Open Power Newsletter 14: “WE WANT A CHANGE OF CONSCIENCE!”

Open Power Association Newsletter #14 has been released. The newsletter is archived in Italian here. The following are a few google-translated and slightly modified excerpts that refer to cold fusion-related activities.

Open Power lab workstation
Open Power lab workstation
Hydrobetatron Full Gallery

Ugo Abundo speaking in Rhodes
Ugo Abundo speaking in Rhodes
Our Scientific Director: Prof. Ugo Abundo at the International Conference of Rhodes
From 22 to 28 September was held in Rhodes (Greece) International Conference 2014 on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics. Ugo Abundo was invited to participate in the proceedings as a representative of Open Power, to discuss the results of the activities that are part of the Association.

The work has been focused on the re-establishment of new mathematical foundations of physics, able to address the many issues currently unresolved, through change of paradigms in force. The new isomatematica (and evolutions “geno” and “hyper”) Professor Ruggero Maria Santilli presented as the appropriate tools to deal with maps deformed intrinsic irreversibility fields to ipervalori.

By means of these tools, it has been shown by speakers from all over the world, in view of industrial development, advanced applications in the field of energy, and in particular, in regards to the structure of the neutron and the atomic behavior for the purpose of nuclear synthesis. In the previous treatment of such areas, the math, as well as Quantum Mechanics appears inadequate. Hadronic mechanics, specifically developed by Prof. Santilli as an evolution of the above when both distances between particles comparable to the size of the nuclei, is revealed adequate to treat nuclear-type energy situations, where the particles can not be assimilated to material points, as in Quantum Mechanics.

Ugo Abundo presented in two separate reports, the LENR experiments conducted in the Open Power laboratory, and a neural network model generalized setting from the field of Artificial Intelligence, which makes homogeneous Quantum Mechanics and the Hadronic, justifying the applicability conditions of each of them, showing from the mathematical point of view, what happens in terms of internal information to physical systems when the first turns in the second.

Abundo’s report, entitled “An intrinsically Irreversible, Neural-network-like Approach to the Schrödinger Equation and some Results of Application to Drive Nuclear Synthesis Research Work” [.pdf] has been accepted for publication as part of the American Institute of Physics in the Proceedings of the Conference. Hence, the conditions for collaboration with other mathematicians (mainly French, Indian, Greek) to jointly pursue such studies about the applications of AI in the field isomatematica and subsequent transferability to modeling of elementary particles in interaction.

Ugo Abundo presentation slides

(L) Prof. Santilli, (R) Prof. Abundo at Rhodes Conference
(L) Prof. Santilli, (R) Prof. Abundo at Rhodes Conference
New web site dedicated to the work of Prof. Ruggero Maria Santilli
It is certainly easy to understand and explain briefly the complex thought articulated by Prof. Ruggero Maria Santilli, developed in the ‘arc of 40 years of work, both theoretical and experimental. Remarkable also is the amount of writings, conference papers, and scientific publications, he authored. This website has as main purpose to spread all those materials, video lectures, writings, etc.. In which Santilli describes in clear words and straightforward His theories and their mathematical models; His experimental paths (and industrial), and insights for the future of scientific research and experimentation in the field of new energy …

Here lists the work and thought of Santilli, who (unlike many academics pigtails Italian or not), does not miss at all courage in an attempt to place in certain areas more correct and the same theories of Eintein (Holy Grail?), and even quantum mechanics, from certain points of view. He did not even hesitate to take a picture of the “Science Today”; a photograph very brave, uncomfortable, and merciless; in substance, very critical …

In fact, he argues more explicitly that “the greatest responsibility for the crisis of physics should be seen in the press as a result of the total subservience to the centers of scientific power, while the political responsibility is only indirectly, as the political world uses print as a medium of information and action.”

This website has been designed so as a sort of very concise and articulate “compendium”, the enormous scientific thought and work Santilliano not yet sufficiently known and disclosed, and therefore unappreciated by the general public (at least in Italy, in my opinion), but certainly well-known and much appreciated from a small circle of experts and professionals, even in Italy, for his innovative value; a “compendium” I said for the use of those Italian researchers thirsty and with the critical spirit of true knowledge, but alas mè, with little time available to study the large amount of material and information that the Internet provides us every day.

Prof. Ruggero Maria Santilli Works and Thought

Third-party report on ‘E-CAT released — Andrea Rossi

Observation of abundant heat production from a reactor device of and isotopic changes in the fuel [.pdf]
Giuseppe Levi
Bologna University, Bologna, Italy
Evelyn Foschi
Bologna, Italy
Bo Höistad, Roland Pettersson and Lars Tegnér
Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
They Essén
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden

New results are presented from an extended experimental investigation of anomalous heat production in a special type of reactor tube operating at high temperatures. The reactor, named E-Cat, is charged with a small amount of hydrogen-loaded nickel powder plus some additives, mainly Lithium. The reaction is primarily initiated by heat from resistor coils around the reactor tube. Measurements of the radiated power from the reactor were performed with high-resolution thermal imaging cameras. The measurements of electrical power input were performed with a large bandwidth three-phase power analyzer. Data were collected during 32 days of running in March 2014. The reactor operating point was set to about 1260 ºC in the first half of the run, and at about 1400 °C in the second half. The measured energy balance between input and output heat yielded a COP factor of about 3.2 and 3.6 for the 1260 ºC and 1400 ºC runs, respectively. The total net energy obtained during the 32 days run was about 1.5 MWh. This amount of energy is far more than can be obtained from any known chemical sources in the small reactor volume.
A sample of the fuel was carefully examined with respect to its isotopic composition before the run and after the run, using several standard methods: XPS, EDS, SIMS, ICP-MS and ICP-AES. The isotope composition in Lithium and Nickel was found to agree with the natural composition before the run, while after the run it was found to have changed substantially. Nuclear reactions are therefore indicated to be present in the run process, which however is hard to reconcile with the fact that no radioactivity was detected outside the reactor during the run.
Read the full report:

Ugo Abundo on the E-Cat
Ugo Abundo on the E-Cat

Newsletter compiled by L.S. and the Open Power Association

New E-Cat Report Positive, 1400C+ and Isotopic Changes in Ni+Li

New E-Cat Report Download Here

Observation of abundant heat production from a reactor device
and of isotopic changes in the fuel

This test was performed by the same group as the previous test with the following names on the paper:

Giuseppe Levi
Bologna University, Bologna, Italy
Evelyn Foschi
Bologna, Italy
Bo Höistad, Roland Pettersson and Lars Tegnér
Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
Hanno Essén
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden

This 760 hour test is the longest running example of controllable LENR/Cold Fusion and at an excess of 5825MJ it is also the most powerful.

The Temperature peaked at above 1400C, hot enough to be extremely practical as an energy source.  The measured COP was between 3.2 and 3.6 with the authors hinting they could have pushed the device further but were cautious due to the huge energy gains when they initially turned it up a bit.

The fuel was analyzed before and after the test and showed significant changes in the elemental profile including shifts to Ni62 and depletion of other Ni isotopes as well as a shift in Lithium isotopes.

Listen to Andrea Rossi discuss the results with John Maguire here.


Dr. Sally Goerner Discusses Chaos, Complexity & Social Transition — Interview

This is an interview I recently conducted w/ general systems theorist Dr. Sally J. Goerner. While not focusing on Cold Fusion-LENR per se, it does focus on how a society might transition (aka self-organize) during a time of tumultuous change. It seems to me that CF-LENR, as well as the hope & uncertainty that accompanies it, is undoubtedly part of this complex “bifurcation point” in planetary history. I think the success of CF-LENR depends as much on humanity discovering innovative and/or “emergent” social arrangements, aka “cooperative modes” — and the two technologies will mutually reinforce one another through feedback. The dialogue is rather long, so I have provided an outline below. Thanks for taking an interest:

0.min-10.min: Dr. Goerner’s eclectic background; general systems theory; studying under Ralph Abraham; patterns & strange attractors; physical vs. spiritual; order-producing universe; energy network science vs. chaos theory; popular misconceptions surrounding chaos theory; lost meaning & lost science

10.min-20.min: Energy flow networks; self-organization vs. classical mechanization; basic elements of chaos theory; complementarity & chaos; boiling water & hydrodynamic self-organization; autopoetic cycles; bifurcation points

20.min-30.min: Orders & David Bohm; entropy as a subtle form of order; quantum chaos; fractal orders; particles as localized energy flow; linear vs. non-linear systems; importance of coupling; determinism

30.min-40.min: Reconceptualizing evolution; information & self-organization produce evolution; adapting to information & crises; co-evolution & stages of consciousness; fractal hierarchy & panarchy; distributed power & learning to listen; autopoetic genesis of DNA; Freeman Dyson’s energy accident

40.min-50.min: Holographic DNA; Stephen Jay Gould; aperiodic evolutionary jumps; Darwinism & elite politics; fallacy of Social-Darwinism; Dawkins & free-market society; How the Leopard Changed Its Spots; development of the prefrontal cortex; reforming economics & finance; economics as a complex metabolism; appealing to power-brokers; bio-mimicry & development; needs hierarchies & dysfunction

50.min-60.min: Necessary conditions for self-organization; corruption; focus on what energizes you; thinking outside the box; reading & synthesizing; the politics of resignation; transition from medieval worldview to modern age; distortion of society’s root metaphor; After the Clockwork Universe

60.min-69.min: Bifurcations & social change; Jean Gebser & integral society; solutions & education; local order & global order; restoring integrity; reciprocity & the science of cooperation; time-banking; beyond charity; banking reform; international development of networks vs. GDP growth; constraining metrics & NGOs

Also see:

Dr. Edmund Storms Explains LENR Theory — Interview

Dr. Brian Ahern Explains Non-Linear LENR — Interview

Open Power Association Newsletter #12: 400+ parameter tests and a model

The Open Power Association at published Newsletter #12. The original newsletter N 012_Luglio_2014_Ottimizzato in Italian is here.

Excerpts below are google-translated to English, then, in some cases, slightly smoothed out.

Dear Friends, there is much news this month!

It is a matter of pride for us, as well as honor, be able to announce that Our Scientific Director Ugo Abundo has been officially invited as a speaker at: “First International Workshop on on Nuclear Syntheses Without Harmful Radiations”
Organizers: A. Bhalekar (India), C. Rope (Italy), and T. Vougiouklis (Greece)

Session 110 of the ICNAAM meetings in Rhodes, Greece, September 22 to 26, 2014
TITLE: An Intrinsically Irreversible, Neural-network-like Approach to the Schrödinger Equation and some Results of Application to Drive Nuclear Synthesis Research Work

010 NEW REPORT: Open Power Association Main aspects in the modeling of an electrolytic cell: effect of parametricoinvolti.

Study of Anomalies [.pdf]
Theoretical Analysis: Prof. Michele Di Lecce
Experimental Campaign: Prof. Ugo Abundo

It is also experimental evidence for the presence of anomalies that existing partial models do not wholly explain, first of all the “negative resistance” that many cite as a condition for the possibility of direct extraction of electrical energy from the natural oscillations of the plasma.

This report also analyzes the main aspects of the behavior of an electrolytic cell, in order to gain a following consistent pattern that frames the role of the parameters involved, and operational status, the complexity of the response to the operating conditions.

The data of the experimental campaign (more than 400 structured tests) conducted by varying the interelectrode voltages, the exposed electrode surfaces, the interelectrode distance, the temperature, the concentration of electrolyte, reading the resulting intensity of the circulating current and detecting any scintillations to the cathode and electromagnetic waves (frequency and intensity) show different anti-intuitive aspects.

It will be the task of a subsequent report grant the concomitant phenomena, and often antagonists, in order to obtain a model of the mechanisms, with some parameters to be estimated by means of ad-hoc tests, usable as a forecasting tool for the design and operation of equipment for plasma electrolytic.

To a classical scheme of the electrolytic cell and its power supply system, is added, in parallel to the electrodes, a series RC circuit with the load (lamp), to which the alternating voltage is monitored extremes generated, which turns on the lamp.
Full report:

We are pleased to announce that by unanimous decision the Executive Our Association “Open Power” resolved to ‘inclusion as Honorary Member of: Prof. Walter A.N. Valeri “For scientific merit and Scholars”


MFMP-NOBEL-PEACE-NOMINATION4 In the scope of the conference “Innovation and Research” held in Assisi June 28 last was the official candidate of the MFMP (Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project) and Francesco Celani for the Nobel Peace Prize.

“Innovation Research Conference on the trails of Matter and Spirit,” Gen. Murace delivery to Bob Greenyer, Francesco Celani and Ubaldo Mastromatteo for Live Open Science for Peace.

ALWAYS PRESENT! Interviews with major initiators of cold fusion in Italy:
Profs. Giuliano Preparata, Emilio Del Gudice and other researchers with limited funds braving the hostility of the official academic culture and started the first fundamental studies that have contributed to the present results. The interviews were extracted from a RAI program: Format of a few years ago.


Segnialimo ‘s article by Luciano Saporito on Brown’s Gas: Yull Brown (an Energy for the Future)
Full article:


PROF. CHRISTIAN ROPE ON GRAVITATIONAL WAVES “GRAVITATIONAL RADIATION OF FUND AS SNAPSHOT OF THE UNIVERSE PRIMORDIAL” Much has been made recently of the so-called gravitational waves, also because of the ‘”Antenna” for the detection of the same which is under construction in Cascina, near Pisa, the famous Project VIRGO …
Full article:

“Turn Tesla patents car open-source” Elon Musk, we free the way for the creation
ARTICLE copleto:

“Bicycles in the anti-aircraft bunker, when saved the life cycle”
The ancestors of our bike-generators come from the bunker of World War II, where pedaling meant to ensure the continuity of ventilation systems and ventilation
Full article:

“Environmental Crimes 213 billion a year”
Did you know that the global environment-related crime in the name of profit goes over to any rules and rule on the enforcement of ecosystems has a turnover of about 213 billion dollars every year?
Full article:

New Law on Forests: Here comes the green light in the Lombardy Region for minorities and associations: “Easier to cut the woods»
Full article:

“Greenhouse gas emissions: just 18% from the livestock sector”
The FAO report: “In his 2006 report ‘Livestock’s Long Shadow’, – true milestone on the subject – FAO had found that 18 per cent of all greenhouse gas emissions were caused by the livestock sector, taking into account the entire life cycle aggregate. The final report on greenhouse gas emissions will take the same approach, but using updated data and providing a disaggregated analysis of the different production systems, as well as indicating solutions for manufacturers, for the processing industry and for the political organs. ”
Full article:

“THE SECRET OF SHAME ALEMA” FEPES (Foundation for European Progressive Studies
2008 to present, the FEPS has received 16.7 million Euros!
Massimo D’Alema is committed to the FEPS, Foundation for European Progressive Studies. The former prime minister has been president since 2008.

And the public support for our Open Power Association, which is responsible for identifying energy “cheap, clean, inexhaustible”? ZERO EURO! How so?? This type of research study is unimportant? Or maybe we are not as good as those of the “FEPES”?!

“But all this confirms the mechanism of a double-track EU austerity for citizens and then payments to parties and foundations” … D ‘Alema help you …
Full article:

DOES NOT SEEM REAL: “At the expense of our 70 nuclear warheads on the Italian territory”
According to a survey by L’Espresso, Italy is by far the country which holds the highest number of U.S. nuclear weapons.
Full article:


See also:

Open Power Association Newsletter #11

Open Power Association Newsletter #10

Q&A with Ugo Abundo on forming the Open Power Association

Open Power Association Newsletter #11: New Office in London Opens

Newsletter #11 for the Open Power Association at has been released. A google-translate of selected excerpts follows.

The full issue in Italian is here.

Newsletter No. 011 – June 2014
Dear Friends,
Also there are many news this month!

page. 2 “OPEN POWER” has opened an office in London
page. 3 “Survey of the occurrence of species of symbiotic algae subjected to weak electric stress (microvoltaggi)”
page. 5 “Historic 25th Anniversary Meeting at MIT Cold Fusion”
page. 6 “Cold fusion: the E-cat greek has come to an end”
page. 7 we indicate the website:
page. 8 Please note the website:
Page 9 Please note a wonderful website!
Page 10 There segnialimo’s website: “Foundation Homa”
Page 11 There segnialimo the website: “GasPiro”
Page 12 Please note with pleasure the Blog: Marco Giai-Levra
page. 15 “Energy Festival 2014”: interviews with protagonists
Page 16 “Unidentified Flying Objects Crashes in a small Village in China!”
Page 17 “Siam three small tubicin …”
Page 18 “Archeology, Anthropology, and interstellar communication”
Page 20 “The animals are born libei!” 1

We are pleased to announce that Our Association “OPEN POWER” has opened an office in London with these references:

Ugo Abundo Communications, an Open Power facility
3rd Floor
207 Regent Street

“Detection of occurrence of species of symbiotic algae subjected to weak electric stress (microvoltaggi).”
Experiments conducted by researcher Quirino Puppies, a member of the Open Power.
The system under study is composed of three elements:
a) A cell containing biological substance, which acts similarly to a stack;
b) a system for the transmission of electrical signals;
c) a culture of algae, and in electrical connection with the system), by means of the system b).

The device Rotoverter (RV) + Alternator is a device consisting of two identical three-phase electric motors connected to each other by a joint where the first (PM) serves as the main motor and the second from the alternator. It is a technology that modifies an electric motor making it capable of producing much more power, using less energy than normal.
In addition, modifications can be applied to “rotoverter generators,” in an attempt to obtain overunity …

“Historic 25th Anniversary Meeting at MIT Cold Fusion” by Christy L. Frazier
Sincere appreciation is extended to the speakers for reviewing summaries of Their Work. Photos are courtesy of Ruby Carat at Cold Fusion Now.

“Cold fusion: the E-cat greek has come to an end”
Interview by Roberta De Carolis (NextMe) Franco Cappiello (Mose Ltd)

Final technical report on calorimetric measurements used in the demo Defkalion GT
Luke Gamberale – CTO Mose Ltd.

particularly in the materials section, you can read: “Space full or empty space” by Marco Todeschini, Edited by Fiorenzo Zampieri.

We inform you with pleasure: “Bioenergy Research Centre Georges Lakhovsky” Directed by: Gianfranco Galvani
You can also download free of charge from the center of interesting notebooks in PDF format:

The Foundation Homa
The foundation Homa was born in Novara May 4, 2009, from ‘initiative of a group of friends, united by gratitude for the infinite potential and wealth that nature provides to humans every day. Its purpose, therefore, is to endeavor to facilitate the spread of a lifestyle distinguishing trait of the coexistence between humans and nature on the basis of mutual respect.
The activities that pursues Homa, in Italy and abroad, aiming to raise awareness and education of individuals to environmental issues. To work to raise awareness, Homa combines an active part of research that aims to design simple purificazionedell’acqua technologies for the production of renewable energy and the promotion of natural farming.

GasPiro is a “green idea” where they merge together innovation, ecology, economy, issues more relevant than ever, especially in this period, themes, this, that a more careful observer have always been the pillars of our “modern civilization”, which should co-exist in harmony, but often we do prevail one over the other.

GasPiro, in about a year, has evolved since its prototype base for cooking / pitched to his older brother for use on energy requirements, demonstrating that the road taken, even if uphill is the right one. The research done in recent years has absorbed times and charges; Research is expensive, even the failures they are, but they can always go back to their mistakes, which if accepted humbly open to new solutions.

energy-festival“Energy Festival 2014”: interviews with protagonists

Help support Our research and experimentation on LENR. We remind you that you can join the ‘Association “Open Power” by connecting to at:–adesione.html

or please make a simple donation:

This section of the site accessible from the main menu is published interesting news:

“Articles” are accessible from the main menu here:

HEADING: “Pills of Wisdom”
PILL 008
Animals as living beings have the right to be respected and loved. Their freedom must be defended! Animals should not be used, enslaved. Also the respect for human life passes through respect of life of all other living beings. The ‘Man will make an evolutionary leap and realize true peace only when also learn how to protect the lives of animals. We are not owners of the lives of animals. Our animals are often also friends, and they give us so much love and joy … You do not need to eat animals! There are alternatives: cereals, legumes, various seeds, fruits and vegetables. We live very well from vegetarian to … C ‘is then the milk and its derivatives, and then there are also eggs, which give us the cows and chickens, both animals can be raised with love and respect, in the wild … What need c ‘is therefore to inflict suffering and death on animals? In slaughterhouses, with hunting (hunting would be a sport?) … Not to mention that the so-called “scientific research”, which is just business, and that involves practices of real torture against so-called “animal Laboratory “(guinea pigs?). There are no laboratory animals! There are only living beings, in this case animals, which have their own sensitivity, which are born free and on earth! A “science” that inflicts pain is not worthy of the name, but only a tool in the hands of ignorant people, poor and often sadistic …
L. S.

Revolution-Green’s Mark Dansie On Transition Technology & LENR

Interview with Revolution-Green’s Mark Dansie. Mark is recognized as a world-renowned evaluator of energy technologies and is currently helping develop several new energy concepts himself. Over the last seven years, Mark has traveled the world evaluating many new and free technology claims. He specializes in magnetic motor and HHO gas evaluations, but has reviewed many other technologies as well. He has been featured as a speaker at several energy conferences, and his catch cry is “show me the data” as he is a believer in scientific methodology when evaluating claims. More information can be found at

We discuss various topics including “free” energy, stepping-stone technologies such as thorium-power, as well as what Mark expects from Cold Fusion-LENR in both the immediate future and the long-term.

If so desired a downloadable MP3 version can be found here, and on iTunes. Thanks for taking an interest.
