Lectures From Daejeon

The videos of the lecture from Daejeon ICCF-17 have arrived. I must lay out the ground rules and provisos.  I am not allowed to rebroadcast the lectures. I am not allowed to release the password.  These are the wishes of the conveners and I have to respect them.  They, the Cold Fusion, experimenters and presenters of the lectures are the heroes of this story, not I. I am but a member of the peanut gallery.

I feel that I am at liberty to give my impression of the lectures, however you must understand that my comprehension is very limited. If that is unsatisfactory you only have yourself to blame. You should have been there.

The first lecture I shall write about is that given by Professor Hagelstein.  Here is what I understood of his lecture.  Professor Hagelstein is a theoretician. He is tasked with creating models explaining the empirical results of the Experimenters. The gold standard of a model is it’s predictive power.

Model 281 did not work and had to buried out in the back yard. However it was intuitively correct.  It predicted a coupling of phonon energy and nuclear energy. Takahashi objected to the model on the grounds that it was not reversible. It would not transmit energy in both directions. Professor Hagelstein thought this might be due to losses.

There are two elements in the coupling process: the nucleus and the phonons. The nuclear energy is too large and the phonon energy is too small. What Professor Hagelstein needed was a nuclear energy 100 times smaller, so he turned to Quarks. And then things began to look a lot brighter. How bright? 1.5keV x-ray bright. You see Karabut had been rabbiting on at a previous ICCF meeting that he was obtaining 1.5keV x-rays from his gas discharge experiments.

And then events began to make Professor Hagelstein fall off his chair in amazement and delight.  He fell off his chair three times to be exact. I would love to tell you why he fell off his chair but he began to babble mathematics and so I was lost.

However all was not lost because I managed to get something about a lossy spin Boson chopping his energy up into small enough pieces so that they were digestible by the phonons. I have a picture of a carrier wave of a radio signal that might help you visualize the coupling of the two elements. The short signal wave is the energetic nuclear and the longer carrier signal is the low energy of the phonons.

Professor Hagelstein described the process creating the x-rays was as if a little hammer was striking the surface of the mercury repeatedly.

The energy distribution of the collimated x-rays fit professor Hagelstein’s equations beautifully. The more energetic the hammer blows the broader the x-ray, which makes sense to me.

OK.  Let’s pull this thing together.

We now have a channel for energy to flow from the nucleus to the matrix and vice versa.  So, mass in the Nucleus can be annihilated and the energy transmitted to the “outside world” beyond the Coulomb barrier, and energy can also flow into the nucleus from phonons coupled to the nucleus. This energy is stored as Mass. And we all know what happens if you increase the mass of a nucleus, don’t we. It transmutes.

I am guessing either to another isotope if the mass is large enough to be a neutron, or into another element.  Professor Hagelstein said that a geologist told him that there is more aluminum along fault lines and less iron.

Your homework is to figure out why.  And that is as good as it gets for now.

7 Replies to “Lectures From Daejeon”

  1. For any type of material, it is possible to calculate the degree to which that material will expand or contract when exposed to changes in temperature. This is known, in general terms, as its coefficient of expansion.

    The coefficient for aluminum is 2.4, twice that of iron. This means that an equal temperature change will produce twice as much change in the length of a bar of aluminum as for a bar of iron.

  2. The explanation offered by Professor Hagelstein is that there is an awful lot of phonon activity at an earthquake. This phonon energy is coupled to the nucleus and is stored as mass. There is enough energy released to transmute iron to aluminum.

    We must be grateful. This process absorbs a lot of energy which would otherwise be released destructively.

    I wanted you to work it through for yourself in order to circumvent the cognitive dissonance problem. To me, this is as big a shift as Copernicus stating that the Earth orbits the sun.

    1. Would loading a fault line with iron then limit the destruction of a quake… Or an ocean with iron oxide stop a tsunami?

      If the phonon energy is stored as mass… Then why would the transmutation be from fe to al, 55 to 26 atomic mass… If it did go the way described there should be energy released, not stored.

      1. Hi Jon,
        I have explained the rationale in my comment above. It is too early to give the precise nuclear pathway, but I think it would be a mistake to map an individual iron atom onto an individual aluminum atom. There are many things that could happen before everything settles down. I have in mind a plethora of other isotopes being created and going poof. Not to mention energies being released and absorbed again.
        It is just too early to say anything constructive about the subject. I feel that there is a research career there for somebody. (Not for me, I am afraid. Those genius pills I bought have disappointed)

  3. This how Asimov explained the nuclear energy potential curve, way back when. If you fuse two hydrogen together there is energy given off. (The combined mass is less than the individual hydrogen masses).
    If you fuse hydrogen with helium, energy is still given off, albeit a smaller amount.This continual release of energy with each fusion can be plotted on a graph. Hold that thought, fusing yields energy.

    Go to the other end of the periodic table. If you split Uranium, energy is given off. If the products are split then energy is given off. Albeit a lessor amount. Fission yields energy.
    The continual fission of elements and commensurate release of energy can be plotted.

    The two lines meet at Iron. Iron is at the bottom of the energy well.
    Iron is special. If you either split iron or fuse iron, energy is required.
    Aluminum is further up the curve than iron therefore it has a greater nuclear potential. This is the energy that is stored as mass.

    This little expose of the Nuclear Binding Energy might ease your knotted brow.
    The Nuclear binding energy is a million times more powerful than the puny electron energy responsible for the energy in your tank of gas.

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