The course runs from Tuesday, January 22 through Wednesday, January 30, 2013 from 11AM-1PM in Room 4-153 and 66-144 on the MIT campus.
Cold Fusion 101 Lectures courtesy Jeremy Rys
Peter Hagelstein Cold Fusion 101 in 2012Participants in the course will learn about cold fusion from a top theorist in the field, as well as one of the industry’s leading technologists.
The cold fusion energy cell built by Dr. Mitchell Swartz of JET Energy produced excess heat continuously for months on the MIT campus. Described as a zirconium-oxide nanostructured quantum electronic device, the phenomenon was observed by both students and the condensed matter nuclear science (CMNS) community as well as members of the general public.
From “Demonstration of Excess Power from the JET Energy NANOR at MIT” by M.Swartz and P HagelsteinMitchell Swartz and Peter Hagelstein released Demonstration of Excess Heat from a JET Energy NANOR at MIT[.pdf], a report summarizing their excess heat results from the cell.
Cold Fusion Times released links to this year’s Cold Fusion 101 course content which included:
IAP 2012 Cold Fusion 101 course collageExcess power production in the Fleischmann-Pons experiment; lack of confirmation in early negative experiments; theoretical problems and Huizenga’s three miracles; physical chemistry of PdD; electrochemistry of PdD; loading requirements on excess power production; the nuclear ash problem and He-4 observations; approaches to theory; screening in PdD; PdD as an energetic particle detector; constraints on the alpha energy from experiment; overview of theoretical approaches; coherent energy exchange between mismatched quantum systems; coherent x-rays in the Karabut experiment and interpretation; excess power in the NiH system; Piantelli experiment;observed excess power in PdD and in NiH LANR systems; techniques of calibration; problems with flow calorimetry and other detection systems; importance of verification by calorimetry, heat flow, noise measurement, and thermal waveform reconstruction; Q-1-D model of loading, optimal operating manifold lessons; high impedance, codeposition, and PHUSOR aqueous LANR systems; introduction to LANR emissions, pathway control, and coupling to the electrical and propulsion systems; overview of nanomaterial and NANOR LANR systems; Prospects for a new small scale clean nuclear energy technology.
The JET Energy Solid State NANOR ‘IAP Cold Fusion/LANR Demonstration’ Continuously Operated at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge Massachusetts for One Month!
Phusor by Dr. Mitchell Swartz
“For hot fusion and particle physicists and students, the background (input) are the blue (control) and green (NANOR), and the foreground (output, read off the left) are the red curves (control and NANOR, plotted as input-power-normalized temperature deviation (delta-T). Compare these to others in the CF/LANR field, and note that these curves have a thermal (ohmic) control and also time integration to determine energy, and thus rule out energy storage, chemical sources of the induced heat, and other sources of possible false positives. Here, the tiny, active CF/LANR quantum electronic device shows significant improvement in thermal output compared to a standard ohmic control (a carbon composition resistor).” —Dr. Mitchell Swartz Jet Energy
– February 2 The NANOR used in the open MIT Demonstration is a ZrO2-PdD Cold Fusion/LANR solid state quantum electronic device – now ongoing for five days straight!
Excess heat graph for Pd-D system from JET Energy
“Cambridge, MA – The IAP Short Course (7 days) on Cold Fusion and Lattice Assisted Nuclear Reactions [at Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT] has meticulously developed the salient point that skeptics of cold fusion were wrong, and that scientific theories do exist for understanding the difficult to achieve reactions.”
Dr. Mitchell Swartz of JET Energy, Inc and Dr. Peter Hagelstein of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science collaborated on the Short Course, held between semesters, which offered students a full one-week introduction to the discipline of condensed matter nuclear science.
“January 30-31, 2012 – Cambridge, MA. – As part of the IAP Course on COLD FUSION at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dr. Mitchell Swartz, JET Energy, and Prof. Peter Hagelstein demonstrated cold fusion openly for scientists and engineers. The demonstration was a two day part of the detailed, yet overview, seven day course run by Prof. Hagelstein and Dr. Swartz, and followed the first open demonstrations of cold fusion at MIT since 2003. This JET Energy NANOR(TM) demonstrated a significant energy gain greater than 10, much larger than the previous open demonstration. This exhibition is also remarkable because it confirmed the role of the nanoengineered lattice in enabling the CF/LANR activity. It followed Prof. Hagelstein sharing his breakthrough explanatory theory of cold fusion during the first 5 days. The NANOR technology of JET Energy may have already begun to shatter a few preconceived notions of skeptics and cold fusioneers.”
Given the potential for new discoveries in this field, skilled scientists, engineers, and inventors in condensed matter nuclear science stand to be at the forefront in creating an entire new economy based on clean, abundant energy.
New jobs from a new industry will need an educated group to carry the development forward. Which institutions of higher learning will be the first to begin programs in this area?
Bachelor of Science Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, anyone?
A new short course on cold fusion science and technology sponsored by the Engineering and Computer Science departments at Massachusetts Institute of Technology will be held in January 2012 during institute’s Independent Activities Period.
Designed for MIT students, Cold Fusion 101: Introduction to Excess Power in Fleischmann-Pons Experiments addresses the early history of cold fusion science beginning with the analysis of the original palladium-deuterium type systems that Drs. Fleischmann and Pons used in their research during the late 1980s.
Peter Hagelstein of MIT Electrical Engineering is leading the class with Mitchell Swartz of Jet Energy in a technical overview of theory and experimental electro-chemistry over seven days January 23-27, 30, 31 from 11AM-12:30PM.
Peter Hagelstein will co-teach Cold Fusion 101 at MIT
Nickel-hydrogen systems will also be addressed with a look at Francesco Piantelli‘s experiments. Professor Piantelli collaborated with Sergio Focardi generating energy by combining hydrogen and the metal nickel in the mid-nineties, research which inspired Andrea A. Rossi‘s E-Cattechnology.
Dr. Hagelstein has been exploring the theoretical aspects of cold fusion looking to find a model of the reaction. He is also involved experimentally through the design of thermal diodes, a technology which promises a more efficient thermoelectric conversion, the process whereby heat energy is converted into usable electricity. He was quoted in this article of 2009 “Turning Heat into Electricity” about this research.
Most recently, Dr. Hagelstein spoke as part of Cold Fusion Energy Inc at the World Green Energy Symposium held in Philadelphia, PA this past October.
JET Energy, Inc's Mitchell Swartz with students at MIT Dr. Swartz will discuss experimental results from the Jet Energy lab where he developed the Phusor generator. Preferring the terminology Lattice Assisted Nuclear Reactions LANR to describe his research, he hosts Colloquium on LANR/CFat MIT annually.
Reviews of the Colloquium can be downloaded from Infinite Energy here for Part 1 and Part 2.
You can read the scientific papers of both Dr. Hagelstein and Dr. Swartz on the International Society of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science‘s Library page, and it’s pretty heady stuff.
While the course is designed for the students at MIT, special candidates may be able to attend with prior instructor approval.