Energy 2.0 Society to speak at IEEE

Two public talks on the topic of LENR will be given by members of the Energy 2.0 Society in April.

On Wednesday April 15, Gary Scott, electrical engineer and one of the founding board members of the Energy 2.0 Society will address the Madison, Wisconsin chapter of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) on the subject of: “LENR: Energy 2.0”.

The meeting will include a lecture by Gary Scott, along with pizza, salad and a beverage held at Engineering Hall Room 1800, 1415 Engineering Drive, Madison, WI 53706 at 5:00 p.m. on April 15th. Cost is $5 for IEEE chapter members, free for IEEE student members, and $10 for all others.

Electrical engineer Scott does not care for the “cold fusion” name, calling it “incorrect”. We strongly disagree, nevertheless, his enthusiasm for LENR gains our support.

From the IEEE Madison Section Newsletter:

Talk: At the moment the most promising forms of LENR (Low Energy Nuclear Reactions some times incorrectly referred to as Cold Fusion) are those that are able to operate using nickel and hydrogen — both plentiful and inexpensive natural resources. In LENR reactions no pollutants or emissions are produced, neither are harmful radiation or radioactive waste. This makes LENR a clean and sustainable form of energy. We are in the very early days of research and development in this field, and much about this phenomenon is poorly understood. There are competing theories proposed that try to describe the exact mechanism by which this anomalous heat is generated, but none has as yet been accepted as authoritative. There are many researchers and companies studying LENR at the moment, and it appears that we are on the verge of seeing commercial-grade LENR reactors appear in the marketplace. Ultimately LENR has the potential to revolutionize the way that energy is produced — cleanly and less expensively than current energy sources, and from elements that are cheap and abundant — making it a truly ‘2.0’ technology that we feel should be promoted for the benefit of humanity.

For more information visit:

On Sunday April 26, Tom Wind, president of Wind Utility Consulting in Jamaica, Iowa, and president and founding board member of the Energy 2.0 Society will speak at the EarthFest EcoFair at the Mayo Civic Center in Rochester, Minnesota. Tom Will be speaking at 2:00 p.m. on the subject of “The Advance of LENR Technology”. Admission is free. For more information about the event visit

Read about the events on the LENR 2.0 Society website.

About the Energy 2.0 Society

The Energy 2.0 Society is registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in Iowa, USA. The society was formed to increase awareness about LENR technology and to promote its use with the purpose of improving quality of life for people everywhere. For more information please visit

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