Updates on the OCT. 6 E-Cat Test

On October 6th the E-Cat was tested in Bologna, and initial reports back were positive: The E-Cat ran in self sustain mode for over 3 hours.

NyTeknik promised a more thorough follow up article the next day and that, along with a new video of the E-Cat from the demonstration can be found here – NyTeknik article + video

Within this article is a link for a more detailed report and temperature data as well.

Also of note in the article, is the business side of things. The U.S. partner, to whom the one megawatt heat plant was to be shipped to for the end of October test, is no longer. The shipment was blocked due to the final agreement not being satisfactory to Mr. Rossi and his legal team. So it appears the partnership is off, as of now. But, he still maintains that the October launch is on, though the whereabouts not announced.

PESWiki continues to provide updated accounts of the October 6th aftermath, including an email they received today from Rossi – PESWiki Updates

Stay tuned, and in the meantime enjoy the E-Cat music video by The Tom and Doug Show in the post below. Andrea Rossi saw it and responded:


Top Five Reasons to Support Cold Fusion

Our Top Five reasons to support cold fusion technology are listed as:

1. Cold fusion energy technology is ultra-clean.
2. The fuel is abundant.
3. The reaction has a high energy density.
4. New energy technology accompanies new economic paradigm.
5. Cold fusion technology empowers local communities.

Learning about these effects of cold fusion/LENR/LANR/CANR/”nickel-hydrogen exothermic reactions” technology, and describing each effect above with a short sentence and an example, is a good way to start talking about this technology with your friends and local officials.

As the economic and ecological state of our world deteriorates, we the people need to find the words that describe a path forward, words that we are not used to saying, or thinking.

If we are to discover our power as human beings, and flip this civilization into a positive, harmonic component of Earth’s biosphere, a new vocabulary for our life, and a way to communicate that vocabulary, is critical.

It is in this spirit that we continue forward, groping for a framework, a model, that can allow all humanity a chance to live in peace and harmony with all life on Earth, and beyond.

Ruby Carat wrote and recorded the audio back in June, before her cross-country tour to South Florida. Eli Eliott put images to that audio.

Thanks to Robert E. Godes of Brillouin Energy for his description of “the ultimate renewable energy”.

Cold Fusion Now!

Cold Fusion Now Weekly Wrap + Updates

This week brought more action on the E-Cat front with promising news, and views, of a new test performed and insight into the one megawatt plant.

Our friends at Pure Energy Systems have a new write up published today which includes some posts by Andrea speaking about household units, finances, and future tests, one very important one in Uppsala . Check out their post here – “The Ultimate N-H Cold Fusion E-Cat Test”


Here’s an update from 137 Films on their upcoming documentary on Cold Fusion, called “The Believers”:

Update: 9/13/11

The Believers: Finishing Act III.  Cut to-date sent to POV for consideration for their upcoming 2012 season.  Assembling film festival calendar.  Partial screening at Northwestern University’s School of Engineering September 27.

Translation: They’re sending the as of edited version to the popular PBS based documentary series “POV” for a hopeful inclusion, which would be a huge deal for getting it seen thoughout the TV landscape. Though I’m guessing they are still leaving an editing gap open in Act III, for say, some end of October results. If anyone attends Northwestern and can go to the September 27th screening, let us know how it goes and what the discussion is like afterwards.

Finally, back to the E-Cat and the mystery partnership; while everyone has been talking the nostalgic giant NASA, have they been forgetting the current giant ruling the digital environment?  Here’s a bit about why Google could be the real partner – “Cheers and See You At Google Next Month”

Giuliano Bettini on the E-Cat facebook page adds to the above,

I add that the test early September with that customer, which has been much talk in here and said that they had done in the U.S. at NASA, were actually carried out in Bologna. Add that, from what I’ve been told, the test was successful: the American customer is satisfied and does not doubt that the E. Cat represents a new source of energy and not a scam, and I repeat is NOT a customer bamboozled in any way.
Mats Lewan has achieved its video after the test with the American customer had already been concluded (again positively)

All for now, stay well and add any updates/insights in the comments.



Cold Fusion Now Weekly Wrap

A brief weekly wrap of events and commentary. Feel free to add other news of the week in the comment section.

First, the whole NASA – ROSSI connection. This has been whirled about all week and links can be found in a prior post, here.  Bottom line is it’s unconfirmed as of now.

And speaking of prior posts, a reminder that some excellent transcriptions were made on the blog this week by Ruby, definitely worth checking out if you haven’t yet.  The first transcription is  from a James Martinez interview with David J. Nagel, and the second is a very informative transcription from another James Martinez interview, this time with David French who discusses the whole patent process and relates it to Cold Fusion. Definitely worth listening to (follow the links on the posts for the audio) or reading the transcriptions.

Finally, some more Rossi news; bits and pieces culled together from his brief responses on his blog. Some interesting nuggets of info from his responses this week are the following:

  1. Potential big news could be coming out in the next few days or early next week.
  2. Small E-CAT units for personal use are now entering into the picture more so than before, according to Rossi and what he’s learned through tests etc.
  3. Confirmation for the testing of the 1 MW plant has been set for the last week of October.
  4. Select visitations to the plant will be set up in November.


As is likely, more drama will build in the next few weeks awaiting the late October test date into the November aftermath where the results get dissected and viewing is scheduled.

Rossi/NASA, Recent Rumors…

In recent days the latest rumors swirling around have been connecting Andrea Rossi and the E-Cat with NASA.

Here are a few links below to share regarding commentary on this rumored connection.



And here is a comment from a Rossi Facebook page alleging communication via email from Andrea who seemingly dispelled the rumor, though not specific on the overall connection or just the timetable regarding testing :

September 5th
Gentile ing. Rossi, girano rumors su presunti test che lei starebbe svolgendo presso la NASA proprio in questi giorni; se la sente di commentare?
(Rumors about tests that would be taking place at NASA in recent days, can you comment?)

Dear Mahler:
Rumors are wrong.
Warm Regards,