Brian Josephson safeguards historic contribution of Martin Fleischmann

U.K. University of Cambridge Professor Dr. Brian Josephson, winner of the Nobel Prize in 1973 for the Josephson Effect, wrote the fine obituary published in The Guardian honoring Dr. Martin Fleischmann, co-discoverer of cold fusion who passed away earlier this year.

Focusing on Fleischmann’s life’s work, the essay was not a defense of cold fusion, though Josephson wrote, “However, progress seems to be occurring towards the application of cold fusion as a practical energy source. It may well transpire that, in the words of one cold fusion entrepreneur: “The market will decide.” (Including Josephson’s links).

Josephson then went to work dismantling some of the blundering misconceptions that reared up in the print landscape through the many unresearched and cliche obituaries scrawled by witless writers “walking backwards into the future”.

He responded to one of the more egregious pieces (and there were many) printed in Nature, the scientific journal with a long-standing policy of refusing to publish cold fusion research.

John Maddox, editor of Nature back in 1989, had decided within months that cold fusion was through.

“I think it will turn out, after two, three years more investigation, that this is just spurious and just unconnected with anything that you would call nuclear fusion. I think that broadly speaking it is dead and it will remain dead for a very long time” Maddox said in the 1994 BBC Horizon documentary Too Close To The Sun. [watch]

Fortunately, only subscribers of Nature were subjected to the current dreadful fiction by Fleischmann-obit author Philip Ball, and we are not privy to Professor Josephson‘s Letter to the Editor in reply due to copyright (unless you’ve got $16), but he has posted a narrative containing the major points of his response on his website which we reproduce below.

Ball’s obituary of Martin Fleischmann in Nature found wanting
by Brian Josephson [original here]

A letter published in Nature addressed itself to an obituary of Martin Fleischmann written by Philip Ball, the flavour of which can be judged from the following extracts:
“the blot that cold fusion left on Martin Fleischmann’s reputation is hard to expunge”

“cold fusion is now regarded as one of the most notorious cases of what chemist Irving Langmuir called pathological science; it was a lack of reproducibility that finally put paid to the cold fusion idea”

“once you have been proved right against the odds, it becomes harder to accept the possibility of error. To make a mistake or a premature claim, even to fall prey to self-deception, is a risk any scientist runs”

When I challenged Ball on this he replied naively that “those few that claimed success have never been able to demonstrate this sufficiently reliably and convincingly to persuade the majority. That is simply the situation as it stands”. Factually that may indeed be the case but the fact that the majority are not convinced hardly suffices to justify the dogmatic presumptions implicit in the extracts cited above.

In any event, a response was clearly called for and I was glad that Nature accepted the letter that I submitted to their Correspondence section. In that letter I noted first of all that

Ball’s obituary, in common with many others, ignored the large amount of experimental evidence contradicting the view that cold fusion is ‘pathological science’,

citing the library at as providing a comprehensive listing of this research, including many downloadable papers. I also referred readers to my Guardian obituary.

I also noted that the situation at the time of the original announcement of cold fusion was confused because of errors in the nuclear measurements (this was not Pons and Fleischmann’s area of expertise), plus the difficulty others had with replication; however, problems with replication are not unusual in the context of materials science so this is not a strong objection and, further, in time

others were able to get the experiment to work and confirm both excess heat and nuclear products.

Ball included reference to ‘a Utah physicist who reported in Nature (see M.H. Salamon et al. Nature 344, 401–405; 1990) that he was unable to replicate the work’. Those who took the trouble to read this reference will note that the authors of that paper were much taken by the fact that there was a mismatch between the amount of excess heat claimed (which they did not measure) and the amount of radiation they measured. In case any readers were to draw the erroneous conclusion (which perhaps Ball hoped they would draw) that this refuted the possibility of nuclear reaction, I noted in my letter:

“experiment never excluded the possibility that the energy liberated might be taken up directly by the lattice”

I concluded by saying:

Had [this scenario] not happened, Fleischmann would have gained the credit due to him, rather than becoming a tragic figure in the manner of your correspondent’s account.

The above is provided as a service to those unable to access the complete obituary and comment in the journal itself.

Cold Fusion Now posted a series remembering Martin Fleischmann and turned one sorry obituary into art within ten minutes.

6 Replies to “Brian Josephson safeguards historic contribution of Martin Fleischmann”

  1. Amazing that in the wonderful world of science we have just one influential man willing to stand up for the Truth.
    School children researching Cold Fusion, a new Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project asking for funds to research Cold Fusion.
    And main-line science still on the sidelines waiting for their high priests to give up their Dogma following religious denials and start doing the only job science is for —
    To follow the Evidence and research every anomaly in any subject in the natural World.
    Any “scientist” who is not ashamed to be associated with the terrible depths to which science has fallen , can have no concern for what should be the premier of occupations.
    Science should lead the World in striving to make every persons life as safe and enjoyable as possible, not battle against every advance for reasons hard to define, but in every-case, clearly for unethical, Dogmatic and selfish reasons.

  2. ” Nature” and Our Blind self-serving media- perhaps what is to be expected.

    Another sad obituary, the tragic death of my good friend, Dr Gene Mallove.

    I am not sure of the origins of my quote, but:
    It is easy to spot the “pioneer”..for he is the one with all of the arrows in his back.

    I engage in gravity modification research- another technology on the horizon and of
    equal distain by Nature et al. It will too resurrect. Using Antigravity, as a descriptor there are a few patents that that actually made it through the USPTO.

    The Truth is Out There.
    Ron Kita, Chiralex

  3. The sooner we get this nasty business behind us the better.
    The stakes are dreadfully high.
    I have been playing around with the Limits to Growth model, Standard run. When I ran it forward beyond 2500 the worlds population stabilizes after 2100 with a life expectancy of 32 years. At 2500 the total world population drops to zero. Kaput. Game over. Extinction. Who will be the lucky last on that lonely day?

  4. Does it show anything that there have been just four comments on this page supporting Brian Josephson’s defense of Martin Fleischmann.

    1. in france, on a quite populat newspper science cronicle, ther was an article discussing of growing fraud in biology science… using Cold Fusion as a sucess in debunking fraud.
      ther is usuall harsh debate about global warming and nuclear energy, or GMO…
      I’ve added a harsh comment of science dysfunction using my open letter

      and guess what… they continue discussing without any flame, critic, nor comment…

      so strange… elephant in the living room.
      as if they care not to look at my post.

Comments are closed.
