“THE BELIEVERS” : Cold Fusion Documentary Premieres Oct. 16

The long awaited premiere of “The Believers“, the Cold Fusion documentary made by 137 Films, will premiere in Chicago, Illinois U.S. at the AMC RIVER EAST on October 16th at 8pm, and again on October 20th at 2pm, 137 Films announced today.

The film is part of the Chicago International Film Festival.

The AMC River East 21 is located:
322 E Illinois St, Chicago, Illinois 60611

More information about the premiere is at http://www.thebelieversmovie.com/.

A cold fusion energy cell is small, and safe, using as fuel the hydrogen from water.

We will have a Cold Fusion Now operative in the field to cover the event. The filmmakers will have a Q&A after the first screening on the 16th, and it appears they will be present for a Q&A at the second screening on the 20th as well.

This movie is very timely with the recent passing of Martin Fleischmann, who is featured in the film. Our own James Martinez is also featured throughout, as well as a number of Cold Fusion heavyweights.

A 200-word synopsis from 137 Films reads:

The Believers begins in March of 1989, when two respected scientists from the University of Utah stand in front of a wall of reporters; flashbulbs pop as the pair — one shy, the other cracking jokes— announce a startling claim: they can solve all the world’s energy problems using seawater, batteries, and the mysterious glass contraption they hold in their hands as they pose proudly for the US and international press. “Cold Fusion” is born. Within days, Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann are on the cover of Time Magazine. But, only three short months later, their careers in tatters and their reputations ruined, they flee the country and cold fusion becomes synonymous with “bad science.” An embarrassed press, a confused public who have witnessed this highly unusual science fight, and the entire mainstream science community–knowing it violates the laws of physics–all assume that Cold Fusion is dead.

But there are those who refuse to accept that. More than twenty years after the infamous event, a band of professional and amateur scientists, a high school whiz kid and a Hollywood-based internet DJ are confident that Pons and Fleischmann were right after all and Cold Fusion will save the world. These are The Believers.

The Believers Cast and Crew


Kevin Ashley
Karen Ashley
Irving Dardik
Rod Decker
Martin Fleischmann
Sheila Fleischmann
Pam Fogle
Ryan Freilino
Thomas Gieryn
Eric Golab
Rafal Golab
Marvin Hawkins
Peter Hagelstein
Michael Lubell
James Martinez
Michael McKubre
Robert Park
Chase Peterson
Edward Storms


Directed and Produced by
Monica Long Ross and Clayton Brown
Edited by
Clayton Brown (with Monica Long Ross)
Assistant Editors
Stephen Poon
Amy Ellison
Associate Producers
Mia Capodilupo
Carole Snow
Assistant Producer
Stephen Poon
Stefani Foster
Clayton Brown
Clayton Brown
Phil Wade
Betse Ellis
Amy Ellison
Mikal Shapiro
Laura Kick
Hillary Bachelder
The Believers is copyright © 2012 by 137 Films, NFP

12 Replies to ““THE BELIEVERS” : Cold Fusion Documentary Premieres Oct. 16”

  1. Please ask the producer to send a copy to President Obama with a warm hello from Cold Fusion Now right away… gift wrapped in gold! An invitation to the premiere would be even better. President Obama could visit his old neighborhood, do some grassroots campaigning, fulfill our wishes, and announce an October Surprise.

  2. I wonder if the the folks at 137 Films realized just how timely their film would be when they started the project several years ago. I hope I’ll get the chance to see it sometime.

  3. The initial cold fusion reaction is a collapse of hydrogen in the voids releasing energy. If/as the reaction becomes more energetic it begins triggering fusion and fission with the lattice, eventually destroying it.

    I also have another very important related discovery on my blog:


  4. President Obama’s original Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, is now mayor of Chicago, and would be an excellent invitee. Rahm not only has Obama’s ear, he also might help get Chicago industrialists/investors interested. There remains a great need for further R&D, and product engineering that can lead to manufacture and distribution.

  5. The energy revolution is on

    Policies at the highest world level are acting to promote new energy sources. It remains only to prove their system demonstrate the relevance of LENR.

    They are open as never has new ideas and new energy concepts. They open doors of possibilities for cold fusion. I have no doubt a victory of Barack Obama in the next presidential election, it will be on speed.

    The only argument that counts is the fait accompli industrial or experimental recognized and endorsed by manufacturers licensed. Those who cling to the old dogmas and theories of physics, thinking they are immutable, they are no longer exceeded the credibilities.

    Translate by Google sorry

    In french

    La révolution énergétique est en marche

    Les politiques aux plus haut niveau mondial passent aux actes pour promouvoir de nouvelles sources d’énergies. Il ne reste plus qu’a prouver, leur démontrer la pertinence des système LENR.
    Ils sont ouvert comme jamais a de nouvelles idées et de nouveaux concepts énergétique. Ils ouvrent les portes des possibles pour la fusion froide. Je ne doute d’une victoire de Barack Obama a la prochaine élection présidentielle, soyez sur qu’il va accélérer.

    Le seul argument qui compte est le fait accompli industriel ou l’expérimentation reconnu et approuvé par des industriels patentés. Ceux qui s’accroche aux anciens dogmes et théories de la physique, pensant qu’ils sont immuable, sont dépassés ils n’ont plus la crédibilités.

    1. Comment deleted.

      NOTE: If you wish to comment, do so without the insults and the partisan rhetoric.


  6. Watching the trailer to “The Believers” triggered some memories about F&P’s original idea about the mechanism for cold fusion. They thought that a heavy electron from the conduction band might behave like a muon and be catalyzing fusion. Perhaps they were onto something.
    Here is a video about the well know mechanism of muon catalyzed fusion. Couldn’t a heavy electron do the same thing a muon can do?
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wu-IKqxVOfo Therefore there would be no need for a deuteron to be converted to neutrons. As far as I know, a muon doesn’t convert a deuteron into neutrons in muon catalyzed fusion.

    Perhaps a heavy electron could also reduce the Coulomb barrier between deuterons and palladium nuclei (and protons and nickel nuclei).

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