“Waiting for the ‘Works” : Updates on Rossi, Defkalion, and Anticipations

July 4th here in the States came and went; the celebratory fireworks ringed the air, and the aftermath accounts included one big San Diego display attended by thousands, in which, due to an alleged computer glitch, the would be 20 plus minute sky theatrics, went off all at once. A 20 second burst of everything suddenly exploded simultaneously as people watched in awe and amazement, surprise and confusion. What an exciting start, but…where’s the follow up?

I had just finished reading this post here by Ruby on the Fleischmann/Pons story, and thought about that same sudden like explosion that occurred back in ’89 with their big announcement of Cold Fusion. A flurry of fireworks going off all at once. But eventually, as people waited in anticipation for more, they were told the show’s been cancelled. All just a glitch of sorts in Science, sorry…

I also wondered if the San Diego big bang blowout would be similar to future news of an E-CAT, or other, “suddenly” exploding onto the market. Most of the public remains unaware, the press, both mainstream and alternative, remain silent despite power outage and heat related illness/death on the East Coast of the U.S., (which in turn you would think a natural solution piece story specifically on the emergence of Cold Fusion technology related to home cooling would be a no-brainer).

Since there’s been no gradual mainstream buildup, an explosion of sorts seem likely, but this time with a steady stream of continual fireworks to follow.

As we are in the middle of the year, and working Cold Fusion based units seem to loom near, what are some of the recent updates?

Over a week ago, Defkalion released this update:

Following our absence from the public sphere, the following is a status update:
We are conducting analyses of our materials using XRF and ICP-MS. We are committed that this analysis be done with the highest standards. To ensure these high standards, we are using multiple laboratories in Europe. When those results are available, we shall present them in the appropriate forum.
We also have designed and are operating a fully instrumented flow calorimeter to measure the power production of our reactor. Outside scientists and engineers are measuring the input power as well as our flow calorimeter output performance. All these results will be presented when we are confident that they will withstand the scrutiny demanded by our own interests in product development, and the scrutiny of our customers.
We thank you for your continued interest in our challenging and important work load.

Meanwhile Andrea Rossi claims to have 20 units up and running, 600 degrees celcius, which is part of a 42 day test, with high temperature results to be reported in the coming weeks. EC3 speculates it would be just in time for the “17th International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF-17) scheduled for August 12-17 in Daejon, Korea”. A showdown of sorts could occur as EC3 also noted that Defkalion would report results there as well.

The two things noted as far as Rossi updates go is the report coming out mentioned above, which will seem to provide further promising news, and apparently will be validated by the customer with included photos (“Yes, we are working very strongly, in this very hot Summer. Important news are arriving.” A.R. – July 9th), and then also the certification issue, which seems to be the wick needed to be lit to ignite the potential fireworks, at least as far as the U.S. domestic E-Cat models are concerned.

You have said that your invention is undergoing a certification process in both USA and EU. If either one of this processes is delayed will that affect the product launch worldwide?

Like if the certification process is delayed in USA but successful in Europe will your European business go ahead (and not wait for the processes in USA to be completed)??

1- yes, for the domestic E-Cats, while for the industrial we are very close to be all set
2- If one certification goes through it eases the certification elsewhere, based on the existing conventions.
Warm Regards,
July 9th, 2012.

Readers at ECat World recently participated in a poll on who they anticipated would be the first to set off the ‘works with a MASS MARKET working unit. The top 3 thus far:
1. Leonardo Corp (Rossi) (436 votes)
2. No one. (155 votes)
3. Defkalion (148 votes)

Followed by Brillouin, Blacklight, PlasmERG, Jet Energy, and Nichenergy, in that order.

On another front, it seems the potential fireworks are being taken seriously by the petroleum industry, at least a little more publicly, as a recent editorial emerged in The Journal of Petroleum Technology, outlining LENR as a threat. This was noted as a comment by a reader at E-Cat World prompting this entry, and the actual editorial can be read here.

So we continue to wait, monitor, and wade through the continuation of more tests/reports, uncertain certification processes, and unknown customers to verify; meanwhile it is announced today the U.S. breaks a new heat record for the first half of 2012, while also we have“Dr. Doom”, Nouriel Roubini reporting today that his prediction for likely global economic collapse earlier this year, is perfectly on track to occur.

As always it’s hard to fathom how the timing will play itself out as far as the various Collapse scenarios go, and the actual on the market emergence of Cold Fusion technology taking hold.

However it happens…




Andrea Rossi interview of March 12, 2012

 The following is a further posting in a series of articles by David French, a patent attorney with 35 years experience, which will review issues of interest in the field of Cold Fusion.

On March 12, 2012 Ruby Carat of ColdFusionNow personally interviewed Andrea Rossi in his home in Florida. That interview is available in video format on the ColdFusionNow.org website. [watch] The following is a summary of some of the significant remarks made by Sr Rossi during this interview.

In the last 2 years Rossi has changed his theory as to what’s happening. He’s filed a patent application for the new idea. It’s not yet published.

He is still using a powder. He does so because it has more surface area, more contact with hydrogen. He believes that surface area is important for the reaction so that the hydrogen will be able to access active sites on the nickel. And he still has to preheat the reactor which he does using electricity to increase the temperature.

He believes that when the cold fusion reaction is occurring within the particles, temperatures as high as 1500°C are being reached deep in the active matrix. He recognizes that this is getting close to the melting point of nickel, but that’s OK: if the nickel were to melt it would stop the reaction. This is a safety effect.

Even though he believes he’s getting such high temperatures in the core of the active regions, he’s only achieving output temperatures of 110-200°C. He cannot deliver steam over 200°C (This is still very, very valuable!)

Recently Siemens has introduced a turbine that operates with 30% efficiency operating off a heat source at 251°C (or 261°C). Using this turbine, Rossi will be able to generate all the electricity that he needs to make his process continue indefinitely. As a system, it will be self-contained. It’s not clear whether the Siemens turbine can produce 15 MW, but he used that as an example.

He also answered “Yes!” in response to a question as to whether his system is capable of operating in a “self-sustainable” mode.

Rossi has, for safety reasons, eliminated the external hydrogen tank. His reactor now includes a source of hydrogen bound in molecules contained in a “tablet” which is sealed in the reactor. It is this tablet which releases the necessary hydrogen for the cold fusion reaction. It is this feature which is the focus of his most recent unpublished patent application.

Once the cold fusion reaction stops, the hydrogen is recovered back into the tablet where it is either chemically stored or re-fixed somehow, available for future use. During the cold fusion reaction only a slight amount of hydrogen is consumed: pico-grams. The result is that his reactor will have a six-month lifetime without having any need for refurbishing.

His biggest barrier has been having the system certified for safety. He received great resistance to safety certification as long as he had been using an external bottle of hydrogen as the hydrogen source. The new tablet arrangement has overcome this problem. He is awaiting certification for safety and will be on the market as soon as he receives that certification.

He says that his units are under production presently. But where this is occurring is a big secret. He doesn’t want his Manufacturers hounded by cold fusion enthusiasts.

Actual products are not being manufactured at this time. The “lines” of production are being assembled, and the computer software being programmed. Actual manufacturing of the E-Cat will begin after certification as there will most likely be more design changes during the certification process.

Asked why his industrial units were to be more expensive than commercial home units, said to be delivering power at a cost of $60-$90 per kilowatt, he said that the industrial units were more of a “craft” product at this time: less parts ordered cost more. The industrial units were being produced in low-volume whereas the price quoted for home units was based on a theoretical high volume level of production.

The interview lasts for a total of 29 minutes.

David French is a retired patent attorney and the principal and CEO of Second Counsel Services. Second Counsel provides guidance for companies that wish to improve their management of Intellectual Property. For more information visit: www.SecondCounsel.com.

David French is prepared to address questions included as commentaries to any of his postings or by direct email. In particular, he would like to learn what people need to know in order to better understand patents.

Cold Fusion Now Exclusive Video with Andrea Rossi

Cold Fusion Now shot a 30-minute video interview with Andrea Rossi Friday March 2, while chatting with the inventor in his Miami Beach, Florida office.

The office was furnished with the standard office hardware, but complemented with a couch and dining table for comfort. There were books everywhere. Mr. Rossi is a serious reader, consuming all kinds of material from fiction to science. Knowing he has been a jazz drummer, and is currently without a set, we brought him a green ceramic doumbek to play when he needs it.

Our first question was about the source of the heat in the E-Cat.

“The source of the heat are the radiations that are emitted as an effect when hydrogen and nickel in the presence of catalyzers react. We have a precise idea about the effect and the source of it. And they wrote a theory, but I am waiting until the patents are granted to describe the theory because the theory is strictly connected with the technology. We learned the theory from the technology and learned the technology from the starting theory.”

“What I can say now is that I changed very much my ideas in these last two years. Two years ago I thought that the E-Cat worked upon an effect that has been described, but now I have changed ideas in good part, and I think we have discovered very well the source of the effect. I think we have understood very well why the E-Cat works.”

At the end of the interview he responds to a question about his factory stating “I will not tell you where is my factory – not even under torture!

“The fact is, all the times that I gave information about the name of a customer or the the name of a supplier, the poor guys have been submerged by tens of thousands of inopportune contacts. You can imagine under a safety point of view what the risk can be if we give in this moment the address where we are working. When it will be in operation, it will be impossible to make it hidden. But for now, we want to work in peace.”

Mr. Rossi continued,

“The robotized line is already under construction. The factory will be in the United States of America, the E-Cat will be a Made In The USA product, both in the industrial and the domestic version.”

“The day when we will start the production is also bound to the day when we will be certified.”

“I am sure that Underwriter Laboratories will modify something to make it safer, probably we will get requirements from them. So, we can not start a production before knowing what we have to produce and how we have to produce it, so we have to wait a little bit.”

“But we are already making the robots etc, we have started our software service to the robots to save money and, of course, we will have to make adjustments when we have the directions of the certificators.”

So, for all the people who need to know, when Mr. Rossi says “We are already manufacturing the line of production“, that means the factory is being stocked with the machines that will manufacture the E-Cats. In other words, no E-Cats are yet being manufactured yet, only the robotic lines are being installed, and the software programmed.

Cold Fusion Now is currently preparing to go back on the road, heading due West to the edge the North American continent. We apologize to readers for the lack of transcript, but that’s the way the tire rolls.

We thank Mr. Rossi for his time, DJ Le SPAM and SPAM Allstars for their music and support of new energy, and all the artists, musicians, and inventors who, in the face of hostility, continue to pursue their vision of a new arrangement for living in peace on planet Earth.

Cold Fusion Now!

Addendum: Andrea Rossi on Ca$h Flow

Cold Fusion Now is still on the road, currently in the incredible city of New York, sitting in the beautiful Waldorf Astoria lobby!

But, Mr. Moho asked, and so here it is: what I flash-transcribed from the recent Andrea Rossi interview with James Martinez on Ca$h Flow – albeit in a loose, short note form.

Andrea Rossi speaks with Massachusetts State Legislators about manufacturing E-Cats.
In the beginning of the interview, James mentioned Nikola Tesla as one of the greatest inventors that ever lived, and introduced Mr. Rossi similarly for his revolutionary technology.

When James asked about the pressure on him and his team to produce a good product, Mr. Rossi replied “What you call pressure, I translate as responsibility.”

“This is why we are working without limits of time to achieve the targets that we wanted to reach in due time. Absolutely, yes, we feel the responsibility. But this feeling of responsibility is also a source of energy to make our work and to overcome the stakes we have to pass through everyday.”

Mr. Rossi gets a lot mail from all over the world and responds “very fast”, dedicating 2-3 hours each day to answering inquiries, because he “can learn a lot from this”.

James believes the entire planet will benefit from this technology saying “We are at a great new time in the world, right now”, and “this is some of the best news for the entire world.” He wanted to give Mr. Rossi a chance to reiterate how safe and clean this new energy technology is:

“The planet will benefit immensely. Eventually, we won’t have the pollution and problems we’ve had from nuclear energy ever again.

We do not use toxic material, we do not use radioactive material, we do not produce radioactive material, and in the thousands of tests that we have made with specialists from the University of Bologna, we never have found any emission of radiation. We have no emission of smoke, no emission of waste of any kind, we have no CO2 emissions, no noise emissions and no liquid emissions.”

James asked: Is it easier to integrate your technology in a developing country, or, do you think it is easier to do it in a more “modern” venue like the United States?

“This is a very good question. There are pros and cons in either case. Because, of course, in a developing country, the pro is that there is less resistance, because you have a blank paper to write upon. In this sense, there is a pro. But the con is that there is less “???” preparation to accept a very new thing.

The contrary is in the developed countries… I can say this, I have an extreme high level interest for this technology in countries like USA, North America, and Europe mainly. Of course, also interest in other areas, but less intense.

Your question is very good, and I am not sure I’m able to answer. In the beginning we will diffuse our work better in developed countries, but would be delighted to go wherever we will be called, absolutely.”

When James asked which countries will have access to the technology first, Mr. Rossi replied they were organizing a network around the world, but the “first point of development and the main center of production will be in the United States.”

On the topic of implementation, James asked whether he had met any resistance from power companies.

“I think that all the energy sources will be integrated. I do not think that we will displace other energy sources. I think that we will reinforce the energy network of the world.

Maybe other sources will be employed in the fields where they are more “???”. I think that we can be integrated in the global energy system. Of course there will be some competition, and this will be better for the public.”

Looking forward, James asked if this technology would be able to be used in an automobile. Mr. Rossi replied that it was a difficult question to answer right now, but he thought that ships and trains would most likely be an easier application.

“To be applied to an automobile, I think yes, but the application of this kind of energy to the cars or trucks will need not less than 10-15 years because there are very big problems to be resolved
with electricity.”

Asked if he was using an E-Cat in his own home, Mr. Rossi said:

“Yes. Yes, because it’s a test. Of course yes, I am using it. This is important. There are some that are working in some houses of my team and I and we have to collect all the data and analyze all the problems. They are our guinea pigs.”

Cold Fusion Now!

Andrea Rossi interview on Ca$h Flow: “What you call pressure, I translate as responsibility.”

Not afraid to enter a specialty that kills careers, Mr. Rossi says, “To work in this field you have to be absolutely non-reactive towards controversy.”

The reason he had success, out of thousands of attempts, was because “we did not lose our time in controversy. We just let everybody say what they wanted.”

James Martinez interviewed Andrea A. Rossi on his Ca$h Flow show this past Thursday, December 29. You can download an .mp3 of the hour-long conversation directly from Cold Fusion Now here, or, go to the Achieve Radio Ca$h Flow archives here.

James has conducted interviews with a long list of new-energy researchers and presented to the public a catalog of scientist’s voices in their own words which you can access from the Cold Fusion Now audio page. In the recent interview with Andrea Rossi, James touched on a number of topics including how Mr. Rossi first got into energy research, the politics of cold fusion and the economics of his new technology.

Paying respect to Drs. Fleischmann and Pons, Mr. Rossi said it was the announcement of their discovery in 1989 that was the “spark that ignited the fire”.

Despite the thousands of early experiments with null results, Mr. Rossi was convinced that he would eventually achieve his goal. “Something like instinct” brought him success.

Along with Sergio Focardi and his team, they focused on the real practical undertaking “to make apparatus’ that work”.

“This is the only thing that counts. I absolutely do not care about all the meaningless noise that surrounds this kind of work.”

Mr. Rossi responded to a question about home units saying distribution to the public of household units is expected to begin “in autumn of 2012” adding that “We are in talks with Home Depot for the diffusion”.

“We have already started the sales of the industrial plants of 1MW, but now focusing on the household, we have to resolve the issue of certifications, and we are working on those, and we are organizing the production.

The target price will be between $1000-$1500 US for an E-Cat with a power between 10-20 kilowatts. Such an E-Cat is able to give the thermal energy and air conditioning for an average family house.

With this price, in a few months the E-Cat is paid back, and the expected life of an E-Cat is around 30 years.”

He believes that his team will be able to start production with one million units “in 2012 with the help of God.”

“Until now we have worked to make the technology. Now we have to make the production. Up to now, we have been able to do all we said that we would have done, and I hope that it will be so for this.”

These first E-Cats “will be made in a way that it will be possible to retro-fit them continuously with all the new arrivals of technology.”

When James asked Mr. Rossi if these home units would be easy to install, he outlined the plans for a network of installation specialists.

“The device has been designed to be very simple to install. It can be installed in parallel with existing heating systems, if they already exist. We will have our network that will go to install but to enrich our network, we will use this system: when anybody will buy an E-Cat we will ask him to communicate to us the address of his contractor who already works to maintain his house.

At that point we will contact immediately his contractor, give him the necessary instructions and send him to make the installation and at that point he also will become, if he wants, a contractor with our network.

This will be the system that we will use. If he will refuse to do this, we’ll send somebody else. But first of all, we will try to enrich and give work to the people that are already in place.”

English is not Mr. Rossi’s first language, and these excerpts are written in the spirit of his meaning. He gave James Martinez a generous interview with alot more exclusive info, but we won’t spoil the listening experience for you!

Download the .mp3 and hear the inventor of the next revolution in clean, abundant, affordable energy in his own words.

“The most important thing that can be learned from the work that we are doing is that we will overcome any critical moment, so in this difficult moment for everybody, if anybody works, believing in what he does, and works with all his efforts, we can build up a new, strong economy.”

Cold Fusion Now!

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