Cold Fusion Now to speak at LASER UCLA

Cold Fusion Now will be representing at the next LASER event this Thursday Feb 21 at California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI) at UCLA in West Los Angeles, California. Talks begin at 7PM.

laser-logo-2_150-borderThe Leonardo Art Science Evening Rendezvous (LASER) series of lectures and presentations on art, science and technology is a project of Leonardo®/ISAST, started by Piero Scaruffi in San Francisco. Events take place at a number of venues: the University of San Francisco, Stanford University, UC Berkeley, UCLA and a New York Studio and bring scientists together with artists to foster inspiration and innovation between disciplines.

The CNSI series is led by Victoria Vesna, Chair of Design and Media Arts at UCLA and Director of Art/Sci Center and Lab along with co-director and Professor of Chemistry at CNSI UCLA James Gimzewski.

If you are on the West side, come on out and support Cold Fusion Now’s Ruby Carat speaking on “New Energy Emerging”.

Go early (West LA rush hour traffic alert!) and print the MAP – the room is deep in the campus!

The UCLA Art|Sci center has two great events for you tonight and we’re looking forward to seeing you at both of them!

UPDATE: Thursday’s release:

First, from 5-7pm in our Art|Sci gallery (CNSI 5419), we’ll be exhibiting and play testing our board game, Dog Nose Knows! The game Dog Nose Knows evolved from the 2011 conference “Made for Each Other? Dog and Human Co-Evolution” as a fun and simple way to introduce the concept of a dog’s sensory world to people. In creating a game about a dog’s sense of smell, we hope to evoke the player’s curiosity in the sensory world of a dog – and how this sensory world differs from a human’s. Come check out the game art, meet the game designer, Adeline Ducker, and play the game yourself!

Later in the evening, we will be hosting our second UCLA Leonardo Art Science Rendezvous (LASER): Games People Play, from 7-9pm in the CNSI 5th floor presentation space! You’ll get to hear from the following people and interact with other Angelenos working at the intersection of art and science:

Nina Eidsheim (musicologist, UCSD)
Ruby Carat (Cold Fusion Now)
Blanka Earhart (independent media artist and author)
Douglas Campbell (Founder, ProjectFresh)
Adeline Ducker (Dog Nose Knows board game design / graphics)
Alex Groff (independent game and web designer)
Alison Lipman (co-founder of SELVA International)
Mathias Dörfelt (graduate student, Design | Media Arts)
Zac Harlow (graduate student in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology)

Cold Fusion 101 2nd Week Summary with Dr. Mitchell Swartz

Photo courtesy Cold Fusion Times.

Watch Cold Fusion 101 Week 1 lectures with Professor Peter Hagelstein here.

This video features course co-teacher Dr. Mitchell Swartz speaking on the experimental research done by his company JET Energy as they develop the NANOR cell.

Demonstration of Excess Heat from a JET Energy NANOR at MIT [.pdf] is a report by the course co-teachers summarizing the NANOR’s excess heat results from last year.

From Cold Fusion Times:
iapd5n2Jan. 28, 2013 – On day 5, Dr. Mitchell Swartz continued with the substantial experimental proof for cold fusion (lattice assisted nuclear reactions). After discussion of the materials involved in the desired reactions, he surveyed the methods of calibration of heat producing reactions including the copious controls, time-integration, thermal waveform reconstruction, noise measurement and additional techniques, as well as those methods which are not accurate.

Many examples of excess heat generated by CF/LANR systems were shown, using aqueous nickel and palladium systems. Then using the Navier Stokes equation, he developed the flow equations for both “conventional” cold fusion and codeposition. Optimal operating point operation was shown to have the ability to determine the products, and how the OOP manifolds demonstrate that CF is a reproducible phenomenon, applicable to science and engineering.

He focused on the salient advantages of the LANR metamaterials with the PHUSOR®-type system being one example. Returning to the experimental results and engineering methods developed to control cold fusion, he surveyed “heat after death” and its control and useful application, and the use of CF/LANR systems to drive motors.

DAY 5 Part 1

DAY 5 Part 2

DAY 5 Part 3

Jan. 29, 2013 – On day 6, Dr. Mitchell Swartz continued with the discussion of cold fusion (lattice assisted nuclear reactions) in aqueous systems, beginning with the near infra-red emissions from active LANR devices, and the use of CF to generate electricity. Problems in the feedback loop were discussed. Then the focus was on the new dry, preloaded nanomaterial CF/LANR materials.

After discussing their novel characteristics and electrical breakdown (avalanche) issues, and which electric drive regions actually generate excess energy, he presented the development of several types of the NANOR®-type CF electronic components. Using multiple ways of documenting the excess energy produced, he presented the results of the latest series of such devices, such as were shown at MIT over several months in the second series of open demonstrations of cold fusion by JET Energy, Inc.

With energy gains from 14 and greater, these electronic components, in conjunction with advanced driving circuits, were shown to have excess energy documented by temperature rise, heat flow, and calorimetry; heralding their revolutionary potential to change the energy landscape in circuits, distributed electrical power systems, artificial internal organs, propulsion systems, space travel, and more.

DAY 6 Part 1

DAY 6 Part 2

Slide Set of NANOR®type output presented at MIT IAP Course 2012 [.pdf]

Conclusively Demonstrating the New Energy Effect of Cold Fusion by David French

Watch Dr. Peter Hagelstein lectures in order here.

An attendee summary from Dr. Bob Visits MIT

Cold Fusion 101 video lectures with Professor Peter Hagelstein: “Jobs are opening up in this field”

MIT IAP short course Cold Fusion 101 is taking place and Jeremy Rys is posting video.

The course begins with the theoretical lectures by Dr. Peter Hagelstein, a principle investigator of the Research Laboratory of Electronics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and leading theoretician in the field of condensed matter nuclear science (CMNS).

A second part now ongoing features an experimental component as Dr. Mitchell Swartz of JET Energy demonstrates his NANOR device.

Demonstration of Excess Heat from a JET Energy NANOR at MIT [.pdf] is a report by the course co-teachers summarizing the NANOR’s excess heat results from last year.

Hagelstein begins the first day of this year’s course with a warning: this field can be dangerous for your career.

Then why the new course?

“A lot of reasons, one reason is there are starting to become jobs in this area. There are companies that are pursuing technology in this area.”

“I’ve been contacted a number of times and the question goes like this: ‘Do you know anybody who is qualified to take a position to lead this particular effort – and participate in the effort – in the cold fusion business?'”

“And the answer is ‘No, there’s no courses, there’s no training, there’s no way for anybody to get experience’.”

Here is the first part of the Cold Fusion 101 course lectures. We apologize about the poor audio. You may need an external amplifier to hear it. Please feel free to download and process audio for mp3 clean-up! (And send me a copy!)

Thank you to all who participated for allowing this video to broadcast.

From Cold Fusion Times:
Jan. 22, 2013 – On day 1, attendees intently focus on Prof. Peter Hagelstein’s lecture on palladium hydrides and the role of the highly loaded lattice, beyond the miscibility gap, as required for achieving successful deuterium fusion in cold fusion (LANR) as initially (correctly) reported by Drs. Fleischmann and Pons in 1989.

1 DAY 1 Part 1

2 DAY 1 Part 2

3 DAY 1 Part 3

iapday2cJan. 23, 2013 – On day 2, Prof. Peter Hagelstein presented his original theory involving de novo helium formation in CF/LANR, specifically at vacancies surrounded by loaded octahedral sites, and made very clear -in that light- exactly why early attempts at reproduction of CF were so difficult to achieve. The roles of loading (Volmer, Tafel, and Heyrovsky reactions), chemical potential, sigma-bonded hydrogen, codeposition, embedded atom theories, vacancy diffusion and stabilization by loading, and the important differences between Pd and Ni were also made clear; as he tied these together based upon years of condensed matter data.

4 DAY 2 Part 1

Day 2 Part 1
Start Summary of Day 1
[copy Youtube]
13:40 Loading vs current density
16:11 Take away message Electro-chSummary
16:50 Does the migration of H or D into the metal off the surface affect these relationships?
17:50 What’s the best way to measure loading, is it the resistance?
18:46 Excess Power vs Loading in Pd-D systems
19:22 Loading vs. Power data correlation from SRI
20:00 Threshold holding value around 0.85 D/Pd or less
21:19 Revisit the electro-chemical model and Green-Britz.
22:50 Akita et al data re-produce loading
23:30 What about effect of current on loading with respect to time?
24:25 Loading ratio D/Pd =0.93 at SRI
26:09 Loading and resistance with Superwaves. Woah.
27:19 How can the loading be so high? Why, with the “moving” Volmer-Tafel model?
29:30 It’s not Volmer, it’s Tafel.
30:06 I have lots of fractures and voids and fissures increasing the surface area, allowing the D to leak out, and that will increase the Tafel.
30:50 “internal surfaces” meaning cracks where D leaks out
30:55 estimating that effect

5 DAY 2 Part 2

6 DAY 2 Part 3


iap2013day3Jan. 24, 2013 – On day 3, Prof. Peter Hagelstein went through the experimental proof that de novo He4 production is commensurate with excess energy (Miles, and Case, and SRI experiments), and its rate of production is commensurate with excess power (Gozzi). He discussed the role of cell temperature in positive feedback in the CF/LANR system (Fleischmann, and Cravens, and Storms, and Swartz); and then focused on the problem associated with helium occupancy at the critical sites of CF/LANR in active systems. Moving through Rutherford issues to the Hamiltonian, he also demonstrated the roles of deuteron flux as well as loading. Finally, using an analogy similar to Corkum’s mechanism, he led the way towards the spin boson model of Cohen-Tannoudji, but demonstrated exactly where it was insufficient to explain CF/LANR in the absence of his discovery of the role of destructive interference and other loss and dephasing issues.

7 DAY 3 Part 1

8 DAY 3 Part 2

9 DAY 3 Part 3

Jan. 25, 2013 -On day 4, Prof. Hagelstein began with evidence, based upon PdD and D2O as the detectors, that de novo Helium 4 must be “borne” with energies below 10 keV or less, and that the upper limit for neutron production must be less than 0.01 neutrons/joule. Then, having demonstrated that destructive interference in the spin boson model prevents its use in CF/LANR, he corrected that, and expanded the Hamiltonian to now include coupling parameters and examined the quantum exchange characteristics based upon coherence.

Successful energy transfer was demonstrated to require interactions of all the atoms in the lattice. For further analysis, a donor-receptor system was then included. At that point, he showed how the Coulomb barrier need not be overcome, because by this method the factor is linear, rather than quadratic (needed for classical analysis of D+D interactions). Supporting this analysis is the Karabut data in glow discharge on Pd which yielded both diffuse emissions and collimated x-radiation. with beamlets of energy over a wide bandwidth, which were consistent with the theory Prof. Hagelstein developed.

Finally, he used the Foldy-Wouthuysen rotational operation, and demonstrated how this analysis is becoming asymptotic with what is being observed in CF/LANR, with the use of his corrected condensed matter nuclear science (CMNS) Hamiltonian. Finally, with the addition of nonlinear Rabi oscillations (which yields Dicke superradiance), his model was shown to also be near-complete and consistent with both the observed pulse emissions and the wide bandwidth.

10 DAY 4 Part 1 SUMMARY

11 DAY 4 Part II

U.S. Schools with Cold Fusion-Friendly Faculty

While there are an increasing number of professors engaged in cold fusion research at schools and colleges, not all departments and schools officially support that activity.

In some cases, research is fully-endorsed and funded, such as at University of Missouri and University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

At other schools, faculty is forced to conduct research without official funding. This is the case at one of the premier scientific research institutions in the U.S., the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

In all cases, funding is small, and because of the hostile environment, many of the professors who would love to teach you about cold fusion, low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR), lattice-assisted nuclear reactions (LANR), quantum fusion, and the Anomalous Heat Effect (AHE), will tell you that the job prospects for research in the field are nil. They may even try to talk you out of pursuing the study of our future energy source.

It is shameful that those who would share their two-decades of experience in cold fusion research cannot take students in good conscience because they cannot guarantee any job opportunities upon graduation.

But we know that will not always be the case.

The increasing interest in cold fusion science and technology parallels the decline in availability of cheap fossil fuels, and the lack of viable solutions from the conventionally-minded scientists who’ve been successful at lobbying for funding without delivering the goods.

Each of the professors listed below will give you an education that draws on their own experience in cold fusion research, ranging from experimentalists, theorists, and policy-making, with LENR as a centerpiece.

Globally, there is friendly faculty on every continent and an inventory of the educational opportunities in cold fusion worldwide is forthcoming in part II. What follows is a partial list of schools in the U.S. with cold fusion-friendly faculty, alphabetical by school.

More schools will be added to make a full directory of places you can go to learn about creating energy solutions from the truly bold and courageous scientists of our time.

David Nagel teaches and conducts workshops on LENR.
David Nagel teaches and conducts workshops on LENR.
George Washington University
Washington, D.C. USA
School of Engineering and Applied Science
Research Professor David J. Nagel

Dr. Nagel’s interests span multi-disciplinary technologies including the development and applications of micro- and nano-technologies, including micro-fluidics and wireless sensor networks, and condensed matter nuclear science, and particularly LENR.

He established NUCAT Energy, Inc to hold workshops for academia, agencies, and industry on LENR and reports regularly on the field for Infinite Energy magazine.

Professor Nagel has been interviewed by Cold Fusion Radio several times. Excerpts from the most recent audio interview are here in “LENR global impact will be historic“. In the interview “A Reasoned Approach to Funding“, he described his plan for a federal effort to bring this science to a usable technology.

George Miley and his students spoke to rocket scientists about LENR.
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA
Nuclear and Electrical Engineering Department
Professor Emeritus Dr. George H. Miley

Dr. Miley researches unique cold fusion cells using thin-films and nano-particles. He has presented a LENR-based General Purpose Heat Source for spacecraft power needs and established the company LENUCO to commercially-develop some of their nano-technology discoveries producing transmutation elements.

Cold Fusion Now highlighted his work in the interview “Let’s Find Out What’s There” conducted at the Nuclear and Emerging Technology for Space (NETS) conference.

His students get the opportunity for hand-on experience in the lab constructing and testing LENR cells in the Fusion Studies Lab and in particular, at the LENRs Lab.

Iraj Parchamazad creates anomalous heat with crystal zeolites.
Iraj Parchamazad creates anomalous heat with crystal zeolites.
University of LaVerne
LaVerne, California, USA
Chemistry Department
Chairman of Chemistry Professor Dr. Iraj Parchamazad

Dr. Parchamazad investigates deuterium gas-loaded nano-palladium in zeolites. He is now collaborating with Dr. Melvin Miles, a former professor at the college and long-time Navy researcher with expertise in electrolytic co-deposition techniques.

Cold Fusion Now highlighted his research in the video “Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR) with Zeolites“.

Enrolled chemistry students have the opportunity for direct experience in conducting laboratory research using a full-spectrum of diagnostic equipment.

Peter Hagelstein co-teaches Cold Fusion 101.
Peter Hagelstein co-teaches Cold Fusion 101.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Electrical Engineering Lab
Professor Dr. Peter Hagelstein

Professor Hagelstein engages in theoretical work on cold fusion and collaborates with Dr. Mitchel Swartz of JET Energy, builder of the NANOR cell.

Together, they team-teach the MIT IAP short course Cold Fusion 101 held in the end of January. Enrollment in the course is open and includes demonstrations of a live NANOR cell.

Robert Duncan organized Sidney Kimmel Institute for Nuclear Renaissance to study LENR.
Robert Duncan organized Sidney Kimmel Institute for Nuclear Renaissance to study LENR.
University of Missouri
Columbia, Missouri, USA
Institute for Nuclear Renaissance
Vice Chancellor of Research Dr. Robert Duncan

Dr. Duncan has spearheaded the research into the Anomalous Heat Effect (AHE) at University of Missouri by bringing Energetics Technologies to the University business park and helping to create the Sidney Kimmel Institute for Nuclear Renaissance.

He has marshaled many departments in the research effort, and there are multiple opportunities for a student of cold fusion to learn.

Dr. Duncan and University of Missouri will be hosting ICCF-18 in July 2013, along with Purdue University and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

John Dash guided high school students in successful cold fusion experiments.
John Dash guided high school students in successful cold fusion experiments.
Portland State University Portland
Portland, Oregon, USA
Physics Department
Professor Emeritus Dr. John Dash

Professor Dash has been training students in the art of electrochemical cells since the mid 1990s in from the Portland, Oregon area.

He has conducted summer workshops for high-school students and they have held public demonstration of cold fusion cells and presented lab results at conferences and colloquia.

Yeong Kim is a cold fusion theorist.
Yeong Kim is a cold fusion theorist.
Purdue University
Lafayette, Indiana, USA
Physics Department
Professor Dr. Yeong E. Kim

Dr. Kim is a nuclear physicist and Director of the Center for Sensing Science and Technology at Purdue University, where the detection of radioactive and hazardous materials are developed as a technology.

He is also a theorist in condensed matter nuclear science and has modeled the reaction using Bose-Einstein Condensates. He has presented at many conferences, including NETS 2011 attended by Cold Fusion Now and summarized in Session 462 Advanced Concepts.

Thomas Grimshaw shapes energy policy with LENR.
Thomas Grimshaw shapes energy policy with LENR.
University of Texas Austin
Austin, Texas, USA
Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Policy and the Energy Institute
Professor Dr. Thomas Grimshaw

This school researches and prepares policy reports for government officials and legislators and Dr. Grimshaw always includes LENR in their energy surveys.

A policy report by the Johnson School of Public Policy from 2009 “Shaping the Energy Technology Transition” is available online for free as a .pdf.

Their most recent report includes cold fusion and is available from the school as a hard copy.

Part II will list high schools, colleges and universities with cold fusion-friendly faculty globally.

2013 starts right with Cold Fusion 101 at MIT for second year

Watch Cold Fusion 101 lectures in order here.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Professor Peter Hagelstein and Dr. Mitchell Swartz of JET Energy are offering an IAP short course Cold Fusion 101: Introduction to Excess Power in Fleischmann-Pons Experiments for a second consecutive year.

The course runs from Tuesday, January 22 through Wednesday, January 30, 2013 from 11AM-1PM in Room 4-153 and 66-144 on the MIT campus.

Cold Fusion 101 Lectures
courtesy Jeremy Rys

Peter Hagelstein
Peter Hagelstein Cold Fusion 101 in 2012
Participants in the course will learn about cold fusion from a top theorist in the field, as well as one of the industry’s leading technologists.

In January of last year, a successful demonstration of the NANOR energy generator attracted the attention of state lawmakers.

The cold fusion energy cell built by Dr. Mitchell Swartz of JET Energy produced excess heat continuously for months on the MIT campus. Described as a zirconium-oxide nanostructured quantum electronic device, the phenomenon was observed by both students and the condensed matter nuclear science (CMNS) community as well as members of the general public.

From "Demonstration of Excess Power from the JET Energy NANOR at MIT
From “Demonstration of Excess Power from the JET Energy NANOR at MIT” by M.Swartz and P Hagelstein
Mitchell Swartz and Peter Hagelstein released Demonstration of Excess Heat from a JET Energy NANOR at MIT [.pdf], a report summarizing their excess heat results from the cell.

Patent lawyer David J. French attended the 2012 Cold Fusion 101 course and filed a report Conclusively Demonstrating the New Energy Effect of Cold Fusion describing the NANOR capabilities in detail.

Cold Fusion Times released links to this year’s Cold Fusion 101 course content which included:

IAP 2012 Cold Fusion 101
IAP 2012 Cold Fusion 101 course collage
Excess power production in the Fleischmann-Pons experiment; lack of confirmation in early negative experiments; theoretical problems and Huizenga’s three miracles; physical chemistry of PdD; electrochemistry of PdD; loading requirements on excess power production; the nuclear ash problem and He-4 observations; approaches to theory; screening in PdD; PdD as an energetic particle detector; constraints on the alpha energy from experiment; overview of theoretical approaches; coherent energy exchange between mismatched quantum systems; coherent x-rays in the Karabut experiment and interpretation; excess power in the NiH system; Piantelli experiment;observed excess power in PdD and in NiH LANR systems; techniques of calibration; problems with flow calorimetry and other detection systems; importance of verification by calorimetry, heat flow, noise measurement, and thermal waveform reconstruction; Q-1-D model of loading, optimal operating manifold lessons; high impedance, codeposition, and PHUSOR aqueous LANR systems; introduction to LANR emissions, pathway control, and coupling to the electrical and propulsion systems; overview of nanomaterial and NANOR LANR systems; Prospects for a new small scale clean nuclear energy technology.

Cold Fusion 101: Introduction to Excess Power in Fleischmann-Pons Experiments with Professor Peter Hagelstein and Dr. Mitchell Swartz January 22-30, 2013 at MIT

Related Links

Starting 2012 with Cold Fusion 101 by Ruby Carat

Massachusetts State Sen Bruce Tarr Visits Still Operating JET Energy NANOR demo/ by Ruby Carat

Cold Fusion Now Stats November



At Cold Fusion Now, we believe that new energy information is best distributed far and wide. Our readership, and the readership of all cold fusion LENR information media, is growing worldwide. More and more people are learning of this important technology. We hope when it goes mainstream… many will already be aware.

To continue our tradition of actively spreading the news, this letter with links was sent as a message to the facebook sights of the following universities over the Veterans Day Weekend. The list is of universities whose facebook page allows a message to be sent to the administrator. No posting was made directly to the wall, we invite them to do so.


Here are a couple of links to a technology that is advancing from the cutting edge research phase to the research and engineering phase.

Study the present day state of the art of this science and you may find yourself wanting to create a post for your readers to follow.

With warm regards and electrifying anticipation,

Cold Fusion Now Org

“Low Energy Nuclear Reactions, the Realism and the Outlook” by Dennis Bushnell, Chief Scientist, NASA Langley Research Center

“Is Commercial LENR the Real Deal?”

  1. Alabama State University
  2. Al-Azhar University
  3. Aleppo University
  4. Amity University
  5. Appalachian State University
  6. Arizona State University
  7. Ashanna Solaris
  8. Assumption University of Thailand
  9. Ateneo de Manila University
  10. Atmel University Program
  11. AUC The American University in Cairo
  12. Bahria University
  13. Baliwan University
  14. Ball So Hard University
  15. Barry University
  16. Beyoglu / Taksim, Istanbul
  17. Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University
  18. BYU (Brigham Young University)
  19. Cairo University جامعه القاهرة
  20. California State University, Fullerton
  21. Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar
  22. Central Michigan University Alumni Association
  23. Chix University XD
  24. Chulalongkorn University
  25. Cornell University
  26. Coventry University
  27. Cute University
  28. DeVry University
  29. Duke University
  30. Edinburgh Napier University
  31. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
  32. EMO University
  33. European University Cyprus
  34. Far Eastern University
  35. FB University
  36. Galgotias University
  37. George Mason University
  38. Georgia State University
  39. Grand Canyon University
  40. Graphic Era University DehraDun
  41. Gulf Medical University, Ajman
  42. Hajvery University
  43. Harvard University
  44. Heliopolis University For Sustainable Development
  45. I Love NED University
  46. Indiana University
  47. Iqra University – IU
  48. Islamic Online University
  49. K.L.H. University
  50. Kasetsart University
  51. Kennedy University
  52. Liberty University
  53. London Metropolitan University – India
  54. Lovely Professional University
  55. Mahatma Gandhi University
  56. Mansoura University – جامعة المنصورة
  57. Marquette University
  58. Mathare University of Insane Creativity
  59. Mbare University of the Wise
  60. Mississippi State University
  61. Monash University
  62. MVN University
  63. National University College Online
  64. National University of Singapore
  65. North Carolina State University
  66. Northwest Missouri State University
  67. October 6th University جامعة 6 اكتوبر
  68. Open University Malaysia
  69. Oregon State University
  70. Our Lady of Fatima University
  71. Oxford Brookes University
  72. Oxford University
  73. Oxford University Press – ELT
  74. Perdana College / UCSI University
  75. Pharos University In Alexandria
  76. Polytechnic University of the Philippines
  77. Polytechnic University of the Philippines
  78. Princeton University
  79. Purdue University
  80. Qarshi University
  81. Rack City University
  82. Rangsit University,Thailand
  83. Roger Williams University
  84. San Diego State University
  85. San Francisco State University
  86. San Jose State University
  87. Sex University
  88. Sharda University
  89. Sikkim Manipal University
  90. Silpakorn University
  91. Single’s University
  92. South University
  93. Strayer University
  94. Superior University
  95. Syracuse University
  96. Taylor Gang University
  97. Texas A&M University
  98. Texas Tech University
  99. The American University of Iraq
  100. The Open University
  101. The University of Alabama
  102. The University of Arizona
  103. The University of Chicago
  104. The University of Glasgow
  105. The University of Kansas
  106. The University of Kentucky Wildcats
  107. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  108. The University of Oklahoma
  109. The University Of Swag
  110. Thompson Rivers University – TRU World
  111. University Directory
  112. University of Cambridge
  113. University of Central Florida
  114. University Of Central Punjab
  115. University of Colorado Boulder
  116. University of Florida
  117. University of Georgia
  118. University of Hawaii, School of Architecture
  119. University of Iowa
  120. University of Jordan
  121. University of Karachi
  122. University Of Lahore
  123. University of Louisiana at Lafayette
  124. University of Malaya
  125. University of Miami
  126. University of Michigan
  127. University of Minnesota
  128. University of Nebraska-Lincoln
  129. University of North Texas
  130. University of One Directionism
  131. University of Oregon
  132. University of Oregon Ducks
  133. University of Oxford
  134. University of Phoenix
  135. University of South Florida
  136. University of Southern California
  137. University of Tennessee, Knoxville
  138. University of the People
  139. University of the Philippines
  140. University of Toronto
  141. University of Washington
  142. University of Wisconsin-Madison
  143. UNSW (The University of New South Wales)
  144. VanHolland University-Training Center-Egypt Office
  145. Vels University
  146. Victor Lee Lewis
  147. Virginia Commonwealth University
  148. VIT University
  149. Walden University
  150. Webster University Thailand
  151. Webster University Vienna
  152. Wind Virtual University
  153. Yale University
  154. Yarmouk University | جامعة اليرموك
  155. جامعة الثورة | University Of Revolution



Due to the importance of energy to the U.S. Armed Forces and the worldwide struggle for energy  supply  and it’s effect on “Energizing the Warfighter” (see DoD) (which measures the cost of oil not in dollars but cost in blood of our military);  more effort was expended on this outreach during the Veterans Day Weekend. Please read the article “Economics of Cold Fusion LENR Power Department of Defense” (link)

One of these three letters was sent to each of the following News Agencies and Activist Organizations:



Please include low energy nuclear reaction (LENR) technology as part of your political discourse on energy.

The NASA Series

“Real Popular Cold Fusion”
“Cold Fusion NASA LENR – Future”
“Cold Fusion NASA LENR – part two Flight”
“Cold Fusion NASA LENR – part three Spacebound and Earthbound Transportation”

Thank You,

Cold Fusion Now Org



If you are not up on the science of cold fusion LENR – Low Energy Nuclear Reaction; I’m hoping you enjoy studying this. Dennis Bushnell, Chief Scientist of NASA Langley, states this is the solution to global warming.

The NASA series has a link to his paper. This should be part of any discourse on clean air, energy, and environment.

“Global Warming Climate Change and Cold Fusion LENR Power”

Thank you,

Cold Fusion Now



This is a news tip for you about a Cold Fusion LENR Powered Boeing 747 being developed by NASA.

May 2012 NASA Contract NNL08AA16B – NNL11AA00T – “Subsonic Ultra Green Aircraft Research – Phase II”
N+4 Advanced Concept Development

“Even though we do not know the specific cost of the LENR itself, we assumed a cost of jet fuel at $4/gallon and weight based aircraft cost. We were able to calculate cost per mile for the LENR equipped aircraft compared to a conventional aircraft (Figure 3.2). Looking at the plots, one could select a point where the projected cost per mile is 33% less than a conventionally powered aircraft.”

3.0 LENR Requirements Analysis …pg 24
Figure 3.1 – Potential Heat Engines for LENR Systems 25
Figure 3.2 – Parametric LENR and Heat Engine Performance Parameters ……………….pg 25
6.2.3 Low Energy Nuclear Reactor Technologies ……pg 82
Table 6.3 – LENR Technologies Success Criteria …….pg 86
Also pgs 15, 18, 19, 20, and 21.

These are the 39 folks who have been involved in this since May, 2011

Bradley, Marty (Boeing)
Daggett, David (Boeing)
Droney, Christopher(Boeing)
Hoisington, Zachary (Boeing)
Kirby, Michelle (GT)
Murrow, Kurt (GE)
Ran, Hongjun (GT)
Nam, Teawoo (GT)
Tai, Jimmy (GT)
Hammel, Jeff (GE)
Perullo, Chris (GT)
Guynn, Mark (NASA)
Olson, Erik (NASA)
Leavitt, Larry (NASA)
Allen, Timothy (Boeing)
Cotes, Dwaine (Boeing)
Guo, Yueping (Boeing)
Foist, Brian (Boeing)
Rawdon, Blaine (Boeing)
Wakayama, Sean (Boeing)
Dallara, Emily (Boeing)
Kowalski, Ed (Boeing)
Wat, Joe (Boeing)
Robbana, Ismail (Boeing)
Barmichev, Sergey (Boeing)
Fink, Larry (Boeing)
Sankrithi, Mithra (Boeing)
White, Edward (Boeing)
Gowda, Srini (GE)
Brown, Gerald (NASA)
Wahls, Richard (NASA)
Wells, Doug (NASA)
Jeffries, Rhett (FAA)
Felder, James (NASA)
Schetz, Joe (VT)
Burley, Casey (NASA)
Sequiera, Christopher (FAA)
Martin, John (NASA)
Kapania, Rakesh (VT)

Maybe you could interview a few of these guys… see what they have to say about the emerging LENR technology (popularly known as cold fusion). “Real Popular Cold Fusion”

Thank you,

Cold Fusion Now Org


  1. 7 Day News Journal
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  16. CERES Environment Park
  17. Dap_News_Website
  18. Dawn News
  19. Eco Era America
  20. Eco-structure Magazine
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  26. Environmental Action
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  28. Environmental Defense Fund
  29. Environmental Graffiti
  30. Environmental Health News
  31. Environmental Science & Policy at Taylor & Francis
  32. Environmental Working Group
  33. Environmentally Smarter
  34. Equine News Today
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  39. Foot’s Forecast | United States
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  70. Newsweek Pakistan
  71. Odd News on Yahoo! News
  72. P.N.N | News
  73. Pew Environment Group
  74. Progressive
  75. RNN | News
  76. Save Environment
  77. Shorouk News
  78. Sky News Arabia
  80. Syria News
  81. Taekwondo News
  82. The Environmental Blog
  83. The Everlasting GOP Stoppers
  84. The Free World Charter
The NASA Series
  85. The Rachel Maddow Show
  86. The Realist
  87. This is NPR
  88. Untold News
  89. USAction
  90. USGBC – National Capital Region
  91. Vanguard News
  92. World News with Diane Sawyer
  93. WWE News – اخبار مصارعة المحترفين
  94. Yahoo! News UK & Ireland
  95. Yale Environment 360
  96. Yengo News


11-14 UPDATE

The pain over our continuing struggle for energy… I feel it. The destruction from our present process… utilization… and use of energy… will be ending soon.

Helping to usher it in, the tradition continues of sending new energy information to groups of concerned citizens.

The following message was sent to site administrators of the following facebook groups. No posting was made to the wall.

We invite them to do so.


Here are a couple of links to a technology that is advancing from the cutting edge research phase to the research and engineering phase.

Study the present day state of the art of this science and you may find yourself wanting to create a post for your readers to follow.

With warm regards and electrifying anticipation,

Cold Fusion Now Org

“Low Energy Nuclear Reactions, the Realism and the Outlook”
by Dennis Bushnell, Chief Scientist, NASA Langley Research Center

“Is Commercial LENR the Real Deal?”

NASA states the energy of LENR power is the solution to global warming.
Halt oil production.
This article has info.
“Global Warming Climate Change and Cold Fusion LENR Power”

Thank you for the loving work you do… we LOVE you.
Prose as a gift… use when you like.


It’s of great use to wonder…
Why our minds wander

In awe of it all

Being forever true
Seeking the new

We are just now discovering
That which has always been

Impatiently awaiting us

Craving our keen attention

Hoping for deeper understanding

Awesome is
The wonder of discovery

And the power
Of awe


cold fusion now org

gbgoble g mail .com…


  1. A Tar Sands Referendum
  2. Against Keystone XL Pipeline
  3. Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation – Case against the Tar Sands
  4. Before It – Keep Tar Sands and Oil Shale Mining Out of the USA
  5. Build the Keystone Pipeline
  6. Canadian Tar Sands = Unethical Oil
  7. Can-Am Against The Keystone XL Pipeline
  8. Cascadia Tar Sands Action
  9. Coalition Against Keystone XL Pipeline
  10. Darryl Hannah Opposes Keystone Pipeline
  11. Demand for a National Referendum on Closing the Tar Sands
  12. Denton Supports Tar Sands Blockade
  13. Denver Tar Sands Action
  14. Draw the Line at TarSands
  15. EI Tar Sands
  16. Ending Investment in Tar Sands
  17. Keystone Pipeline Protest
  18. Keystone XL pipeline – Tarsands – SAY NO
  19. Kill the Keystone Pipeline
  20. Madison Tar Sands Action Group
  21. My Tar Sands Duck Dinner with Andrea
  22. No Tar Sands
  23. No Tar Sands Caravan
  24. No Tar Sands Caravan from CA to DC
  25. No Tar Sands in Maine
  26. NO to the Pipelines! NO to the TAR Sands
  27. Occupy Keystone XL Pipeline Route
  28. Ottawa Tar Sands Action/Action Halte aux sables bitunimeux à Ottawa
  29. President Obama “vote NO” on the Keystone XL Pipeline
  30. Say NO To The Keystone Pipeline
  31. Stop Alberta Oil Sands Growth
  32. Stop Filming Hobbit in Tar Sands
  33. Stop Northern Gateway
  34. Stop Suncor and Tar Sands
  35. Stop The Alberta Tar Sands – Global
  36. Stop The Flow! End Tar Sands Transport in the Trans Mountain Pipeline
  37. STOP the Keystone Pipeline
  38. Stop the Keystone XL Pipeline PDX
  39. Stop the Keystone XL Pipeline, No More Dirty Tar Sands Oil
  40. Stop the Mining in the Alberta Tar Sands
  41. Stop the Tar Sands KW
  42. STOP The Tar Sands Oil Keystone XL PIPELINE
  43. STOP TransCanada’s Keystone XL Oil Pipeline Project in our (USA) Soil
  44. Students Against the Keystone Pipeline
  45. Support the Keystone XL Pipeline
  46. Tar Sand Betties Roller Derby League
  47. Tar Sands
  48. Tar Sands
  49. Tar Sands Action
  50. Tar Sands Action – Southern California
  51. Tar Sands Action ~ Stop Keystone XL Pipeline
  52. Tar Sands Action- Maine
  53. Tar Sands Action Seattle
  54. Tar Sands Activists
  55. Tar Sands Blockade
  56. Tar Sands Blockade – Houston
  57. Tar Sands Day
  58. Tar Sands Free
  59. Tar Sands Free Arizona
  60. Tar Sands Free Northeast
  61. Tar Sands of $hell Are Tar Sands of Hell
  62. Tar Sands Oil Horrors
  63. Tar Sands Song
  64. Tar Sands Students
  65. Tar Sands: Alberta, Canada
  66. Tar Sands: The Inherent Dangers
  67. Texans Against Tar Sands
  68. Texas Tar Sands Truth Teller
  69. The Anti-Keystone XL Pipeline
  70. The Beaver Lake Cree vs Tar Sands
  71. The Tar Sands
  72. Utah Tar Sands Resistance



An analysis of the effect on stats will follow in an addendum to this article. An Anomalous Spike is expected.
