2014 CF/LANR Colloquium at MIT audio files

The water in one cup of coffee could make a cold fusion battery that would last 18 years.
Dr. Mitchell Swartz at the 2014 CF/LANR Colloquium

The 2014 LANR/CF Colloquium brought international scientists to the MIT campus March 21-23, 2014 to share the most up-to-date and innovative research on cold fusion, also called lattice-assisted nuclear reactions (LANR). It was the sixth such event organized by Mitchell Swartz and Gayle Verner of JET Energy, and the atmosphere was electric as one speaker after another reported on research with world-changing implications.

The intimate gathering began in one room, but then had to move to another room as the audience grew within the first hour. Investors, entrepreneurs, and a few more students rounded out the scientists in attendance.

Find 2014 CF/LANR Colloquium at MIT updated Audio, Video and Full Coverage Here

Jeremy Rys captured video that will be available on the Cold Fusion Now Youtube channel as they are edited. I took photos and recorded audio. As usual, the mainstream press was absent, and I am unaware of any reporters at all showing up to cover the event.

frisbee-in-classBut Cold Fusion Now represented with complimentary calendars and Infinite Energy provided free magazines. Colloquium organizers made frisbees! – here displayed on the wall of my Prealgebra classroom at 8AM the following morning.

This was one fun event, and the whole crowd was buzzing with positivity. Two days later, I still feel charged-up about the accelerated pace of discovery, and interest in the field. It’s been a difficult couple of decades for breakthrough energy researchers, but on this 25th Anniversary of the Announcement of Cold Fusion, there’s a real feeling of hope that glues everybody together and strengthens the commitment and dedication to find a solution to our energy problems.

Even as environmental disasters mount, listen to these lectures, and you might feel it too! The science results are tremendous, and show a path to a peaceful, green, technological future for all of Earth.

Thus it is, Francesco Celani reported that the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize!

Find 2014 CF/LANR Colloquium at MIT updated Audio, Video and Full Coverage Here

Related Links

Past Colloquium
2011: Part 1 – http://www.infinite-energy.com/images/pdfs/LANR2011Colloq.pdf
Part 2 – http://www.infinite-energy.com/images/pdfs/SwartzColloqPart2.pdf
2010: http://www.infinite-energy.com/images/pdfs/Colloquium2010.pdf
2009: http://world.std.com/~mica/colloq09.html
2007: http://www.infinite-energy.com/iemagazine/issue75/colloquium.html
2005: http://world.std.com/~mica/colloq.html

3 Replies to “2014 CF/LANR Colloquium at MIT audio files”

  1. Now this is something I like… “Francesco Celani reported that the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize!”
    Who came up with the outlandish idea af making an LENR energy patent available and free to the world? Whovever it was must be wanting to corner the market. (just joking)
    On a serious note
    When thinking who would most likely contribute money towards this noble endeavour I began considering what industries would profit off the success of this patent. The industries that manufacture the components in the LENR reactor will profit from sales. Approach those companies and ask for funding, I would think they would see the opportunities in a partnership and provide assistance.
    BEST of Luck to all and thank you, all you old cold fusioneers, you’re the rock and foundation of advanced LENR energy engineering.
    ps I enjoy studying recent patents to find directions this is going for us.

  2. Cold Fusion, the Titanic Disaster Aftermath, and the Internet – by Jed Rothwell (Originally Published July – August, 2001 In Infinite Energy Magazine Issue #36)
    “. . . the sea is the place permanently to honor our dead; this should be the occasion for a new birth of vigilance, and future generations must accord to this event a crowning motive for better things.” Senator William Alden Smith, principal American investigator of the Titanic Disaster
    “We want a new birth of vigilance in physics today. The quiet catastrophe we have lived through with cold fusion has been nothing like the Titanic disaster. No one has drowned, or been hurt. At worst, people’s careers have been derailed and their reputations sullied. Yet if it turns out that cold fusion can be made into a practical source of cheap energy, then the consequences of the twelve-year delay in launching serious, large scale research will turn out to be worse than the Titanic disaster.”
    “During the twelve-year hiatus, more people may have perished for lack of energy and clean water than ever drowned in shipwrecks. If we prevail in this fight for cold fusion, we must strive to prevent this sort of thing from happening again, at least for a few generations, until the shock wears off.” Jed Rothwell
    This is like where 3d nano printing with zirconium ceramic or carbon, or creating engineered structures with bent graphene nanotubes comes into play. Specific geometrical architecture supporting LENR environments are most likely better than random surface morphology such as cracks, sputtering, or codepositation creates. Maybe it is just basic physics as Dr. Schwartz states, no magic, just an understanding of the itsy bitsy tiny spaces, perhaps best described as in old, as that which makes up a ‘molecular cyclotron’. (magnetic bipole alignments and angles of harmonic energy excitations are considerate) Solid State, Thermo/Peizo Electric and Plasmonic Arts
    Consider these folks joining in….
    Many-body Quantum Reaction Dynamics Near the Fusion Barrier
    M. Dasguptaa, D.H. Luong, D.J. Hinde and M. Evers
    Department of Nuclear Physics, RSPE, Australian National University, ACT 0200, Australia e-mail: mahananda.dasgupta@anu.edu.au – Published online: 20 March 2014
    The understanding of quantum effects in determining nuclear reaction outcomes is evolving as improved experimental techniques reveal new facets of interaction dynamics. Whilst the phenomenon of coupling-enhanced quantum tunnelling is understood to arise due to quantum superposition, the observed inhibition of fusion at energies well below the barrier is not yet quantitatively understood. Collisions involving weakly-bound nuclei, which have low energy thresholds against breakup, present further challenges. Recent coincidence measurements for reactions of weakly bound stable nuclei have not only provided a complete picture of the physical mechanisms triggering breakup, but have also shown how information on reaction dynamics occurring on time-scales of ~zepto-seconds can be obtained experimentally. These new experimental findings demand major developments in quantum models of near-barrier nuclear reactions.

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