Cold Fusion NASA LENR – part two Flight

Cold Fusion – NASA – LENR Part II Flight


The vision of Earth provided by NASA lunar missions is a powerful image; possibly the most potent archetypal image of our times. This image brings to mind the beauty of the biosphere, our world and life-as-we-know-it, surprisingly small against the vast starlit darkness of space.

NASA sees LENR energetics in concert with advanced computer and flight technologies as, “The key to supersonic transports and neighbor-friendly personal fly/drive air vehicles.” (NASA)

This technology could replace much earth bound transport; roads and their inherent environmental damage would become obsolete.

NASA realizes the fragility of our biosphere and seeks to limit atmospheric damage from aeronautics and transportation in amazing ways:

  • Turbo-electric Distributed Propulsion (NASA pdf)
  • The SUGAR Program (SUGAR – Subsonic Ultra Green Aeronautics Research) was initiated in 2008 as a challenge to four that received contracts, Boeing, GE Aviation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Northrop Grumman. The goal is a deep reduction in harmful emissions from airplanes and to decrease their noisome irritation. “Hybrid electric engine technology is a clear winner because it can potentially improve performance relative to all of the NASA goals.” (Boeing)
  • The SUGAR Volt design utilizes electric turbo fans; which are candidates for LENR electrical power. SUGAR VOLT
  • NASA Green Flight Challenge – “NASA has awarded the largest prize in aviation history, created to inspire the development of more fuel-efficient aircraft and spark the start of a new electric airplane industry. The technologies demonstrated by the CAFE Green Flight Challenge, sponsored by Google, competitors may end up in general aviation aircraft, spawning new jobs and new industries for the 21st century.” (NASA) Green Flight Challenge Sponsored by Google – (Final Results 2011)
  • “Faster and Greener– Pocket Airports” (NASA GFC pdf)
  • Here Comes the Electric Plane
  • Txchnologist The Future of Transportation – “Mapping Out the Future of Flight” (GE)

ON A FALLEN TREE ACROSS THE ROAD (To hear us talk) by Robert Frost

The tree a tempest with a crash of wood

Throws down in front of us is not to bar

Our passage to our journey’s end for good,

But just to ask us who we think we are,


Insisting always on our own way so.

She likes to halt us in our runner tracks,

And make us get down in a foot of snow

Debating what to do with an ax.


And yet who knows obstruction is in vain:

We will not be put off the final goal

We have hidden in us to attain,

Not though we have to seize earth by the pole


And, tired of aimless circling in one place,

Steer straight off after something into space.


Rocket Toxicity


Over 4,000 (Wiki) recorded space launches and an unknown number of missile launches have burned hundreds of millions of tons of the following propellants, oxidants, and rocket elements.

Ammonium-perchlorate, kerosene, ammonium-nitrate, hydroxyl-terminated-polybutadiene, polyurethane, aluminium, polyisocyanate, ammonium-dinitramide, acrylonitrile, iron-oxide, glass, carbon, boron, phenylenediamine-terephthaloyl-chloride, poly-paraphenylene-terephthalamide, cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine, cyclotetramethylene-tetranitramine, nitrocellulose, nitroglycerine, Hexanitrohexaazaisowurtzitane, polybutadiene-acrylonitrile, unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine, dinitrogen tetroxide, and others not accounted for.

Who knows how these recombine after combustion, with each other and with atmospheric elements?

The engines powering the Space Shuttle’s initial liftoff boosters may have been the most polluting engines ever operated by mankind. For each kilogram of payload, the shuttle’s main boosters burn 30 kilograms of  fuels and oxidizers.

During 135 missions 122,472,000 kilograms (135,002 tons) of this highly toxic fuel was burned in the solid fuel boosters of the Space Shuttles.

Approximate Amount Burned (tons)

  • 94,365   Ammonium Percholate
  • 5,600    Powdered Aluminum
  • 9,450    Iron Oxidizer Powder
  • 16,204   Polybutadiene Acrylic Acid Acrylonitrile
  • 2,646    Epoxy-curing Agent


21st Century Timeline of U.S. Rocket Fuel Pollution Scandal (read)

Perchlorate is a powerful oxidant that has been detected in public drinking water supplies of over 11 million people at concentrations of at least 4 parts per billion (ppb). High doses of perchlorate can decrease thyroid hormone production by inhibiting the uptake of iodide by the thyroid. Thyroid hormones are critical for normal growth and development of the central nervous system of fetuses and infants.

A Summary of NASA and USAF Hypergolic Propellant Related Spills and Fires (pdf)

The fuel is monomethyl hydrazine (MMH) and the oxidizer is nitrogen tetroxide (N2O4) which is similar to ammonia. Both fluids are highly toxic, and are handled under the most stringent safety conditions. Hypergolic propellants are used in the core liquid propellant stages of the Titan family of launch vehicles, and on the second stage of the Delta.

The Space Shuttle orbiter uses hypergols in its Orbital Maneuvering Subsystem (OMS) for orbital insertion, major orbital maneuvers and deorbit. The Reaction Control System (RCS) uses hypergols for attitude control.

NASA is hoping to reduce launch emissions for space flight with LENR.

Cold Fusion – NASA – LENR Part Three Earthbound and Spacebound Transportation


10 Replies to “Cold Fusion NASA LENR – part two Flight”

  1. Propulsion using quantum gravity? Zero point energy? Spacecraft power from cold fusion?

    It’s in the works!

    1. Thank you for this link.

      A worthwhile exercise in visualizing energy density goes as follows:

      The 747-400ER can carry more than 63,500 gallons of fuel (Jet A and Jet A1 are the most commonly used Jet fuels; their weight is 6.8 pounds per gallon) weighing approximately 431,800 lbs. Seats 524, maybe 16 crew members-540 people-200 lbs ea. + 200 lbs luggage ea = 216,000 lbs. WOW twice the weight in fuel than passengers w/luggage. (Conservative estimate)

      Easy to visualize, now try this. The Ecat 1.5 KW thermal unit may weigh 20 to 30 lbs. The number of ecats replacing fuel aboard a 747 would be 431,800/30 =14,393 ecats @1.5KW thermal = 21.59 MW thermal @30% electrical conversion efficiency gives 7 mega watts of electrical power to the planes electric turbo propulsors…. for six months.

      One flight a day for six months would use 6 X 431,800 lbs = 2,590,800 lbs of fuel.

      Sorta’ stretches my brain’s conceptualization tendons. Nice.

      1. oops silly me…

        One flight a day for six months would use 6 X 30 X 431,800 lbs = 77,724,000 lbs of fuel.

        Much better… glad I caught that error.

  2. That is terrible that we put all those toxins into the environment. I don’t know how much more the earth can take.

    1. It is exaggerated on the impact. many by products are not so toxic if dilluted, especially if you take it at the size of the planet.
      some fuel when burned are not even abnormal for the atmosphere…
      you don’t imagine the quantity of formaldehyde and ethylene produced by forest…

      the dose make the poison.
      anyway by product of rockets exhaust is well cleaning the launching pad, and it is locally very toxic.

      for the rest, nature is much more producing it’s own toxic wastes, and managing them.
      the worst of all being oxygen, and insecticide that fruits produce inside their flesh (especially when attacked because too few farmer insecticide out).

      all that diatribe is classic manipulation… exhausting.

      take an effect, show it’s total value in absolute units… frighten the mass… and forget to compare with the rest.

      imagine the quantity of dioxin produced by US barbecue, or the thousands of tons of biotoxin by eating wounded fruits.

      1. Alain
        As understanding grows advanced awareness of cause and effect, benefit and detriment results. Realize the biosphere is affected by our actions… Thanks! Study these for understanding.

        Aluminum Toxicity and Resistance in Higher Plants
        Filiz Vardar* and Meral Ünal Marmara University, Science and Art Faculty,
        Department of Biology, Göztepe, 34730 Istanbul, Turkey

        “Al exists in the form of insoluble aluminosilicate or oxide. When the soil becomes more acid, Al is solubilized into a phytotoxic form (Matsumoto, 2000). Al(H2O)63+ which is known as Al3+ is dominant in acid soil below pH 5 and is the most toxic form. Al toxicity is the primary growth-limiting factor for plants in acid soils…”

        “Soil acidity is a natural occurrence in tropical and subtropical zones. But in temperate zones, it is an increasing problem and the result of acid rain in the industrial regions of the USA, Canada and Europe…”

        Monsanto Develops Aluminum Resistant Biotech Seeds

        “Very little Al+++ in the soil solution is required to cause damage to most plants. Few, if any plants grown for commercial purposes in this country will tolerate more than 1.0 ppm of soluble Al+++, and most will have some problems at levels greater than 0.5 ppm…”

        “Aluminum is a common metal in soils. It is a significant toxin in acid soils (or soils exposed to acid rain) causing stunted roots (no rootlets ergo poor plant health).”

        Aluminium Borohydride
        Also known as aluminium tetrahydroborate, (in American English, aluminum borohydride and aluminum tetrahydroborate, respectively) is the chemical compound with the formula Al(BH4)3. It is a volatile pyrophoric liquid which is used as rocket fuel and an additive in jet fuel.

        US Patent 5003186 Stratospheric Welsbach Seeding for Reduction of Global Warming (spraying with aluminum)

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