceptualizing evolution; information & self-organization produce evolution; adapting to information & crises; co-evolution & stages of consciousness; fractal hierarchy & panarchy; distributed power & learning to listen; autopoetic genesis of DNA; Freeman Dyson’s energy accident

40.min-50.min: Holographic DNA; Stephen Jay Gould; aperiodic evolutionary jumps; Darwinism & elite politics; fallacy of Social-Darwinism; Dawkins & free-market society; How the Leopard Changed Its Spots; development of the prefrontal cortex; reforming economics & finance; economics as a complex metabolism; appealing to power-brokers; bio-mimicry & development; needs hierarchies & dysfunction

50.min-60.min: Necessary conditions for self-organization; corruption; focus on what energizes you; thinking outside the box; reading & synthesizing; the politics of resignation; transition from medieval worldview to modern age; distortion of society’s root metaphor; After the Clockwork Universe

60.min-69.min: Bifurcations & social change; Jean Gebser & integral society; solutions & education; local order & global order; restoring integrity; reciprocity & the science of cooperation; time-banking; beyond charity; banking reform; international development of networks vs. GDP growth; constraining metrics & NGOs

Also see:

Dr. Edmund Storms Explains LENR Theory — Interview

Dr. Brian Ahern Explains Non-Linear LENR — Interview

“Science Inspired by Martin Fleischmann”

cover-1A new book Developments in Electrochemistry: Science Inspired by Martin Fleischmann has been published by John Wiley.

From the description:

Martin Fleischmann was truly one of the ‘fathers’ of modern electrochemistry having made major contributions to diverse topics within electrochemical science and technology. These include the theory and practice of voltammetry and in situ spectroscopic techniques, instrumentation, electrochemical phase formation, corrosion, electrochemical engineering, electrosynthesis and cold fusion.

While intended to honour the memory of Martin Fleischmann, Developments in Electrochemistry is neither a biography nor a history of his contributions. Rather, the book is a series of critical reviews of topics in electrochemical science associated with Martin Fleischmann but remaining important today. The authors are all scientists with outstanding international reputations who have made their own contribution to their topic; most have also worked with Martin Fleischmann and benefitted from his guidance.

Each of the 19 chapters within this volume begin with an outline of Martin Fleischmann’s contribution to the topic, followed by examples of research, established applications and prospects for future developments.

The book is of interest to both students and experienced workers in universities and industry who are active in developing electrochemical science.

Nineteen chapters survey a host of topics in Electrochemistry, a field Fleischmann dominated with skills that put him at the top of a talented group. Chapter 13 looks at his work in cold fusion and is written by electrochemists Dr. Melvin Miles, a now-retired Navy scientist, and Dr. Michael McKubre of SRI International, both of whom collaborated with Fleischmann for over a decade.

The chapter’s contents focus on heat measurements, a seemingly simple operation that proves to be much more difficult in practice.

13 Cold Fusion After A Quarter-Century: The Pd/D System 245
by Melvin H. Miles and Michael C.H. McKubre

13.1 The Reproducibility Issue 247
13.2 Palladium–Deuterium Loading 247
13.3 Electrochemical Calorimetry 249
13.4 Isoperibolic Calorimetric Equations and Modeling 250
13.5 Calorimetric Approximations 251
13.6 Numerical Integration of Calorimetric Data 252
13.7 Examples of Fleischmann’s Calorimetric Applications 254
13.8 Reported Reaction Products for the Pd/D System 256
13.8.1 Helium-4 256
13.8.2 Tritium 256
13.8.3 Neutrons, X-Rays, and Transmutations 257
13.9 Present Status of Cold Fusion 257
Acknowledgments 258
References 258

“No one knew calorimetry better than Martin Fleischmann,” says Miles. “He could do things that no one else could do, no one in the world.”

“I believe the chapters in this book will also show Martin’s unusual skill with mathematics. This skill is also shown in the calorimetric equations that he developed for cold fusion and his unmatched ability for the analysis of the calorimetric data,” adds Miles. “I hope the cold fusion chapter in this book will help others to appreciate that Martin’s greatness as a scientist carried over into his work on the palladium/ deuterium system.”

McKubre agrees. “Martin Fleischmann’s name is associated with more innovation in Electrochemistry than any other individual – in the schools where I was trained he was worshiped as a founding father.”

That assessment is a far cry from former-American Physical Society Information Officer/Spokesman Robert Park who derided Fleischmann’s contribution, along with that of his University of Utah research partner Dr. Stanley Pons, saying in the documentary film The Believers, “this was not their field”, and claiming Fleischmann‘s career was based “on one experiment and not much else.”

Science Inspired reveals the wide and influential scope of Fleischmann’s work before the scientific question of the century eclipsed all other research, and after. Read Chapter 1 Martin Fleischmann: The Scientist and the Person compliments of google books here.

Table of Contents

List of Contributors xiii

1 Martin Fleischmann – The Scientist and the Person 1

2 A Critical Review of the Methods Available for Quantitative Evaluation of Electrode Kinetics at Stationary Macrodisk Electrodes 21
Alan M. Bond, Elena A. Mashkina and Alexandr N. Simonov

2.1 DC Cyclic Voltammetry 23

2.1.1 Principles 23

2.1.2 Processing DC Cyclic Voltammetric Data 26

2.1.3 Semiintegration 29

2.2 AC Voltammetry 32

2.2.1 Advanced Methods of Theory–Experiment Comparison 35

2.3 Experimental Studies 36

2.3.1 Reduction of [Ru(NH3)6]3+ in an Aqueous Medium 36

2.3.2 Oxidation of FeII(C5H5)2 in an Aprotic Solvent 40

2.3.3 Reduction of [Fe(CN)6]3− in an Aqueous Electrolyte 42

2.4 Conclusions and Outlook 43

References 45

3 Electrocrystallization: Modeling and Its Application 49
Morteza Y. Abyaneh

3.1 Modeling Electrocrystallization Processes 53

3.2 Applications of Models 56

3.2.1 The Deposition of Lead Dioxide 58

3.2.2 The Electrocrystallization of Cobalt 60

3.3 Summary and Conclusions 61

References 63

4 Nucleation and Growth of New Phases on Electrode Surfaces 65
Benjamin R. Scharifker and Jorge Mostany

4.1 An Overview of Martin Fleischmann’s Contributions to Electrochemical Nucleation Studies 66

4.2 Electrochemical Nucleation with Diffusion-Controlled Growth 67

4.3 Mathematical Modeling of Nucleation and Growth Processes 68

4.4 The Nature of Active Sites 69

4.5 Induction Times and the Onset of Electrochemical Phase Formation Processes 71

4.6 Conclusion 72

References 72

5 Organic Electrosynthesis 77
Derek Pletcher

5.1 Indirect Electrolysis 79

5.2 Intermediates for Families of Reactions 80

5.3 Selective Fluorination 84

5.4 Two-Phase Electrolysis 85

5.5 Electrode Materials 87

5.6 Towards Pharmaceutical Products 88

5.7 Future Prospects 90

References 91

6 Electrochemical Engineering and Cell Design 95
Frank C. Walsh and Derek Pletcher

6.1 Principles of Electrochemical Reactor Design 96

6.1.1 Cell Potential 96

6.1.2 The Rate of Chemical Change 97

6.2 Decisions During the Process of Cell Design 98

6.2.1 Strategic Decisions 98

6.2.2 Divided and Undivided Cells 98

6.2.3 Monopolar and Bipolar Electrical Connections to Electrodes 99

6.2.4 Scaling the Cell Current 100

6.2.5 Porous 3D Electrode Structures 100

6.2.6 Interelectrode Gap 101

6.3 The Influence of Electrochemical Engineering on the Chlor-Alkali Industry 102

6.4 Parallel Plate Cells 105

6.5 Redox Flow Batteries 106

6.6 Rotating Cylinder Electrode Cells 107

6.7 Conclusions 108

References 109

7 Electrochemical Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (EC-SERS): Early History, Principles, Methods, and Experiments 113
Zhong-Qun Tian and Xue-Min Zhang

7.1 Early History of Electrochemical Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy 116

7.2 Principles and Methods of SERS 117

7.2.1 Electromagnetic Enhancement of SERS 118

7.2.2 Key Factors Influencing SERS 119

7.2.3 “Borrowing SERS Activity” Methods 121

7.2.4 Shell-Isolated Nanoparticle-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy 123

7.3 Features of EC-SERS 124

7.3.1 Electrochemical Double Layer of EC-SERS Systems 124

7.3.2 Electrolyte Solutions and Solvent Dependency 125

7.4 EC-SERS Experiments 125

7.4.1 Measurement Procedures for EC-SERS 125

7.4.2 Experimental Set-Up for EC-SERS 127

7.4.3 Preparation of SERS Substrates 128

Acknowledgments 131

References 131

8 Applications of Electrochemical Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (EC-SERS) 137
Marco Musiani, Jun-Yang Liu and Zhong-Qun Tian

8.1 Pyridine Adsorption on Different Metal Surfaces 138

8.2 Interfacial Water on Different Metals 141

8.3 Coadsorption of Thiourea with Inorganic Anions 143

8.4 Electroplating Additives 146

8.5 Inhibition of Copper Corrosion 147

8.6 Extension of SERS to the Corrosion of Fe and Its Alloys: Passivity 149

8.6.1 Fe-on-Ag 150

8.6.2 Ag-on-Fe 150

8.7 SERS of Corrosion Inhibitors on Bare Transition Metal Electrodes 150

8.8 Lithium Batteries 152

8.9 Intermediates of Electrocatalysis 154

Acknowledgments 156

References 156

9 In-Situ Scanning Probe Microscopies: Imaging and Beyond 163
Bing-Wei Mao

9.1 Principle of In-Situ STM and In-Situ AFM 164

9.1.1 Principle of In-Situ STM 164

9.1.2 Principle of In-Situ AFM 166

9.2 In-Situ STM Characterization of Surface Electrochemical Processes 167

9.2.1 In-Situ STM Study of Electrode–Aqueous Solution Interfaces 167

9.2.2 In-Situ STM Study of Electrode–Ionic Liquid Interface 167

9.3 In-Situ AFM Probing of Electric Double Layer 170

9.4 Electrochemical STM Break-Junction for Surface Nanostructuring and Nanoelectronics and Molecular Electronics 173

9.5 Outlook 176

References 177

10 In-Situ Infrared Spectroelectrochemical Studies of the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction 183
Richard J. Nichols

10.1 The H+/H2 Couple 183

10.2 Single-Crystal Surfaces 184

10.3 Subtractively Normalized Interfacial Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy 186

10.4 Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy 189

10.5 Surface-Enhanced IR Absorption Spectroscopy 190

10.6 In-Situ Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy 193

10.7 Spectroscopy at Single-Crystal Surfaces 194

10.8 Overall Conclusions 197

References 198

11 Electrochemical Noise: A Powerful General Tool 201
Claude Gabrielli and David E. Williams

11.1 Instrumentation 202

11.2 Applications 204

11.2.1 Elementary Phenomena 204

11.2.2 Bioelectrochemistry 205

11.2.3 Electrocrystallization 207

11.2.4 Corrosion 209

11.2.5 Other Systems 215

11.3 Conclusions 217

References 217

12 From Microelectrodes to Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy 223
Salvatore Daniele and Guy Denuault

12.1 The Contribution of Microelectrodes to Electroanalytical Chemistry 224

12.1.1 Advantages of Microelectrodes in Electroanalysis 224

12.1.2 Microelectrodes and Electrode Materials 226

12.1.3 New Applications of Microelectrodes in Electroanalysis 227

12.2 Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy (SECM) 230

12.2.1 A Brief History of SECM 230

12.2.2 SECM with Other Techniques 231

12.2.3 Tip Geometries and the Need for Numerical Modeling 233

12.2.4 Applications of SECM 234

12.3 Conclusions 235

References 235

13 Cold Fusion After A Quarter-Century: The Pd/D System 245
Melvin H. Miles and Michael C.H. McKubre

13.1 The Reproducibility Issue 247

13.2 Palladium–Deuterium Loading 247

13.3 Electrochemical Calorimetry 249

13.4 Isoperibolic Calorimetric Equations and Modeling 250

13.5 Calorimetric Approximations 251

13.6 Numerical Integration of Calorimetric Data 252

13.7 Examples of Fleischmann’s Calorimetric Applications 254

13.8 Reported Reaction Products for the Pd/D System 256

13.8.1 Helium-4 256

13.8.2 Tritium 256

13.8.3 Neutrons, X-Rays, and Transmutations 257

13.9 Present Status of Cold Fusion 257

Acknowledgments 258

References 258

14 In-Situ X-Ray Diffraction of Electrode Surface Structure 261
Andrea E. Russell, Stephen W.T. Price and Stephen J. Thompson

14.1 Early Work 262

14.2 Synchrotron-Based In-Situ XRD 264

14.3 Studies Inspired by Martin Fleischmann’s Work 266

14.3.1 Structure of Water at the Interface 266

14.3.2 Adsorption of Ions 268

14.3.3 Oxide/Hydroxide Formation 268

14.3.4 Underpotential Deposition (upd) of Monolayers 270

14.3.5 Reconstructions of Single-Crystal Surfaces 275

14.3.6 High-Surface-Area Electrode Structures 275

14.4 Conclusions 277

References 277

15 Tribocorrosion 281
Robert J.K. Wood

15.1 Introduction and Definitions 281

15.1.1 Tribocorrosion 282

15.1.2 Erosion 282

15.2 Particle–Surface Interactions 283

15.3 Depassivation and Repassivation Kinetics 283

15.3.1 Depassivation 284

15.3.2 Repassivation Rate 286

15.4 Models and Mapping 287

15.5 Electrochemical Monitoring of Erosion–Corrosion 290

15.6 Tribocorrosion within the Body: Metal-on-Metal Hip Joints 291

15.7 Conclusions 293

Acknowledgments 293

References 293

16 Hard Science at Soft Interfaces 295
Hubert H. Girault

16.1 Charge Transfer Reactions at Soft Interfaces 295

16.1.1 Ion Transfer Reactions 296

16.1.2 Assisted Ion Transfer Reactions 298

16.1.3 Electron Transfer Reactions 299

16.2 Electrocatalysis at Soft Interfaces 300

16.2.1 Oxygen Reduction Reaction (ORR) 301

16.2.2 Hydrogen Evolution Reaction (HER) 302

16.3 Micro- and Nano-Soft Interfaces 304

16.4 Plasmonics at Soft Interfaces 305

16.5 Conclusions and Future Developments 305

References 307

17 Electrochemistry in Unusual Fluids 309
Philip N. Bartlett

17.1 Electrochemistry in Plasmas 310

17.2 Electrochemistry in Supercritical Fluids 314

17.2.1 Applications of SCF Electrochemistry 321

17.3 Conclusions 325

Acknowledgments 325

References 325

18 Aspects of Light-Driven Water Splitting 331
Laurence Peter

18.1 A Very Brief History of Semiconductor Electrochemistry 332

18.2 Thermodynamic and Kinetic Criteria for Light-Driven Water Splitting 334

18.3 Kinetics of Minority Carrier Reactions at Semiconductor Electrodes 336

18.4 The Importance of Electron–Hole Recombination 338

18.5 Fermi Level Splitting in the Semiconductor–Electrolyte Junction 339

18.6 A Simple Model for Light-Driven Water-Splitting Reaction 341

18.7 Evidence for Slow Electron Transfer During Light-Driven Water Splitting 343

18.8 Conclusions 345

Acknowledgments 345

References 346

19 Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy 349
Samin Sharifi-Asl and Digby D. Macdonald

19.1 Theory 350

19.2 The Point Defect Model 350

19.2.1 Calculation of Y0F 355

19.2.2 Calculation of ΔC0 i ΔU 355

19.2.3 Calculation of ΔCL v ΔU 356

19.3 The Passivation of Copper in Sulfide-Containing Brine 357

19.4 Summary and Conclusions 363

Acknowledgments 363

References 363

Index 367

Gregory Chaitin on cold fusion research: Japan and Sweden are the “only two countries with the political will”

Gregory Chaitin is a Professor of Computer Science and Philosophy of Computing at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Here he discusses the landscape of LENR with Tom O’Brien posting on podomatic. Chaitin gives Andrea Rossi credit for bringing cold fusion to a wider consciousness and mentions Mats Lewan‘s new book An Impossible Invention, which he finds to be an excellent look at the unveiling of the E-Cat.

Go to Tom O’Brien‘s interview with Gregory Chaitin on Podomatic here.

He also touches on the 2014 CF/LANR Colloquium at MIT held on the 25th Anniversary of the announcement of cold fusion, a bit of the science and politics behind LENR, the current lack of an accepted theory, and Japanese and Swedish research.

Chaitin is particularly impressed with Clean Planet, Inc., and newly formed group dedicated to bringing LENR technology forward through funding and support. Listen to Clean Planet’s Hideki Yoshino present some of this research work [.pdf][.mp3] performed by Tadahiko Mizuno and his team at the recent Colloquium at MIT, or watch the video here.

Related Links

Mats Lewan Interview: E-Cat, Andrea Rossi, and An Impossible Invention

2014 CF/LANR Colloquium at MIT presentation archive

Industry and academic partnerships report from JCF-14 meeting

Rossi E-Cat energy “off the chart”

Mats Lewan Interview: E-Cat, Andrea Rossi, & An Impossible Invention

Journalist Mats Lewan requires little introduction for most people familiar with the Andrea Rossi story, but just in case here is a quick summary for the uninitiated:

Mats holds a masters degree in physics, and is recognized as a world-renowned science & technology reporter. He writes for the Swedish newspaper NyTeknik, where he has been covering both cold fusion generally, and Andrea Rossi’s Energy-Catalyzer technology specifically, since 2011. He has recently published a book titled An Impossible Invention in which he recounts his first-hand experiences with Andrea Rossi and LENR over the past three years. More information can be found at Mats’ more conventional articles can be found at

Mats is a model of integrity, and his book has been receiving rave reviews. It is available in both paperback and E-book format through his website. If anyone rather download our dialogue in audio format Download MP3 Here . Also, visit my site Q-Niverse for more of my content if interested. Thanks for taking an interest.

Baby With the Bathwater: The Wrongful Rejection of Cold Fusion — Part I

BabyandBathWater2014 is upon us, and progress in the field of Cold Fusion (aka LENR) marches steadily on. Brillouin Energy Corporation (BEC), currently operating out of California and working in collaboration with Stanford Research Institute (SRI), recently signed a multi-million dollar deal with an undisclosed South Korean company who intend to manufacture their LENR boiler technologies and outfit obsolete power plants with them.

It has recently been confirmed through an official press release that inventor Andrea Rossi’s American distribution partner is none other than North Carolina-based Cherokee Investment Partnership (CIP). CIP has spawned a business-subsidiary, Industrial Heat LLC (IHC), apparently as a vehicle to further develop and market Rossi’s E-Cat (Energy Catalyzer) technology. IHC is also engaged in a prolonged diagnostic of Rossi’s E-Cat, the results of which will be released in an official report later this year. Even more interesting is that CIP-CEO, Thomas Darden, has been in close contact with Chinese government officials who have announced their intentions to establish a “Nickel Reactor New Energy Project”.


Also noteworthy, Defkalion Green Technologies (DGT), with bases of operation in both Vancouver and Greece, are in the process of real-time mass spectrometer measurements of their Hyperion Reactor. While not particularly important at first glance, these tests should yield very important data concerning the nuclear ash that results from reactions in Nickel-Hydrogen systems. With this data in hand, experts in the field will be better equipped to develop a comprehensive, predictive, and engineerable CF-LENR theory. In a recent press release they have also announced that: Several third party independent tests from international organizations, universities and teams are expected to present their results thus verifying our recent technological and scientific breakthroughs. Accordingly we expect the commercialization of our technologies in the 3rd quarter of 2014.”


Maybe these commercial ventures will pan out; maybe they won’t. That is the boom-and-bust nature of business in our society (love it or hate it). But as we approach the fulfillment of a 25-year struggle to validate Cold Fusion, the question remains, why it was ever written off in the first place? If Cold Fusion was such a glaring example of “pathological science” and if it’s self-sacrificing adherents were nothing more than deluded “true believers” (as the Skeptical community often proselytizes), how is it that this “discredited” science is on the precipice of totally altering the landscape of energy, sustainability, and how we believe Science operates?

PonsFleischmanColor1When Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons made their first announcement in 1989, beside just claims of nuclear-level excess heat, they also claimed to have detected nuclear products; specifically neutrons. Beyond the ire that side-stepping the peer-review process instilled in many scientists, the claim that their discovery was a room-temperature “fusion” reaction is what really sparked off the skeptical circus.

The problem was that their neutron measurements were found to be in error. Accusations of bad science and outright fraud soon followed; most notably from nuclear physicists like MIT’s Ronald Parker and CERN’s Frank Close. Parker was the first to lob public accusations of fraud. And Close, to this day, still paints the entire incident as a clear-cut case of “fraud”, based on his interpretation of events originally put forward in his 1991 book Too Hot to Handle.

ColdFusionGraphicThe truth, a rather benign one, is that Fleischmann and Pons weren’t attempting to defraud anyone. Firstly, the duo’s preliminary research into heavily loaded palladium spanning from 1984-1989 was A) personally financed, and B) inspired by the work of their scientific forerunners. Interestingly enough, their predecessors (some from as early as the 1920’s) thought they might have witnessed fusion-like reactions occurring in room-temperature, electrolytic hydride systems. As curious scientists first and foremost, the two colleagues could not resist the allure of exploring such a provocative possibility. Fleischmann and Pons had already achieved more than enough prestige in their lifetimes; they had absolutely no reason or motive to risk their reputations and indulge themselves in some self-aggrandizing publicity stunt.

When the duo arrived at their lab one morning to discover that a small cube of palladium had partially vaporized, melted through its electrolytic cell, burned through a blacktop lab-bench, and melted a 4-inch deep hole into their solid concrete floor, they finally started to believe there was something genuine about such far-out claims from the past. Based off this result, they went about trying to detect nuclear products, because they knew of no other reaction that could produce such absurd amounts of excess heat. Skeptics who attacked the “nuclear-reaction” label were not properly considering that such beliefs were motivated by the unusually high levels of excess heat sometimes witnessed.

fleischmann5Because their research had been up to that point secretive, highly unorthodox, and was being conducted on university grounds, for political reasons Fleischmann and Pons could not simply approach a colleague in the nuclear physics department to assist them with measuring neutrons. They would have likely been ridiculed, reprimanded, and/or had their research shut down. However, they did eventually succeed in obtaining a neutron detector from a colleague on campus without arousing much suspicion, and soon after went about conducting measurements.

Because they were not full-blown experts in the area of detecting nuclear products, and because the 89’ press conference was rushed months ahead of what either man was comfortable with, the neutron data was exposed to the light of day prematurely. It was a far way from fraud, but it could be labeled perhaps as “bad science” (as long as one is being non-derogatory, sensitive to context, and/or non-judgmental in regards to their overall process/results). The detection of nuclear products was quickly discredited as artifact, and skeptical detractors hung their argumentative-hats on that point for the remainder of the controversy. Fleischmann and Pons would now be unfairly chastised as operating “outside their area of their expertise” in regards to all their results just because their neutron data turned out to be inaccurate.


Blatantly discounting and/or ignoring the discovery of excess heat was (and continues to be) the major blunder of status-quo skeptics. The fact is Fleischmann and Pons were well within their area of expertise when it came to conducting electrolytic chemistry and calorimetry; which meant they knew how to account for, as well as measure, excess heat. At the time, a number of unfounded criticisms were lobbied against their excess heat results; such as not controlling for all possible experimental artifacts that could account for the abnormal findings. However, unlike their neutron measurements, their measurements of excess heat have never been properly discredited.

For example, electrochemist Nathan Lewis of California Institute of Technology conducted weeks of research on Cold Fusion following the announcement. Ultimately he and his colleagues turned up negative results. However, when electrochemist Dr. Melvin Miles evaluated their procedure over a decade later, he found their lack of results to be a product of procedural error caused by ignorance of particular experimental parameters. This is not terribly surprising because most labs attempting to replicate the Fleischmann-Pons Effect had very little operative information to go on.

NateLewisRegardless, at the time Lewis and others seemed satisfied and emboldened by their alleged null-results and seized the moment to indemnify Cold Fusion further. Lewis even went as far as to publically declare at an 89’ American Physical Society (APS) meeting in Baltimore that the excess heat was an artifact of insufficient cell mixing; an elementary protocol controlled for by most electrochemists. Lewis’ claim was simply untrue; he was basing his unfounded judgments off his own faulty experiments.

Fleischmann and Pons’ cells were properly stirred. There were no identifiable anisotropies that could possibly account for the production of nuclear-level excess heat. This fact was clearly documented in their peer-reviewed article published in Fusion Technology. Also, Fleischmann’s presentation at an American Chemical Society (ACS) meeting soon after clearly proved the integrity of their cell-mixing; a meeting where Nathan Lewis raised no objections to the demonstration he witnessed from Fleischmann.


Another popular criticism (that is still sometimes evoked) has to do with what’s known as recombination. Recombination is the rejoining of negative ions with positive ions (in this case Hydrogen, Deuterium, and Oxygen) to form neutral molecules inside electrolytic cells. When this occurs modest amounts of chemical heat are generated and/or carried away. Perhaps this could explain Fleischmann and Pons’ results? Here is a leading expert in the field describing the process in more detail:

“When the gases created by electrolysis are allowed to leave the cell, they carry with them chemical energy that has to be taken into account. This chemical energy can be calculated using what is called the ‘neutral potential’, if no partial recombination takes place in the cell before the remaining gas leaves. The error comes from not knowing what fraction of the generated gas recombines back to D2O in the cell and what fraction leaves as D2 and O2.

 If all gas recombines in the cell (which can be [initiated] using an internal catalyst) then no energy needs to be added and the results are accurate as measured. This is called a closed cell and is now used extensively. If all generated gas leaves, the calculated corrections are accurate. This is called an ‘open cell’. [Fleischmann and Pons] used open cells. Nevertheless, they determined the fraction of recombination that occurred in their cell.”

This was expounded upon by another well-respected expert in the field:

“I [agree]…any question of ‘recombination’ (or electrode depolarization) is eliminated absolutely by the use of thermodynamically closed cells (as many did), and the extent to which it occurs is very easily quantified by measuring the amount of make-up water, as [Fleischmann and Pons] did.”

To restate, recombination is an elementary consideration, easily controlled for, that most serious scientists working in this field take into account. In fact, University of Minnesota’s Professor Robert Oriani definitively answered this question as early as 1990. He had achieved positive excess heat results in his experiments, and his peer-reviewed paper published in Fusion Technology clearly demonstrated that questions surrounding experimental artifacts like recombination were most definitely controlled for.

NatureCoverWorth noting is this particular paper’s back story. It had been submitted to Nature magazine prior. It was approved by both of the peer-reviewers Nature themselves selected. Then, inexplicably, the editor vetoed their decision and rejected the paper. Oriani’s results were unimpeachable; politics and bias was clearly at play. This should not be surprising, as most “premier” science journals nowadays are underwritten by huge, status-quo multinationals.

While there is much more to say on the topic overall (which I will save for Part II), this preliminary analysis suggests that widespread claims of excess heat have been wrongfully ignored for over 25-years based on a set of totally fallacious arguments. Thus far, dogma has won out over the scientific method. Simply put, skeptics wrongfully threw out the baby, excess heat, along with the bathwater, the nuclear-reaction hypothesis. Ultimately, what does it really matter if it’s nuclear fusion or not?