By Hal Fox, Editor of Fusion Facts published July 1989 – December 1996
Published 1992 by the Fusion Information Center Salt Lake City, Utah
Complete with “Over 90 pages of Bibliography of Cold Fusion”
on a 3 1/2″ floppy disk stamped April 13, 1993.


The Seekers of TRUTH
Improvers of LIFE:

The Honest Scientists and Engineers of the World.







Cold Fusion Now!

Cold Fusion Impact in the Enhanced Energy Age/Book and Disk

Too Close To The Sun: 1994 BBC doc profiles early history of “cold fusion underground”

“If it had been anything else, we would have said, ‘Oh, people don’t want us to do it, forget it, just leave it alone.’ But this is not in that category. This is interesting science, new science.

If you’ve got any integrity, you don’t give it up.” — Martin Fleischmann

Too Close to The Sun from BBC Horizon recounts the story of cold fusion from the initial announcement in 1989 through developments in 1994 when the video was released. Multiple interviews with major players include Eugene Mallove speaking on the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s bungling of cold fusion data, misrepresenting the actual creation of excess heat from their test cell by claiming they saw nothing. A later analysis by Mitchell Swartz of JET Energy revealed the blunder, though it was never corrected.

“The cold fusion episode will be looked upon as one of the greatest travesties against justice and understanding that has ever occurred in the history of science,” says Mallove.

Also profiled is Michael McKubre, whose Menlo Park lab SRI reported “up to 500 times excess heat” and Randall Mills then of Thermacore, now of Blacklight Power, “claimed 1000% excess heat” from light-water and nickel cells. At the time, that news prompted another “senior scientist at a national laboratory” to begin work on the phenomenon. In the film, that scientist remains unknown, speaking in the shadows, due to the stigma of this field and the backlash that clean cold fusion research brings.

Professor David Williams describes an early and earnest effort by Harwell Laboratory in Britain which found no effect from the experiments. He revealed his frustration on camera. “At first you assume it’s because you’re not smart enough, or not going long enough, or not doing things quite right, so you try yet more variations, and all the time all these claims are coming in from all sorts of people saying Oh they could do the first time around! You know, you feel like a right bird! Here are all these people saying they switched this cell on and bang, it works…..and we found nothing.”

Caltech commemorates perhaps their biggest scientific failure with this T-shirt.
John Huizenga was Co-Chairman of the Energy Research Advisory Board ERAB that reviewed the evidence for the U.S. Department of Energy and issued a rushed report just months after Drs. Fleischmann and Pons’ announcement that effectively barred cold fusion research from any funding for over two decades, dropping clean energy in favor of expensive hot fusion and dangerous nuclear power plants that use radioactive fuel. The Department of Energy’s current $29 billion dollar budget has $0 for developing this revolutionary science.

The ERAB panel selectively chose what evidence to allow by claiming that anything that didn’t fit their conventional theory of nuclear science was impossible. “We wrote a very negative report and concluded that the results that were being presented to us were contrary to everything we had found out about nuclear physics over the last fifty years”, Huizenga said.

He authored the book Cold Fusion: The Scientific Fiasco of the Century claiming an untruth that defined the misinformation campaign’s motto to this day: “There’s no experimental evidence at this point that any nuclear reaction products have been formed. Therefore the claim that cold fusion is a nuclear reaction process without a commensurate amount of nuclear reaction products is simply pathological science.”

Though he attended several cold fusion conferences, and eventually went to a lab with a working cell at Cal Poly Pomona where Professors Robert Bush and Robert Eagleton were researching the effect, Huizenga refused to look at the data showing excess heat, first claiming he was “retired”. Then, after an invitation to stay a while and examine the cell with all his newly freed time, he hemmed, saying he had some “consulting” work to do.

Selectively ignoring data was rampant among the so-called “objective” science community. John Maddox, editor of science journal Nature had decided one year later that cold fusion was over. “I think it will turn out, after two, three years more investigation, that this is just spurious and just unconnected with anything that you would call nuclear fusion. I think that broadly speaking it is dead and it will remain dead for a very long time.”

Speaking on those early days in the U.S., when members’ vitriol stained the American Physical Society, Stanley Pons recalls, “You forget things in time. I can remember that was extremely bitter at that time. I thought we’d been treated extremely unjustly, which I still do. I think the critics were not operating in the bounds of sanity, and I think we were victimized in that respect. So I was quite bitter at the time and I’ve just chose to ignore it and just go on. I really don’t have any feelings about it anymore; it’s just a non-issue now.

“I think you become numb,” added Martin Fleischmann.

“You become numb to it, yeah.”

Keiji Kunimatsu, a former student of Martin Fleischmann persuaded Minoru Toyota, of the famed Toyoto car corporation, to fund the pair’s research, setting them up in a lab in the south of France near Nice. Toyota had already been learning about what cold fusion was. Kunimatsu had learned from Fleischmann that “Scientists must do something new which nobody has done before. That way is the spirit of science.”

Fleischman said, “It was a relief to get away from the terrible atmosphere in the United States and to have the opportunity to work totally without public attention for a period of time.”

Although reproducibility of this mercurial reaction continues to plague many labs to this day, a handful of researchers have made huge advances; a few to the point of developing a commercial technology. For these few labs, the clean energy of cold fusion is available on-demand: turn it on when you want, turn it off when you want. When the engineering of these devices finally produces a product, the over two decades of smug pontifications of an errant orthodoxy by the conventional scientific community will at last end.

In 1993, twenty Japanese corporations including Toyota, Hitachi, and Mitsubishi, financed the New Hydrogen Energy Laboratory for a five-year program called Icarus. Martin Fleischmann consulted on the new project.

In celebration of the inauguration of this project, he toasted “To Icarus One, and all the other Icarus’s to follow. And don’t forget, our wings are stuck on with superglue.”

Early T-shirt design by Al Kemme and Associates reveals greater truth.

Thank you Martin Fleischmann.
Thank you Stanley Pons.
Thank you Eugene Mallove.

Thanks to you, we will have Cold Fusion Now!

1994 Cold Fusion Sourcebook dedicated to “Children of Chernobyl”

The Salt Lake City, Utah Fusion Information Center founded by Hal Fox was the first research center dedicated to researching and publishing about cold fusion. Newsletters such as Fusion Facts, the New Energy News, and Journal of New Energy all emanated from this organization beginning in mid-1989 and running through 1999.

Hal Fox speaks at Conference on Future Energy
Hal Fox was the director of the first research laboratory at the University of Utah Research Park. Realizing the benefits of this new form of energy, he became a strong advocate, creating several companies and organizing many publication efforts to advance the field. The Cold Fusion Sourcebook edited by Hal Fox coalesced The Proceedings of the International Symposium on Cold Fusion and Advanced Energy Sources held in Belarus, Minsk May 24-26, 1994.

The book is dedicated to three classes of people:

1. To those international scientists, engineers, and inventors that have diligently pursued the truth; who have trusted the integrity of other scientists who reported on their new discoveries; who have replicated, and improved, and, in turn, reported on this new science of cold nuclear fusion and other enhanced energy devices.

2. To the new scientists, engineers, inventors, and scholars who now can follow in the footsteps of those who have led, and become leaders of others. You will be the individuals and the generation who will develop, install, and use the new non-polluting, inexpensive energy systems that will help improve our homes, our countries, and our world.

3. To the Children of Chernobyl.

Cold Fusion Sourcebook edited by Hal Fox [download .pdf]
from New Energy Times

Fox’s Introduction follows here:

“When I first learned of the devastation to Belarus (and parts of the Ukraine) from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster, I was strongly distressed at the intense penalty that was imposed upon the nation, its people, and especially its children. I determined to do something for the last “Children of Chernobyl”. I desire to express my commendations to those who risked their lives to tell the world about the silent killer in their land and all of us express our thanks to the concerned citizens from many nations that are trying to help. There is no nation on earth that is in a better location for the international conference on new energy than Belarus. There is no nation on earth that deserves and needs a new non-polluting source of energy more than Belarus. That is why I am here with you at this conference.”

“I’m pleased to be the editor of the English version of the proceedings of this important international conference early this year I want to over 50 cold fusion scientists whom I call my friends, and asked them to provide reports on their work. Each one was asked to write an article which would become part of a “Cold Fusion Source book”. In addition, my friend Ben Filimonov of Belarus invited papers from leading scientists from his part of the world who had been successful in the development of this exciting new technology of cold nuclear fusion. With the help of excellent translators, especially Ms. Tamara Grinevich, those papers, mainly from CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States), have been included in this publication. In addition, we have also included some invited papers that deal with some other enhanced energy systems (new energy systems that provide more energy out then used as input or driving energy).”

“The first article in the Cold Fusion Sourcebook is mine and is meant to set the stage with the articles that follow by providing a review of the many new methods, in addition to the original Pons-Fleischmann cold fusion cells, by which nuclear reactions and/or excess thermal energy can be produced in relatively simple “table-top” experiments. The second paper is by Dr. Ben Filimonov, who categorizes the many phenomenon of cold nuclear fusion and provides us with a new way of looking at this rich phenomenon.”

“To the attendees of this conference and those who read our work: we challenge you to make use of this knowledge, improve what we have done, and solve the energy problems so that there will never again be anymore “children of Chernobyl”.
–Hal Fox Introduction Cold Fusion Source Book 1994

Chorus: Will we ever learn?

Courageous new energy scientists continue the effort to develop clean energy technology from cold fusion as our planet is again threatened with the horrific damage of radioactive poisoning that alters the genetic code for generations. Along with pollution from fossil fuels devastating our world wildlife and biodiversity, and war and terror rampant in our streets, there is little more important than working for change in our arrangement for living and peace on planet Earth.

Talk to your friends, family, educators, and legislators about clean energy from the hydrogen in water, and demand

Cold Fusion Now!

Chernobyl Legacy by Paul Fusco [watch] will be disturbing.

Interview with a “Liquidator” from Chernobyl and Eastern Europe [read]


A New Era 

With popular cold fusion – LENR/LENT science we are on the verge of an epic technological advancement. Always there are concurrent personal, social, economic, spiritual, and philosophical advancements, our evolution as a species.

Our strong survival instinct is now evolving to include each of each other, and all life on the planet, as a whole.

Sociobiology is the instinctual relationship of a species with both it’s environment and with members of it’s own species. It is theorized that humanity evolved (and is evolving) along lines of empathy and compassion as the strength of cultures that propagate successfully, our own survival of the fittest. Instinct in a species evolves as the species does.

As humanity’s instincts evolve we gain further insight. We observe interactions amongst ourselves, our universe, and its many components. We gain deeper understanding of cause and effect, it’s benefits and detriments both within and around us. Our sociobiology then evolves.

Back in the far distant past our instinctual fear of fire warned us away, we ran like all other creatures. Over time we cautiously captured embers when fearful raging fires had passed. We learned to utilize and then create fire. This was an epic technological advancement. Our instinct had changed and we entered the Fire Era, a major step in our evolution.

With technological advancements we then harnessed fire for metallurgy, motion, work, and the generation of electricity. As coal, liquid, gaseous, and radioactive fuels delivered more electricity, work, and motion, modern civilization experienced a surge in personal, social, economic, spiritual, and philosophical advancements. Humanity has evolved quite a bit since the dawning of the Fire Era. Concepts of the right to well-being have grown. Humanity is slowly becoming more humane.

We are now entering the Transmutation Era. We will have unlimited, nearly free, easily available, dense, and non-polluting energy from the transmutation of elements. With excitation, the harmonic convergence of atomic particles within the lattice ensures the cold fusion LENR/LENT nuclear active phenomenon. This is an epic technological advancement; which is sure to further our evolution as a species.

A Theory of Evolution through Cold Fusion

Our strong survival instinct is evolving to encompass each of each other, and all life on the planet, as a whole. In the past century our understanding of the biosphere and the importance of environmental stewardship has grown exponentially. Concepts of nonviolence and peace have progressed. Life’s collective right to well-being is better understood. Cold fusion/LENR/LENT technology will empower this change in our species; we will evolve to be harmonic with both our biosphere and our neighbors.

As humanity moves into space we will consider the guaranteed right to sustenance and nutriment; with food, air, water, lodging, and health care ensured for any citizen who migrates to Mars or other space colonies. These concepts will then gain hold on Earth.

Our concept of what constitutes “profit” will also evolve. Humanity will have a galactic mentality with goals beyond the monetary based “profit motive”. Economic models will evolve to reflect this. Sustainable economic generosity created through the continuous resource of energy at point of use for the health of community; economy experienced as the word’s Ancient Greek roots imply: οἰκονομία (oikonomia, “management of a household, administration”) from οἶκος (oikos, “house”) + νόμος (nomos, “custom” or “law”), hence “rules of the house(hold)”.  Maximizing the profit of mutual well-being will be the new measure of success.

The dawning of the Fire Era seems like eons ago. We’ve come a long way. Evolution seems inevitable. If the past has anything to show us, humanity is inevitably transmuting into an empathic civilization.

Evolution Through Cold Fusion – Greg Goble

“The fact of evolution is the backbone of biology, and biology is thus in the peculiar position of being a science founded on an improved theory, is it then a science or faith?”- Charles Darwin

“We have to do the best we can. This is our sacred human responsibility.” – Albert Einstein

“In the long history of humankind (and animal kind, too) those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed.” – Charles Darwin

“Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.” – Albert Einstein

“Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge: it is those who know little, and not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science” – Charles Darwin

“Those instrumental goods which should serve to maintain the life and health of all human beings should be produced by the least possible labor of all.” – Albert Einstein

“The very essence of instinct is that it’s followed independently of reason.”- Charles Darwin

“Where there is love there is no question.” – Albert Einstein

“A human being is part of the whole… universe… ” source

To learn some of the science behind this theory please view “The Empathic Civilization” by Jeremy Rifkin.

Evolution (muse)

Once again, in wonder a child whistles a refrain while sitting on a hill under the shade of a tree. From above a bird on a branch tilts its head and once again joyfully warbles its response.

On a distant mountain a youth walks alone towards the high peaks. Arrives reflective of humanity, life, and wondering a part to play. A vision unfolds of all that has been and of what can be. Then returns to walk a path praying for the best for all thru-out time.

Elsewhere, an elder experiences the fruition of a hearts dream that has taken years to bring to success.

Others watch and inspiration blossoms deep within.

It’s no wonder my mind wanders in awe of it all…

Not so far in the distant future, the next generation will look back at our
generation as the last of the “fire era” and know that the term “energy shortage”
was a term for un-enlightened minds.-gbgoble2009

What if?

Peter Gluck, a long-time researcher in cold fusion/LANR/LENR and contributor to the first issue of Infinite Energy magaizine with his “Why Technology First”, asked a simple question: What if twenty-three years ago, the scientific authorities moved to fully investigate and develop cold fusion technology?

What would have happened?

It’s your chance to write a sci fi story.

From his EgoOut site:

An alternative history of Cold Fusion.
November 1989- the state authorities for research in
the US and in all the other industrialized countries take a
historic decision: “We will go Cold!”.
That means- all the funding and forces used for Hot Fusion
will go starting from now to search and develop Cold Fusion.
Great money, thousands of scientists, many hundreds
of labs worldwide, a million of Pd-D cells (soon) all
specialized and dedicated to cold fusion. The best theorists
worldwide publishing Cold Fusion papers in peer reviewed
journals. Patent Offices following the example of US developing
fast methods for the approval of the Cold Fusion patents.
Cold Fusion has successfully climbed all the Everests of high priority.
So it has started, can you tell how it has continued up to today? –Peter Gluck


An early paper from 1992 from Dr. Peter Gluck attempting to identify the nuclear active environment:
Understanding Reproducibility: Topology is the Key download .pdf

LENR and Alchemy

Alchemy is a form of chemistry and speculative philosophy practiced in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance and concerned principally with discovering methods for transmuting baser metals into gold. The word “alchemy” calls up the picture of a medieval laboratory in which a wizard broods over the crucible that is to bring within his reach the Philosopher’s Stone, and with that discovery the formula for the transmutation of metals.

That is why I was surprised to read Mitsubishi ( a Japanese multinational conglomerate comprising a range of autonomous businesses which share the Mitsubishi brand, trademark and legacy) hopes to go beyond just low energy nuclear reactions to low energy nuclear transmutations.

“These transmutations will be an energy source that will be portable, will produce rare earth materials, and will have the capacity to transmutate radioactive waste. They’ve changed the acronym from LENR to LENT. And, unlike competitors such as Rossi and Defkalion, they plan on using resources other than palladium, platinum and nickel.” ( http://cleantechauthority.com/defkalion-announces-lenr-date-mitsubishi-enters-lenr-market/ )

Low Energy Nuclear Reaction (LENR) using nickel and hydrogen is a clean, very very cheap, and super abundant energy technology, but can it also be used for transmutation? Nuclear transmutation is the conversion of one chemical element into another.

“Artificial transmutation may occur in machinery that has enough energy to cause changes in the nuclear structure of the elements. Machines that can cause artificial transmutation include particle accelerators and tokamak reactors. Conventional fission power reactors also cause artificial transmutation, not from the power of the machine, but by exposing elements to neutrons produced by a fission from an artificially produced nuclear chain reaction. Artificial nuclear transmutation has been considered as a possible mechanism for reducing the volume and hazard of radioactive waste.” ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_transmutation )

In February 2011 scientists were given access to a sample of pure nickel powder which had been used in a LENR reactor for 2.5 months. Their analysis showed that the powder contained several other substances, mainly 10 percent copper and 11 percent iron. ( http://www.nyteknik.se/nyheter/energi_miljo/energi/article3144827.ece )

According to Robert Godes LENR is not a nickel-hydrogen fusion reaction. Nickel is merely a catalyst, and it is the hydrogen that yields heat.

““A tiny amount of hydrogen protons are converted into neutrons. These newly produced neutrons are soon captured by hydrogen ions or other atoms in a metallic (e.g. nickel) lattice near to where the hydrogen ions were converted to neutrons. The captured neutrons generate heat because the new atoms that are one neutron heavier shed excess binding energy as heat to the lattice, resulting in a dramatically clean, low-cost, hi-quality heat output.”

…Evidence suggests this reaction involves the synthesis of neutrons, which accumulate on hydrogen dissolved in a matrix (lattice), which progresses to deuterium, then tritium and on to quadrium that decays to helium.” ( http://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/New-LENR-Machine-is-the-Best-Yet.html )

To summarize, it is a fact that conventional fission power reactors cause artificial transmutation by exposing elements to neutrons. Furthermore, according to Godes, the LENR Ni-H reaction occurs when hydrogen protons are converted into neutrons and captured by hydrogen ions or other atoms in the nickel lattice. Finally, evidence for LENR transmutation is the sample of nickel powder used in a LENR reactor for several months which showed several other substances, including copper and iron.

Can Mitsubishi discover the formula for the practical transmutation of metals, fulfilling the dream of mankind since the Middle Ages? We already strongly suspect that LENR transmutes nickel into copper and iron, so alchemy suddenly doesn’t seem so speculative anymore.