ColdFusionNow.Org is pleased to announce that is has started accepting donations in the form of Bitcoin.
Our bitcoin address is: 1MHZ9JQ2mD4CSQN7bYuqM2sTFDey5YJ9Zx
Your donation supports news analysis, education, and advocacy for the science and technology of Cold Fusion aka Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR).
CFN takes great pride accessing primary sources without bias. Exclusive interviews with leaders in the field, conferences, and lab tours provide rare views of a revolution in the making. Best of all, it’s freely available to you as a public service.
Dedicating the time and equipment for high such high-quality coverage and interviews, and developing relationships with the individuals and groups solving the scientific question of our time, has come at a cost. Your donation can help us continue.
Donations in other forms are of course still welcome.
Cold Fusion Now will be reporting from the 2014 LANR/CF Symposium in Cambridge, Massachusetts on March 21, 22, 23, 2014 on the 25th Anniversary of the Announcement of Cold Fusion, an announcement offering an ultra-clean, energy-dense source of power for a green technological future on Earth, should we choose to develop it.
As the science is now slowly emerging, and a technology being developed, Cold Fusion Now will be there to monitor progress. Let us know you like what we’re doing!