Our Top Five reasons to support cold fusion technology are listed as:
1. Cold fusion energy technology is ultra-clean.
2. The fuel is abundant.
3. The reaction has a high energy density.
4. New energy technology accompanies new economic paradigm.
5. Cold fusion technology empowers local communities.
Learning about these effects of cold fusion/LENR/LANR/CANR/”nickel-hydrogen exothermic reactions” technology, and describing each effect above with a short sentence and an example, is a good way to start talking about this technology with your friends and local officials.
As the economic and ecological state of our world deteriorates, we the people need to find the words that describe a path forward, words that we are not used to saying, or thinking.
If we are to discover our power as human beings, and flip this civilization into a positive, harmonic component of Earth’s biosphere, a new vocabulary for our life, and a way to communicate that vocabulary, is critical.
It is in this spirit that we continue forward, groping for a framework, a model, that can allow all humanity a chance to live in peace and harmony with all life on Earth, and beyond.
Ruby Carat wrote and recorded the audio back in June, before her cross-country tour to South Florida. Eli Eliott put images to that audio.
Keith Owens of Cold Fusion Energy, Inc. asked the Department of Energy DoE what their “stand” on cold fusion was.
The response was a clear statement of their policy: cold fusion does not merit any attention:
From: Afzal, Shahida [mailto:Shahida.Af…@science.doe.gov] On Behalf Of Opdenaker, Albert
Sent: Monday, September 19, 2011 4:05 PM
To: ‘Ke…@cfeis.com’
Subject: Cold Fusion
Dear Mr. Owens:
This is in response to your e-mail message to Secretary Chu dated September 13, 2011 in which you asked to know where the Department of Energy stands on “cold fusion.”
In 1989, a review panel that had been charged by the Department concluded that reports of the experimental results of excess heat from calorimetric cells did not present convincing evidence that useful sources of energy will result from the phenomena attributed to “cold fusion.” To quote the panel, “Hence, we recommend against the establishment of special programs or research centers to develop cold fusion.”
In 2004, the Department organized a second review of the field and that review reached essentially the same conclusion as the 1989 review. The Department’s Office of Sciences does not provide any funding support for “cold fusion” research.
Al Opdenaker
Fusion Energy Sciences
Office of Science
US Department of Energy
Recently, a second letter from Cold Fusion Now to the Department of Energy response saying “it is clear the topic of low energy nuclear reactions remains highly speculative and that the purported mechanism has not yet been validated by the physics community as a reality.”
It seems hopeless to solicit funding from this crew at the DOE with Under-secretary Koonin, a known cold fusion opponent.
“We are suffering from the incompetence or delusions of Fleischmann and Pons.”
—Current Under-secretary Steve Koonin quote from 1989
And it is interesting to note that the respondent here writes from the department’s Fusion Energy Science office, the hot fusion wing.
But these letters are not in vain. Writing a letter is a lesson in expressing a complicated issue in a one-page petition; collecting signatures is a fun time talking with the people on the streets; we learn more science, and made new pals along the way. Every action adds to the momentum of cold fusion as a clean energy reality. And we are on the verge of new technology that will change the world!
The Department of Energy will be the last in line for their device – and it’s going to be a long line.
Next up: the Energy committees in the House and Senate….
Supporting Links
Documentation of Department of Energy Review of Cold Fusion from LENR Library at www.lenr-canr.org.
Cold Fusion Energy, Inc.homepage Under Construction
Cold Fusion Now recently sent a second letter to the Department of Energy DoE requesting remedy to the lack of funding for LENR research. 30 signatures in support of the letter were collected over two hours from concerned citizens during an event at the beach.
We are gratified to receive a response from Mr. Eugene A. Henry, though it was not the response I had hoped for.
“However, it is clear the topic of low energy nuclear reactions remains highly speculative and that the purported mechanism has not yet been validated by the physics community as a reality.” –Mr. Eugene A. Henry
On May 1, 1989, the Spring meeting of the American Physical Society held a Special Session on Cold Fusion. Just over one month after Professors Fleischmann and Pons made their announcement, scientists were trying to sort out the results from hasty experiments attempting to reproduce the excess-heat effect.
The most vocal of the group were all negative about the veracity of the claim, and apparently, they won the day, and the next two decades. Funding by the Department of Energy was denied to cold fusion researchers and they pointed to statements from this meeting to justify why.
Current Under-secretary of Energy Steve Koonin was at that meeting more than two decades ago, stating that there was no reliable confirmation [of the excess heat effect], and “we are suffering from the incompetence or delusions of Fleischmann and Pons.”[1]
Twenty years later, with the world on fire, and a 100% reproducibility rate available for LENR, we can no longer ignore this solution to our energy problems.
Make postcards, get your friends to sign them, and send them to the Department of Energy. We need a miracle on Pennsylvania Avenue.
Response from the Secretary of Energy
Special Session on Cold Fusion the American Physical Society May 1-2, 1989 Report
There was a lone page of free address stickers to the Senators from California, US and a Humboldt County Representative to Congress that didn’t make it for that wildlife conservation campaign last year…sigh.
Not wanting them to go to waste, I printed up some postcards supporting LENR research, and dropped the sticker address on them.
Why send one letter with lots of signatures when you can send multiple post cards each with a signature – the number of them making a greater physical impact in the mailbag? (Reason: postage! Maximum size: 6 inches long by 4-1/4 inches high by .016 inch thick for US postage rate of $0.29.)
The Senators from California will receive multiple messages of support for LENR research with these postcards, each hand-signed by a different person.
After applying stamps, I say “super-dense clean-energy from the hydrogen in water”, and people are happy to sign.
Surely our Senators from California know of this research. Surely this was brought to their attention. Surely they know what type of energy research is occurring right in their own districts.
Whatever their state of knowledge, legislators, those holding government office need to hear from us. If our present energy brokers don’t do research and development, for clean energy or otherwise, then the federal government needs to address this.
Energy industry R&D is paltry compared to other industries.We need action on a viable alternative energy.
The energy industry spends 0.3% of sales on research and development, ten times less than the average for other industries.[1]
Energy from the hydrogen in water is clean, safe and affordable.
Low-energy nuclear reactions research occurs in your district!
Support independent business.
Stimulate a new economy based on clean energy.
There are solutions.
Fund LENR research now.
Getting out in the streets and collecting signatures is fun, and you give people the gift of feeling as though they are acting for something beyond themselves. Filling up a mailbag with physical messages for new energy research is a small step in turning that feeling into a habit.
From Dynamics and Bifurcations:Small changes in any parameter can completely alter the phase portrait.
The early days of the space race between cold war foes the United States and Soviet Union were set in a world of plenty for the victors of World War II.
After the centrally-planned, collective effort to retool industry for war, an attitude prevailed among American citizens that the most important new technologies would not result from work in the private sector, but would derive from federal initiatives.[1,177]
President Kennedy’s decision committing the nation to sending a man to the Moon before the decade was over was made in a milieu of broadening federal engagement with technology.
This is the thesis put forth by author T.A. Heppenheimer in his book Countdown: The History of Space Flight who noted federal involvement in new technology had been ongoing in the US since President Lincoln built the first transcontinental railroad in the United States “by awarding generous land grants to the builders of the Central Pacific and Union Pacific.” The Panama Canal, Depression-era dams and water projects, and later, President Eisenhower‘s interstate highway system of the mid-50s are all mentioned as historical precedents for federal support of new technologies that serve the public interest.
He mentions jet airliners and commercial nuclear power [the dirty radioactive kind] as technologies created by transforming “major military systems into products that would create new industries in the civilian market”. All of these projects “demonstrated dramatically the scale of activity that Washington was now prepared to pursue.”
Whether for the public good, or, prestige and technological superiority among nations of the world, the services and disservices of these industries are directly related to the systematic mobilization of diverse resources towards a common end.
President Kennedy To The Moon SpeechPeople in the mid-20th century saw government as “the formation from which new technologies would flow”, and generally trusted what their government said. If the push to appropriate taxpayer dollars in support of new technology was so apparent in the space program, the absence of sustained and coordinated federal involvement for a new, clean-energy technology is all too evident today. The fossil fuels that built the large public works projects of the last hundred years are depleted and manufacturing industries have been exiting North America for decades. In “the long, slow afternoon” [2] of American might, the consumption economy uses arcane financial instruments to glue together the remnants its petro-dollar past.
We march backwards into the future.
—Marshall McLuhanThe Medium is the Massage
The public and private collaborations that have generated and delivered energy for over a hundred years have done so at a high cost, environmentally, financially and socially. The patchwork scheme of multiple generations of technology that has provided power thus far, sputtering with age and neglect, is neither efficient or sustainable for our future.
Given the fundamental nature of energy in our lives, federal engagement in the development of clean, safe and efficient energy seems appropriate. But the national undertaking that characterized the Apollo project in the 1960s will not occur in the current climate of segregated interests. Even in a time of crisis, there is no call from the President to participate in a renaissance of invention, for either the public good or the prestige among nations, and there are no contracts forthcoming. Even were that to occur, our population has lost trust in a governing class that has forgotten the integrity of mission and succumbed to compromises with large donors.
President Carter put solar panels on the Whitehouse in 1979.The last effort to redirect energy policy on a national scale was in 1979 when only the image of confidence in federal initiatives remained and President Carter put solar panels atop the Whitehouse in a symbolic gesture meant to redirect attention on renewable energy. They were subsequently eliminated by his successor President Reagan who moved the country back into an even deeper reliance on fossil fuels, and whose legacy we live with today.
The age of Chemical Energy ends with Peak Oil. We have a future with new-energy, or we will have no technological future at all. The inability of federal institutions to move quickly to develop LENR energy technology means private investment bears the burden. Though projects that posses technical risks are “unattractive to Wall Street”,[1] eventually, demand will insist upon it.
But the Rossi Effect, the heightened interest of venture capital in LENR devices since the demonstration of the E-Cat earlier this year, is certain to grow and recent news of one private company’s plans to work with a national lab on reproducing their results as a pre-requisite to funding is a positive sign of cooperation between public and private enterprise.
The ‘expert’ is the man who stays put.
—Marshall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore The Medium is the Massage
Lauded aeronautical engineer and designer of Spaceship 1 and 2, Burt Rutan headed his own spaceship company with a small band of dedicated individuals in the scrubby deserts of Mojave, California and succeeded in creating a new industry of space tourism with the private partnership of Paul Allen, the X-prize Foundation, and Sir Richard Branson. A critic of NASA’s budgetary choices, he saw the future of space in private enterprise.
“Manned space flight is not only for governments to do,” says Rutan. “We proved it can be done by a small company operating with limited resources and a few dozen dedicated employees. The next 25 years will be a wild ride; one that history will note was done for everyone’s benefit.”[3]
We say the same about cold fusion energy. Small, independent companies are right now sacrificing sweat and tears to follow a dream that takes humankind to the next phase of development for all the world’s benefit.
A new energy technology that uses a fuel of water can save the Earth from further degradation and reap rewards beyond our present imagination, but encouragement for these intrepid inventors is needed from the public, both morally and financially, to simulate the “federal involvement” that succeeded so well in landing humans on the Moon.
There are no passengers on Spaceship Earth. We are all crew.
—Marshall McLuhan [5]
Apollo 9 tumbles above planet Earth.
Supporting Links:
[1] Countdown A History of Space Flight by T.A. Heppenheimer publisher’s Wiley website.
[2] John F. Kennedy “That is what we have to overcome, that psychological feeling in the world that the United States has reached maturity, that maybe our high noon has passed and that now we are going into the long slow afternoon.” 1960 campaign speech.
Douglas R. McAllister is the Mayor Pro-tem of Murrieta, California, but he’s also the author of a novel with cold fusion technology at the center of the plot.
“In a world desperately in need of new energy sources, this fascinating scientific thriller will keep you on the edge of your seat. In 1989, two scientists announce they have created a cold fusion reaction. The public is thrilled at the prospect of a better option than oil. Mysteriously, the success could not be duplicated. A disappointed world deemed the project a failure. But was it?”
We may know the answer to that question, but we contacted the author to find out more about this elected official who’s explored a vision of the future where cold fusion is a reality.
The Sovereign Principles by Douglas R.McAllisterQ&A with Douglas R.McAllister
CFN What prompted you to start writing this novel?
DM I have always loved to write. Twenty years ago I decided to ‘just do it’ if only for the fun of it. Though I published 20 years later, it took only approximately a couple of years of actual working on the manuscript.
CFN Without giving it all away, can you tell us a little about the story? How does cold fusion fit in?
DM If there was a sub-title, it would be “The Consequence of Compromise.” The book is centered on domestic terrorism. In this case, a billionaire with a score to settle with America infiltrates a top secret effort to create a commercially viable form of cold fusion. Once he has control, he intends to use that technology as leverage to have his way with the world in general, and America in particular. The sub plots center around the complicated Dr. James Sovereign, his personal and professional life…not to mention hints of a life very few know about…and the mistake the billionaire makes when he attacks Sovereign’s family. Jim has learned first hand the consequence of compromise and has two children that hate him for it. In the end, it is that relationship that is the billionaire’s undoing…
CFN How did your idea of the story develop?
DM I like to start with real historical events and then ‘fill in the blanks,’ fictionalizing them under the category of ‘what if.’ In this case, it was all the hooplah over the claim in Utah in 1989 that a room temperature reaction of fusion had been achieved. It was reported to be false…but what if it really wasn’t….? From there I pulled upon areas of personal interest and created the plot that would highlight how the world would be changed with such an energy source…and why that was important. It was important to me to keep it authentic without getting so far down into the weeds to muddy the pace of the story. For this work, the plot seemed to develop as I wrote. It has multiple story lines that seem unrelated but all prove to be interrelated…so pay attention :0).
CFN Who did you write this book for? Who is your audience?
DM Originally I wrote it for me. I have always enjoyed writing and about 20 years ago I found myself in Australia with some time on my hands after a very nasty divorce. I guess you could say the project started out as therapy, but in the process it developed into a work of its own completely divorced (pardon the pun) from its original inspiration. Over the years it has taken on various iterations. It wasn’t until about two years ago, though, that I decided to see if I could get a publisher.
CFN What does the title of the book mean to you?
DM It is a bit of a play on words. The main character’s name is Jim Sovereign. The principles are those that his father, Richard Sovereign, taught him before he died. However, the principles themselves, in real life, are fairly ‘sovereign’ in that they apply pretty much universally.
CFN What is the significance of the gold sovereign on the front of the book?
DM The Gold Sovereign on the cover is meant to represent several things. The most obvious is the name of the main character. However, the ‘value’ of the coin speaks to the financial impact Cold Fusion could have on the world. It sits in a sea of oil representing the ‘context’ out of which successful Cold Fusion technology would proceed to change the world. Using the coin to represent both the financial side and the main character is indicative of how the two issues cross paths in the process of the story.
CFN It was reported that you are currently writing a sequel. How is that progressing?
DM Yes, I am. It is called The Sovereign Politic. It is a sequel, picking up where Principles lets off. Principles was set primarily in Australia, but Politic will be set in the States, specifically Murrieta, CA. The sub-title is “All Politics is Local.” In this work I will wrap around the main plot authentic discussions of issues that government on ‘the Hill’ deal with theoretically that we on the local level deal with in real time. The primary plot will center around North Korea and a terrorist attack. I have the story mapped out in detail and while I am still doing research, I have started writing. This one is going to be a lot of fun, but I hope will also be important.
CFN Do you actively talk with people about cold fusion? How do people react when you talk to them about cold fusion?
DM Yes, I do…for the most part they don’t know the difference between fusion and fission. I try to educate and hope that my book will be an entertaining enough read that it will once again get folks focused in the direction of cold fusion for the future.
CFN What are some of the biggest impacts that you see coming from this technology?
DM Other than change the world as we know it, including the balance of economic power…you’ll need to read my book… :0)
CFN Are you aware of the new upcoming documentary The Believers? Do you feel that the public is becoming more aware of this despite the mainstream media’s lack of coverage?
DM No, I’m not, but now that I know about it, I look forward to it. I am investigating a plot line that would continue the discussion of cold fusion in the sequel, so any information I can find would be helpful.
CFN What is your opinion of the investment made in this technology so far? What are your thoughts on the recent developments involving the first commercial device invented by Andrea A. Rossi?
DM Any investment is money well spent, given the potential and positive impacts of success. I am not aware of this device, but I will ‘study up’ as per my answer to the previous question. I will definitely look into the recent developments as that will play into the next installment.
CFN How does being an author and an elected official for a city like Murrieta combine together in your life? When do you find time to write?
DM The combination makes for a very interesting calendar. I actually have two very compatible but separate full time jobs on top of my writing: Elected official and an executive with a multi-national telecommunications company. Finding the time to write is a challenge. Early mornings. Late at night. On planes… wherever and whenever I can find a chunk of time long enough to get into the mode. Working on the second installment, The Sovereign Politic that picks up where Principles leaves off, may take a while, but I am confident it will be a very satisfying sequel. I know I’m having a blast writing it! And as for the elected office and writing, for this second book I am able to do research 24/7 as I go about my day. And believe me, I see the best and the worst of politics. So there are intriguing plot lines to be explored…
I think one of the most enjoyable parts of creating new worlds and vision through writing is the research. I learn so much in the process of my efforts to make sure the story is authentic. To that end, I am looking forward to taking advantage of the resources I’ve discovered from your site to further expand on the future of Cold Fusion in a way that will get the attention of the reader. Perhaps through your work and my books we can get Cold Fusion back on the front page again…
CFN As Mayor Pro-tem, do you think Murrieta, California will be one of the first cities in the US to purchase a cold fusion device?