LENR aircraft featured at NASA seminar

NASA 2014 Seedling Seminar

Tuesday, February 25 10:45-11:15 Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Doug Wells Low Energy Nuclear Reaction Aircraft

From their website:

The NASA Aeronautics Research Institute (NARI) will present a 6-day virtual technical seminar on February 19–21 and February 25–27, 2014 to showcase innovative concepts developed by NASA researchers, primarily featuring work from the Seedling Phase 2 (Round 1) and Seedling Phase 1 (Round 3) funds. If you’d like to download a pdf copy of the agenda, click here.

NARI awards the ARMD Seedling Fund grants to make deliberate investments in early-stage and potentially revolutionary aviation concepts and technologies that are aligned with NASA’s mission. These grants go to civil servant-led teams at NASA Research Centers. This seminar is an opportunity for members of the NASA aeronautics community to view the results of this research and see how these innovative concepts might complement and benefit their work and projects across the agency. The results will be presented in 33 talks: 30 minutes for each presentation and 10 minutes for discussion and questions. Each session features a special guest NASA leader as Keynote Speaker and Moderator.

NASA 2014 Seedling Seminar

Related Links

LENR Aircraft gets NASA grant

3 Replies to “LENR aircraft featured at NASA seminar”

  1. Is there any recording of the speech or something?
    I guess I will reach out to the guy later today …

    Great Information as always CFN

  2. Alain Coetmeur gave a heads up to this seminar in the LENR Forum, I emailed it to Ruby, and she posted it.

    Thanks Alain… Thanks Ruby!

    Please read this in depth analysis of the situation, since then posted by Alain Coetmeur.

    About NASA Research: Are Cold Fusion/LENR Planes Already Feasible?


    The 2009 Spaceworks NASA Contract for LENR spaceplanes warrants a likewise analysis.

    Telling tale, I for one find evidence that developments in LENR energy are farther advanced than the DOD or DOE has allowed any to tell of. Classified is certainly a controlling issue in regards to LENR developments.

    From the Defense Intelligence Agency report, in regards to cold fusion stating, “….LENR power sources could produce the greatest transformation of the battlefield for U.S. forces since the transition from horsepower to gasoline power.” http://cdn.coldfusionnow.org/w

    Also the LENR Boeing 747 being developed since 2011 through NASA, yet the NASA LENR disclosure was not until last year.

    Cold Fusion LENR Powered Boeing 747
    May 2012 NASA Contract NNL08AA16B – NNL11AA00T – Subsonic Ultra Green Aircraft Research – Phase II N+4 Advanced Concept Development

    “Even though we do not know the specific cost of the LENR itself, we assumed a cost of jet fuel at $4/gallon and weight based aircraft cost. We were able to calculate cost per mile for the LENR equipped aircraft compared to a conventional aircraft (Figure 3.2). Looking at the plots, one could select a point where the projected cost per mile is 33% less than a conventionally powered aircraft.”

    3.0 LENR Requirements Analysis …pg 24
    Figure 3.1 – Potential Heat Engines for LENR Systems ..pg 25
    Figure 3.2 – Parametric LENR and Heat Engine Performance Parameters ..pg 25
    6.2.3 Low Energy Nuclear Reactor Technologies ……pg 82
    Table 6.3 – LENR Technologies Success Criteria …….pg 86
    Also pgs 15, 18, 19, 20, and 21.

    These are the 39 folks who have been involved in this since May, 2011

    Bradley, Marty (Boeing)
    Daggett, David (Boeing)
    Droney, Christopher(Boeing)
    Hoisington, Zachary (Boeing)
    Kirby, Michelle (GT)
    Murrow, Kurt (GE)
    Ran, Hongjun (GT)
    Nam, Teawoo (GT)
    Tai, Jimmy (GT)
    Hammel, Jeff (GE)
    Perullo, Chris (GT)
    Guynn, Mark (NASA)
    Olson, Erik (NASA)
    Leavitt, Larry (NASA)
    Allen, Timothy (Boeing)
    Cotes, Dwaine (Boeing)
    Guo, Yueping (Boeing)
    Foist, Brian (Boeing)
    Rawdon, Blaine (Boeing)
    Wakayama, Sean (Boeing)
    Dallara, Emily (Boeing)
    Kowalski, Ed (Boeing)
    Wat, Joe (Boeing)
    Robbana, Ismail (Boeing)
    Barmichev, Sergey (Boeing)
    Fink, Larry (Boeing)
    Sankrithi, Mithra (Boeing)
    White, Edward (Boeing)
    Gowda, Srini (GE)
    Brown, Gerald (NASA)
    Wahls, Richard (NASA)
    Wells, Doug (NASA)
    Jeffries, Rhett (FAA)
    Felder, James (NASA)
    Schetz, Joe (VT)
    Burley, Casey (NASA)
    Sequiera, Christopher (FAA)
    Martin, John (NASA)
    Kapania, Rakesh (VT)


    Also the Genie reactor technology out of SPAWAR, two patents filed in Europe and the U.S. in 2009 and 2007. This important LENR technology still has not been presented by them to the scientific community, or the people of the U.S., nor to the nuclear commissions of the world who are struggling with spent fuel issues. Publication of these patents was delayed till 2013, leading me to believe that they were ‘classified’.

    System and Method for Generating Particles – US8419919 B1
    Publication number – US8419919 B1
    Publication type – Grant
    Application number – 11/859,499
    Publication date – Apr 16, 2013
    Filing date – Sep 21, 2007
    Inventors; Pamela A. Boss, Frank E. Gordon, Stanislaw Szpak, Lawrence Parker Galloway Forsley

    and this “sister” patent

    The Genie Reactor Patent http://patentscope.wipo.int/se

    Global Energy Corporation

    “We’re generation five,” Dr. Khim told the Variety during an exclusive interview, “and first of all this is a brand new concept.” He said safety is the first consideration, and that cannot be ensured by building higher walls around reactors, as Japan saw last year with Fukushima.

    “You have to change the basic science of nuclear power,” Khim explained. “We’ve been working with the U.S. Navy for about 22 years and the basic science phase is now over. Now we’re going into commercial development, which the Navy is not going to do.” But Khim says the science has been repeatedly duplicated by the Navy, and has been proven, recognized and published.

    Officials of the Navy on Guam, including Capt. John V. Heckmann Jr., CO of Naval Facilities and a professional engineer, attended the GEC briefing.

    The GEC board of directors, Khim says, includes some well-known Washington D.C. Players, including former Secretary of Defense Frank Carlucci, former Congressman and Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta, and former U.S. Congressman Tom Davis, among others.”

    To top it all off, we have Space Works developing LENR powered spaceplanes, under a NASA contract in 2009.

    Seems Langley has had LENR energy long before announcing. Bushnell announced it last year.


    Advanced Propulsion System Concept Studies
    Customer: NASA LaRC
    Duration: 6 months
    Date: 2009-2010

    SpaceWorks conducted separate vehicle design studies evaluating the potential impact of two advanced propulsion system concepts under consideration by NASA Langley Research Center:

    • The first concept was an expendable multistage rocket vehicle which utilized an advanced Air-Augmented Rocket (AAR) engine. The effect of various rocket thrust augmentation ratios were identified the resulting vehicle design where compared against a traditional expendable rocket concept

    • The second concept leverage Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR), a new form of energy generation being studied at NASA LaRC, to determine how to utilize an LENR-based propulsion system for space access. For this activity, two LENR-based rocket engine propulsion performance models where developed jointly by SpaceWorks and LaRC personnel.

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