Global Warming Climate Change and Cold Fusion LENR Power

Hurricane Sandy is Known as “Frankenstorm”

The nickname reflects the fact that this is an unnatural monster made by mankind.

“History is being written as an extreme weather event continues to unfold, one which will occupy a place in the annals of weather history as one of the most extraordinary to have affected the United States,” says meteorologist Stu Ostro of the Weather Channel. (newsusatoday)

President Obama warns of the dangers of this unusual storm. (youtube)

Extreme weather events threaten the security of our nation, and the world. The factors contributing to global warming (greenhouse gases) have accumulated over time and will naturally dissipate over time. For this to happen we must stop using coal, diesel, gasoline, and kerosene/aviation fuels as soon as possible.

The President interviewed recently with MTV noting the lack of discourse about global warming during the debates. In this he speaks of his work advancing renewables and efficiency: wind, solar, and biofuels along with better fuel standards and efficient buildings.  At the end of the interview he spoke of the importance of research and that his administration believes that through research and science we will gain new energy sources that will finally get us out of this fix.

10/26/12: MTV’s Sway Williams breaks the climate silence, asking President Barack Obama a tough question about global warming. Obama says he’s “surprised it didn’t come up in the debates.” (youtube)

View this video for the latest science on global warming. (video)

Published on Feb 16, 2012 by UCtelevision. Ralph Cicerone is president of the National Academy of Sciences and chair of the National Research Council. His research in atmospheric chemistry and climate change has involved him in shaping science and environmental policy at the highest levels nationally and internationally. Series: “The UC Davis Chancellor’s Colloquium Series”

Dennis Bushnell, of NASA, states that the energetics found in engineered cold fusion/LENR devices is the solution to the global warming problem.

The NASA development of the SUGAR Volt, an all-electric Boeing 747, has plans for LENR as an energy source.

The Defense Intelligence Agency states LENR power will be the greatest transformation of the battlefield since the conversion from horses to gasoline.

Cold Fusion LENR power is what Obama alludes to; new energy that we will gain through science and research. It is real; it is past being cutting edge research and is now research and engineering. Obama as Chief of NASA and the Armed Forces is aware of this. He is also aware of the fact that more and more people are learning of this every day.

We need to declare a national emergency… not just about Hurricane Sandy. The true emergency is greenhouse gases and a war needs to be declared. The weapon to win the war against extreme weather events is cold fusion LENR energy. The battle will be long but it will be won.

Cold Fusion Now – LENR Power – Stop Greenhouse Gases (link)

The LENR NASA Series Cold Fusion Now (link)

The LENR Obama Series Cold Fusion Now (link)



1) LENR Engineering (link) (article)

2) The thrust of this article is not one storm i.e. Hurricane Sandy.

It is about global warming, climate change, the role of carbon dioxide, and cold fusion LENR as a way to halt greenhouse gas loading into our atmosphere.

Extreme weather events are not unique to our time. Yet, there is an increase of such with the increased excitation of our atmosphere due to the ‘greenhouse’ entrapment of solar radiation.

Excess carbon dioxide will eventually disperse through absorbtion from photosynthesis, chemical bonding, and evaporation into space.

The key is to halt the unnessesary production of carbon dioxide (beyond breathing). LENR engineered power, otherwise known as cold fusion energy, is about to do just that.

The folks at NASA have the honor of holding the title of ‘chief skeptics’, they are the ‘shizmits’ of those who state that they grasp our present day understanding of physics.

Due to their deep insight into the knowledge of physics and science, NASA understands when an ‘art of science’ progresses beyond the ‘cutting edge research’ phase and enters the “research and engineering’ phase. Cold fusion LENR science has just done that.


3) I sent this to a solar company respondent:

You are welcome… A blessing yes.

As Bushnell states, at “40% of the cost of coal”…  makes oil, natural gas, u238 nuclear, solar, wind, offshore wind, geothermal, tidal, and hydro-electric and all known energy sources uncompetitive.



Melvin Miles on Calorimetry: “We got excess heat”

It’s been twenty-three years since the announcement of the discovery of cold fusion, and yet, this powerful solution to our energy needs is not even recognized by the Department of Energy (DoE), despite the interest of other federal agencies like NASA and the military.

In trying to understand why, I learned that it was the top science schools in the U.S. who produced negative reports early in 1989 that influenced both federal policy and mainstream academic science, and still do today. Read Remove Institutional Blocks for more.

In that year, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and California Institute of Technology (CalTech) conducted experiments to test the claims of Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons, two scientists who had discovered a powerful form of energy that could be created in a test tube. These experiments by MIT and CalTech were to be the centerpiece of the DoE’s Energy Research Advisory Board report, a report that would determine the federal response to cold fusion and shape energy policy at the highest level of government.

However, as long as twenty years ago, several studies have shown that the experiments conducted by MIT and CalTech were seriously flawed. Dr. Mitchell Swartz of JET Energy and the designer of the NANOR device still on public display at the MIT campus, did the first analysis showing that some temperature data had been shifted downwards, with no adequate reason given for why.

Since then, Dr. Melvin Miles, a former university chemistry professor and Navy researcher, has performed several studies on the calorimetry of MIT and CalTech finding major mistakes in experimental procedure and heat measurement. The most recent analysis was published in the Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science and co-authored by Dr. Peter Hagelstein, an MIT electrical-engineering professor, and the lone cold fusion researcher on the campus. [.pdf]

I met with Dr. Miles to talk about his work de-constructing the original style Fleischmann-Pons electrolytic cell, and becoming an expert at calorimetry, the art of measuring heat. I wanted to ask him about these early studies that had such influence, and what went wrong. Our conversation ensued for over four hours.

We met at the Chemistry Department at University of LaVerne where Dr. Miles had previously taught and we were joined by Dr. Iraj Parchamazad, Chairman of the Chemistry Department there. Dr. Parchamazad is also a cold fusion researcher who has recently had an amazing success in generating excess heat from palladium-loaded zeolites exposed to a deuterium gas. With no energy input besides that needed to make the zeolites, he is able to get a huge energy return. I will be writing about Dr. Parchamazad’s work in an upcoming article.

These first two videos discuss Miles’ work on calorimetry, on which he has spent two decades of his career.

This is not a discussion about technology, but science. The cells on which Miles works are research experiments, designed to determine variables, and answer the multiple criticisms that have kept this science out of the mainstream. The skills he has developed in calorimetry make him one of the top scientists in the world with this specialty.

I provide for you here this fascinating look into a meticulous researcher’s inner process of discovery, a scientific experiment that has lasted for two straight decades, and which only recently has begun to provide a preliminary model for the mysterious and mercurial cold fusion reaction.

Armed with Science to Fight Climate Change an interview with Melvin Miles from University of LaVerne Campus Times March 2, 2007
“The government needs to be exploring energy alternatives and cold fusion is being ignored,” Miles said. “Even if there is a small chance it will work, it should be explored.”

“There is enough deuterium in the oceans to fulfill the energy needs of the world for 13 billion years. One gram of deuterium costs $20 and has the energy equivalent of 2400 gallons of gasoline. Also, the fusion of deuterium does not cause greenhouse gases that produce global warning.

“Science today is a new type of religion,” Miles said. “New discoveries or concepts that don’t agree with the scientific scriptures are to be banished without a fair hearing.”

Most 4-year-olds’ interests lie in toys, cartoons and cookies.

However, Melvin Miles, research electrochemist, was curious about the moon, stars and electricity.

“I tried to generate electricity at about age 4 by using baling wire, a light bulb, and stolen matches, and received one of my early spankings,” Miles said.

At age 8, he became hooked on chemistry when he experimented with his dad’s chemicals in the family barn.

He began reading his father’s books to learn about chemistry.
Miles went on to earn his Ph.D. at the University of Utah with a major in physical chemistry and a minor in physics. He wanted to become a scientist.

Now at age 70, Miles begins his day with a five mile run. He then researches thermal batteries at the China Lake Navy laboratory.”

continue reading here

Petition: Cold Fusion Renewable Energy Development

A renewed Cold Fusion Renewable Energy Petition is still alive at   Sign this petition now.

Cold Fusion atomic energy has been ignored and pushed aside in discussions/ presentations about alternative energy for too long. Advantages include little/no radioactive decay matter, and extremely high energy output. As an example, 1 or 2 future-generation generators themselves could power a metropolis city the size of Los Angeles, California for a month on one small supply of common inexpensive elements. Current energy generation comes from more than 5-sources. World leaders in nations/unions such as Japan, The United States of America, Russia, South Africa, The European Union, and so on have the ability and power to fully engage in the building mass energy production plants now.  “Nuclear fission power plants and weapons are dangerous.”

As of 07/02/2012 this is now an international petition.

This is among the safest, cleanest, and most powerful energy resources that has been proven to be as or more productive than coal, and nuclear fission; which is more commonly known. Other technologies based on science fiction stories like the various Star Trek television series from the 1960’s through recent series, offer multiple ideas that need to be officially explored further. Use of this energy source has the potential of replacing oil, coal, and natural gas use worldwide. The nation that does this first would likely reduce foreign dependence by 100%, erase it’s own and most other nations trade debts and retain all funds used towards purchasing foreign energy resources. The conservative powers that currently exist and the energy corporations that want to hold onto their dominance are fighting this in every way possible.

An accommodating resource of energy using a smaller cold fusion engine can also power vehicles of all sizes.  World leaders need to endorse this safer alternative too. Job losses may initially be massive but 3x to 10x more jobs would be created. Worldwide unemployment would drop dramatically due to increased lower cost energy availability.

We are in a new and more open time to succeed. Let’s make them listen and act for the people, our planet, not the corporate billionaires and subservient politicians!

Please sign this worlwide petition and forward this article: (Click Here)

NASA Information (Link)  …More proof!

Edmund Storms: A Student’s Guide to Cold Fusion

A Student’s Guide to Cold Fusion
by Edmund Storms April 2012 download .pdf

Evidence supporting cold fusion (LENR) is summarized and requirements an explanation must take into account are justified. A plausible nuclear-active-environment is identified by ruling out various possibilities and by identifying an environment that is common to all methods used to produce LENR. When this environment is combined with a plausible mechanism, many testable predictions result. These insights and proposals are offered to help clarify understanding of LENR and to suggest future studies.

Dr. Edmund Storms is a former Los Alamos National Lab researcher who began his career in cold fusion just after the announcement by Drs. Fleischmann and Pons in 1989. While investigating the claims with team members, including Dr. Carol Talcott, he measured the production of tritium, a form of hydrogen, from active cells thereby confirming that nuclear reactions were taking place in the small table-top device. The investigation of this phenomenon has occupied Dr. Storms’ attention ever since. He is the author of The Science of Low-Energy Nuclear Reaction, a 2007 summary of the field sufficiently detailed for use as a textbook. [visit]

Dr. Storms recently conducted a full survey of the field assimilating the progress made by researchers around the world since the last edition of the Guide. These advances have been added to the new edition, along with fresh insight and analysis.

His recent review of research has also provided him with a hypothesis for the form of the Nuclear Active Environment NAE, those special conditions within a cold fusion cell that allows a reaction to take place. The proposed NAE is outlined at the end of the Guide.

If the hypothesis proves correct, this will hasten development of cell design by providing details of the environment that the cold fusion reaction needs to initiate. Experiments are now being planned at Storms’ Kiva Labs to determine if the proposal is correct.

A Student’s Guide to Cold Fusion is a good introduction to the field of condensed matter nuclear science as it relates to low-energy, or lattice-assisted nuclear reactions. The first part of the Guide is accessible to the non-scientific reader, while the subsequent parts go into more detail, challenging the minds of even professional scientists.

Cold Fusion Now!

Successful Cold Fusion/LANR Demonstration at MIT – Again

The JET Energy Solid State NANOR ‘IAP Cold Fusion/LANR Demonstration’ Continuously Operated at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge Massachusetts for One Month!

Dr. Mitchell Swartz near-infrared
Phusor by Dr. Mitchell Swartz

“For hot fusion and particle physicists and students, the background (input) are the blue (control) and green (NANOR), and the foreground (output, read off the left) are the red curves (control and NANOR, plotted as input-power-normalized temperature deviation (delta-T). Compare these to others in the CF/LANR field, and note that these curves have a thermal (ohmic) control and also time integration to determine energy, and thus rule out energy storage, chemical sources of the induced heat, and other sources of possible false positives. Here, the tiny, active CF/LANR quantum electronic device shows significant improvement in thermal output compared to a standard ohmic control (a carbon composition resistor).” —Dr. Mitchell Swartz Jet Energy

– February 2 The NANOR used in the open MIT Demonstration is a ZrO2-PdD Cold Fusion/LANR solid state quantum electronic device – now ongoing for five days straight!

Excess heat graph
Excess heat graph for Pd-D system from JET Energy

JET Energy, Inc icon“Cambridge, MA – The IAP Short Course (7 days) on Cold Fusion and Lattice Assisted Nuclear Reactions [at Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT] has meticulously developed the salient point that skeptics of cold fusion were wrong, and that scientific theories do exist for understanding the difficult to achieve reactions.”

Dr. Mitchell Swartz of JET Energy, Inc and Dr. Peter Hagelstein of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science collaborated on the Short Course, held between semesters, which offered students a full one-week introduction to the discipline of condensed matter nuclear science.

“January 30-31, 2012 – Cambridge, MA. – As part of the IAP Course on COLD FUSION at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dr. Mitchell Swartz, JET Energy, and Prof. Peter Hagelstein demonstrated cold fusion openly for scientists and engineers. The demonstration was a two day part of the detailed, yet overview, seven day course run by Prof. Hagelstein and Dr. Swartz, and followed the first open demonstrations of cold fusion at MIT since 2003. This JET Energy NANOR(TM) demonstrated a significant energy gain greater than 10, much larger than the previous open demonstration. This exhibition is also remarkable because it confirmed the role of the nanoengineered lattice in enabling the CF/LANR activity. It followed Prof. Hagelstein sharing his breakthrough explanatory theory of cold fusion during the first 5 days. The NANOR technology of JET Energy may have already begun to shatter a few preconceived notions of skeptics and cold fusioneers.”

Given the potential for new discoveries in this field, skilled scientists, engineers, and inventors in condensed matter nuclear science stand to be at the forefront in creating an entire new economy based on clean, abundant energy.

New jobs from a new industry will need an educated group to carry the development forward. Which institutions of higher learning will be the first to begin programs in this area?

Bachelor of Science Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, anyone?

Read more at Cold Fusion Times.

Related Links

Starting 2012 with Cold Fusion 101 by Ruby Carat November 18, 2011

JET Energy, Inc home

Infinite Energy Magazine publishes 100th issue

I finally got my hardcopy of Infinite Energy magazine.

I’m on the road, with mail forwarded here and there, so there was a delay in the November/December issue. Even though selected articles are available on their website for free, there’s nothing like having it in hand to take around.

Infinite Energy mastIt’s the 100th issue!

Infinite Energy started back in 1995 by Eugene Mallove, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University graduate in aeronautical engineering and environmental health sciences, respectively. He had a talent for communicating science to the public and wrote several books including “Fire from Ice: Searching for the Truth Behind the Cold Fusion Furor“. Fire From Ice

Dr. Mallove was also a chief science writer at MIT’s news office before resigning over their falsification of data from Fleischmann-Pons-style experiments. One of the first passionate advocates of new energy, he wrote a well-documented expose of MIT’s data manipulation in issue #24. From his own words:

In the spring of 1991, as I was finishing Fire from Ice, and feeling increasingly uncomfortable with what was happening at MIT with respect to cold fusion, I made a fateful discovery.

Questions had already arisen about exactly how the MIT PFC-Chemistry Dept. team had analyzed their excess heat calorimetry study that pared a heavy water/palladium cell with an ordinary water/palladium cell. This was the so-called “Phase-II Calorimetry” study that had been published in the Journal of Fusion Energy. (Edited at the MIT Plasma Fusion Center—how’s that for short-circuiting peer review!)

From the pile of information that I had been collecting about the on-going work at MIT and elsewhere, I found two draft documents concerning this calorimetry that had been given to me by PFC team members during the rush toward publication. I could see immediately that there was a serious discrepancy between the unpublished, pre-processed raw data (the July 10, 1989 draft) and the final published data on the July 13, 1989 draft. (See page 11 graphs reproduced from these drafts).

At first glance, it appeared that the data had been altered between July 10th and 13th to conform to what would be most welcome to the hot fusion people—a null result for excess heat in the heavy water data. I would later publicly challenge the creation and handling of these graphs by MIT PFC staff (see extensive Exhibits J through Z-11).” —Dr. Eugene Mallove MIT and Cold Fusion: A Special Report IE#24

Infinite Energy #1 cover 1994
Infinite Energy issue #1 has Dr. Edmund Storms on the cover.

It was the poor treatment of cold fusion that compelled Dr. Mallove to start Infinite Energy magazine.

The very first issue was partially funded by Arthur C. Clarke who wrote “though the title may be criticized on logical grounds, I can’t really think of a better one.” It also included a letter from Clarke to then Vice-President Al Gore requesting funding for this science.

A strong supporter of cold fusion, Arthur Clarke wrote in a 1998 Science magazine article “Even more controversial than the threat of asteroid impacts is what I would call perhaps one of the greatest scandals in the history of science, the cold fusion caper.”

Arthur C. Clarke contributed several articles over the years including “2001: The Coming Age of Hydrogen Power And the Dawn of a New Era” [read] from issue #22.

That very first issue of Infinite Energy also included an article by Nobel Laureate and quantum field theorist Julian SchwingerCold Fusion Theory: A Brief History of Mine“. [read] He was awarded the Nobel prize in 1965 for quantum electrodynamics along with Richard Feynman and Shinichiro Tomonaga, and originated the oft-quoted “The circumstances of cold fusion are not the circumstances of hot fusion.”

Dr. Schwinger later resigned from the American Physical Society APS for their refusal to publish his papers on cold fusion theory, saying “The pressure for conformity is enormous. I have experienced it in editors’ rejection of submitted papers, based on venomous criticism of anonymous referees. The replacement of impartial reviewing by censorship will be the death of science.”

Contributors to issue #1 include names that are familiar to those following cold fusion developments today such as Edmund Storms with his essay “Cold Fusion: From Reasons to Doubt to Reasons to Believe” [read], Jed Rothwell’sVery Hot Cold Fusion in Japan“, Peter Gluck with “Why Technology First“, and Bruce Klein and Dennis Cravens‘ “Cell Testing at Clean Energy Technologies“.

Pioneers like then Associate Editor Hal Fox, Tom Benson, Geoff Rohde, Andrew Rothovius, Michael T. Huffman, Nelson Ying and Charles W. Shults III contributed articles, original research and reviews.

Cold Fusion Lives!
This T-Shirt from Al Kemme Associates was advertised in Infinite Energy Vol. 1 No. 3 in 1995. I want one!

Looking at the earlier issues reveals a community of researchers and writers fully engaged about the possibilities of clean, abundant energy from hydrogen, and excited too.

Advertised in several early issues is this t-shirt design from Al Kemme Associates. Above the order form you could cut-out and mail was this description:

Cold Fusion Lives! The definitive T-Shirt for the Cold Fusion supporter!
Grinning skull with red and yellow atomic eye sockets is guaranteed to be a hit at a scientific conference or biker convention!

Infinite Energy magazine has profiled the major players in cold fusion/LENR/LANR/ condensed matter nuclear science and published original scientific work shunned by the mainstream “peer-reviewed” journals for seventeen years.

Experimental data and articles on speculative science were published to support independent research. Giving a voice and a platform to new energy scientists around the world, allowing the field to advance – before the Internet allowed global networked communication.

The non-profit New Energy Foundation was formed as an adjunct to the magazine in order to further support independent new energy researchers through direct funding. Donations made to the Foundation are distributed to labs that successfully apply to the Foundation. Your donation can also be earmarked for specific researchers and be assured that they will reach their labs in particular.

The death of founder Eugene Mallove in 2004 was devastating to the tight crew that operates the office. Recent losses of Technical Editor Scott Chubb earlier this year and then his uncle, long-time researcher and author Talbot Chubb, this month have also forced difficult changes.

Infinite Energy #100
Infinite Energy issue #100

However, Technical Editors Dr. Peter Graneau and William H. Zebuhr along with Managing Editor Christy L. Frazier have honored their work by continuing to publish cutting-edge new energy science and technology.

Struggling through a difficult economy, the recent 100th issue looks at the state of the science today, surveying scientists working in the field such as Drs. Brian Ahern, Jean-Paul Biberian, Talbot Chubb, William Collis, Dennis Cravens, John Dash, Mitchell Swartz, and Francis Tarzella.

A second status report includes remarks by Thomas Bearden, Arnold Gulko, Donald Hotson, Thomas Phipps, Jr and William Zebuhr with Dr. Cynthia K. Whitney as the lone female respondent.

It includes a review of the first commercial course on cold fusion from NuCat founder David J. Nagel, “A Model for a Sonofusion Process” by Roger Stringham, and a theoretical paper by Scott ChubbConventional Physics Can Explain Cold Fusion Excess Heat“.

Infinite Energy provides a critical service for scientists, students, and clean energy activists. They have generously helped our efforts at Cold Fusion Now through magazine and book donations for our educational and outreach events.

My subscription aids in that endeavor, and yours can too.

Cold Fusion Now!

Related Links

Eugene Mallove on Coast-to-Coast February 3, 2004

Eugene Mallove Remembering Cold Fusion’s Slain Champion from PESN

Sir Arthur C. Clarke Challenges the Scientific Community with Provocative Essay in Science by Eugene Mallove Infinite Energy issue #20

Arthur C. Clarke: The Man Who “Predicted” Cold Fusion and Modern Alchemy compiled by Eugene Mallove Infinite Energy issue #22

