Rossi – Defkalion : The Split Remains

Andrea Rossi
August 12th, 2011 at 3:05 AM
Dear H. Visscher:
Again, and for the last time:

This comes from – (Original link below)

It appeared on the surface, and through translation, that yesterday perhaps Andrea Rossi and Defkalion were back together according to Greek media.

But looking closer at the content of what was said and the history of clever word play and detachment tactics which Defkalion employs, coupled with no confirming statements from Rossi, there were still major question marks whether they really were back together.

According to the above entry  from Rossi which originated here –  nothing has changed, and The Split Remains.

As our own Ruby has been road tripping, and spending the last few days in Salt Lake City, at the university where the controversy turned drama more or less began, isn’t it something that 20 plus years later, the Song Remains the Same.

As a comment in the above thread says:

Utterly fascinating …. Expect annoucements, denunciations, red herrings, partnerships made and broken….who needs to watch the soaps, this is miles better!


Professor Christos Stremmenos Response to SPLIT

Here is a PDF response comment/statement from a few days ago, from Professor Christos Stremmenos on the split between ROSSI and DEFKALION.

Stemmenos is the Greek scientist who brought Cold Fusion to Greece and worked with the government to set up the manufacturing of E-Cats there.

This seems to be a translation, and maybe in the comments someone can make a translation from the translation on their thoughts on what is being expressed here.

Defkalion Response To Split : E-Cats VS Hyperions?

Defkalion Green Technologies responded, somewhat, to the split between themselves and Andrea Rossi. Actually they seemed to not respond at all to the split itself, but rather they set to distance, or differentiate themselves from Rossi (while still stating “strong support” towards him) by establishing that their own device is called the HYPERION, and this is actually the “final product”, whereas the E-CAT, was really a “lab prototype system”, even though as they state, the reactor is the same for both, and everything has been based on “standards, specifications and designs provided and approved by Andrea Rossi himself.”

They go on in their response letter to make a list of the differences between the E-CAT and the HYPERION.

They state they aim to completely clear the air and set the record straight in response to all the recent digital environment chatter, as they state the “online spasmodic reactions, accusations and falsities”.

But they fail to address the fact that these accusations and so called falsities we’re brought on by their own partner, Andrea Rossi.

Instead they continue to use the tag line of “support for Rossi”, while blatantly pretending that Rossi’s heavy accusation of betrayal doesn’t even exist. Instead it seems perpetuating the idea that this recent drama has just risen mysteriously from internet land, and Defkalion and Rossi together, have fallen victims huddled in the same boat.

And they fail to address “the key issue of contention” as Hank Mills points out in his response letter.

That letter and the Defkalion response statements can be seen here at Pure Energy Systems –

Rossi Response on Defkalion Split

Here’s the latest Rossi response concerning the split from Defkalion:


August 8th, 2011 at 1:38 PM

Dear Alessandro Casali:

I repeat that the reason of the split from Defkalion has been only and exclusively financial.

As for all the other issue: as all our Readers know, I always said that we would have been ready for the market from November only with the 1 MW plants, while for the small units more time was necessary, for many issues.

In fact, we will start in October our 1 MW plant, and we will be ready to sell such plants from November, as I always said, while we will be ready for the small plants in due time. It is true that Defkalion, which is an entity indipendent form us, has repeatedly published that they were ready to make a mass production of E-Cats, they also said repeatedly and publicly that they were ready to invest hundreds od millions of Euros. I had no reason not to believe them. I could not know which kind of assets they had, so, theoretically, they could be able to make what they said, after getting from me the technology to make the core of the reactors. There was not reason not to believe. The problem emerged when, after we waited until the maximum possible term, we demanded that the financial duties be respected. At that point it emerged that the financial resources were not enough to go on. This is the sole real problem. There have not been technological problems (see the comment of their chief scientist Prof. Christos Stremmenos, published here few minutes ago), there have not been personal problems, at all, not counting the fact that I love Greece (by the way: to visit Greece in this season is like to go in Paradise), there have not been problems of delivery, I have already perfectly in schedule my 1 MW plant, while the production in big series of the E-Cats was not my duty ( by the way, I always said them that this policy was completely wrong, for the first 2 years, but they were free to do what they want in reece and Balkans); the only problem has been that they were delaying from months their financial duties, until it has not been possible to go ahead. Of course, since they have not respected what due, I did not give them any confidential information regarding the inside of the reactors.

Warm Regards,


Posted here  and on Facebook.

Rossi-Defkalion SPLIT

The Pure Energy Systems site has been all over this, providing updates and back and forth responses from this huge shake up between Andrea Rossi and Defkalion Green Technologies Inc. who Rossi had licensing agreements with for the Energy Catalyzer, but now it appears everything is suddenly OFF between the two.

Scroll down on the link above to the Rossi-Defkalion Controversy to see parts 1-4, and likely more to be added, on this ongoing, unfolding set back for the E-Cat.

In brief, as of now, reading Rossi’s response and Defkalion’s response:

-Rossi claims betrayal. Financial issues, denies personal issues. His attorneys have filed a suit. Claims Defkalion has never even built a working reactor of their own.

-Defkalion claims this is all due to “international pressures”, still believes in Rossi and seems to expect this to be remedied. (“Any project with such dire and earthmoving implications is bound to face difficulties – this was expected and has been, to-date, faced bravely and carefully by Defkalion Green Technologies.”) – Defkalion response excerpt.

-Meanwhile, Rossi says things will still move forward, and focus now is on, and in, the USA.  “I confirm that our 1 MW plant will be put in operation in the USA, after an agreement we made last week with one of the most important entities of the USA; “ – excerpt Rossi response.

And so it goes…

Jake Fusion for the Future

Introducing “JAKE FUSION”

Jake is one of the first round of newborn’s who enter a world where fossil fuels have peaked, and Cold Fusion technology is right now on the brink of potentially becoming a liveable reality.

Jake will be entering unprecedented territory. A world completely different than those around him grew up in.

Sometimes a photo can evoke some deep curiosity on what the future will hold for those just making their grand entrance.

The general scenario is likely to be a balancing act between Collapse and Cold Fusion. But which extreme will come first and how much of each will be unleashed in the meantime?

2011 is half over and while Collapse continues it’s path, the excitement over a Cold Fusion reality has been extraordinary. And the second half of this year looks to be twice as exciting.

Let’s take Jake into a Free Energy future and keep pushing, promoting and supporting this much needed technology. The technology that is going to be necessary for the safe, healthy and positive upbringing of newborns everywhere.

(Oh and by the way, Jake Fusion here was actually born on Andrea Rossi’s birthday).
