2014 LANR/CF Colloquium marks 25th Anniversary of New Energy Breakthrough

Ecliptic plane calendar for LANR/CF Colloquium
Ecliptic plane calendar for LANR/CF Colloquium
The 2014 CF/LANR Colloquium will be held Friday, Saturday, and Sunday March 21-23, 2014 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, MA USA.

Nearby Hotels and Lodging for CF/LANR Colloquium at MIT [.pdf]

This event will mark the 25th anniversary of the announcement of the discovery of cold fusion by Drs. Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons on March 23, 1989.

While mainstream science institutions have refused to acknowledge the field, the breakthrough energy science has developed in part through the International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF) which has held eighteen events that bring scientists together from around the world to discuss their findings. The next ICCF-19 is scheduled for March 2015, which makes the 2014 LANR/CF Colloquium one of the year’s top cold fusion meetings.

Sponsored by JET Energy, Inc. and Nanortech, companies headed by Dr. Mitchell Swartz, the CF/LANR Colloquium is the sixth such event held since 2005 that discusses both the scientific and engineering aspects of cold fusion, also called lattice-assisted nuclear reactions (LANR), including theory, physics, electrochemistry, material science, metallurgy, physics, and electrical-engineering.

Energy density comparison chart
Energy density comparison chart
JET Energy and Nanortech produced the NANOR-device demonstrated at MIT during the 2012 Cold Fusion 101 course, which ran continuously for five months and was open-to-the-public. The NANOR is a tiny, dry, pre-loaded with hydrogen fuel, nano-material, two-terminal component that generate excess energy gain. Massachusetts State Senator Bruce Tarr witnessed the event, and is now a supporter of the pioneer technology.

2014 Colloquium speakers include Peter Hagelstein, Mitchell Swartz, Larry Forsley, Frank Gordon, Pamela Mosier-Boss, George Miley, Tom Claytor, Mel Miles, John Dash, Yiannis Hadjichristos, Yeong Kim, Brian Ahern, Robert Smith, John Fisher, Vladimir Vysotskii, Yasuhiro Iwamura, and Charles Beaudette.

Developing topics include:

Engineering and Material Science – Lattices, Loading, Vacancies, Pd, Ni, ZrO2-PdNi, Ti,
and Hydrogenated/Deuterated Alloys, Aqueous Systems, High Impedance Systems,
Cooperative Role of the Solid State Lattice, and Nanostructured Materials

Nuclear Solid-State – Optical phonons, Nuclear excited states, Lossy Spin Boson Coupling, Phusons

Engineering Non-equilibrium Electrochemistry – Fluxes, Types of Codeposition

Excess Heat Production – Calorimetry, Modes of Excess Heat, HAD

Reproducibility and Control – Optimal Operating Point (OOP) Manifolds, Loading Equations

Products in CF/LANR – Fusion and other Effective CF/LANR/CMNS Processes

Emissions – Neutron and other Emissions, Near IR Studies, Nuclear Tracks and Imaging in CR-39 Detectors

Metamaterials – Spillover Systems, Improved Deep Flux Distribution
Dielectric Science – Electrophysics and Charge Transfer, Roles of Applied E- and H-Fields, Avalanche Behavior, Transconduction, Advanced Magnetic materials

Activation – Anharmonic motion, Crystal Size, Applied Magnetic Fields, Optical Irradiation

Quenching – Gripping Impact on Energy Gain, Roles of Catalysis, Breakdown and LANR Effects

Successful Mathematical CF/LANR Theories – Modeling Reactions and Excess Heat in the Fleischmann-Pons Experiment, Analysis of More Effective CF Systems and in CF Nanomaterials

Applications – Survey of Preloaded Systems, Embedded Systems, Motor Systems, Power Systems, CF/LANR Energy Conversion and Production

Business Issues – Intransigence at the US PTO, Impacts of Heavywatergate, Censorship and Minimal Funding

Future Directions

Past CF/LANR events are documented here:

2011: Part 1 – http://www.infinite-energy.com/images/pdfs/LANR2011Colloq.pdf
Part 2 – http://www.infinite-energy.com/images/pdfs/SwartzColloqPart2.pdf
2010: http://www.infinite-energy.com/images/pdfs/Colloquium2010.pdf
2009: http://world.std.com/~mica/colloq09.html
2007: http://www.infinite-energy.com/iemagazine/issue75/colloquium.html
2005: http://world.std.com/~mica/colloq.html

A four-minute video of the 2007 CF/LANR Colloquium at MIT is here courtesy of Alan Weinberg:

Make plans to attend the Colloquium now, as area hotels may fill quickly during MIT’s spring break week, beginning that weekend.

For more information on the 2014 LANR/CF Colloquium, go here.

This Colloquium will follow a planned 2014 IAP Cold Fusion 1.01 course scheduled for the end of January during the week of 1/27-1/31 at 10:30AM-1:30PM.

Related Links

Cold Fusion Times

Mitchel Swartz at ICCF-18: “Amplification and Restoration of Energy Gain Using Fractionated Magnetic Fields on ZrO2-PdD Nanostructured CF/LANR Quantum Electronic Component

Pre-loaded hydrogen fuel an engineering answer for efficiency, ease, and safety

Conclusively Demonstrating the “New Energy Effect” of Cold Fusion

JET Energy NANOR device at continuing to operate months later

Massachusetts State Senator visits still-operating JET Energy NANOR demo

Cold Fusion 101 2nd Week Summary with Dr. Mitchell Swartz

MIT IAP Cold Fusion 101 to run again

The IAP course on cold fusion co-taught by Drs. Peter Hagelstein and Mitchell Swartz is scheduled to run again in 2014 for a third year in a row.

Cold Fusion 101: Introduction to Excess Power in Fleischmann-Pons Experiments will be held on campus at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) January 27-January 31 at 10:30AM-1:30PM in Room 4-145. The class is sponsored by the MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department where Hagelstein is a faculty member.

In 2012, the course was well-attended and featured a JET Energy, Inc demonstration of the NANOR, a nano-material, two-terminal component that generates excess energy gain using a dry, pre-loaded hydrogen fuel. Open to the public for viewing, the NANOR ran for months in Hagelstein’s office. Massachusetts State Senator Bruce Tarr visited the campus to witness the event, and is now a supporter of the pioneer technology.

Cold Fusion Now’s Jeremy Rys attended the course in 2013 and videod the lectures throughout the week. Problems with the audio feed were lessened with a second Enhanced Audio edit by uploadJ. Watch the 2013 background and theory lectures by Peter Hagelstein here, and see the experimental and technology talks by Mitchell Swartz of JET Energy, Inc. here.

The course syllabus includes:

Excess power production in the Fleischmann-Pons experiment;
lack of confirmation in early negative experiments;
theoretical problems and Huizenga’s three miracles;
physical chemistry of PdD;
electrochemistry of PdD;
loading requirements on excess power production;
the nuclear ash problem and He-4 observations;
approaches to theory;
screening in PdD;
PdD as an energetic particle detector;
constraints on the alpha energy from experiment;
overview of theoretical approaches;
coherent energy exchange between mismatched quantum systems;
coherent x-rays in the Karabut experiment and interpretation;
excess power in the NiH system;
Piantelli experiment;
and prospects for a new small scale clean nuclear energy technology.

Independent Activities Program (IAP) is designed for MIT students wishing to learn between semesters, but enrollment is open with permission from the instructor and there is no advance registration required. For more information and to contact the instructor, visit the IAP Cold Fusion 101 course page.

Related Links

Synopsis of Cold Fusion 101 2013 [.pdf] by Gayle Verner Infinite Energy Magazine

Peter Hagelstein Introduction to Excess Power … 2013

Mitchell Swartz Introduction to Excess Power … 2013

Slide Set of NANOR®type output presented at MIT IAP Course [.pdf] 2012

Pre-loaded hydrogen fuel an engineering answer for efficiency, ease and safety

Multiple independent labs are racing to produce a commercial product based on the Fleischmann-Pons Heat Effect (FPHE), most working quietly in their labs. But since the public demonstration of Andrea Rossi‘s E-Cat in January 2011, we’ve witnessed on the global theater the grueling process of actualizing a revolutionary technology.

Early prototype E-Cat had external hydrogen tank for fuel.
Early prototype E-Cat had external hydrogen tank for fuel.
It has been amazing to watch. A thermal generator based on nickel-hydrogen exothermic reactions, E-Cat design changes have been guided by efforts to make an efficient, easy-to-use, and safe commercial product.

The earliest prototypes were fueled by hydrogen gas from a canister connected to the unit. For obvious reasons, the danger of hydrogen tanks in a domestic environment present a problem, and having the fuel pre-loaded inside the new E-Cat HT removes a huge liability.

But a pre-loaded fuel cartridge also makes a compact device easy to use.

Previous announcements have set the life for a single charge at six months, after which time the contents can be recycled and a new one installed. As this first generation of new-energy technology filters out to the public, we can expect much longer life-cycles in the future.

How is this fuel pre-loaded into the less-than-a-gram nickel-powder mixture? The answer is proprietary at the moment. But what is possible?

Perhaps a material that absorbs hydrogen and then releases it slowly is used. Metallic-hydrides can do exactly that. Could there be amongst the nickel-powder another transition metal that serves this function?

While we wait to see what’s next for the E-Cat, there are others in the field that have discovered the pre-loaded reactor benefits, each having different designs.

Pre-loaded solid wire works to make heat

Scanning Electron Microscope image of treated Celani wire by MFMP.
SEM image of treated Celani wire by MFMP.
Francesco Celani used a pre-loaded wire for his live demonstrations last year at ICCF-17 and NIWeek 2012. A very different design than Rossi’s, this solid-cathode type cell is being reproduced by the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project as an open-source enterprise with step-by-step activity documented and available online.

The group showed the results of loading hydrogen in their wire and how it affected resistivity and temperature. Stunning scanning electron microscope (SEM) images reveal close-up views of the metal and its bumpy surface.

Separating loading from activation for Pd-D systems solved by pre-loading

Pre-loading of hydrogen has also benefited palladium-deuterium (Pd-D) systems, helping to hasten initiation of the reaction, which can sometimes take weeks or even months to begin. Waiting so long for a reaction to occur makes data acquisition burdensome, and discoveries difficult.

Ideally, multiple cells would run at the same time, allowing several variables to be monitored and determined simultaneously. At one point, Drs. Fleischmann and Pons were running up to 32 cells, an expensive and still time-dependent undertaking.

SRI International experimented with pre-loading of hydrogen in fine wires as described in Calorimetric Studies of the Destructive Stimulation of Palladium and Nickel Fine Wires [.pdf]. From the paper, a description of how they did it:

SRI electrolytic cell with pre-loaded cathode.
SRI electrolytic cell with pre-loaded cathode.
1. Loading. When Pd wires were used as a substrate or as test objects these were pre-loaded electrolytically with either H or D in low molarity SrSO4 electrolytes (50μM) using procedures developed previously at SRI [8] and elsewhere [9].

2. Sealing. The atomic loading of H or D can be sealed inside the Pd lattice for extended periods (several hours or days) with the addition of very small concentrations of Hg2SO4 to the SrSO4 electrolyte and continued cathodic electrolysis [8,9]. The deposited Hg at monolayer coverage is a highly effective poison for hydrogen atom recombination, effectively preventing= desorption by inhibiting molecule formation.

The outcome?

The results show clearly that excess energy is generated both from Pd and Ni wires loaded either with deuterium or natural hydrogen5. However, data from Pd/D codeposited onto highly loaded Pd wires (solid triangles) sit on top of the plot, indicating that this category of wires generates the most excess heat. Interestingly, the Ni codeposited system also yields significant amounts of excess heat.

Pre-loaded NANOR devices can be electrically driven

Separating the long loading times from the activation of the reaction was achieved by Dr. Mitchell Swartz of JET Energy, Inc. with his nano-composite ZrO2-PdNi-D cell that is pre-loaded with hydrogen fuel creating a “reproducible active nanostructured cold fusion/lattice-assisted nuclear reaction (CF/LANR) quantum electronic device.”

In the paper Energy Gain From Preloaded ZrO2-PdNi-D Nanostructured CF/LANR Quantum Electronic Components [.pdf] by Mitchell Swartz, Gayle Verner, and Jeffrey Tolleson, the authors write:

The importance is they enable LANR devices and their integrated systems to now be fabricated, transported, and then activated. They are the future of clean, efficient energy production.

A sixth-generation NANOR was publicly demonstrated in the office of Dr. Peter Hagelstein on the campus of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) during the 2012 IAP Cold Fusion 101 course, operating from January 30 to mid-May. Swartz also described the technology in the 2013 IAP short course captured on video by Jeremy Rys.

Designed to run at low-power due to safety considerations for a multi-month demonstration on a public campus, “over several weeks, the CF/LANR quantum device demonstrated more reproducible, controllable, energy gain which ranged generally from 5 to 16 [14.1 while the course was ongoing].”

With the core smaller than 2 centimeters containing less than a gram of active material, this device produced LANR excess power density “more than 19,500 watts/kilogram of nanostructured material.”

From the paper, Swartz describes the “proprietary self-contained CF/LANR quantum electronic component, called a two terminal NANOR™-type of LANR device”:

The NANOR represents the pre-loaded core of the reactor.
The NANOR represents the pre-loaded core of the reactor.
At LANR’s nanostructured material “core” is an isotope of hydrogen, usually deuterons, which are tightly packed (“highly loaded”) into the binary metals, alloys, or in this case, nanostructured compounds, containing palladium or nickel, loaded by an applied electric field or elevated gas pressure which supply deuterons from heavy water or gaseous deuterium.

Loaded are isotopes of hydrogen -protons, protium, deuterons, deuterium, and hydrogenated organic compounds, deuterated organic compounds, D2, H2, deuterides and hydrides. Precisely for these NANOR-type LANR devices, the fuel for the nanostructured material in the core, is deuterium.

The preloaded nanostructured material is placed into the hermetically sealed enclosure which is specially designed to withstand pressure, minimize contamination, enable lock on of wires connecting to it. The enclosure is tightly fit with the electrodes.

Described in the paper, the production of the preloaded core material involves “preparation, production, proprietary pretreatment, loading, post-loading treatment, activation, and then adding the final structural elements, including holder and electrodes.”

Fig. 2 – Series II and III two terminal NANOR™-type devices containing active ZrO2-PdNiD nanostructured material at their core.
Fig. 2 – Series II and III two terminal NANOR™-type devices containing active ZrO2-PdNiD nanostructured material at their core.

Very pure materials are also required. “Contamination remains a major problem, with excess heat potentially devastatingly quenched,” the paper states.

The ratios of the NANOR’s composite elements are “in the range of Zr (~60-70%), Ni (0-30%), and Pd (0-30%) by weight, with the weights being before the oxidation step, and several later additional preparation steps. The additional D2 and H2 yield loadings (ratio to Pd) of up to more than 130% D/Pd.”

After several bakes, eventually an oxidized zirconia “surrounds, encapsulates, and separates the NiPd alloy into 7-10 nm sized ferromagnetic nanostructured islands located and dispersed within the electrically insulating zirconia dielectric.”

Each nanostructured island acts as a short circuit element during electrical discharge. These allow deuterons to form a hyperdense state in each island, where the deuterons are able to be sufficiently close together.”

The latest Series VI NANORs have had energy gains beyond 30.

More than basic science, it’s an engineering development

Pre-loaded core reactors have “a decreased size, decreased response time, improved and dual diagnostics, and increased total output energy density.”

They are compact, portable and durable. Suitable for small power needs, they can respond on-demand with scalable power.

It’s a ragged course to a next-generation clean energy technology. Even as the science is still uncertain, the new pre-loaded hydrogen reactors are an engineering development that brings us closer to that goal.

Peter Hagelstein Intro to Excess Power (with Enhanced Audio)

Introduction to Excess Power in Fleischmann-Pons Experiments lectures by Dr. Peter Hagelstein now with enhanced audio compliments uploadJ.

What follows are Jeremy Rys‘ classroom video series with the processed audio track by uploadJ.

Watch the second week’s lectures with JET Energy engineer and co-teacher Dr. Mitchell Swartz, who describes experimental results on their NANOR technology here.

ALSO: Gayle Verner‘s Synopsis of Cold Fusion 101 courtesy Infinite Energy Magazine.

Cold Fusion 101 2nd Week Summary with Dr. Mitchell Swartz

Photo courtesy Cold Fusion Times.

Watch Cold Fusion 101 Week 1 lectures with Professor Peter Hagelstein here.

This video features course co-teacher Dr. Mitchell Swartz speaking on the experimental research done by his company JET Energy as they develop the NANOR cell.

Demonstration of Excess Heat from a JET Energy NANOR at MIT [.pdf] is a report by the course co-teachers summarizing the NANOR’s excess heat results from last year.

From Cold Fusion Times:
iapd5n2Jan. 28, 2013 – On day 5, Dr. Mitchell Swartz continued with the substantial experimental proof for cold fusion (lattice assisted nuclear reactions). After discussion of the materials involved in the desired reactions, he surveyed the methods of calibration of heat producing reactions including the copious controls, time-integration, thermal waveform reconstruction, noise measurement and additional techniques, as well as those methods which are not accurate.

Many examples of excess heat generated by CF/LANR systems were shown, using aqueous nickel and palladium systems. Then using the Navier Stokes equation, he developed the flow equations for both “conventional” cold fusion and codeposition. Optimal operating point operation was shown to have the ability to determine the products, and how the OOP manifolds demonstrate that CF is a reproducible phenomenon, applicable to science and engineering.

He focused on the salient advantages of the LANR metamaterials with the PHUSOR®-type system being one example. Returning to the experimental results and engineering methods developed to control cold fusion, he surveyed “heat after death” and its control and useful application, and the use of CF/LANR systems to drive motors.

DAY 5 Part 1

DAY 5 Part 2

DAY 5 Part 3

Jan. 29, 2013 – On day 6, Dr. Mitchell Swartz continued with the discussion of cold fusion (lattice assisted nuclear reactions) in aqueous systems, beginning with the near infra-red emissions from active LANR devices, and the use of CF to generate electricity. Problems in the feedback loop were discussed. Then the focus was on the new dry, preloaded nanomaterial CF/LANR materials.

After discussing their novel characteristics and electrical breakdown (avalanche) issues, and which electric drive regions actually generate excess energy, he presented the development of several types of the NANOR®-type CF electronic components. Using multiple ways of documenting the excess energy produced, he presented the results of the latest series of such devices, such as were shown at MIT over several months in the second series of open demonstrations of cold fusion by JET Energy, Inc.

With energy gains from 14 and greater, these electronic components, in conjunction with advanced driving circuits, were shown to have excess energy documented by temperature rise, heat flow, and calorimetry; heralding their revolutionary potential to change the energy landscape in circuits, distributed electrical power systems, artificial internal organs, propulsion systems, space travel, and more.

DAY 6 Part 1

DAY 6 Part 2

Slide Set of NANOR®type output presented at MIT IAP Course 2012 [.pdf]

Conclusively Demonstrating the New Energy Effect of Cold Fusion by David French

Watch Dr. Peter Hagelstein lectures in order here.

An attendee summary from Dr. Bob Visits MIT

Cold Fusion 101 video lectures with Professor Peter Hagelstein: “Jobs are opening up in this field”

MIT IAP short course Cold Fusion 101 is taking place and Jeremy Rys is posting video.

The course begins with the theoretical lectures by Dr. Peter Hagelstein, a principle investigator of the Research Laboratory of Electronics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and leading theoretician in the field of condensed matter nuclear science (CMNS).

A second part now ongoing features an experimental component as Dr. Mitchell Swartz of JET Energy demonstrates his NANOR device.

Demonstration of Excess Heat from a JET Energy NANOR at MIT [.pdf] is a report by the course co-teachers summarizing the NANOR’s excess heat results from last year.

Hagelstein begins the first day of this year’s course with a warning: this field can be dangerous for your career.

Then why the new course?

“A lot of reasons, one reason is there are starting to become jobs in this area. There are companies that are pursuing technology in this area.”

“I’ve been contacted a number of times and the question goes like this: ‘Do you know anybody who is qualified to take a position to lead this particular effort – and participate in the effort – in the cold fusion business?'”

“And the answer is ‘No, there’s no courses, there’s no training, there’s no way for anybody to get experience’.”

Here is the first part of the Cold Fusion 101 course lectures. We apologize about the poor audio. You may need an external amplifier to hear it. Please feel free to download and process audio for mp3 clean-up! (And send me a copy!)

Thank you to all who participated for allowing this video to broadcast.

From Cold Fusion Times:
Jan. 22, 2013 – On day 1, attendees intently focus on Prof. Peter Hagelstein’s lecture on palladium hydrides and the role of the highly loaded lattice, beyond the miscibility gap, as required for achieving successful deuterium fusion in cold fusion (LANR) as initially (correctly) reported by Drs. Fleischmann and Pons in 1989.

1 DAY 1 Part 1

2 DAY 1 Part 2

3 DAY 1 Part 3

iapday2cJan. 23, 2013 – On day 2, Prof. Peter Hagelstein presented his original theory involving de novo helium formation in CF/LANR, specifically at vacancies surrounded by loaded octahedral sites, and made very clear -in that light- exactly why early attempts at reproduction of CF were so difficult to achieve. The roles of loading (Volmer, Tafel, and Heyrovsky reactions), chemical potential, sigma-bonded hydrogen, codeposition, embedded atom theories, vacancy diffusion and stabilization by loading, and the important differences between Pd and Ni were also made clear; as he tied these together based upon years of condensed matter data.

4 DAY 2 Part 1

Day 2 Part 1
Start Summary of Day 1
[copy Youtube]
13:40 Loading vs current density
16:11 Take away message Electro-chSummary
16:50 Does the migration of H or D into the metal off the surface affect these relationships?
17:50 What’s the best way to measure loading, is it the resistance?
18:46 Excess Power vs Loading in Pd-D systems
19:22 Loading vs. Power data correlation from SRI
20:00 Threshold holding value around 0.85 D/Pd or less
21:19 Revisit the electro-chemical model and Green-Britz.
22:50 Akita et al data re-produce loading
23:30 What about effect of current on loading with respect to time?
24:25 Loading ratio D/Pd =0.93 at SRI
26:09 Loading and resistance with Superwaves. Woah.
27:19 How can the loading be so high? Why, with the “moving” Volmer-Tafel model?
29:30 It’s not Volmer, it’s Tafel.
30:06 I have lots of fractures and voids and fissures increasing the surface area, allowing the D to leak out, and that will increase the Tafel.
30:50 “internal surfaces” meaning cracks where D leaks out
30:55 estimating that effect

5 DAY 2 Part 2

6 DAY 2 Part 3


iap2013day3Jan. 24, 2013 – On day 3, Prof. Peter Hagelstein went through the experimental proof that de novo He4 production is commensurate with excess energy (Miles, and Case, and SRI experiments), and its rate of production is commensurate with excess power (Gozzi). He discussed the role of cell temperature in positive feedback in the CF/LANR system (Fleischmann, and Cravens, and Storms, and Swartz); and then focused on the problem associated with helium occupancy at the critical sites of CF/LANR in active systems. Moving through Rutherford issues to the Hamiltonian, he also demonstrated the roles of deuteron flux as well as loading. Finally, using an analogy similar to Corkum’s mechanism, he led the way towards the spin boson model of Cohen-Tannoudji, but demonstrated exactly where it was insufficient to explain CF/LANR in the absence of his discovery of the role of destructive interference and other loss and dephasing issues.

7 DAY 3 Part 1

8 DAY 3 Part 2

9 DAY 3 Part 3

Jan. 25, 2013 -On day 4, Prof. Hagelstein began with evidence, based upon PdD and D2O as the detectors, that de novo Helium 4 must be “borne” with energies below 10 keV or less, and that the upper limit for neutron production must be less than 0.01 neutrons/joule. Then, having demonstrated that destructive interference in the spin boson model prevents its use in CF/LANR, he corrected that, and expanded the Hamiltonian to now include coupling parameters and examined the quantum exchange characteristics based upon coherence.

Successful energy transfer was demonstrated to require interactions of all the atoms in the lattice. For further analysis, a donor-receptor system was then included. At that point, he showed how the Coulomb barrier need not be overcome, because by this method the factor is linear, rather than quadratic (needed for classical analysis of D+D interactions). Supporting this analysis is the Karabut data in glow discharge on Pd which yielded both diffuse emissions and collimated x-radiation. with beamlets of energy over a wide bandwidth, which were consistent with the theory Prof. Hagelstein developed.

Finally, he used the Foldy-Wouthuysen rotational operation, and demonstrated how this analysis is becoming asymptotic with what is being observed in CF/LANR, with the use of his corrected condensed matter nuclear science (CMNS) Hamiltonian. Finally, with the addition of nonlinear Rabi oscillations (which yields Dicke superradiance), his model was shown to also be near-complete and consistent with both the observed pulse emissions and the wide bandwidth.

10 DAY 4 Part 1 SUMMARY

11 DAY 4 Part II
