Edmund Storms’ The Explanation of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction is now available in a Kindle version.
Get The Explanation of LENR on Kindle here.
The ebook includes a new Appendix that answers the questions readers have posed to Dr. Storms since the book’s release in July, and contains a further description of hydroton formation.
There is also a newly formatted References section.
Those who already purchased The Explanation of LENR can download the newly added Appendix and References here:
Print copies can be purchased from Infinite Energy Press here.
For more information, go to the books website at http://lenrexplained.com/

Consider a U238 nuclear electrical energy collapse.
Many countries have seen a collapse of an industial concern, vast areas of industry become a rustbelt, outmoded and unuseful.
When LENR energy, at 1/5th to 1/3rd the cost, becomes readily available will the nuclear U238 electical industry collapse, from spent fuel, to mining, and enrichment (the U238 fuel cycle) becomes
an unmanageable radioctive wasteland? Or might we keep it alive to clean up its’ acts?
Consider a U238 nuclear electrical energy industial collapse.
Many countries have seen a collapse of an industial concern, vast areas of industry become a rustbelt, outmoded and unuseful.
When LENR energy, at 1/5th to 1/3rd the cost, becomes readily available will the nuclear U238 industry collapse and become an unmanageable radioctive wasteland?
Or might we keep it alive to clean up its’ acts?