Live Open Science Project Dog Bone tests E-cat model online

The World Wide Web now traffics a new model of scientific collaboration as a group of young researchers tested a revolutionary energy technology live online today.

The Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project at formed in 2012 at ICCF-17 in Daejon, Korea, to find a reproducible cold fusion experiment, a task that no leading science institution had the sense or courage to try. The collective has tested replications of energy cells designed by Francesco Celani, Tadahiko Mizuno, as well as designs of their own.

Mathieu Valat (L) of MFMP and Francesco Piantelli (R) of Nichenergy discuss partnership.
Mathieu Valat (L) of MFMP and Francesco Piantelli (R) of Nichenergy discuss partnership.
They are now focused on working with Francesco Piantelli, one of the first to explore excess energy from nickel-light-hydrogen systems, and, the “dog bone” model E-Cat, so named for the reactor’s appearance in the test report Observation of abundant heat production from a reactor device and of isotopic changes in the fuel [.pdf]

Andrea Rossi’s E-Cat was repeatedly demonstrated producing excess heat. Now owned by Industrial Heat, the technology appears to have been reproduced by well-respected Russian scientist Alexander Parkhomov [.pdf]. MFMP began to organize Project Dog Bone in October, and the group is now working with Parkhomov to reproduce his set-up. Today, a calibration test took place live on Youtube and Google hangouts, the online venues all the participation Silicon Valley can muster for this field.

Where are visioneers?

Bill Gates (far left) listens to Dr. Vittorio Violante at ENEA.
Bill Gates (far right) listens to Dr. Vittorio Violante at ENEA.
Bill Gates‘ visit to ENEA labs, one of the leading institutions in the world on LENR materials science, was investigatory. How much he was told, we do not know. No further information was forthcoming from ENEA.

Nevertheless, the creators of this reality are keeping tabs on the field, but have not made funding available. Why would Bill Gates, who seeks solutions to energy problems, not see the solution cold fusion offers?

Why haven’t the daring entrepreneurs of Silicon Valley jumped on what Gerald Celente calls “the greatest investment opportunity of the 21st century”: an ultra-clean energy source that could power their technological fantasies for millenia?

David Niebauer, a lawyer who represents technology firms in California says Silicon Valley is not ignoring the field, but taking a “wait and see” attitude.

“VCs do not invest in research; they are looking for commercialization and sound go-to market strategies,” he says. “Until LENR has a viable commercial product, they will remain on the sidelines. I know a number of VCs and Silicon Valley tech companies that are watching the field with interest. Some small investments are also trickling in in the form of angel investments from individuals inside these institutions.”

brillouinppttechnical3-27-12-120815120338-phpapp0216Robert Godes, President and Chief Technology Officer of Brillouin Energy Corporation (BEC), a commercially-minded company based in Berkeley, California developing their own Brillouin Hot Tube reactor has met with difficulty convincing Silicon Valley capital to migrate across the bay. When asked if the Digerati were stepping up to fund new work, the answer was a flat, “No! – but we’re doing OK.”

Brillouin captured around $2 million in funding over the last couple years, money spent on hiring engineers and lab staff, and funding a collaboration with SRI International in Menlo Park, California to test their technology. They’re getting a lot of science on the way to a product.

“We have gotten results back on 3 of 5 electrolyte samples we sent out for analysis”, says Godes, “and I am hoping to get the last two soon. We can reliably produce Tritium which is a step in the process. At the same time we are also using T so that it does not build up in the system to the point where it becomes a concern for users of the technology.”

Says Godes, “We need to sell less of the company to obtain the capital required. We are close to completion of a new manufacturing process that will allow us replicate the demonstration we ran for Mike McKubre [the director of the Energy Research Lab at SRI]. That will provide another big boost to the valuation of BEC.”

A little support could make a big impact

Companies like Industrial Heat and Brillouin Energy Corporation (and there are more) represent the small independent start-ups in the new energy field, and a handful of staff is all most of these companies have. Even ENEA, the institute Bill Gates visited in Italy, is a company with perhaps less than 500 employees. How would an investment from the Gates Foundation effect their research?

Terra Power wants next generation nuclear technology.
Gates and Khosla both support Terra Power for next-generation nuclear technology.
“We do know that Gates often invests along side his friend Vinod Khosla, one of the wealthiest and most successful VCs in the world”, says Niebauer. “Khosla is famous for his “Black Swan” theory of investing and if ever there was a “Black Swan” it is LENR.”

“If Gates and Khosla took an interest and investment position in the field, it would be huge. What we need is more investment to speed up and expand the research being conducted on a shoestring by a handful of private companies. Also, not to be underestimated is the simple acceptance [of LENR] as a valid field of research. More physics and engineering students need to be encouraged to study the field – a Gates/Khosla bet would spur research and development on many levels.”

Still, some researchers in the field say too much is still unknown to engineer a product and money is better spent on an all-out science lab where experiments would reveal nature of the reaction. Former Los Alamos National Lab nuclear chemist and author of The Explanation of LENR Edmund Storms would like to see funding for lab that would have tens of experiments going at once to “breakdown each parameter space.”

“Theory guides the optimal engineering of LENR,” says Storms.

Figure emerges from ground

Cold Fusion is the Mystery Landscape that Bob Dobbs described in his model of cultural evolution. A usable technology is not yet publicly available, but the ground is forming to support it, and MFMP Live Open Science is a vital component.

While the bulk of Silicon Valley intelligence, creativity, and capital is focused on developing the next phone app, the new pioneers of technology are utilizing the network for a collaboration of global scale, and doing it on fly specks. The Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project is making our clean energy future a reality, and inviting you to participate.

Follow the action:

First calibration test presented live on Youtube is available for viewing.

Data was available in near-real-time here:

Donate to Live Open Source Science with MFMP

Says Michael McKubre, “It would not take much to turn the LENR/CMNS field from resource-limited to talent-limited. I am looking forward to a very exciting 2015.”



Related Links

Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project

Russian scientist replicates Hot Cat test: “produces more energy than it consumes”

Andrea Rossi on 3rd-Party Report, Industrial Heat, & 1MW Plant — New Interview with John Maguire

David Niebauer

Brillouin Energy Corporation

The Explanation of LENR

David J. Nagel on CASHFLOW describes a reasoned approach to funding

David J. Nagel Scientific and Commercial Overview of LENR [.pdf] published in Infinite Energy #112 (2013)

Francesco Celani continues Live Open Science with Open Power Association

The following is a google-translated and slightly modified Press Release from Open Power Association at The original in Italian is here.

We are honored to be able to announce that Prof. Francesco Celani officially will collaborate with Open Power!

10-Francesco-Celani-IMG_0729Francesco Celani, besides being always our friend as well as an esteemed scientist, is an honorary member of “Open Power” from the foundation of the Association itself.

On Thursday, December 11, 2014, Francesco Celani visited our new laboratory in Rome where he met with Ugo Abundo, our President and Scientific Director of the Open Power Association, for a scientific debate on issues of common interest. On this occasion, the relationship of scientific collaboration that will occur between us and Francesco Celani was made official.

Interviewed by Luciano Saporito, his words filled us with pride about our commitment in the field of new energy. Francesco Celani claimed that “the Open Power laboratory is well structured and the enthusiasm of the researchers involved is strong. The research ranges in different, complementary directions, is carried out in specific work islands; procedures are scientifically confirmable, and the equipment well-built and well-engineered; the fields of investigation are integrated and promising, and the proposed solutions innovative and desirable to make optimal maximum effort in running the designed projects.”

Francesco Celani also explained, in some detail, to Ugo Abundo the NEW discovery (June 25 2014) an electrical phenomenon, apparently not due to known phenomena, due to the interaction of Hydrogen gas with long (100cm ) fine wire (diameter 100 microns and 200-meter) of Constantan (alloy Cu_55%, Ni_44%, Mn_1% with traces of iron from 0 to 0.5%) having the surface covered by the same Constantan with reduced dimensionality (measured between 50 and 5000 nm with SEM) as a methodology developed by the LNF even with help, at various levels of external colleagues.

The whole is measured, at a macroscopic level, when such INDIVIDUAL wires, electrically isolated from each other, with sheaths made of borosilicate glass, placed inside a reactor also having the hydrogen gas, have an internal temperature of about 150° C and external next environment.

In other words, it is as if you were in the presence of a new form / method (apart from the well-known Seebeck effect and / or Thompson) DIRECT CONVERSION from Heat to Electricity. From the point of view of scientific speculation, the role of Hydrogen understood as mono-atomic and / or even proton is a truly challenging idea. Obviously we’re just starting, though recent (December 15, 15:00) results show that the ignition temperature is not 150° C but only (about) 55° C. Some suggestions on the issue of “abnormal current” were provided to Francesco Celani also by some researchers, collaborators Open Power.

Francesco Celani is Senior Researcher of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics in Frascati (INFN), and Vice President of the International Society of Nuclear Science and Condensed Matter (ISCMNS). Francesco Celani came to the study of “Cold Fusion”, now called LENR, out of “suspicion”, as he himself tells us. Indeed, he has always operated by the “methodological skepticism” of Descartes, always inspired by the desire for “truth”. As Franklin Eugene Mallove denounced the falsifying of data in a report on “Cold Fusion” experiments by the MIT (due to the interests of the establishment and related to funds for research on nuclear fission which they already enjoyed), Francesco Celani has courageously instigated the diffusion of two internal documents he himself accidentally discovered on two NASA research efforts on “Cold Fusion”, (that of Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons), which validated results from years ago.

Francesco Celani in his decades-long work as an Experimental Physicist, was always animated by a spirit truly Scientific, (also a worthy interpreter of the tradition of the experimental method of Galileo Galilei). He is also a proponent of a vision given to the needs of humanity in general, and to the Italian people in particular, that is, as far as possible, having real evidence in the daily life of the” Citizens Whatever, and now open source, the science itself.

His previous participation in the methodology of Live Open Science (LOS), founded by the working group “Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project” in 2012, continues, and is further strengthened. Both collaborations, with MFMP and Open Power, share the same goals in the same fields of human knowledge: one at International level and the other National.

********************* END

Related Links

Live Open Science Methodology .[pdf] presented by Francesco Celani (in Italian)

Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project

Open Power Newsletter #16: New “ITABetatron” reactor starts experiments

Open Power Association at has published Newsletter #16. Selected excerpts of interest to Cold Fusion Now readers are google-translated from the original Italian and reproduced in English below.

For the full and complete Open Power Association Newsletter #16, go to the Newsletter Archive here:


Dear Friends,
Open Power wishes you a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Open Power Associatoin ITAbetatron reactor.
Work is progressng on Open Power Association’s ITAbetatron reactor.

The reactor ItaBetatron is now ready to begin the planned experiments. In the coming weeks we will enter the heart of the work, and we all wish success in this endeavor! In this case, we will finally have a new source of energy: clean, inexhaustible and economical, that creates the conditions for the welfare and prosperity of the peoples of the Earth, and at the same time combats global warming, and the dangerous climate change taking place, and saving the planet Earth.

All your help will be useful, if not decisive. Therefore, please renew your subscription to the Open Power Association, or subscribe for the first time. This is the greatest gift you can give yourself! And you can also receive a nice gift!

To become an Associate with Open Power CLICK HERE

The Open Power Association is one year young. We knew that the road would be full of many difficulties, and we did not imagine to see our strength grow so concretely:

We became legal, we received the scientific support from many distinguished honorary members, we organized a multifaceted lab, we built equipment for mechanical construction and electronics, measuring instruments, chamber handling powders, we created a multimedia environment for meetings, a website appreciated over the oceans, developed multipurpose reactors and related equipment for the power unit, a power-pulsed high voltage line for the production of hydrogen on-demand, section of calorimetry, microscopy, chemical and electrochemical under the hood, and shielding with anti-radiative detectors for the production and measures on plasmas.

We have implemented educational measures, obtained insurance for safety and prevention, and finally, designed a deep experimental campaign towards the most advanced research directions suggested from the theoretical analysis, narrowing the multitude of options, thanks to the methodical “hypercube center” of our design.

On the theoretical level, we have developed different behavioral patterns in the possible operating modes of the reactions, to be guided by them during the trial, published in Conference Proceedings and internationally peer-reviewed Journals.

All this, thanks to the economic contribution of our own members and the many hours of competent and passionate volunteer work.

And, before you go, consider that to ask for outside funding, we would be in a contract and at a disadvantage; we want to achieve important experimental results can only be attributed to independent strength.

Therefore, it is with pride that we are communicating that the experimental campaign ITAbetatron started! – with our own strength, (and not cheap!), in just one year. We simply ask you to renew your registration, with payment of the fee-based or fee-supporters:

Please become a member HERE.

Ugo Abundo
President, Open Power Association







The Chernobyl disaster occurred April 26, 1986
The UN reports that in 2005 there were 4000 people died as a result of radiation. The consequences of radiation due to the explosion of the nuclear reactor in Chernobyl affected not only Ukraine, but also Russia and Belarus. The Ukrainian authorities have estimated that a total of 5 million people have suffered for castastrofe nuclear. A good portion of those still living in the contaminated regions. According to Greenpeace, the result of radioactive contamination have been immune system diseases, heart disease, cancer that may cause even between 100 thousand and 400 thousand deaths in the three former Soviet republics.

The accident in central Fukushima Dai-ichi occurred in March 2011
There could be between 15 and 1,300 deaths and between 2400 and 2500 cases of cancer, radiation caused by the accident in the Japanese nuclear power plant Fukushima Daiichi. And as they indicate the first estimates of the health impact of the nuclear accident in Fukushima on 11 March 2011, published today in the journal Energy and Environmental Science. The model was developed by Mark Jacobson and Ten Hoeve, University of California at Stanford.


-A missed opportunity!

This scientifically-founded project, if it had been followed up in Italy, would probably have permanently solved the very serious problem of cleaning up nuclear waste. Unfortunately, it was not followed. Why? Whose responsibility is this? We provide below some documents about this puzzling affair, with the hope that we can take this path to a solution.

Important press release ANSA of June 23, 2005
TO READ THE COMPLETE PRESS: D: /Desktop/Italian%20Senate%20meeting.html

Read about it HERE.

Akito Takahashi
Osaka University, Japan
Francesco Celani
INFN, Italy
Yasuhiro Iwamura
MHI, Japan

The IJ Project proposes, as the first phase research, that confirmation of the cold transmutation using radioactive isotopes as Cs-137, Sr-90 and Cs-135 to non-radioactive elements will be implemented based on the MHI method. A theoretical background has been given by the TSC-induced nuclear reactions3). Charge neutral pseudo-particle of 4d/TSC can become as small as 10 fm radius in its minimum state of squeezing motion and will make 4D-capture reaction with host metal (or added metal) nuclei in the surface region of permeation1,2) samples. Major reaction will be: M(A,Z) + 4d/TSC → M(A+8, Z+4) + Q Theoretical modeling of the process is briefly explained and resulting reaction products, their decays and final stable isotopes are predicted for Cs-137, Sr-90 and Cs-135n transmutations.
-Invited paper at the International Conference on Cold Fusion, ICCF12, Yokohama (Giappone),
28 November to 5 December 2005


Full .pdf Proceedings of ICCF-12 are HERE.

Nuclear power plant in Kiev.
Nuclear power plant in Kiev.
The Prime Minister broke the news in parliament: An accident at the nuclear power plant in southeastern Ukraine.

Energy Minister: “No danger.”

International Atomic Energy Agency: “No comment.”



Published in the articles section of, the new article by Luciano Saporito Universe and World, on things and reality. [.pdf]

From one point of view, knowledge of the world that we can bring is based primarily on Our five senses. But this is enough to have a clear awareness and understanding of physical phenomena, the world, and the “reality” in which we are immersed? No!
Luciano Saporito Universe and World, on things and reality



The Conference “ALTERNATIVE ENERGY” conceived and organized by Eugenio Martucci will take place December 13, 2014 from 9:45 to 19:30 at Via di Torrenova n. 39th (Casilina) in Roma.

Poster announcement in .pdf


As the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere traveling the video of the NASA shows WHY OUR STUDIES ARE NEEDED TO FIND A NEW FORM OF CLEAN ENERGY, AND ARE URGENT AND IMPORTANT TO SAFEGUARD THE PLANET EARTH, this is a good reason to Support the Open Power Association


Climate Change Risk Map for Italy

Related Links

Open Power Newsletter #15 Excerpts

Cold Fusion 101 at MIT for 2015

The Cold Fusion 101: Introduction to Excess Power in Fleischmann-Pons Experiments course will run again on the campus of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) over the IAP winter break Tuesday through Friday Jan. 20-23, 2015.

Professor Peter Hagelstein of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT, and Dr. Mitchell Swartz of JET Energy, Inc., will present the course with topics such as:

Excess power production in the Fleischmann-Pons experiment;
lack of confirmation in early negative experiments;
theoretical problems and Huizenga’s three miracles;
physical chemistry of PdD;
electrochemistry of PdD;
loading requirements on excess power production;
the nuclear ash problem and He-4 observations;
approaches to theory;
screening in PdD;
PdD as an energetic particle detector;
constraints on the alpha energy from experiment;
overview of theoretical approaches;
coherent energy exchange between mismatched quantum systems;
coherent x-rays in the Karabut experiment and interpretation;
excess power in the NiH system;
Piantelli experiment;
prospects for a new small scale clean nuclear energy technology.

The material presented is different each day. Mid-day sessions are scheduled, with the room location to be announced.

Jan/20 Tue 10:30AM-02:30PM TBD
Jan/21 Wed 10:30AM-02:30PM TBD
Jan/22 Thu 10:30AM-02:30PM TBD
Jan/23 Fri 10:30AM-02:30PM TBD

There is no pre-requisite or advance sign-up. Participants are welcome at individual sessions, or all the sessions.

Cold Fusion Now’s Jeremy Rys of Alien Scientist Channel has recorded previous sessions of Cold Fusion 101 which you can view on the Cold Fusion Now Channel.

For more information, visit the MIT course website at

Related Links

2014 Cold Fusion 101

2013 Cold Fusion 101

2013 Cold Fusion 101 Second Week Summary

Open Power Newsletter #15: E-Cat analysis by Ugo Abundo

The Open Power Association at has published Newsletter #15 devoted to the E-Cat test report.

A .pdf of Newsletter #15 in the original Italian can be downloaded from

The newsletter begins with a Review by Luciano Saporito of a new paper by Ugo Abundo hypothesizing on the E-Cat reaction. We reproduce the full Review here in English and also provided are links to two Abundo reports on the E-Cat.


About the Ugo Abundo’s hypothesis for explaining and enhancing Rossi’s E-Cat reactions, via R.M.Santilli’s Neutroids
By Luciano Saporito
Open Power Association Rome, Italy

In the original paper “Representation and Enhancement of the Excess Energy of Rossi’s Reactors via Santilli’s Neutroids and Nucleoids”, Ugo Abundo proposes a hypothesis for explaining reactions involved in Andrea Rossi’s E-Cat reactor, based on Nucleoids and Neutroids of R. M. Santilli.

Such a hypothesis, in the opinion of the writer, is very important from the scientific viewpoint, because of Andrea Rossi, standing the related trade secret strategies, at date maintains undisclosed the nature and function of the unknown substance that catalyzes the behaviour of E-Cat reactions towards its extraordinary performances. Consequently, the third-party tests on the reactor, at date, cannot be considered scientifically complete and exhaustive , owing to the lack of knowledge about all parameters involved in the reactor operation.

Exclusive finality of the above mentioned tests is verifying and certifying the continuous operation of the reactor and the related COP. Indeed, such results were awaited by researchers of the field and public opinion since beginning of Rossi’s claims.

It should be noted that the novel independent report dealing with the Rossi’s reactor performances: shows transmutations that cannot be explained via Quantum Mechanics, specially owing to the impossibility of proton skipping the coulombian wall and the inadequate cross-section about proton electronic capture in the operating conditions.

On the other hand, considering both the energy concentration amounts and the isotopic changes shown in the comparative analysis between reactants and ashes, no doubt is allowed: low energy transmutations does occur.

Thus U.Abundo hypothesized a model according to which new neutron-like particles can interact with Lithium and Nickel nuclei, in the specific isotopic occurrence in the reactants, leading to the proper isotopic chain detected in the ashes.

The paper functionally reviews a systematic synthesis of research work of prof. Ruggero Maria Santilli by decades, since the founding of a new mathematics, then a new physics oriented towards the solving of the neutron structure problem, preliminary to the understanding of the change of viewpoint needed for conceiving and employing the models leading to the idea of neutron-like neutroids and their behaviour.

Now, we will recall page 29 of the above mentioned independent report, where some hypothesized reactions are detailed. The report explicitly underlines the impossibility that the reactions may occur, notwithstanding their capability to account for the observed quantitative isotopic content.

p + 7Li → 8Be → 4He + 4He

p + 58Ni → 59Cu

The reaction equations might result admissible if the proton to be involved, helped by an electron, were in a bound state (Santilli’s Neutroid) masked as a neutral particle, so avoiding the coulombian repulsion to enter into the 7Lithium isotope nucleus, turning it into the unstable 8Li one: the latter can thus experience a β-decay, holding the proton in the nucleus, leading to 8Beryllium, decaying into α particles.

The following equation can be obtained via the first of the previous ones, by simply adding an electron to both members:

(p + e) + 7Li → 8Li → 8Be + e → 2 α + E

The possibility of burning the 7Li isotope by employing neutroids is particularly relevant in the cosmological research field: indeed, in astrophysics a problem known as “Cosmological Lithium Depletion” is everywhere present.

It deals with the lack of interpretation about the observed 7Li presence less than the one as predicted by theories concerning the relative abundances of elements. The above mentioned considerations might represent a solution to the indicated discrepancy standing the chance, near the stars, of finding very high magnetic fields, in the regions involved with stellar prominences, of magnitude order greater than 1012 – 1014 Gauss, capable of inducing neutroid formation.

In a similar way, a bound proton (Santilli’s neutroid) can enter in a 58Nickel nucleus, turning it into 59Ni, emitting the masking electron, holding in the nucleus only the proton, thus generating 59Cu and so on, for higher mass Ni and Cu isotopes:

(p + e) + 58Ni → 59Ni → 59Cu + e + E

The neutron-like particles don’t need the notorious 0.782 MeV per proton, to turn it into a real neutron, capable to penetrate the target nucleus, thus leading to the transmutations to be explained.

Such particles, whose existence was firstly hypothesized by Don Carlo Borghi and successively theoretically justified and experimentally detected by R.M.Santilli, were called, by Don Borghi himself, “neutroids”.

Fig, 1.Neutron as a Hydrogen atom Energy level. [from J. V. Kadeisvili, The Rutherford – Santilli Neutron, Hadronic Journal, 31, 1-114 Institute for Basic Research, Palm Harbor, Florida, U.S.A. (2008]



Fig. 2.Proton and electron captured by magnetic field. [from J. V. Kadeisvili, The Rutherford – Santilli Neutron, Hadronic Journal, 31, 1-114 Institute for Basic Research, Palm Harbor, Florida, U.S.A. (2008]

If confirmed, the model would constitute a great confirmation of Santilli’s Hadronic Mechanics, from the microscopic world roots to the cosmic boundaries, furtherly (from the industrial applications viewpoint) capable to explain and foresee the best geometrical and physical configurations for the esoenergetic reactions (clean energy production) towards the occurring of optimal COP conditions.

This new viewpoint could open new perspectives to LENR insights, now supported by a complete theory such as Hadronic Mechanics, accounted it is an extension of Quantum Mechanics to the case of interacting particles at distances about a nucleon diameter.
Of course, the model verification asks for an extensive experimental work, already independently started in Italy at the OpenshareLAB, under the Scientific Direction of U. Abundo himself. In the same time, the experimental work in the U.S., at least about some aspects, is directly supervised by R.M.Santilli.

We must thus hope that together with the incentive concerning the consequent industrial interests (related to large investments), the free research too will find the needed resources, both economic and human, to achieve the goal to drive all Mankind and Earth planet towards the benefits related to the new energy technologies promising a clean, inexhaustible and inexpensive energy.
Luciano Saporito


HADRONIC JOURNAL 37, 697-737 (2014)
Ugo Abundo
Neural Calculus Lab
J. Von Neumann Foundation

A recent, independent-party report shows that Rossi’s E-Cat reactor produces an excess heat that cannot be explained via quantum mechanical or chemical processes, thus supporting the possible presence of new nuclear processes. In this paper, we recall the studies by Don Carlo Borghi on the synthesis of the neutron from the Hydrogen, and the systematic, mathematical, theoretical and experimental studies conducted by R. M. Santilli on the neutron synthesis via the covering hadronic mechanics and chemistry. We review in particular the detection of an apparent new bound state of a proton and an electron called ”neutroid,” which is solely predicted by hadronic mechanics with the characteristics of the neutron except spin zero, thus being different than Mills hydrino. We then recall Santilli’s new series of ”nucleoids” which are given by conventional nuclides when absorbing a neutroid or nucleoid, and illustrate their es- oenergetic decay into stable nuclides. In this paper, we submit the hypothesis, apparently for the first time, that Rossi’s E-Cat reactor converts, at least in part, Hydrogen into Santilli’s neutroids by therefore avoiding the Coulomb repulsion between protons and nuclei present in current interpretation. The use of Santilli’s nucleoids and their esoenergetic decay then allow a quantitative interpretation of the excess heat in Rossi’s reactor. We close the paper by indicating the reasons according to which Santilli’s new species of MagneHydrogen offers realistic possibilities to enhance the energy output for Rossi’s as well as other Hydrogen-based nuclear transmutations.
PACS 03.75.Be, 29.30.H, 67.65.+z

Full article:


A nuclear battery Nickel-Metal Hydride Lithium as a promoter of the reactions in the E-Cat? [.pdf]
by Ugo Abundo
Open Power Association

Combined analysis of the scheme of construction details of the apparatus and methods of operation deduced from the patent application by A. Rossi (link) and the processing of information about the chemical composition of the “charge” as stated in the report of third parts (link) shows some key considerations for the interpretation of the performance of the E-Cat.

a) There is a strong analogy with the functional diagram of Lithium batteries Nickel-Metal Hydride (Nickel, Lithium, Hydrogen are the major components identified in the report mentioned): the splitting of the ‘hydride, the release of the proton and its sale Nickel , according to the scheme of the half-reaction from the left to the right of the conventional battery, with simultaneous release of the electron and the creation of electrical potential gradient, and raising the performance in case of micro and nano particle sizes:

Li Li ↔ H + Heat + H ++ e-

b) The evolution of hydrogen is promoted by rising the temperature (which for the Lithium hydride must reach about 500 ° C), as urged by the resistance heaters employed, leading to a rise in blood pressure, useful for the purposes of the absorption of hydrogen from part of Nickel.

c) The heating is carried out in a variable (cyclic), creating thermal gradients that trigger dynamic phenomena in point d), leading to static avoid saturation and to promote a continuing effort to “flow” of protons, essential parameter that blems and maintain fusion reactions (as reported, among others, by F. Celani), with the chain of production of isotopes of Ni to increasing mass, up to decay and the obtaining of Cu.

d) The presence, in the charge, of contiguous particles with different chemical composition, justify the hypothesis of a thermoelectric effect, because of the strong thermal gradients involved and that for Soininen ? cl = en & hl = en can produce high local gradients of electric potential acts of the so-called “Energy Localization” by B. Ahern, they agree F. Celani and G.Vassallo both the theoretical and experimental (ICCF18, July 2013)
http: // in order to accelerate the charged particles and make them reach the required energy to achieve the transmutation esoenergetic.

e) The need for adjustment of the promoters of the reaction, under the dual production and efficient use, is well understood by the long period of time that was required for the development of the reactor Rossi. Lacking clearly even in the E-Cat this criterion, the occurrence of reactions random disordered door, to avoid reactions catastrophically unstable, to limit unnecessarily the COP in such conditions as to ensure the absence of explosions, forcing it however to values well below those potentially obtainable with controlled reactions; in this direction, the activity of current research at OpenshareLAB adopting a series of criteria arising from a deep theoretical analysis, the results of which will be announced soon systematized.
Full article


“The scientific method” according to Richard Feynman

In general, we look for a new law by the following process. First, we guess it (audience laughter), no, don’t laugh, that’s really true. Then we compute the consequences of the guess, to see what, if this is right, if this law we guess is right, to see what it would imply and then we compare the computation results to nature, or we say compare to experiment or experience, compare it directly with observations to see if it works.

If it disagrees with experiment, it’s wrong. In that simple statement is the key to science. It doesn’t make any difference how beautiful your guess is, it doesn’t matter how smart you are who made the guess, or what his name is… If it disagrees with experiment, it’s wrong. That’s all there is to it.

Edmund Storms’ The Explanation of LENR available for Kindle

Edmund StormsThe Explanation of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction is now available in a Kindle version.

Get The Explanation of LENR on Kindle here.

The ebook includes a new Appendix that answers the questions readers have posed to Dr. Storms since the book’s release in July, and contains a further description of hydroton formation.

There is also a newly formatted References section.

Those who already purchased The Explanation of LENR can download the newly added Appendix and References here:


Print copies can be purchased from Infinite Energy Press here.

For more information, go to the books website at

New graphic from updated version of The Explanation of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction depicting resonating hydrogen nuclei upon approach
New graphic from updated version of The Explanation of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction depicting resonating hydrogen nuclei upon approach in region where photon emission occurs.
