Cold Fusion – NASA – LENR Future

Cold Fusion – NASA – LENR Future

The Chief Scientist of NASA and the Chief Scientist NASA Langley Porter Research Institute move forward with the energetics of LENR – cold fusion as the solution to problems like global warming, transportation, energy, and NASA space missions planned yet unrealized.

NASA has a broad prerogative, their mission is to:

  1. Protect the Earth
  2. Develop a permanent extraterrestrial human presence
  3. Enable commercial ventures to advance into space
  • The science of LENR will give us electricity without generators and controlled heat without a carbon signature. Overpopulation, global warming, and environmental damage are the greatest dangers to Earth. Converting to LENR power and human expansion into space is the solution.

  • The energetics of LENR will enable a new generation of launch vehicles and platforms that bring payload costs down from thousands per pound to dollars per pound. The compact size of LENR power, abundance of LENR fuels, and safe clean operation allows ease of use for space colonies.

  • The wide range and  ease of availabity of LENR technology, 3D- Printing technology, advanced robotics, and the abundance of natural  resources will allow private sector interests to thrive in space without a  standard profit motive. Humanity as a space faring race will develop new economic models. 

NASA Names Waleed Abdalati As Agency’s New Chief Scientist  (nasa) 

The NASA Office of Chief Scientist was discontinued in 2005 and reinstated in 2011. 

NASA Administrator Charles Bolden has named Waleed Abdalati the agency’s chief scientist, effective Jan. 3, 2011. He is currently on leave from his position as director of the University of Colorado’s Earth Science and Observation Center, which carries out research and education activities on the use of remote sensing observations to understand the Earth.

His research has focused on the use of satellites and aircraft to understand how and why Earth’s ice cover is changing, and what those changes mean for life on our planet.

His appointment as Chief Scientist marks a return to NASA for Dr. Abdalati, where he worked from 1996-2008. From 2004-2008, he was head of the Cryospheric Sciences Branch at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., where he supervised a group of scientists who carried out research in the development and analysis of remote sensing observations to study the behavior of ice sheets, sea ice, and glaciers.

From 2000-2004, he managed NASA’s Cryospheric Sciences Program at NASA Headquarters, managing the agency’s interests and research investments in cryospheric research, and serving as program scientist on the ICESat and RADARSAT missions.

From 1996-2000, Dr. Abdalati was a researcher at Goddard in the Oceans and Ice Branch, where he analyzed satellite and aircraft measurements of glaciers and ice sheets to assess their contributions to sea level rise. He also served as deputy project scientist for NASA’s Ice Cloud and land Elevation Satellite (ICESat).

In the mid 1980s, before returning to graduate school, he worked as an engineer in the aerospace industry, designing, analyzing and testing components of various spacecraft and submarine systems.

Dr. Abdalati has received various awards and recognition, most notably the NASA Exceptional Service Medal and The Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers from the White House.


Office of the Chief Scientist 

Functional Leadership Plan (nasapdf)

“The Chief Scientist, located in the Office of the Administrator, serves as the principal advisor to the NASA Administrator in science issues and as interface to the national and international science community, ensuring that NASA research programs are widely regarded as scientifically and technologically well founded and are appropriate for their intended applications.“

  • Goal 1: Provide oversight to assure that NASA funds only the most exemplary and meritorious science to enable NASA to achieve its mission.
  • Goal 2: Lead strategic planning for new and revolutionary research directions for NASA.
  • Goal 3: Maintain and foster communication links with the scientific and technical communities at large, including other Federal science agencies, academic, industrial, international partners, and the general public.
  • Goal 4: Act to encourage cooperation and synergy among the science programs and between science programs and other NASA programs.
  • Goal 5: Lead and manage the Generate Knowledge cross-cutting process.
  • Goal 6: Lead and manage the Communicate Knowledge cross-cutting process.
NASA Advisory Council Science Committee Meeting 

March 3 and 4, 2011 (nasapdf)

NASA Chief Scientist Presentation

Dr. Waleed Abdalati, recently appointed NASA Chief Scientist, addressed the Science Committee and described his background in Earth Science, research on glaciers and ice sheets, remote sensing, and managing the cryospheric sciences branch at GSFC.

Dr. Abdalati stressed that he accepted the position in the hopes of making a difference and being useful as an advisor to the Administrator. He noted that Mr. Bolden had also expressed an interest in employing a Chief Scientist to address the complex relationships among the agencies. The functions of the new office are meant to be free from the burdens of implementation in order to take a broad agency view, and to offer a different perspective across directorates and centers. The Chief Scientist will also identify where activities span directorates, and where these activities may be leveraged, and also “orphan science” such as life and microgravity sciences, which now resides within ESMD, to address the role of science in exploration.

The Chief Scientist will provide advocacy on behalf of science in general, through a philosophical approach. The office should be perceived as an additional avenue for communication, not an opportunity for an end-run. The main goals are to maximize science return for investment of resources; the objective is to put NASA science at the forefront. As the space program is transitioning, there is an opportunity to highlight this.

Authors note: Many managers cite rising costs of launch platforms as problematic. Read the full NASA Advisory Council Science Committee meeting notes for a deeper understanding. 


“Scientists to hold bake sale for NASA” (MSNBC News) Tech article by Clara Mskovitz, June 8, 2012

In his fiscal year 2013 budget proposal, President Obama has requested $17.7 billion for NASA. The 2013 budget proposal submitted would cut funding for NASA’s planetary science projects by about $300 million.

Chief Scientist at NASA Langley

The Chief Scientist at NASA Langley is Dennis Bushnell; a bit of his bio, career,  and recent history of actions is worth noting.

Bio: (nasa)  Dennis M. Bushnell is the Chief Scientist at the NASA Langley Research Center where researchers are focusing on some of the biggest technical challenges of our time; global climate change, access to space and revolutions in airplanes and the air transportation system.

During his more than four decades at NASA, Dennis served the Gemini, Apollo, Viking and space shuttle programs. He invented and developed the riblet for speeding airflow across surfaces, an advance that led to turbulent drag reduction in aeronautics technology. He had six patents and has authored more than 250 publications and major presentations often on the future of technology and the impact it will have on our society.

He has received awards from professional groups, governmental agencies and academia, including the NASA Exceptional Scientific Achievement and Outstanding Leadership Medals and Distinguished Research Scientist Awards. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, and a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and the Royal Aeronautical Society.

Career: (link) Responsible for Technical Oversight and Advanced Program formulation for a major NASA Research Center with technical emphasis in the areas of Atmospheric Sciences and Structures, Materials, Acoustics, Flight Electronics/Control/Software, Instruments, Aerodynamics, Aerothermodynamics, Hypersonic Air breathing Propulsion, Computational Sciences and Systems Optimization for Aeronautics, Spacecraft, Exploration and Space Access.

Forty-nine years experience as: Research Scientist, Section Head, Branch Head, Associate Division Chief and Chief Scientist.

Author of 252 publications/major presentations and 340 invited lectures/seminars, Member of National Academy of Engineering, Selected as Fellow of ASME, AIAA and the Royal Aeronautical Society, 6 patents, AIAA Sperry and Fluid and Plasma Dynamics Awards , AIAA Dryden Lectureship, Royal Aeronautical Society Lanchester, Swire and Wilber and Orville Wright Lectures, ICAS Guggenheim Lecture, Israel Von Karman Lecture, USAF/NASP Gene Zara Award, NASA Exceptional Scientific Achievement and Outstanding Leadership Medals and Distinguished Research Scientist Award, ST Presidential Rank Award,9 NASA Special Achievement and 11 Group Achievement Awards, University of Connecticut Outstanding Engineering Alumni, Academy of Engineers ,Pi Tau Sigma and Hamilton Awards, Univ. of Va. Engineering Achievement Award , service on numerous National and International Technical Panels and Committees and consultant to National and International organizations.

DOD related committee/consulting assignments include USAF Rocket Propulsion Laboratory, BMDC, ONR, Intelligence Community/STIC, AFOSR, NRAC, NRC,WL, LLL, HASC, NUWC, DARPA, AGARD, ARL,IAT, AEDC, JANNAF, NAVSEA, Air Force 2025,AFSOC,Sandia ,SAB, Army War College ,ACOM Joint Futures ,SOCOM,TRADOC,SEALS,JFCOM,IDA,NDU,DSB and Army After Next.

Reviewer for 40 Journals and Organizations, Editor, Volume 123 of AIAA Progress Series “Viscous Drag Reduction in Boundary Layers.” Responsible for invention/ development of “Riblet” approach to Turbulent Drag Reduction, High Speed “Quiet Tunnels” for Flight-Applicable Boundary Layer Transition Research, Advanced Computational Approaches for Laminar Flow Control and Advanced Hypervelocity Air-breathing and Aeronautical Concepts with revolutionary performance potential.

Contributions to National Programs include Sprint, HSCT/SST, FASTSHIP, Gemini, Apollo, RAM, Viking, X15, F-18E/F [patent holder for the “fix” to the wing drop problem],Shuttle, NASP, Submarine/Torpedo Technology ,Americas’ Cup Racers, Navy Rail Gun, MAGLEV Trains and Planetary Exploration.

B.S. in M.E. degree from University of Connecticut with Highest Honors, Distinction, University Scholar (1963), M.S. degree in M.E. from University of Virginia (1967).U.S. Govt. ST

Recent History of Actions

“For Bushnell, Green Is Global, Personal” (nasa) by Jim Hodges 03.21.08

Statements by Bushnell

  • “All of these things indicate that by 2100, we could be looking at an average temperature increase 6 to 14 degrees Centigrade,” adds Bushnell, Langley’s chief scientist. “At those temperatures, beyond 2100 all of the ice will melt and the oceans beyond 2100 could come up 75 to 80 meters, enough to drown the homes of some 2 ½ billion people globally.”
  • “We would like to incite brainstorming on the part of the entire field,” Bushnell says. “I am soliciting, the (center) is soliciting any and all ideas, thoughts, comments about climate and energy. We want people to intuit, find, seek, identify, hunt an assembly of concepts of green energy generation, storage, conservation and transmission – the entire spectrum of approaches. We’re looking for ideas.”
  • “There’s some thinking on the field that the next administration may take climate and energy far more seriously,” Bushnell says. “And so we’re involved in an effort at a very low level to do a ‘what-if-the-boss-asks’ planning exercise.
  • “In other words, if the White House or the next administrator asks what could Langley do for energy, warming or whatever, it’s nice to have an answer.”
  • “So, it’s sometimes good to work ‘what-if-the-boss-asks’ before he asks it. This is called due diligence homework.”
Read what NASA says about Cold Fusion (coldfusionnow)

“LENR the Realism and Outlook” (nasa) by Dennis Bushnell, Chief Scientist NASA Langley Research Institute.


Commercialization of Asteroids for Expansion into Space

“Extraterrestrial Mining Could Reap Riches & Spur Exploration” by Leonard David, (read)

  • “We talk about asteroids as a source of palladium and platinum and rare metals.” says Peter Diamondis of Planetary Resources Inc. “They’re also a source of … the things we value as humans… air water; that which keeps us alive. Asteroids are primarily a resource for our life as we expand into space.”
  • “Water sourced from asteroids will greatly enable the large-scale exploration of the solar system. Using the resources of space to expand into space is what will enable that bright future that we all dream of.” Eric Anderson, Co- founder.
Planetary Resources Inc.

X Prize’s Peter Diamandis, Space Adventures’ Eric Anderson, NASA astronaut Tom Jones, and Mars mission manager Chris Lewicki, backed by visionary investors James Cameron, Larry Page, Ross Perot want to develop our Solar System’s natural resources.

Credit:, Planetary Resources, NASA

The Future is Now!

Electrical current without generators using cheap abundant safe nuclear dense LENR fuels will enable next generation space-planes to use magnetic controlled plasma drives with a thrust  magnitudes greater than chemical (400X). Mag Lev Launch will reduce costs and exhaust pollutants.

Plasma Rockets 

“Plasma Propulsion in Space” by Eric J. Lerner, The Industrial Physicists magazine (pdf)

Rocketry: A comparative analysis 


Mag Lev Launch

The same electricity will enable mag lev launch platforms on the Earth, asteroids, moon, and Mars.

The Startram Project (link)

When I heard the learn’d astronomer,

When the proofs, the figures, were ranged in columns before me,

When I was shown the charts and diagrams, to add, divide and measure


When I sitting heard the astronomer where he lectured with much applause

… the lecture room,

How soon unaccountable I became tired and sick,

Till rising and gliding out I wandered off by myself,

In the mysical moist night air, and from time to time,

Looked up in perfect silence at the stars.

by Walt Whitman

Petition: Cold Fusion Renewable Energy Development

A renewed Cold Fusion Renewable Energy Petition is still alive at   Sign this petition now.

Cold Fusion atomic energy has been ignored and pushed aside in discussions/ presentations about alternative energy for too long. Advantages include little/no radioactive decay matter, and extremely high energy output. As an example, 1 or 2 future-generation generators themselves could power a metropolis city the size of Los Angeles, California for a month on one small supply of common inexpensive elements. Current energy generation comes from more than 5-sources. World leaders in nations/unions such as Japan, The United States of America, Russia, South Africa, The European Union, and so on have the ability and power to fully engage in the building mass energy production plants now.  “Nuclear fission power plants and weapons are dangerous.”

As of 07/02/2012 this is now an international petition.

This is among the safest, cleanest, and most powerful energy resources that has been proven to be as or more productive than coal, and nuclear fission; which is more commonly known. Other technologies based on science fiction stories like the various Star Trek television series from the 1960’s through recent series, offer multiple ideas that need to be officially explored further. Use of this energy source has the potential of replacing oil, coal, and natural gas use worldwide. The nation that does this first would likely reduce foreign dependence by 100%, erase it’s own and most other nations trade debts and retain all funds used towards purchasing foreign energy resources. The conservative powers that currently exist and the energy corporations that want to hold onto their dominance are fighting this in every way possible.

An accommodating resource of energy using a smaller cold fusion engine can also power vehicles of all sizes.  World leaders need to endorse this safer alternative too. Job losses may initially be massive but 3x to 10x more jobs would be created. Worldwide unemployment would drop dramatically due to increased lower cost energy availability.

We are in a new and more open time to succeed. Let’s make them listen and act for the people, our planet, not the corporate billionaires and subservient politicians!

Please sign this worlwide petition and forward this article: (Click Here)

NASA Information (Link)  …More proof!

No active nuke power plant in Japan

I am a blogger and a “LENR revolution” believer living in Japan. I will write the situation around us after 311, the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster.

At midnight of May 5th, the last nuke power plant was turned off for maintenance and there is no active nuke power plant in Japan.
The next photo shows “Nuclear Power Phase-out” people celebrating the historical event in Kou-enji of Tokyo. In this place, over 10,000 people joined demonstration parade to stop nuclear plants.

In Japan, there are 54 nuke power plants.  One year ago, in June 2011, the number of active nuke power plant was 19 which are colored as red in the next figure.  One after another, active plants have been turned off for maintenance and no electric power company could turn on it against the will of the people.

We Japanese consume the maximum electric power in August for air conditioning.  We saved the power in office, factory, shop and home in the last summer as below.  We must save more and more in this summer.  This is very important issue for our society and industry.

Electric Power Consumption in Japan

The electric power saving is important but is not the most critical.  I think the most critical issue for us is widespread contamination by  radioactive materials such as caesium 134 or 137.  The next photo shows children in a sports day in  this month in Fukushima prefecture.  They wore musks to prevent breathing dust, because the dust may include radioactive materials.

Unfortunately, cold fusion or LENR is not recognized as right science and technology in Japan.  But, I believe LENR will solve power problem in the near future and maybe … the biological transmutation technology may clean the land polluted by radioactive materials.

Cold Fusion Now!

Policy Points for Clean Energy

Easy to remember facts about cold fusion science and technology can go just about anywhere. Message the chip body, or print and post up where your chemical body goes. Snail mail your legislative representatives and local decision-makers.

Three elements are colliding together, the degradation of the environment, the plummeting economy, and the energy crisis. I think its been called a clusterf**k. There is no way out for seven billion people, unless we have an energy dense clean form of next-generation power.

Energy is a currency. Choose the best value for now and for to come.

Choose cold fusion.

Download the fullsize Top-Five-Benefits

I’ve updated so that white space in the image contains address for snail mail when you just fold paper and staple together.

Download the fullsize Top-Five-Benefits .pdf

Dowload Top-Five-Benefits .doc

Senate Energy Committee member “wants to get it right” on nuclear power; fails to mention cold fusion

The disaster that engulfed Japan continues a year later as fears that the former nuclear power plant, now radioactive-pile, Fukushima-Daichi could produce additional plumes of material that spread radiation throughout the northern hemisphere “altering civilization as we know it”.

Oregon Senator Ron Wyden visited the hot zone last month wearing a protective suit and assessed the situation on April 17 by saying “… things were worse than reported”. [read]

Interviewed days later on MSNBC [top of page] about his concerns and what he saw on the ground, Senator Wyden responded:

They obviously have a long, long way to go. When you go in there you see hundreds of tons of debris; you have huge trucks, storage tankers thrown about like they were my four-year-old twin’s toys. It’s very clear that there are substantial health questions that have to be addressed now.”

“I’m particularly concerned about Unit 4, there are these six reactors. If for example you had an earthquake or tsunami hit those particular pools, those pools could rupture. That could mean that the fuel rods catch fire and melt down. You’d have radiation in the air that would be a huge challenge to control.

[Tokyo Electric Power Company] TEPCO has a 10-year plan for moving the spent fuel rods to dry-casks, to dry storage. That in my view must be sped up because if another earthquake or tsunami hits, it could be very damaging, with possibly more radiation than earlier.” [TEPCO release here]

Responding to a question about Japanese food safety, he didn’t want to make “scientific judgments”, saying,

Fukushima-Daichi Reactor 4 building. Photo:
I think they made it clear that they have been able to handle much of the radiation because it’s stayed within the vessels. That’s one of the reasons I’m so concerned about unit 4. That is essentially outside the containment process. That’s why an earthquake or tsunami could be so serious.

I will tell you when I was visiting, and we were getting on the bus to go to the airport, people said to Oh, Pretty amazing Ron that you didn’t have an earthquake or a tremor while you were there. This is not an abstract question. This happens very frequently there.

Senator Wyden would not speculate on the issue of radiation hitting the west coast of the US, but he did say that “… certainly these reactors are very close to the ocean. In my home state, we’ve long been concerned about tsunamis and earthquakes.”

I think its time to get this right. We need to focus on what kind of design there ought to be for nuclear plants, where they ought to be located; certainly the question of putting them right next to oceans ought to be problematic to anyone. Those are the kind of issues that can’t be ducked any longer.

Senator Wyden sits on the US Senate Energy Committee, and so has received numerous mailings from Cold Fusion Now about the importance of funding cold fusion, or low-energy nuclear reactions LENR. LENR is a type of fusion-power based on a fuel of hydrogen from water, with no radioactive materials used at all.

Still the Senator speaks to the rear-view mirror.

Energy from LENR can be produced from just a few grams each of hydrogen and nickel, a common metal used industrially throughout the world. The science has been developing over two decades, yet only in the last year is a technology emerging. Lack of funding has hampered advancement due to legislators and agencies that mistakenly believe that “there is no such thing” as cold fusion.

However, several independent new energy companies beg to differ as they develop commercial products that bring next-generation nuclear energy to market. The first demonstrated prototypes are small and portable and will not need to be connected to an electrical grid. These technologies will be able to operate anywhere, be it coastal or inland.

There is virtually no chance of a meltdown with cold fusion generators based on a reaction described as a nickel-hydrogen exothermic reaction. The hydrogen-infused nickel metal powder that hosts the reaction will melt at 1453 C, thereby stopping the reaction. There’s no radiation danger from melted nickel.

Though initially in the form of steam generators and hot-water boilers, adding micro-turbines can turn that thermal energy to off-grid electricity. Using a fuel of hydrogen, access to water means access to fuel for a safe and clean energy source.

Akio Matsumura has reported devastating news about the reactor 4, saying that it could release radiation 10x what the Chernobyl explosion did. If all the radioactive fuel at the Daichi site were to melt-down, it could release 85x what Chernobyl did. [read]

Here, Mr. Matsumura gives some details about the possible dangers and calls for an “independent assessment team, independent of TEPCO, to see what will be the best way to improve the situation …. which is critical now …

Conventional nuclear power provided 30% of the electricity for Japan, and the plan was to increase that share to 50% by the year 2050. Now, the decision has been implemented to dramatically reduce Japan’s dependence on this form of nuclear power which uses a highly radioactive and dangerous fuel, and embark on an all-out program of alternatives. It’s a hasty move, but seemingly inevitable.

Humans pretend to plan for the worst, but never imagine it really happening. Rising sea levels can cause greater storm surge making coastal nuclear power plants even more vulnerable.

Let’s remind Mr. Wyden, and all the Energy committee members that mitigation begins with funding LENR.

Senator Ron Wyden Home

Letters to Senate request hearings on DoE and USPTO by Ruby Carat November 10, 2011 contains the addresses of all Senate Energy sub-committee members.
