Oxford to Milan LENR Cities gather new energy neighbors

LENRG Youtube Channel has uploaded video shorts of the recent meeting in Oxford bringing together scientists, advocates, planners, and designers to envision and create a living environment based on clean Low Energy Nanoscale Reactions (LENR) energy technology.

LENR Cities is the focal point for the assemblage. LENR-Cities “accelerates market transformation and fosters LENR demand” by being a “bridge between VC/investors and those who develop LENR tech and product innovations”.

From their website:

Low Energy Nanoscale Reactions research will become a new field of engineering capable of addressing world challenges regarding Energy with a global impact. It is therefore clear that any LENR project intersects with multiple interests and issues which create the conditions for their failure. To address this main issue, it is necessary to enable industries and actors to concurrently integrate their industry into LENR industry, that is to say, to define open capabilities to securely enable any player to come into the game.

LENR-Cities, a Swiss organization, is leading the LENRG Ecosystem. Each project is run independently, with its own objectives, but contributes to the achievement of the overall project which itself is reinforcing everyone’s capabilities and interest to support the overall project. We are now building the core of the Ecosystem with a small group of key scientists, investors and industrialists, individuals and public or private organizations. The objective of this group is to be the catalyst of the whole project.

Find more photos of the Oxford meeting on the LENR Cities Facebook page. A Download Portal for event materials is at http://lenr-cities.com/wplc/, but you must register and login first.

The next LENRG event will be in Milan on April 10, 2015.


Michel Vandenberghe, CEO LENR-CIties SA
Founder of The Business Factory

Didier Pelluer, COO
CEO SASW Srl, Switzerland

Yogi Srivastava, Chief Scientist
Co-founder of Clean Nuclear Power LLC, Switzerland

Allan Widom, Core Team
Co-founder of Clean Nuclear Power LLC, Switzerland

John Swain, Core Team

To see all the video uploads from the LENRG event, go to the LENRG Youtube Channel

MFMP Dog Bone Week ends with cell-popping bang

Live Open Science at the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project had a high-intensity moment today as they tested a sealant on the ends of the Alexander Parkhomov type experiment.

Watch video of the cell-popping pressurized reactor in Bang! Safety First on the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project Youtube channel.

The video documents how just two minutes before the test reactor shell shattered, MFMP members Bob Greenyer, Ryan Hunt, and Alan Goldwater erected a “blast shield” to protect against any debris should a failure occur.

“Yes, cause at some point we’re going to have some molten lithium in there and I’m not sure I want that – or even vapor lithium – coming at us, so perhaps we should retire to a different distance?” Bob Greenyer can be heard saying on the video.

Published on Feb 6, 2015 from Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project Youtube channel:

After successfully testing a new sealing method for simple reactor core manufacture, MFMP team members next experiment passes through the “Parkhomov threshold”, that is temperatures above which Dr. Alexander Parkhomov reported first seeing ‘excess heat’. As a precaution, the team erect a blast shield… and not a moment too soon!

NOTE: Look at the area of the ceramic outer tube just after the event.

As Francesco Celani says – Safety, Safety, Safety.

The video shows the effectiveness of Aluminum ferrule based swageloks sealing the 1/4 inch reactor tube to high pressures. Simple, fast, cheap, repeatable

It is not yet clear what exactly happened at this time. The test of the compression sealant was successful, and the endcap was secure. A surge in temperature is then followed by the reactor shattering.

“At least we know we have pressure.” says Ryan Hunt, just seconds after the pop.

The temperature readings before the cell popped.
The temperature readings before the cell popped.
Reactor just after explosive event.
Reactor just after explosive event.

The event concluded a week of scheduled tests, broadcast live on their Youtube channel.

From the February 3, 2015, Ryan Hunt posted:

Bob Greenyer and Alan Goldwater are here to help execute a rapid series of live experiments. We have assembled all the test equipment we had hoped for. Now it is time to see how they work together. We have an ambitious plan with several tests, but the thermal assessment is the top priority. In the event that we run into some serious snags, be prepared for the plans to change and tests to be dropped.

The Time Line of events was forecast as:

Tests are defined in more detail below.

Monday, Feb 2

Team assembles, Test equipment set up, integrated, and prepared. Lots of reading the manuals!


Starting at 9 am local time, or so.

Test 1: Calibration with Thermocouples, Optris camera, and Williamson Pyrometer.
livelink: http://youtu.be/0DY4TJmCJS8

Test 2: Fat coil dog bone with internal heat source

Test 3: Assessment of Alan’s calibrated alumina temperature sources


Test 4: Powder Test in sealed Alumina tube

Tests 5, 6, 7, …: Powder Test in sealed Alumina tube

Iterate and try different ideas while we have the team assembled


Test X: High Temp Inconel Heater Dogbone Calibration

Other tests as deemed worthy

Friday, Feb 6

Team Leaves, wrap up


Discuss and write up

Whatever happened in the test today, it is a reminder that anybody contemplating experiments in energy must proceed with the utmost caution.

Practice science responsibly and gather experienced partners for safe and successful results.

button-MFMP-200x200_3The Live Open Science of MFMP utilizes the digital space to communicate and collaborate on a global. The research is focused on discovering the nature of a source of dense, ultra-clean energy from a plentiful fuel.

What no institution in the U.S. dare do, the MFMP collective puts together on fly specks.

Be a part of the MFMP Live Open Science collective with your financial support..

PARTIAL transcript of Reactor Failure Event Feb 6

00.08 “Yes, cause at some point we’re going to have some molten lithium in there I’m not sure I want that or even vapor lithium coming at us, so perhaps we should retire to a different distance?”

” ..can’t …flying particles is what I had in mind …(?)”

“I can hide behind the monitor there, but Ryan, from where your sitting, it’s probably easiest here since you’re in the line of fire…”

00:38 “We’re just erecting a blast shield out of respect.”

“Gonna do the infrared camera filter thing,
00:52 OK ready, it looks a bit like this …
ready, it looks a bit like this …

“Well, the photos I’ve taken look pretty much bang on,
so we’ll get those over to you at some point.”

01:13 “The Williamson is reading about 1027 degrees approximately.”

01:25 “On the chart here, we’re seeing 952.”

It’s interesting that ….

01:39 “It’s 797 to 834, about 38 degrees difference,

01:57 and now it’s 927 to 956.”

Ryan Hunt: “That’s 25. So yeah, that’s a little closer.”

Bob Greenyer: “What’s the Geiger counter doing? Not a lot….”

2:20 – 2:29 silence

2:30 POP!

“Well that was exciting!”

“Did you hear it?”

“Was the shield a good idea?”

“The shield was a good idea.”

“The shield was a good idea.”

“We have no silicon carbide element, and we have a vaporised reactor. So, was that a runaway reaction? We were in the domain of Parkhomov?”

“Well at least we know we have pressure.”

“Even though we shouldn’t have pressure at that temperature…”

Well, no, … the last …

“Oh my, that was exciting. Oh guys, that vaporised, it utterly, utterly vaporised, ….”

“Well, time to go and take some closer up pictures.”

“Well, bear in mind that there’s lithium-aluminium-hydride around, so perhaps we should open a few doors.”

“Does anybody know what that is supposed to smell like?”

“Uh, death.”

Related Links

Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project at QuantumHeat.org

Alexander Parkhomov type experiment.

Cold Fusion: the “heirs” of Fleischmann candidates for the Nobel Peace Prize

Joint Institute of Nuclear Research cold fusion seminar video

Dr. Edward Tsyganov of Cold Fusion Power presented a Cold Nuclear Fusion Seminar at N. N. Bogolyubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics (BLTP) 2014 in Dubna, Russia.

Powerpoint files of the presentation can be found here.

A video news report on the event was posted by the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research JINTV here and on Youtube here

A transcript of the video news report was provided by Scientific Information Department JINR 2014 and is reproduced below:

The seminar, which dealt with cold nuclear fusion, took place at the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. In his report, Professor Edward Tsyganov gave a possible explanation of the effects observed in numerous experiments. The scientist was asked many questions. Currently, physicists believe that there is no conclusive evidence for the existence of cold fusion. However, cold fusion studies continue to be carried out in various countries in order to discover and secure an inexhaustible supply of nuclear energy.

It all started with a report by chemists Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons on electrochemically induced nuclear fusion—the conversion of deuterium to tritium or helium through electrolysis using a palladium electrode. This report, which appeared in March 1989, caused quite a stir. The scientists observed neutron emission and the recovery of large amounts of heat, which are signs of nuclear processes. However, the scientific community believes that their claims are incomplete and inaccurate. So-called cold fusion established itself as a pseudoscience; however, after a public demonstration of the experiment using electrochemical cells in 2008 by Yoshiaki Arata of Osaka University, discussions on cold fusion began to appear again.

Known nuclear fusion reactions—thermonuclear reactions—take place in plasma at temperatures of millions of degrees Kelvin. So-called cold nuclear fusion assumes the possibility of nuclear fusion reactions in chemical (atomic and molecular) systems without significantly heating the working substance. However, most chemists and physicists are trying to find an alternative (non-nuclear) explanation for the phenomenon.

Professor Edward Tsyganov remarked that, when saturating conductive crystals with deuterium atoms, the presence of free electrons in the crystal potential niches leads to a ban for the unexcited deuterium atoms to occupy these niches. At the same time, even the first excitation level of deuterium atom removes this ban. When all of the potential niches have already been filled by deuterium atoms at least once, further saturation of a crystal with deuterium atoms gives rise to twin clusters of atoms in one such niche.

In most of these clusters, deuterium nuclei are pulled together to distances of 1/10–1/20 of the nominal size of these atoms. The zero level of quantum mechanics vibrations in the adjacent deuterium nuclei quickly leads to the penetration of the two deuterium nuclei through the reduced Coulomb barrier. The spatial orientation of the excited deuterium atoms in the crystal lattice is strictly determined with respect to one of the crystal lattice’s spatial directions.

The report also discussed the further dissipation of energy during the transition from the excited state of 4He* to the ground state–formed nuclei of 4He (~24 MeV).

This was the second seminar on the topic of cold fusion at JINR. About a year and a half ago, Professor Edward Tsyganov gave a similar talk at JINR. Both then and now, his report “DD fusion in conducting crystals” has caused heated debate.

–Scientific Information Department JINR 2014

Editor: Inna Orlova
Video: Igor Belvedersky

Related links:

Cold Fusion Power Dubna conference files

Appeal to Putin on cold fusion countered with “nothing new”

Mats Lewan Interview: E-Cat, Andrea Rossi, & An Impossible Invention

Journalist Mats Lewan requires little introduction for most people familiar with the Andrea Rossi story, but just in case here is a quick summary for the uninitiated:

Mats holds a masters degree in physics, and is recognized as a world-renowned science & technology reporter. He writes for the Swedish newspaper NyTeknik, where he has been covering both cold fusion generally, and Andrea Rossi’s Energy-Catalyzer technology specifically, since 2011. He has recently published a book titled An Impossible Invention in which he recounts his first-hand experiences with Andrea Rossi and LENR over the past three years. More information can be found at http://animpossibleinvention.com/. Mats’ more conventional articles can be found at http://www.nyteknik.se/.

Mats is a model of integrity, and his book has been receiving rave reviews. It is available in both paperback and E-book format through his website. If anyone rather download our dialogue in audio format Download MP3 Here . Also, visit my site Q-Niverse for more of my content if interested. Thanks for taking an interest.

Revolution-Green’s Mark Dansie On Transition Technology & LENR

Interview with Revolution-Green’s Mark Dansie. Mark is recognized as a world-renowned evaluator of energy technologies and is currently helping develop several new energy concepts himself. Over the last seven years, Mark has traveled the world evaluating many new and free technology claims. He specializes in magnetic motor and HHO gas evaluations, but has reviewed many other technologies as well. He has been featured as a speaker at several energy conferences, and his catch cry is “show me the data” as he is a believer in scientific methodology when evaluating claims. More information can be found at http://revolution-green.com/.

We discuss various topics including “free” energy, stepping-stone technologies such as thorium-power, as well as what Mark expects from Cold Fusion-LENR in both the immediate future and the long-term.

If so desired a downloadable MP3 version can be found here, and on iTunes. Thanks for taking an interest.

Michio Kaku informed on new developments in cold fusion

Jeremy Rys of AlienScientist.com asks Dr. Michio Kaku his thoughts on cold fusion science, and alerts him to the accelerating development of the field since the first announcement of the discovery 25 years ago.

Dr. Kaku is a teacher and author of numerous popular science books as well as textbooks on high-level theoretical physics.

He held a Q&A for the public on April 7, and Jeremy seized the opportunity to inquire about cold fusion energy. Initially ignored, Jeremy was able to persist and solicit a few answers from Kaku that showed an unfamiliarity with the recent advances.

A link to the 2014 CF/LANR Colloquium at MIT presentations was provided to him, and hopefully, Dr. Kaku will take the opportunity to see that the future is truly green and bright – if we have the clean energy to fuel it.

Watch the story unfold here.

It’s activism like this that will bring ultra-clean energy from the hydrogen in water to a usable technology ASAP.

Talking about cold fusion with your friends, family, teachers, legislators, and media is the most important thing anyone of us can do to bring awareness and support for a green technological future on Earth.
