Skate park gets 90% saturation

Cold Fusion Now is away from the office on holiday break, but the message never stops.  Visiting Venice Beach, California skate park, the kids were rolling through some curves.

Between rounds, I gave out a couple of stickers. The reaction?

“Cold Fusion Now? Cool.”

“It’s nuclear power out of sea-water.  No radioactive waste.  No CO2.  If you have access to water, you got fuel”, I say.


They slapped ’em right on their boards.

That’s what I call awesome!

This pint-sized flyer wowed the crowd, and everybody saw her Cold Fusion Now sticker when her board floated!

Short bit genius on wheels.

We walked the beach and gave out stickers to a few select artists, some of whom knew what cold fusion was, and were pleasantly surprised to find out it’s for real.

A couple of good conversations about energy on a beautiful sunny day.

Merry “Cold Fusion” Christmas from the beach!

Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year to All!

On the downslope of peak oil, cold fusion remains hope for the future

Why is LENR research so important?

Because the world energy outlook portends decreased oil supplies in the near future. In fact, the International Energy Agency has finally publicly accepted the Peak scenario for conventional oil, and now claims it already happened in 2006.

What this means is that the easy oil has been found, and what remains in the ground is more difficult to retrieve, more dangerous to extract, and more expensive to process.

Think of deepwater oil and the BP catastrophe. Think of tar sands and oil shale and the tremendous ecological devastation wrought in its extraction, including the enormous amount of water needed to process this unconventional oil.

Here’s a graph from the annual World Energy Outlook 2010 published recently by the International Energy Agency.
Chris Martenson, of has written a summary of the implications of this report that is sobering and well worth reading.

Alternative energies are standing by, ready to replace what we get from oil, you say? Not so fast. There is no amount of renewable energy that will replace the energy density of petroleum, gas, and coal.

This article by Roger Adair How sustainable is renewable energy?, published on tells a personal story of his experience in the wind energy business in Ireland, Scotland, and England.

The amount of deuterium in one gallon of water is equivalent to the energy of 300 gallons of gasoline. (read Department of Energy What is fusion? which describes the hot fusion process.) This is the kind of energy density that will power global mass transportation systems, allow manufacturing of high-technology materials and goods, and send humans to space, and beyond.

This is the kind of clean, atomic power that the new energy movement reveals can lead Earth in an evolution of human society, and as McLuhan said, “program our environment” with care, and in service to all living things.

As access to oil becomes increasingly difficult, the entire infrastructure that petroleum built will fall away, for each technology creates an entire landscape of services and disservices. The world that petro-dollars created will dissolve in direct proportion as the fuel disappears, and this means more than no filling stations for your car.

Your job, your home, your school, your food, your fun, your clothes, your Facebook page – our lives are cradled in a world that is slipping away. We cannot continue to live the way we do, and we don’t want to. But if cold fusion scientists cannot get this technology developed, it’s hard times for planet Earth for years, and possibly decades, to come.

Every effort must be made to get the basic science of low-energy nuclear reactions understood and online. Only then can private investment come in to design and engineer new forms of energy devices with the power to fuel a new type human civilization, where ecological wisdom is fundamental to all processes.

What can you do?

Jan Marwan told us:

Start talking wherever you are, in your family, at work, when you’re in governmental institutions, start talking. The more you talk about this topic, the more you raise it, the more you involve other people, …you know… it spread’s like a virus!

Cold Fusion Now!

The power of words

If the world is waves, then sound, and word, hold power.

Do you doubt this?

Last Thursday, November 11 on his Ca$h Flow show, James Martinez read an email written by the parent of one young future scientist, 12 year-old Sasha.

Sasha became inspired by Dr. Jan Marwan‘s interview from the previous week, and decided to take action.

Listen to this excerpt to hear what she did…

2010-11-11–1200–Martinez James reading letter -short by Cold Fusion Now

Keep talking.

Tell the story.

Say the words.

Cold fusion now!

November 11, 2010

Cold Fusion Now salutes our best friend, husband, artist, inventor, and veteran Steven K. Davis. We love you!

Today we thank our veteran’s around the world, and all the soldiers, known and unknown, who have fought for freedom throughout history, as we envision a world without the brutality of war.

O, People of the Earth!
Say no to resource wars.
Say no to mass extinction.
Say no to dirty and dangerous nuclear power plants.

Modern physics and new energy revealed new possibilities for a clean energy future!
Support peaceful technologies.
Support clean technologies.
Support the new energy movement.

Call the Whitehouse Comment Line 1-202-456-1111.
Tell President Obama to fund LENR research now and transition to a peaceful new energy economy, revitalize science education and create jobs for young scientists by funding research labs and in schools and institutions. Replace war with clean energy development!

In the US? Find a veteran’s clinic near you and drop off some new energy DVDs, books, and magazines. Veteran’s clinics and rehabilitation center’s need materials for recuperating veteran’s and their families who visit with them. Long recuperation times with nothing to do, and sometimes, no visitors, can really bring a soul down.

Support your local veteran’s by donating your time with a visit. Bring some goodies to snack on while you chat with somebody who just wants to talk, and most of all, bring cold fusion movies and magaizines for their library shelf.

Wherever you are in the world, be kind and compassionate with those who have seen battle. They need your touch of love!

Jan Marwan: “Start talking”

That’s what the public could do to help jump start a new energy future for our world.

“Start talking wherever you are, in your family, at work, when you’re in governmental institutions, start talking. The more you talk about this topic, the more you raise it, the more you involve other people, …you know… it spread’s like a virus!”

Word. Spreading the meme of clean energy to save our planet means talking about it.

Says Dr. Jan Marwan, founder and CEO of Marwan Chemie a German laboratory researching LENR, in his recent interview with James Martinez, “for an honest and true science, …we have to keep our mind open.”

There is strong resistance.

The American Institute of Physics canceled plans to publish the proceedings of the most recent American Chemical Society‘s conference, where the latest LENR research was presented, and just weeks before its scheduled print date. That decision “does not support a smooth transition to a new science”, according to Dr. Marwan. “We need to solve the problem together, and that’s why this AIP decision makes me so sad.”

It’s a very difficult and very sensitive issue, but Dr. Marwan insists “I always try to be diplomatic. I did not want it to be radical.”

He says that as younger people get into positions of research, they don’t bring the prejudices that older scientists have, and that the young students he’s encountered at universities around the world are generally open-minded.

“I’m trying to spread around the idea of cold fusion, the importance, the significance, to address it, … and to make clear that there’s something going on, we shouldn’t deny this, we should focus on it and we should start working on this.”

“That’s always my philosophy, to get people interested to say ‘maybe we should have a look at this – maybe we should start something‘.”

The Introduction and Overview to LENR on his laboratory’s website quotes the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhaurer (1788-1860).

When a new truth enters the world,
the first stage of reaction to it is ridicule,
the second stage is violent opposition,
and in the third stage
that truth comes to be regarded as
self – evident.

To hear Dr. Jan Marwan talk cold fusion research, go to the Cash-flow archive for November 4, or download the .mp3 directly from the Cold Fusion Now audio page.

And start talking!

Planet Forward needs cold fusion

Cold Fusion Now
posted the What is Cold Fusion? essay and the CBS 60 minutes Part I video link on Planet Forward.

We answered the question on RESEARCH:

From their About page:

Planet Forward Showcases Smart Ideas from Smart People… Online AND on TV.

Planet Forward is where experts and engaged citizens weigh in on energy, climate and sustainability. We’re looking for your innovative ideas, informed opinion and first-hand experience. We take the best ideas and feature them online and on TV.
Planet Forward is a project of the Center for Innovative Media at The George Washington University.

Planet Forward is partnered with the PBS Nightly Business Report where they have a regular segment profiling innovative science and technology.

From the How It Works page:

How It Works Learn How to Make a Video

Do you have an Idea that should be featured on national television? Show us! If you are new to video production, here are a few tips to help you get started.

Submit an Idea, by answering one of our Questions. As our community comments, shares and rates your Idea, it will rise to the top and Make TV, as the best ideas from each season are featured in our webisodes, TV segments, or even in our PBS special that will air in April 2011, in the run up to Earth Day (link).

You can also just hang out and explore Ideas.

But, it all starts with a good Idea. So, make your case!

You don’t have to register and login to post a comment to Cold Fusion Now’s answer. I need some help answering science questions! I wish I could edit what I wrote: like megajoules instead of megawatts.

To tell you the truth, I was thinking they wouldn’t publish it because the CBS 60 mins video clearly isn’t mine (nor is the idea of cold fusion for that matter!). But heck, they did! So they must find it interesting at the least AND cold fusion now has the opportunity to be profiled on PBS!!

But we need some more original videos, animations, and more talk on cold fusion, LENR, and the urgency to understand this science and develop new clean technologies.

Do you have a cold fusion video? Upload is easy as pasting a link. You do have to Register and Login though.

Let’s get this science profiled on PBS!

Energetics Technologies sets up shop in Missouri. A third political party is steps away from embracing the new energy movement. Cold fusion has more than a few heartbeats in Hollywood and is sneakin’ around the TV landscape.

Is this the feeling of “almost now“?

Watch CBS 60 mins Cold Fusion More Than Junk Science from the CBS website:
