Economics of Cold Fusion LENR Power part three US Nuclear Regulatory… end of U238


4 Clean Low Energy Nuclear Economics… Economics of Cold Fusion LENR Power – part three – US Nuclear Regulatory

Part Four will follow shortly. U238 Nuclear is Ugly and Deep. Part Four will be Devastatingly Clear.

Truth be told, I started this series ‘Economics of Cold Fusion’ on a high note with the DoE. (link) Following it, the DoD was devastating. (article) The burden of ‘Energizing the Warfighter’ hit home and my heart wept with ‘blood-not-dollars’ as a military measurement of the cost of fuel. “Energize the Warfighter” (pdf)

As depression nibbled at my toes, I realized that everyone is experiencing the same heavy heart when living with a shortage of energy and money and love, face it… (energy=money=love).

The wave of compassion that washed over me left me giddy, I laughed, I cried… then I glimpsed our manic depressive side… and smiled. From the top of my head, and through and through, I knew that there is an abundance of energy all around us (never lost always changing form)(physics 101). There is more than enough energy, money, love, and sustenance for the most of everyone (otherwise we never would have made it even this far). This thought, this realization, is keyed to our sociobiology, our evolution. Our strong survival instinct is now evolving to include each of each other and all life on the planet as a whole. Evolution Through Cold Fusion (article)

As king of the skeptics (on par with NASA), I realize and have witnessed the power of belief and faith… as that which moves us beyond our ‘present predicament’; which is usually based upon false suppositions (often held in place by ourselves or others).

Is the world flat… No. Can we fly… Yes. Simple as that… reality changes. I believe the world is round… and have the faith to prove it so. I believe we can fly (birds and bees do it) and have the faith, and perseverance, and then we finally proved it to be so. Humans can fly. (period and undoubtably so) Such is the strength of belief and faith; strong medicine… good medicine…  if you can brew it properly, in truth and with science.

  • The greatest thing about the economics of cold fusion LENR power is that it is cheap, really… really… really… cheap, cheap, cheap! It will quickly replace all sources of energy; because cold fusion LENR makes them unprofitable. Economics proves that a superior product at a fraction of the cost kills all competition, quickly.
  • The second greatest thing about cold fusion comes in two parts:
  • 1) LENR power is ultra, ultra-clean.
  • 2) It replaces the industries which desecrate our planet the most (carbon and uranium fuels).
  • The third greatest thing about cold fusion LENR power is:
  • It energizes the battle to save the Earth;
  • Which will be won through environmental restoration projects undertaken on a scale never seen before. “Money enough left over to conserve rather than money to burn”
  • Nice ring to it, wouldn’t you agree. Say it ain’t so… why would you?


The NRC, upon petition from multiple anti-nuclear groups, was instructed by court order to stop reviews of any and all new nuclear applications pending what they are calling a “waste confidence rule making.”  With no permanent solution to spent fuel in the works, the Court found that earlier reviews by the NRC of temporary storage methods (and 60 years of experience) were now inadequate.

Read more:

Existing nuclear reactors need uranium to make electricity.  In 2011, U.S. nuclear plants needed about 55 million pounds of “yellowcake,” as uranium ore concentrates (largely U3O8) are known in the trade.  Ninety-one percent of our yellowcake needs are imported, with domestic production of only 4 million pounds.  However, don’t expect the Obama administration to do anything positive for our energy independence re: uranium.  In fact, last January, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar declared a million acres of the Colorado Plateau around the Grand Canyon as off-limits to new production permits for twenty years.  This contains some of the richest uranium prospects in the country and is a traditional uranium mining district within the U.S., with eleven mines already in production.  An earlier study suggested that the ban would prevent as many as thirty new uranium mines from being developed in the area.

From one end of the nuclear power process (uranium mining) to the other (waste disposal), and throughout the sensitive stages in between (financing, licensing, and upgrading), the Obama administration has made decisions that retard the production of nuclear power, hurt our balance of payments, and increase the cost of electricity.  Like the administration’s war on coal and their opposition to fracking, their disdain for cheap, plentiful energy for the American economy ultimately hurts the American people.

Any country that develops nuclear power is in line for a nuclear weapons production program.

Obama tells U.N.: Nuclear Iran poses existential threat to Israel September 25, 2012 Jewish Telegraphic Agency JTA- The Global News Service

President Obama told the United Nations that “containment” of a nuclear Iran is not an option and it would pose an existential threat to Israel.

Romney campaign: Russia’s withdrawal from Nunn-Lugar another example of Obama’s failed reset policy

Posted By Josh Rogin  Thursday, October 11, 2012 – 11:27 AM

Russia’s announcement Wednesday that it will not participate in the Nunn-Lugar program to reduce the threat of loose nuclear materials is a slap in the face to President Barack Obama‘s effort to make arms control a feature of his “reset” policy with Russia, two top advisors to Mitt Romney said Thursday.

The New York Times described Moscow’s move to end the 20 year, $8 billion program, started in 1993 by Sens. Sam Nunn (D-GA) and Richard Lugar (R-IN), to secure loose nukes in Russia and decommission old Russian military inventories as “a potentially grave setback in the already fraying relationship between the former cold war enemies.”

“The Nunn-Lugar scorecard now totals 7,610 strategic nuclear warheads deactivated, 902 intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) destroyed, 498 ICBM silos eliminated, 191 ICBM mobile launchers destroyed, 155 bombers eliminated, 906 nuclear air-to-surface missiles (ASMs) destroyed, 492 SLBM launchers eliminated, 684 submarine launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs) eliminated, 33 nuclear submarines capable of launching ballistic missiles destroyed, 194 nuclear test tunnels eliminated, 3192.3 metric tons of Russian and Albanian chemical weapons agent destroyed, 590 nuclear weapons transport train shipments secured, security at 24 nuclear weapons storage sites upgraded, 39 biological threat monitoring stations built and equipped,” the statement read. “Perhaps most importantly, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Belarus are nuclear weapons free as a result of cooperative efforts under the Nunn-Lugar program. Those countries were the third, fourth and eighth largest nuclear weapons powers in the world.”  FOREIGN POLICY IS PUBLISHED BY THE FP GROUP, A DIVISION OF THE WASHINGTON POST COMPANY

Obama put the project on ice in 2010, appointing the Blue Ribbon Commission on America’s Nuclear Future to develop recommendations for creating a safe, long-term solution to nuclear waste management and storage. The Commission delivered its final report in January of this year, calling for the creation of a federal agency aimed at soliciting and evaluating voluntary proposals from states interested in hosting nuclear disposal areas. The idea is similar to what Romney proposed in October 2011 and would involve states offering disposal sites in exchange for monetary compensation.

What next?

The freeze on new reactor approvals hasn’t stopped the Obama administration from pushing forward on nuclear energy research and development. In late September, the US Department of Energy announced $13 million in funding for university-led nuclear innovation projects under the Nuclear Energy University Programs (NEUP). “The awards … build upon the Obama Administration’s broader efforts to promote a sustainable nuclear industry in the U.S. and cultivate the next generation of scientists and engineers,” the DOE press release states. The funding was awarded to research groups at the Georgia Institute of Technology, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the University of Tennessee.

Costs of Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants: A Report on Recent International Estimates.

Costs of decommissioning are spread over a wide range, from US $130 million to $477 million. The decommissioning costs from developing countries, which resulted from the IAEA survey, show that Czechoslovakia, India, Indonesia, the Republic of Korea, Poland, and Yugoslavia assumed undiscounted decommissioning costs of US $60 million to $163 million. Details on the decommissioning option or stage were not provided for this study; which may explain the cost divergence. Brazil, China, Hungary, and Turkey did not make their own assumptions on decommissioning. For these countries, the study assumed that 10% of the construction or capital cost will provide adequate coverage for decommissioning, the total cost ranging from US $124 million to $235 million.


SO! Absolutely what. Maybe, Just but… not. Ya say so. Anyway it’s… Which way,,, What? OH…  Oh Yeah… That way. What the heck… Where the heavens’ gate are we… Going? Just between you and me, What is the best place? Or Way? Greed or NOT? What the … Find You!! I guess. Hope so. Over that is a way! YES!! Let’s GO. Hope it’s so. Yo!! and Yo!! Watch your step… all together. Which A-aways? Oh — NO Yeah… over it’s.s.s.s… hear… this… there. OK? AOK. ALL’s  Good. Yeah. ThanksPraisegbgoble13

run on reaction poetry

kindness still lives so ordinary yet the health heart think kindness still lives run on reaction poetry

9 Replies to “Economics of Cold Fusion LENR Power part three US Nuclear Regulatory… end of U238”

  1. Weather Driven Laughter

    I am so glad!

    That the weather

    driven waves of



    Crash upon your shore.

    Laughter crests


    Illuminated Bubbles



    The top!

    Gently it then







    Sands of


    Love… love

    An addendum to this prose:

    From ‘A Son of His Father’

    A novel by Harold Bill Wright
    Copyright 1925, by D. Appleton and Company
    presented as an Irish Folk Song pg. 253

    When the blue divils swarm all around you
    And the life yer livin’ is hell;

    When the saints you have prayed to protect you
    Seem to be off their jobs for a spell;

    When the world is that black wid disaster
    That ye swear it wad be sweet to die

    Sure ‘tis then that ye’ll need to remember
    That ‘tis better to laugh than to cry.

    For a smile will go farther, my darlin’,
    Than a fist full of jewels and gold;

    “Tis the hearty guffaw and the merry ha-ha
    Keeps this old world from growin’ too old.

    A heart filled wid mirth is the salt of the earth
    But there’s no good at all in a sigh;

    So ye’ll not be forgettin’, mavoureen,
    That ‘tis better to laugh than to cry.

    The old divil can do but his worst, my dear,
    As the saints can do only their best;

    If ye laugh when yer hurt and don’t worry,
    Sure the heavens will take the rest;

    All the angels above do be smilin’
    On the one who can make troubles fly,

    So ye’ll heed me, dear heart, and be cheery
    For ‘tis better to laugh than to cry.

    BE WELL Y’ALL… GBGoble2013

  2. I have said this before and I say it again, it is a big mistake to tie this to the “Save the Earth” mantra. This science/technology must stand on its own two feet, and be economically viable.
    To tie it to the ooey Gooey Green movement is a huge mistake. Especially since that “science” is in terrible trouble. The stats for the AGW theory are in trouble. Already we hear less about it. With hundreds dying in the Ukraine and even in northern INDIA from the cold, tying ourselves to this titanic is the kiss of death in the long term.

    There is quite a bit of controversy when one field of science tends to try to take over another. It is a massive error to take a physics-chemistry phenomena into such a politically charged field. The seriousness of the research becomes even more an object of derision by those industries that otherwise could take this to the next level. Sure it is fine to talk physics when we think of the feasibility of accelerating the decay of the products of nuclear fission, but let the economic necessities do their thing. Assuming the technology becomes robust, the economics of decontamination of aging and over filled storage facilities will be what drives this. Not some “Lets all hold hands” and imagine a better world bunk.

    Not that environmental issues aren’t valid science, not at all, but they belong in another forum. Perhaps you can start a different website for these sentiments Ruby.

    I have nothing against you personally Ruby, I am sure you are a very nice person, so it becomes very hard to raise issues that may offend. I am sure you don’t want to be the person who hijacked the LENR research by deflecting more dollars to the billion dollar per year green propaganda machine… To think that LENR might get funding from them is a pipe dream, they tend to spend that billion dollars on salaries and more advertising rather than actually funding anything that would actually *do* something.

    Please don’t make LENR another soap box!


    Owen Abrey

    1. Owen, Your thoughts are well-taken.

      But we disagree.

      New technologies create new mental and cultural imprints on societies, and this will wholly transform every aspect of our “living arrangement”.

      The near-end of an economic cycle, the degraded physical environment, overpopulation, pollution, mass die-off in marine eco-systems, the last 500 mountain gorillas, nuclear weapons and radioactive power plants, Peak Everything, makes new energy technology the only path to a green human technological future.

      A transformational, ultra-clean, energy-dense source of power from hydrogen the most abundant element in the universe, will be linked to every issue, and require participation from all groups.


    2. This poem arrived while watching birds stewardship of the earth… silly humans.


      The nest instinct through
      True imaginings delight
      Leads to what’s right

      Color the lining new
      Tufts soft and light
      Bits shiny bright

      Into completion it grew
      Winged creatures alight
      Home for the night


      1. To come down and settle, as after flight.
      2. To come by chance: alight on a happy solution.
      3. To dismount from a horse or vehicle.

      Word Origin & History
      Alight: “on fire,” early 15c., apparently from M.E. aliht , pp. of alihton (O.E. on-lihtan ) “to light up,” also “to shine upon” [Middle English alighten , from Old English ālīhtan : ā- , intensive pref. + līhtan , to relieve of a burden (from līht , light ; see light 2 ).] (orig. an animal mount) of weight.

      note… “to light up” also “to shine upon”. This was before the days of flashlights…

    3. Hey Abrey, Do you work for the DOE or NAS? They don’t like it. Why do all of the National Labs absolutely love it? Oooooooooh, They know that it is legit! They also have no vested interest in petrochemicals and conventional nuclear nightmares.

      What’s not to like. I sincerely hope that those that would stand in the way embrace what’s coming and not fight it. Those that adapt will prosper.

      However, If I don’t see so much as a hand warmer on the market by the end of this year I may have to eat my words.


  3. even though you love life and this planet, the fact that the marketplace and a bunch of anti-social, hyper-individualist, religious and politically strong people are out there screwing it up for humanity should tell you that the way of constant anxiety and sorrow are not a healthy way of living life.

    I don’t have an answer for you. just keep your chin up and imagine yourself grinning and laughing someday… and not cynically, but blithefully.

    1. “Swihart said the discrepancy is due to geometry.”

      This (geometry) on a nano scale understanding may be the key to many quantum phenomenon, LENR included. Plasma on the nano level is also intriguing, waves and harmonics come into influence. Query leads to an elementary understanding of both gravity, advanced magnetics, the warping of space time, and the role of anti matter (google-van allen belt anti matter).

      Nano Silicon Powder Produces Hydrogen Without Energy
      January 23, 2013

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