JCF-16 closes 2015 announcing ICCF-20 for 2016

The Japan Cold Fusion Research Society closed out 2015 with their 16th meeting held Dec. 11-12 in Kyoto.

The JCF-16 Program and Abstracts are archived here.

The last major conference of 2015, JCF-16 speaker Yasuhiro Iwamura announced the launch of the ICCF-20 website.

Toshiro Sengaku of Amateur LENR attended the meeting and posted photos from his @sengakut Twitter site.

The 20th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science will be held October 2-7, 2016 in Sendai Japan at Tohoku University, the home of the new laboratory where commercial and academic researchers are now collaborating on the production of excess heat and the transmutation of nuclear waste.

In addition to the scientific talks, host Professor Eiichi Yamaguchi opened the proceedings by sharing his memory of “the time he spent with Fleischmann and Pons in IMRA in Southern France in 1990’s” and “expressed his hope to bring all their efforts to fruition very soon,” said Hideki Yoshino of Clean Planet, Inc, a partner in the Tohoku project,

Meeting Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons

For more information on ICCF20, go to the conference website www.iccf20.net

If you are on Facebook, find ICCF20 at https://www.facebook.com/iccf20/

See all Upcoming Events at Cold Fusion Now.

To list an event, contact Ruby Carat at ruby@coldfusionnow.org

heart-100x93Also, please consider contributing to the fund for Bob Greenyer and family. As a member of the MFMP Open Science collective, Bob has worked strong and smart to bring cold fusion and LENR science to the public. After family tragedy, Bob needs your help to care for his family.

In this season of giving, give your thanks to this
dedicated servant of the new energy revolution.


Yasuhiro Iwamura to focus on nuclear waste clean-up

Title photo: Japanese Cold Fusion Society Meeting 15 participants.

A new research venture has launched between Tohoku University and Clean Planet Inc. in Japan.

Leading the research team is Dr. Yasuhiro Iwawura, who has left Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, along with Dr. Takehiko Itoh, after years of work demonstrating nuclear transmutations in cold fusion environments, in one case turning Cesium into Praseodymium.

From a March 30 press release:

Clean Planet Inc. and The Research Center for Electron Photon Science of Tohoku University agreed to establish the collaborative research division – Condensed
Matter Nuclear Reaction Division at Tohoku University.

In this division, fundamental research on condensed matter nuclear reaction, R&D on energy generation and nuclear waste decontamination will be performed.

The members of the new division consist of researchers of Tohoku University, Clean Planet Inc. and HEAD (Hydrogen Engineering Application & Development Company).

Yasuhiro Iwamura and Takehiko Itoh left the research center of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries at the end of March 2015 to complete the formation of this illustrious team.

This new division is made up of the following members:

Yasuhiro Iwamura, Jirohta Kasagi and Hidetoshi Kikunaga (Condensed Matter Nuclear Reaction Division, Research Center for Electron Photon Science, Tohoku University, Japan)
Tadahiko Mizuno (HEAD, Japan)
Hideki Yoshino, Takehiko Itoh and Masanao Hattori (Clean Planet Inc., Japan)

Hideki Yoshino at 2014 CF/LANR Colloquium at MIT
Hideki Yoshino at 2014 CF/LANR Colloquium at MIT
Hideki Yoshino, the Founder and CEO of Clean Planet Inc, presented results of recent work with Tadahiko Mizuno at the 2014 CF/LANR Colloquium at MIT.

Listen to Replicable Model for Controlled Nuclear Reaction using Metal Nanoparticles [first few minutes of audio missing] [.pdf] [.mp3] [video]

Audio Player


In an article Commercial Developments presented at 2014 MIT Cold Fusion Conference, author Robert Paulson wrote of Clean Planet:

At the conference, Clean Planet showed off their proof of concept reactor which operates at a COP of 1.9 as well as some other reactors being built which are made to operate at the 1kw and 10kw power level. Their reactor is simple and an amazing spectacle to watch. Using normal nickel mesh, they create a brilliant plasma to sputter the surface of the metal, cleaning it and creating surface nanostructures which kick off the Cold Fusion effect. Preparing their material inside of the reactor may solve some of the material consistency issues other commercial groups are struggling with.

They have a well equipped lab with gamma and neutron radiation detection, although they have not seen any consistent hard radiation outside their reactor during excess heat, they have some some occasional bursts.

Clean Planet also presented mass spectroscopy results which confused many scientists and has started a wave of speculation regarding theory. In the mass spectroscopy results, higher masses decreased during excess heat at the expense of lower masses, opposite to what would be expected of fusion events. Clean Planet was quick to point out that these results should be seen as preliminary, their equipment can not separate deuterium and helium so until their outside gas analysis comes back they don’t have solid information.

Japan is in dire need of this technology and has historically been supportive of cold fusion research, we can expect Japan to have a serious presence in the Cold Fusion commercialization race. While Mizuno skyped in, his group was represented at the conference by multiple businessmen, they look to have all the resources they need and attracting funding and talent should not be an issue. This is a company to keep an eye on, they could quickly develop a foothold at the head of this field.

MIT Conference video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DB_MRUX4mo0

Public-private partnerships have long been a feature of Japanese LENR research, with many academic experimentalists and theoreticians working with industry to both research LENR science and develop applications. Located in Sendai, Miyagi in the Tohoku Region, Japan, Tohoku University is the third oldest Imperial University in Japan.

5-Yasuhiro-Iwamura-IMG_0652Yasuhiro Iwawura, together with Mitsuru Sakano, Shizuma Kuribayashi, and Takehiko Itoh, had announced plans to work with Tohoku University ten years ago in a paper Observation of Nuclear Transmutation Induced by Deuterium Permeation through Pd Complex published by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. Technical Review. Co-author Itoh will join Iwamura on this new project associated with Clean Planet, Inc.

The Japanese government will provide funding for the nuclear waste decontamination research project named “Reduction and Resource Recycle of High Level Radioactive Wastes with Nuclear Transformation” through the ImPACT Program, a Japanese national research program.

Watch Yasuhiro Iwamura present “Recent Advances in Deuterium Permeation Induced Transmutation Experiments Using Nano-Structured Pd/CaO/Pd Multilayer Thin Film” at ICCF-18:

Listen to Yasuhiro Iwamura present an updated version of Deuterium Permeation Induced Transmutation Expt. using Nanostructured Pd/CaO/Pd Multilayer Thin Film at the 2014 CF/LANR Colloquium at MIT. [.pdf] [.mp3] [video]

Audio Player


Mitsubishi was also featured in Paulson’s review:

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries research program, headed by Dr. Yasuhiro Iwamura had some big developments since their last presentation 8 months ago at ICCF18. They are focusing on technology which maximizes transmutation using a gas permeation process, previously reporting that they were able to use the cold fusion effect to transmute cesium to praseodymium, essentially producing a valuable material from a radioactive waste.

While transmutation in this field has been a proven reality, a well funded drive to engineer this effect could lead to enormous advances in many fields of technology. Transmutation could solve both issues with nuclear contamination as well as material scarcity, including exotic isotopes.

A research program at NRL failed to replicate these results. At ICCF18 Dr. David Kidwell spoke the same day as Dr. Iwamura about NRL’s failure to replicate the results, he was overly aggressive and had a very mocking tone, accusing them of improper use of equipment, sloppy work and accidentally spiking samples after apparently finding praseodymium contamination in their lab. While the motives behind the NRL bullying were foggy, they ate crow pie a few months later when Toyoto affiliated labs published results showing that they had replicated the transmutation effects in this experiment.

MHI originally said they used gas permeation through a palladium film ion-implanted with cesium to trigger the effect and transmute the cesium to praseodymium. At MIT, Dr. Iwamura showed new developments in their transmutation research; they started developing modular experiments so they can scale up the device to commercial levels.

Dr. Iwamura revealed that they had began hybrid electrochemical experiments where they are using cesium in a liquid solution. This may not only be more effective due to the known electrochemical methods of triggering the effect, but it will also have engineering benefits such as cooling and scalability.

This is an enormous breakthrough if it can transmute Cesium in a liquid solution at high yields. Considering water contaminated with cesium is the main contamination at Fukushima, this technology could not only clean up the radiation but also generate heat as a side product. The potential here is enormous, not only for Japan, but for the world, and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries is quickly moving forward.

MIT Conference video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzZl9l8nn1c

The mission of the new Center is to develop a clean, safe and abundant form of energy for our global community. The transmutation effect of the cold fusion environment offers a chance to clean up the mistakes of the past, as well as begin again with an ultra-green source of power.

Clean Planet also says “We are determined to bring the application models from this division to the market before the Tokyo Olympics in 2020,” and with the team of researchers on board, they just might win that race.

Cold Fusion Now!

Related Links

JCF-15 pairs Experiment and Theory

Industry and academic partnerships report from JCF-14 meeting

Japanese Cold Fusion Research Society meeting papers released

Gregory Chaitin on cold fusion research: Japan and Sweden are the “only two countries with the political will”

Gregory Chaitin is a Professor of Computer Science and Philosophy of Computing at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Here he discusses the landscape of LENR with Tom O’Brien posting on podomatic. Chaitin gives Andrea Rossi credit for bringing cold fusion to a wider consciousness and mentions Mats Lewan‘s new book An Impossible Invention, which he finds to be an excellent look at the unveiling of the E-Cat.

Go to Tom O’Brien‘s interview with Gregory Chaitin on Podomatic here.

He also touches on the 2014 CF/LANR Colloquium at MIT held on the 25th Anniversary of the announcement of cold fusion, a bit of the science and politics behind LENR, the current lack of an accepted theory, and Japanese and Swedish research.

Chaitin is particularly impressed with Clean Planet, Inc., and newly formed group dedicated to bringing LENR technology forward through funding and support. Listen to Clean Planet’s Hideki Yoshino present some of this research work [.pdf][.mp3] performed by Tadahiko Mizuno and his team at the recent Colloquium at MIT, or watch the video here.

Related Links

Mats Lewan Interview: E-Cat, Andrea Rossi, and An Impossible Invention

2014 CF/LANR Colloquium at MIT presentation archive

Industry and academic partnerships report from JCF-14 meeting

Rossi E-Cat energy “off the chart”

Commercial Developments presented at 2014 MIT Cold Fusion Conference

The recent 2014 Cold Fusion/LENR/LANR conference from March 21st to March 23rd at Massachusetts Institute of Technology happened to overlap with the 25th anniversary of the announcement of the discovery of cold fusion at the university of Utah. Against all odds, huge strides in understanding the phenomenon were made in the last 25 years. Recently, groups have shown that this is more than a lab curiosity, it can be engineered and harnessed to safely solve the worlds energy problems. This is an overview of some commercial groups which presented at the 2014 MIT conference.


Jet Energy operated by Dr. Mitchel Swartz was the organizer of the conference and also presented some very interesting findings. They have been working with very small devices which can be used as a demonstration unit or operated in a huge array to produce commercial levels of heat. Dr. Swartz has been active in the field since the very start and is constantly improving on his device, the newest generation being called the Nanor. Dr. Swartz’s devices are unique because the loading and operation stages of the device are separated, allowing for simple plug-and-play operation which greatly simplifies use by groups trying to study the effect. Jet Energy has published cold fusion research since the late 1980s, Jet Energy’s recent developments involve using a magnetic effect to boost the output of his devices, which have seen COP’s of 100. This reinforces the recent developments in understanding the effect, magnetism is seems to play a role in both the cause and effect aspects of cold fusion. Dr Hagelstein of MIT made an interesting comment during one of Dr. Swartz presentations, “I can’t for the life of me understand why graphs showing gains of over 100 are being rushed through”. This is a symbol of how much things have improved in the last 25 years. We are moving from just trying to prove the effect really exists to starting to understand the cause of the phenomenon and develop commercial units from the technology.

MIT Conference video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBDImkDZ4h8


Clean Planet, a Japanese group with Dr. Tadahiko Mizuno as the lead scientist made their debute at the MIT conference, represented by Hideki Yoshino. Mizuno is a household name in the Cold Fusion field and has developed many well referenced experiments. It appears he has found the financial backing required to attempt to bring a commercial reactor to market. At the conference, Clean Planet showed off their proof of concept reactor which operates at a COP of 1.9 as well as some other reactors being built which are made to operate at the 1kw and 10kw power level. Their reactor is simple and an amazing spectacle to watch. Using normal nickel mesh, they create a brilliant plasma to sputter the surface of the metal, cleaning it and creating surface nanostructures which kick off the Cold Fusion effect. Preparing their material inside of the reactor may solve some of the material consistency issues other commercial groups are struggling with. They have a well equipped lab with gamma and neutron radiation detection, although they have not seen any consistent hard radiation outside their reactor during excess heat, they have some some occasional bursts. Clean Planet also presented mass spectroscopy results which confused many scientists and has started a wave of speculation regarding theory. In the mass spectroscopy results, higher masses decreased during excess heat at the expense of lower masses, opposite to what would be expected of fusion events. Clean Planet was quick to point out that these results should be seen as preliminary, their equipment can not separate deuterium and helium so until their outside gas analysis comes back they don’t have solid information. Japan is in dire need of this technology and has historically been supportive of cold fusion research, we can expect Japan to have a serious presence in the Cold Fusion commercialization race. While Mizuno skyped in, his group was represented at the conference by multiple businessmen, they look to have all the resources they need and attracting funding and talent should not be an issue. This is a company to keep an eye on, they could quickly develop a foothold at the head of this field.

MIT Conference video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DB_MRUX4mo0


Mitsubishi Heavy Industries research program, headed by Dr. Yasuhiro Iwamura had some big developments since their last presentation 8 months ago at ICCF18. They are focusing on technology which maximizes transmutation using a gas permeation process, previously reporting that they were able to use the cold fusion effect to transmutate cesium to praseodymium, essentially producing a valuable material from a radioactive waste. While transmutation in this field has been a proven reality, a well funded drive to engineer this effect could lead to enormous advances in many fields of technology. Transmutation could solve both issues with nuclear contamination as well as material scarcity, including exotic isotopes. A research program at NRL failed to replicate these results, at ICCF18 Dr. David Kidwell spoke the same day as Dr. Imawura about NRLs failure to replicate the results, he was overly aggressive and had a very mocking tone, accused them of improper use of equipment, sloppy work and accidentally spiking samples after apparently finding praseodymium contamination in their lab. While the motives behind the NRL bullying were foggy, they ate crow pie a few months later when Toyoto affiliated labs published results showing that they had replicated the transmutation effects in this experiment. MHI originally they used gas permeation through a palladium film ion-implanted with cesium to trigger the effect and transmutate the cesium to praseodymium. At MIT, Dr. Imawura showed new developments in their transmutation research, they started developing modular experiments so they can scale up the device to commercial levels. Dr. Imawura revealed that they had began hybrid electrochemical experiments where they are using cesium in a liquid solution. This may not only be more effective due to the known electrochemical methods of triggering the effect, but it will also have engineering benefits such as cooling and scalability. This is an enormous breakthrough if it can transmutate Cesium in a liquid solution at high yields. Considering water contaminated with cesium is the main contamination at Fukushima, this technology could not only clean up the radiation but also generate heat as a side product. The potential here is enormous, not only for Japan, but for the world, and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries is quickly moving forward.

MIT Conference video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzZl9l8nn1c


Permanetix Corporation is a new startup which was announced at the conference, President Nikita Alexandrov, in his mid twenties, is one of the youngest researchers involved in this field. Permanetix Corporation is developing tools and experiment techniques to better study the cold fusion effect. He explained how low cost tools and new scientific instruments can help solve the cold fusion problem in the same way that they revolutionized the human genome project. He presented a robust radiation sensor which can be placed in a gas loading experiment, detecting all the low energy radiation that does not pass through the reactor walls. They detected alpha radiation testing the device, meaning that they should also be able to use this as an internal tritium detector, since tritium also emits soft radiation. Nikita Alexandrov also spoke about the challenges of real time helium detection technology and how to design a low cost helium isotope analysis system. While they have prototypes of new tools, they also presented their long term research plan, involving the mass testing of precisely created materials for the cold fusion effect using advanced versions of their tools. Both companies developing reactors as well as researchers interested in the basic science could benefit from the discovery of new materials. But since Permanetix is not making reactors, it is a challenge to fund until cold fusion is a household word. Brian Ahern, who funded many research projects during his time at DARPA, spoke up after the presentation, “You are obviously leading, or ahead of the field so funding will be a challenge”. Permanetix technology could lower the barrier to entry for research companies starting in this field. If they prove themselves and can attract the large amount of funding required for a mass materials screening project, there is no doubt their approach could pay off tremendously.

MIT Conference video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsR4rrP22Uc


The LENR Industry Association was represented by Steve Katinsky and presented their plan forward at the MIT conference. This trade group will position itself as a facilitator of cold fusion technologies, involved in the education and adoption of cold fusion technology worldwide. This is an important step because it shows that even in such a highly competitive field, groups are willing to work together to do what it takes in making this technology a reality. Already over two dozen groups have pledged membership to this association, involving entities such as Naval Research Lab, two branches of NASA, as well as SKINR, commercial groups and other international research entities.

MIT Conference video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMNSl-nrFXQ


SKINR is one last non-commercial group is worth mentioning. Sidney Kimmel Institute for Nuclear Renaissance at University of Missouri was formed by a large private investment, absorbing one of the most successful cold fusion companies at the time (Energetics) into the university. Even though they are not a commercial entity, they are possibly the most well funded and equipped research group operating today. SKINR had an excellent presentation summarizing their work in the field, available here. They are currently running many experiments in collaboration with other groups, recently adding industry giant Aerospace Corporation, a move which shows that industry leaders are biting off on Cold Fusion. SKINR is funded for the next 4 years and have constantly been innovating and learning more and more about the science behind the cold fusion effect. Recent developments include a method of surface analysis which can predict if a material will be active as well as new experiments to detect low energy radiation. Their parting message was that if low energy radiation is used as an indicator of cold fusion, it is possible to detect events down to the femto-watt level of excess heat! With multiple groups developing new experiments and techniques for studying the effect, it is expected that huge strides will be made in understanding the cold fusion effect in the coming months and years.

MIT Conference video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWL6VUPSqKQ


Many groups were not represented at the conference, with some of the largest commercial players absent. Defkalion was registered but pulled out last minute, which is unfortunate because researchers were very curious about the huge magnetic anomalies present in their reactor which they mentioned briefly at ICCF-18.

Leonardo corporation, the company formed by Andrea Rossi which is leading the field in terms of commercialization was of course absent. They have not presented at any recent conferences and are more focused on rapid commercialization. Recently partnering with some powerful American backers, it is rumored that they will release third party test long duration test results in the next few weeks, if the results are anywhere near as positive as the previous published tests, this field may see an explosion of interest and may finally get the recognition it deserves.

Industry and academic partnerships report from JCF-14 meeting

The Japanese Cold Fusion Research Society (JCF) held their fourteenth meeting on December 7-8, 2013 at the Tokyo Institute of Technology in Tokyo, Japan where teams from academia and industry reported on their research.

Japanese business was an early supporter of cold fusion, also called Condensed-matter Fusion (CF), with giants like Toyota Corporation funding research that supported Drs. Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons in their French laboratory.

Over the twenty-five years since, official support waned for the notoriously difficult-to-reproduce reaction. The Japanese Cold Fusion Society (JCF) was formed in 1999 to bring scientists still working in the field together to share data. Since then, annual meetings have hosted live demonstrations of energy-producing cells, along with reports on multiple reproductions of key experiments.

Today, momentum is stronger than ever as industry involvement grows rapidly with corporations like Technova, Toyota, and Mitsubishi engaging in partnership with independent scientists and academics to pursue a commercial product.

Clean Planet is a new capital firm now working to advance the field with funding and resources. Founder and Chair Hideki Yoshino attended the recent meeting in Tokyo and described what triggered his involvement.

“On March 11, 2011, Japan was struck by a tsunami which devastated and created havoc throughout this island nation,” writes Yoshino. “The Fukushima meltdown triggered by the tsunami highlighted our vulnerability, even when we have the best back up systems in place. The failure of backup systems has left this country and parts of the world dealing with the threats of radioactive fallout. It became apparent that nuclear fission simply isn’t a safe and clean form of energy. This event was the catalyst for Clean Planet.”

“Clean Planet was created out of the need to better understand how we as a society can grow and prosper while protecting and providing peace and security for our future generations because we believe that a clean, safe and abundant source of energy is the key for the future of our global community.”

Yoshino and his team at Clean Planet have extensive experience in education, business, and law, and they’ve launched strong into CF. Two of the first recipients of support are Dr. Tadahiko Mizuno‘s group at Hydrogen Engineering Application & Development Company (HEAD) and Dr. Yoshiaki Arata‘s team at Arata Research Lab.

“Our direct and transparent approach allows us to 1, fund, and 2, bring human resources to the table which in turn allows us to optimize these resources to their full potential,” says Yoshino.

“Also, by bringing the community of researches and scientist together we are able to share in each others experiences which brings efficiencies both financially and academically to this exciting field of research.”

To what purpose? Yoshino is clear.

“We will initiate, create and distribute clean energy technologies that will enhance the well-being of all mankind to the global community.”

Clean Planet and HEAD will host JCF-15 scheduled for next year in Hokkaido, Japan.

Until then, Dr. X.F. Wang of the Hydrogen Eng. A&D Co. (HEAD) and the Arata R&D Center has filed this report on JCF-14.


14th Japanese Cold Fusion Research Society Meeting Report by Dr. X.F. Wang

The program: http://jcfrs.org/JCF14/jcf14-program.pdf

The abstracts: http://jcfrs.org/JCF14/jcf14-abstracts.pdf

Paper presentation: Oral presentation 20 min.
(Review: 25min) + Discussion 5 min.
Oral report language: Japanese

Please see the following abstract of JCF14 about the brief content of theoretical analysis, which is not involved in this report. (The abstracts: http://jcfrs.org/JCF14/jcf14-abstracts.pdf)

It is summarized by the speech sequence.

Day 1 Saturday, December 7, 2013

13:00-13:10 Opening Address H. Numata (Tokyo Institute of Tech.)

Experiment-1 Chairman; T. Mizuno (Hydrogen Eng. A&D Co.)


13:10-13:35 JCF14-1 A. Kitamura (Technova Inc., Kobe U.)
Title: Study on Anomalous Heat Evolution from H-Ni Nanoparticle System at Elevated Temperature with Mass-Flow Calorimetry

① A new scaled-up (ten-times-larger volume: from 50cc to 500cc) absorption system with oil(boiling point: 390 deg-C)-mass-flow calorimetry (Fig.1) is calibrated using a dummy Al2O3 powder:

a. The coolant oil reached almost 300 deg.C at heater input of 231W.
b. Long-term stability, or fluctuation in terms of standard deviation, is better than 0.5deg.C.
c. Conversion factor, dW/dT=(0.970.08)W/deg with an oil-flow rate of 20 cc/min.
d. Heat recovery efficiency is (0.880.03) with heat removal time constant of (301.2) min.

②The first trial run with a 50g CNS sample (silica-included Cu・Ni nano-compound containing 4g of Ni) mixed with 200g Al2O3:

a. Both TC2 at the oil outlet and RTD’s inside the reaction chamber show higher temperatures than for the blank sample, which implies a long-lasting excess power of ~20W(i.e., 5W/g-Ni).
b. The assumed excess heat appears to be on the same order as that of the CNZ(Cu・Ni/ZrO2) sample yielding 2 W/g-Ni excess power.
c. Further measurements with more precise comparison are necessary to confirm the excess.

③ The runs with a 294-g CNZ4 sample (ZrO2-supproted Cu・Ni nano-composite containing 61-g of Ni) with an axial heater added:

a. TC2 at the oil outlet and RTD’s inside the reaction chamber showed higher temperatures than for the blank sample, which implies an excess power and energy of ca. 10W (i.e., 0.2W/g-Ni) and 30 eV/atom-Ni, respectively.
b. The excess power is hardly explained only by atomic/molecular processes, although no hard radiations have been observed.
c. Further investigations with a variety of run parameters is necessary to enhance the excess.

13:35-14:00 JCF14-2 S. Tsuruga (Mitsubishi H. I.)
Title: Recent Advances in Deuterium Permeation Induced Transmutation Experiments using Nano-Structured Pd/CaO/Pd Multilayer Thin Film

Concluding Remarks:
1. Low energy nuclear transmutations from Cs into Pr, Sr into Mo, Ba into Sm and Ca into Ti have been observed in the Pd complexes, which are composed of Pd and CaO thin film and Pd substrate, induced by D2 gas permeation (Fig.4).
2. An electrochemical method was applied to increase the local deuteron density near the surface of the nano-structured Pd multilayer film. Transmutation products were increased up to ~1μg/cm2 by this approach (Fig.5).
3. Statistically significant gamma-rays were detected. These emissions were supposed to be caused by the increase of transmutation products (Fig.6).

14:00-14:25 JCF14-3 T. Takahashi (Iwate U.)
Title: Deuterium permeation experiment using Pd/Ni multi-layered sample
Deuterium permeation experiment using Pd/Pd/Ni/Pd Multi-layered sample was carried out(Fig.7a).

Experiment process:
1. Sample was sealed inside the stage (shown in Fig. 7c), and then vacuumed (10-4Pa) at temperature 120℃, kept for 48~72h.
2. The temperature of sample was set up to 70℃, and then D2 gas was loaded into the chamber (Fig.7b) until 0.2MPa. D2 gas flow rate was measured by the Mass flow meter. This process was kept for 7 days.
3. After the D2 gas loading process , the chamber was exhausted at temperature 120℃ for 48~72 hours.
4. The sample was analyzed by TOF-SIMS (Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry).
1. Transmutation products from Element 133Cs were not identified (Fig.8).
2. For other transmutation products (Fig.9), it is necessary to proceed carefully assess from the impurity.
3. It is necessary to investigate about increasing the permeate flow rate, and the optimization of conditions for forming the film (Fig.10).
The flow rate is about 0.1~0.3[ccm/cm2] (Fig.10). Higher flow rate applying the sample immediately after preparation is observed. That is to say that the impurities on the surface is related to the flow rate.

Theory-1 Chairman; N. D. Cook (Kansai U.)

14:40-15:05 JCF14-4 T. Sawada (Nihon U.)
Title: Relation between the magnetic monopole and NAE of the nuclear cold fusion

15:05-15:30 JCF14-5 H. Kozima et al. (CF Res. Lab.)
Title: Atomic Nucleus and Neutron Nuclear Physics Revisited with the Viewpoint of the Cold Fusion Phenomenon

15:30-15:55 JCF14-6 H. Kozima (CF Res. Lab.)
Title: Nuclear Transmutation in Actinoid Hydrides and Deuterides

16:00-17:30 JCF Annual Meeting

18:00-20:00 Reception


Day 2 Sunday, December 8, 2013

Experiment-2 Chairman; Y. Iwamura (Mitsubishi H. I.)
*This section was chaired by S. Narita (Iwate U.) because Y. Iwamura (Mitsubishi H. I.) called in sick.

10:00-10:25 JCF14-7 X.F. Wang (Arata R&D Center and Hydrogen Eng. A&D Co.)
Title: Synthesis of nano-Pd particles in Y-Zeolite pores by ultrasonic irradiation

0.8nm nano-Pd particles can be synthesized in Y-Zeolite pores by ultrasonic irradiation as shown in Fig.12. Since the synthesis process is not complicated, nano-Pd particles in Y-Zeolite pores can be expected to be applied to Cold Fusion. The Hydrogen/deuterium absorption features of nano-Pd particles in Y-Zeolite pores should be investigated as follows:
1. The effect of species, pores ​​diameter of Y-Zeolite.
2. The effect of average particle size, particle size distribution of Nano Pd particles.
3. The effect of temperature, pressure.


10:25-10:50 JCF14-8 H. Yamada et al. (Iwate U.)
Title: Impressive Increase in Number of Etch Pit occasionally Produced on CR-39 in Light and Heavy Water Electrolysis Using Ni Film Cathode

1. The reaction does not always take place in every electrolysis experiment but occasionally does under the same experimental condition.
2. Impressive increase in number of etch pit has been observed in 4 out of 16 for H2O and 1 out of 6 for D2O electrolysis conditions.
3. The common factors to increase number of the etch pit in the CR-39 chip might be
 ①Ni film cathode
②The long electrolysis time
③Li in the electrolyte solution

Theory-2 Chairman; K.Tsuchiya (Tokyo National College of Tech.)

10:50-11:20 JCF14-9 A. Takahashi et al. (Technova Inc.)
Title: D(H)-Cluster Langevin Code and Some Calculated Results

*The source of BASIC EXE applied by Prof. Takahashi can be downloaded from here:

11:20-11:45 JCF14-10 H. Miura
Title: Computer Simulation of Hydrogen States near T site in Ni and Pt Metals

11:45-12:10 JCF14-11 H. Numata (Tokyo Institute of Tech.)
Title: Numerical simulation of vortex appeared on electrode surface under long term evolution of deuterium in 0.1M LiOD

Vortex formation locally, triggered by cylindrical pillar current initiation.

12:10-13:30 Lunch

Theory-3 Chairman; E. Yamaguchi (Doshisya U.)

13:30-13:55 JCF14-12 K. Tsuchiya (Tokyo National College of Tech.)
Title: The quantum states of the system including two species of charged bosons in ion traps Ⅲ

13:55-14:25 JCF14-13 E. Igari (Hydrogen Eng. A&D Co.)
Title: Discussion about the quality of the experiments in cold fusion

When we experiment in cold fusion, we must think about both theoretical and technical issues. The theory of cold fusion continues to evolve. But, the technology of experiment has not caught up with the theory. The Problems remains in the nanostructure and gas control. However, these problems will be solved by technological innovations.


14:25-14:50 JCF14-14 N. D. Cook (Kansai U.)
Title: Transmutation of Palladium and Nickel Isotopes

14:50-15:15 JCF14-15 H. Kozima (CF Res. Lab.)
Title: Nuclear Transmutations (NTs) in Cold Fusion Phenomenon (CFP) and Nuclear Physics

15:15-15:40 JCF14-16 H. Kozima (CF Res. Lab.)
Title: The Cold Fusion Phenomenon What is It?


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