BUZZ COASTIN is one of the most prolific video artists on YouTube operating under various accounts, mashing together remnants from previous technologies along with current day media obsessions, personal travels, and a whirlwind of blips,bleeps,and media ecology commentary; he’s a cold fusion follower and occasionally incorporates it into his video collages.
BBC archive footage profiles sono-luminescence
Researchers have developed various designs to induce “cold fusion” since the original Pons and Fleischmann electrolytic cell, so that now, cold fusion is an umbrella term to describe many different forms of creating non-conventional fusion energy.
This video is a brief history of cold fusion along with a profile of sono-luminescence where sound passes through a jar of liquid, creating a bubble that flashes with energy.
I’ll take one!
This video from the BBC in 2005 claims the US government “started pouring money into research to investigate whether sono-luminescence could finally be the shortcut to nuclear fusion that scientists had been dreaming of…”. Did they? Hmm….
Today, any one of many new energy technologies could create the power for Earth’s future and that’s what the new energy movement is about: looking beyond the renewables to the quantum world of light, atoms, fractals, and superwaves. Space itself holds energy, we have only to learn to tap it.
A transcript and summary of this piece is on the BBC Horizon show site.
Thanks joshpapendorf for posting this.
Here’s the first two of five parts.
For part 3, 4, and 5, follow this link.
November 11, 2010
Cold Fusion Now salutes our best friend, husband, artist, inventor, and veteran Steven K. Davis. We love you!
Today we thank our veteran’s around the world, and all the soldiers, known and unknown, who have fought for freedom throughout history, as we envision a world without the brutality of war.
O, People of the Earth!
Say no to resource wars.
Say no to mass extinction.
Say no to dirty and dangerous nuclear power plants.
Modern physics and new energy revealed new possibilities for a clean energy future!
Support peaceful technologies.
Support clean technologies.
Support the new energy movement.
Call the Whitehouse Comment Line 1-202-456-1111.
Tell President Obama to fund LENR research now and transition to a peaceful new energy economy, revitalize science education and create jobs for young scientists by funding research labs and in schools and institutions. Replace war with clean energy development!
In the US? Find a veteran’s clinic near you and drop off some new energy DVDs, books, and magazines. Veteran’s clinics and rehabilitation center’s need materials for recuperating veteran’s and their families who visit with them. Long recuperation times with nothing to do, and sometimes, no visitors, can really bring a soul down.
Support your local veteran’s by donating your time with a visit. Bring some goodies to snack on while you chat with somebody who just wants to talk, and most of all, bring cold fusion movies and magaizines for their library shelf.
Wherever you are in the world, be kind and compassionate with those who have seen battle. They need your touch of love!
Colin Campbell: “After oil, we’ll be happier.”
Colin Campbell, geologist, author, and founder of the Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas ASPO [visit] spoke with Jim Puplava on the Financial Sense Newshour Saturday, November 6 saying “The bulk of our oil came from just two epochs in our Earth’s long history, just 90 million and 150 million years ago, and we are now entering the second half of the oil age.”
In short, for the past 100 years, humankind has built a civilization using the energy derived from oil created from “very rare circumstances in geological time”.
World discoveries of oil fields peaked in the 1960s, and in 1981, the world began to use more oil than it found in new fields. Since then, we’ve been drawing from the same mega-fields discovered decades earlier.
A leading figure in the peak oil movement, Mr. Campbell admits that “there’s no good information about oil reserves in the public” but described what prompted the doubling of reported oil reserves in the 1980s.
Since prices were based on a quota system – which was based on reserves, when prices plunged in the mid-80s, countries like Saudi Arabia, whose land held the largest oil fields in the world, increased their reserves overnight, thereby increasing their quota, and elevating the price. Other members of OPEC followed suit, increasing reserves many times over with no new discoveries, only an accounting trick.
He believes, along with Ken Duffeyes [visit], that the peak of regular conventional oil was in 2005, and he puts the peak of all categories of oil, including deep water oil, tar sands, and these “more difficult things that are slower to extract”, in 2008.
“It [the date for peak] might have been influenced by the fall in demand due the economic recession, but that’s seems to be about the date as far as I can piece it together.”
Although there is great debate about the date of peak oil, focusing on a date misses the point. According to Mr. Campbell, the actual date of peak oil is “not as important as the vision of the long slope on the other side of peak, that’s really what’s going to change the world when we enter the second half of the age of oil, when production declines, and the economy contracts. It’s really very obvious.”
The decline is slow at only 2-3% per year, but it is declining. “The banks have been lending more than they have on deposit confident that tomorrow’s growth will be the collateral for today’s debt. Well that’s no longer valid, and so the thing begins to unravel”.
Robert Hirsch, who in 2005 did a study for the federal government on peak oil,
suggested that the best case scenario to mitigate the effects of peak oil was to start planning 20 years before the peak date, and the second best scenario would be to start planning 10 years before peak date.
Mr. Campbell agreed with Mr. Puplava that we probably don’t have twenty years, or even ten years to prepare. He thinks we face a radical change in the way our economy runs, and though he didn’t mention a cold fusion scenario, he’s optimistic that a more sustainable and local economy could be an opportunity for humanity, and that we could be happier than we are now.
“There could be better relationships and better understandings that flow from this… I don’t know if you’ve been to an airport in recent years, but it’s just a kind of nightmare experience.”
Listen to Colin J. Campbell on Jim Puplava’s Financial Sense Newshour archives for November 6 or click the link below for the 30 minute audio.
Dear Mr. President,
Call the Whitehouse Comment Line 1-202-456-1111.
Tell President Obama that there is another path to a clean energy future.
Fund LENR research.
Create jobs for young scientists.
Jumpstart a new energy economy.
Create a whole new industry based on clean technology.
Fund LENR research and cold fusion now for a smooth transition to a new kind of world.
Movie transcript on Pure Energy Systems–_Answer_to_energy_problems/
Jan Marwan: “Start talking”
That’s what the public could do to help jump start a new energy future for our world.
“Start talking wherever you are, in your family, at work, when you’re in governmental institutions, start talking. The more you talk about this topic, the more you raise it, the more you involve other people, …you know… it spread’s like a virus!”
Word. Spreading the meme of clean energy to save our planet means talking about it.
Says Dr. Jan Marwan, founder and CEO of Marwan Chemie a German laboratory researching LENR, in his recent interview with James Martinez, “for an honest and true science, …we have to keep our mind open.”
There is strong resistance.
The American Institute of Physics canceled plans to publish the proceedings of the most recent American Chemical Society‘s conference, where the latest LENR research was presented, and just weeks before its scheduled print date. That decision “does not support a smooth transition to a new science”, according to Dr. Marwan. “We need to solve the problem together, and that’s why this AIP decision makes me so sad.”
It’s a very difficult and very sensitive issue, but Dr. Marwan insists “I always try to be diplomatic. I did not want it to be radical.”
He says that as younger people get into positions of research, they don’t bring the prejudices that older scientists have, and that the young students he’s encountered at universities around the world are generally open-minded.
“I’m trying to spread around the idea of cold fusion, the importance, the significance, to address it, … and to make clear that there’s something going on, we shouldn’t deny this, we should focus on it and we should start working on this.”
“That’s always my philosophy, to get people interested to say ‘maybe we should have a look at this – maybe we should start something‘.”
The Introduction and Overview to LENR on his laboratory’s website quotes the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhaurer (1788-1860).
When a new truth enters the world,
the first stage of reaction to it is ridicule,
the second stage is violent opposition,
and in the third stage
that truth comes to be regarded as
self – evident.
To hear Dr. Jan Marwan talk cold fusion research, go to the Cash-flow archive for November 4, or download the .mp3 directly from the Cold Fusion Now audio page.
And start talking!