Michael McKubre: A Comprehensive Dialogue on LENR

Interview with an LENR pioneer who likely needs little introduction: Dr. Michael McKubre. Dr. McKubre is an accomplished electrochemist who has been working in the field of Cold Fusion for over 20 years. He joined Stanford Research Institute in the late 1970s and has served as their Director of Energy Research up till the present day. He has made countless contributions to the field, including important replications in the mid 1990s that demonstrated an important correlation between excess heat and helium production in a variety of experimental setups. He was one of the driving forces in achieving a DOE review of cold fusion in 2004. In 2009 he was interviewed for and prominently featured on the 60-Minutes segment: Cold Fusion is Hot Again, in which the successes of Cold Fusion over the past 20 years were brought into focus.

Early on Dr. McKubre discusses his transition into the field of Cold Fusion having had experience with palladium/deuterium systems in previous work. He presents a clear overview of his experimental efforts spanning from 1989 until 2000. Much of it devoted to verifying A) whether excess heat was a reality, and B) whether there was a statistically significant correlation between excess heat and helium production (as per Miles).

We discuss the work leading up to the 2004 DOE review of Cold Fusion, and the mixed outcomes that resulted from it. He argues that skeptical arguments against LENR have remained rather stagnant, and have not evolved much at all over the years. He applauds skeptic turned promoter Dr. Rob Duncan for his open mind and efforts in promoting the field since 2009. We also discuss the work of Dr. Irving Dardik of the Energetics Group and their use of complex waveforms to increase loading, flux, and reliability.

In regards to which company’s system goes to market first (Rossi, Defkalion, or Brillouine), Dr. McKubre had this to say: “I don’t think first matters…if anyone gets to the market place there will be a position to setup…there’s room for all three of them to succeed and twenty more people to succeed…all of them competing for a very large market…all could succeed beyond their wildest expectations.”

Toward the end of the interview while speculating a bit on theory, McKubre admits that the reaction mechanism still largely remains a black box of sorts; we still are not sure what is going on and will require further experimental data (input/output conditions) before a valid theory can be decided upon. In discussing Ed Storms’ theory of the NAE, McKubre states: “I acknowledge the existence of a NAE…what is going on is a reconfiguration of the lattice…close to the surface…[Ed’s theory] is an interesting one…if it turns out Ed is right, then my hat is off to him…he’s already done more work than anyone in the field…Ed is already a Cold Fusion hero. If it turns out [the NAE mechanism] is true…he will certainly be a candidate for the Nobel Prize…the field deserves a Nobel Prize…if he is right….I will promote him for it.”

In closing Dr. McKubre explains his shifting focus away from pure experimental research and toward helping to commercialize LENR systems.

ICCF-18 Presentation Videos for Monday, July 22

The 18th International Conference on Cold Fusion was held at the University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, U.S over July 21-27, 2013

Here’s the ColdFusionNow YouTube channel with Monday’s videos, or see below for the individual links to each video.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013 Presentation videos
Tuesday, July 23, 2013 Presentation videos
Monday, July 22, 2013 Presentations videos

Links to ICCF-18 Monday video presentations from these presenters are available:
(Note: Switch player quality to 720pHD for HD video)

Dr. Edmund Storms “Explaining Cold Fusion” [.pdf slides]

Distinguished Scientist Award: Dr. Edmund Storms
with Tom Claytor

Dr. Jean-Paul Biberian “High Temperature and High Pressure Plasma Electrolysis Experiments” [.pdf slides]

Jed Rothwell “Lessons from Cold Fusion Archives and From History” [.pdf script]

Dr. Vladimir Vysotskii “Subbarrier Processes in LENR for Particles in Correlated States at Action of Damping and Fluctuations” [.pdf slides]

Dr. Mark Prelas “Sporadic Neutron Production by Pressure-Loaded D/Ti Systems Under High Rates of Temperature Change” [.pdf slides]

Keith Fredericks “Possibility of Tachyon Monopoles Detected in Photographic Emulsions” [.pdf slides]

Dr. Yasuhiro Iwamura “Recent Advances in Deuterium Permeation Induced Transmutation Experiments Using Nano-Structured Pd/CaO/Pd Multilayer Thin Film” [.pdf slides]

Matt McConnell (Coolescence) Entrepreneurial Efforts [.pdf slides]

Dr. Mitchell Swartz (JET Energy) Entrepreneurial Efforts [.pdf slides]

Tyler van Houwelingen and Bob Greenyer (Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project)
Entrepreneurial Efforts [.pdf slides]

Nicholas Chauvin (LENR Cars) Entrepreneurial Efforts [.pdf slides]

Dr. Max Fomitchev-Zamilov (Quantum Potential Corp) Entrepreneurial Efforts [.pdf slides]

Robert Godes (Brillouin Energy) Entrepreneurial Efforts

Link to the Playlist here.

All ICCF-18 lecture slides, poster papers, and materials can be found on the University of Missouri site here: https://mospace.umsystem.edu/xmlui/handle/10355/35425

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Communiques from Columbia

Cold Fusion Now! coverage from ICCF-18

Message from ICCF-18: Sunday Basic Course
Day 1 Opening Reception: Top Researchers and New Faces
Day 2 Monday: Strong Claims and Rebuttals
Day 3 Tuesday: PHOTOS!
Day 4 Wednesday: Presentations and Behind the Scenes
Day 5 Thursday: Presentation and Awards
Day 6: The Way Forward
Banquet Snapshots: Celebrating Science
ICCF-18 Post Thoughts: Long Hours, High Spirits, and The Young Guns
Concluding Observations on ICCF-18 by David French

Presentations slides and papers from the proceedings will be available, as authors give their permission, at: https://mospace.umsystem.edu/xmlui/handle/10355/35424

Frank Znidarsic: LENR, Antigravity, and a “New Age of Wonder”

Interview with Frank Znidarsic: a Registered Professional Electrical Engineer in the state of Pennsylvania. During his many years working in the energy sector, he has personally witnessed the limitations and decline of American Industry. Frank has written numerous peer reviewed and non peer reviewed articles on Cold Fusion, Antigravity, and Foundational Physics and has also been featured in Infinite Energy Magazine. He is also the author of the book ‘Energy, Cold Fusion and Antigravity’.

His Quantum Transition Theory (aka Z-Theory) resolves a variety of quantum enigmas (Planck’s Constant, Quantum Jumping, Energy Level of Photons) utilizing a classical approach. His theory accounts for Cold Fusion/LENR as a byproduct of the amplified magneto component of the Nuclear Strong Force (aka Spin Orbit Force), and also accounts for Antigravity as a byproduct of the amplified magneto component of the Gravitational Force. This amplification occurs when a BEC-Superconductor State is achieved in a system vibrated at a dimensional frequency of 1.094 megahertz-meters.

By exploring these topics more in depth, Frank believes that mankind can achieve an age of abundance in the not too distant future. Frank’s book can be purchased on Amazon, and more information about Frank can be found at his personal website, on YouTube, as well as at the alienscientist.com forums. A breakdown of the interview can be referenced below if so desired:

0min- 5min: Frank’s Professional and Academic Credentials; Issues with Mainstream Energy Solutions; Industrial Profit Culture; Frank’s Interest in Cold Fusion/LENR; Frank’s Interest in Anti-Gravity; Frank’s Personal Visits to NASA Marshall/James Patterson/George Miley

5min- 15min: Quantum Transition Theory; Conservation Laws and Magnetism Ex Nihilo; Magneto Amplification; Magneto Component of Strong Nuclear Force and Gravity; Meissner Effect in Superconductors; Kicking Superconductors into Quantum Transition; Quantum Transition in Patterson Cold Fusion Cells and Podkletnov Gravity Discs; Quantum Transition Velocity and Atoms; Impedance Matched Systems and Quantum Transition; Classical Derivation of Quantum Constants; Classical Physics vs. Quantum Mechanics; Einstein and Hidden Variables; Solving Photon Paradox; Exploring Amplitude vs. Frequency

16min- 23min: Feynman on Quantum Physics; Gravito-Magnetic Component and Momentum; Mutability of Gravito-Magnetism and Spin Orbit Force via Quantum Jump Stimulation; Impedance Match between Transverse Electromagnetic Wave and Longitudinal Mechanical/Sound Wave in Atoms during Transition; Range Increase of Magnetic Forces; Vibratory Transition in Bose-Einstein Condensates; Evidence for BEC /Superconductor Condition in Palladium Cathode/Proton Conductors; Why No Radiation Emissions During LENR/Cold Fusion; Amplification of Spin Orbit Force Allows for Clean Nucleon Cluster Energy Exchange

23min- 31min: Visit with Hal Puthoff; Nano-Particles and Quantum Transition in LENR Systems; Nano-Particles in Rossi and Defkalion Generators; Difficulty of Controlling Runaway Reactions; Speculative Mechanics of Superluminal Space Travel; Non-Conservation of Inertial Mass; Distinguishing Further Between Electromagnetism and Gravito-Magnetism; Conservation and Momentum; BEC Vibration Equivalent of Soft Iron Amplification

31min- 42min: Cosmo-Genesis and Ex Nihilo; Creating Something from Nothing; Rossi vs. Defkalion vs. Brillouine; Rossi’s Secret Catalyst; Irreproducibility of Patterson Cell; Mutability of Static Forces vs. Dynamic/Movement Forces; Engineering Perspective;  Dr. George Miley and LENR Transmutation Phenomena; Collaboration with Sidney Kimmel Group; Provisional Patent for Controlling LENR Reactions; Energy Cold Fusion and Antigravity Book; A New Age of Wonder for Humanity; Double Edged Sword of Controlling the Natural Forces

Edmund Storms: At peak efficiency “no other source of power will be necessary”

John Maguire, a writer for J.C.M., interviews Dr. Edmund Storms, author of The Science of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction: A Comprehensive Compilation of Evidence and Explanations about Cold Fusion.

Storms discusses his early career at Los Alamos National Lab, and how in 1989, his team there got positive results, confirming the nuclear nature of the phenomenon. A brief primer on the early successes moves into a discussion on struggle to understand the science behind this reaction, and on efforts to commercialize this technology despite the lack of a definitive theory.

Storms talks about why this technology is so important to develop, and examines how the lack of a definitive, agreed upon theory slows the commercialization from this discovery.

“We have succeeded over the last twenty-four years in proving the effect is real, that the claims are not based upon incompetence, fraud, or error, they are based upon a true behavior of nature,” says Storms.

“Now the challenge is to make this happen at commercial levels, make it reproducible, because presently it is difficult to reproduce – not impossible – but difficult; it takes great skill, and it has to be produced at a rate with high enough power to be useful as a commercial application, and that aspect of it is presently underway by several companies.”

“Once the phenomenon is understood, and can be manipulated at will, then engineering will be applied to make it totally and most efficient. We haven’t reached that stage yet.”

“The efforts underway to make commercial power using nickel and light-hydrogen by Rossi and Defkalion are trying to improve the engineering, to improve the efficiency, but even they haven’t come close to the efficiency that will be possible.”

“Once this [reaction] is understood, the efficiency will be 100%.”

“In other words, these devices will make energy simply by sitting there. You’ll have to apply hydrogen, and you turn them off by taking the hydrogen away, you turn them on by putting more hydrogen in; no other source of power will be necessary.”

“We’ll have a source of power that will stay hot for years and years, or until you turn it off by pumping out the hydrogen.”

Asked why so many still ignore or belittle the science, given the huge benefits of clean, dense, power, Storms says this environment will continue because “This phenomenon will be immensely disruptive.”

“It’s a conflict of self-interest. Those people who are naturally threatened by it, will fight it. It’s a very large threat, and it’s a very large fight.”

Listen to the interview Dr. Edmund Storms: Cold Fusion, Nuclear Active Environments, and New Energy on Foks0904 Channel.

John Maguire also contributes essays on alternative energies to Blue Science.

Cold Fusion Radio’s James Martinez on Buzzsaw

From TheLipTV Channel on Youtube:

Cold Fusion, nuclear power and the global economy are put under the microscope with guest James Martinez in this full length interview for Buzzsaw with Sean Stone. We take a look at the possibility of free energy revolution–from Andrea Rossi’s game changing technology in cold fusion, to the credit based economy, mind control and more,

James Martinez is a Media Ecologist, Radio Talk Show host and pioneer in radio broadcasting and behavior modification. He was born in San Diego, California and grew up in Brazil, England and Europe. After attending University he began working for a retired Federal Agent and one retired Naval Intelligence officer. He is an accredited member of the press for American Media Distribution and has been a consultant for True TV’s Conspiracy Theory and has consulted for Emmy Award winning actor Eion Bailey for show entitled “Imagine This!” Mr. Martinez can be heard on the Achieve Radio Network and soon the first men’s network Protection For Men.

James Martinez began Cold Fusion Radio with his interviews with scientists and business leaders in the cold fusion research arena.

Mensa Brainwave reader heps Alex Jones to Rossi report

A self-identified member of Mensa called in to Alex Jones’ radio show (posted on June 16) and read the Mensa Brainwave May 28 edition’s headline quoting the ExtremeTech.com articleCold fusion reactor independently verified, has 10,000 times the energy density of gas” referring to the report of third-party tests on Andrea Rossi‘s E-Cat.

Jump to the 6:46 mark to hear the “mindful” news. http://youtu.be/8_xKVfNabCE?t=6m46s

He lobbed a softball to Jones. Too bad Alex couldn’t catch it.
