Cold Fusion 101 at MIT for 2015

The Cold Fusion 101: Introduction to Excess Power in Fleischmann-Pons Experiments course will run again on the campus of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) over the IAP winter break Tuesday through Friday Jan. 20-23, 2015.

Professor Peter Hagelstein of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT, and Dr. Mitchell Swartz of JET Energy, Inc., will present the course with topics such as:

Excess power production in the Fleischmann-Pons experiment;
lack of confirmation in early negative experiments;
theoretical problems and Huizenga’s three miracles;
physical chemistry of PdD;
electrochemistry of PdD;
loading requirements on excess power production;
the nuclear ash problem and He-4 observations;
approaches to theory;
screening in PdD;
PdD as an energetic particle detector;
constraints on the alpha energy from experiment;
overview of theoretical approaches;
coherent energy exchange between mismatched quantum systems;
coherent x-rays in the Karabut experiment and interpretation;
excess power in the NiH system;
Piantelli experiment;
prospects for a new small scale clean nuclear energy technology.

The material presented is different each day. Mid-day sessions are scheduled, with the room location to be announced.

Jan/20 Tue 10:30AM-02:30PM TBD
Jan/21 Wed 10:30AM-02:30PM TBD
Jan/22 Thu 10:30AM-02:30PM TBD
Jan/23 Fri 10:30AM-02:30PM TBD

There is no pre-requisite or advance sign-up. Participants are welcome at individual sessions, or all the sessions.

Cold Fusion Now’s Jeremy Rys of Alien Scientist Channel has recorded previous sessions of Cold Fusion 101 which you can view on the Cold Fusion Now Channel.

For more information, visit the MIT course website at

Related Links

2014 Cold Fusion 101

2013 Cold Fusion 101

2013 Cold Fusion 101 Second Week Summary

4 Replies to “Cold Fusion 101 at MIT for 2015”

  1. Why not having a look at the possibility of surmounting the Coulomb barrier in the Fleishmann-Pons experiment but using gas-loading as described in Belgian patents BE1002780 and BE1002781 to be found in English in the articles : Belgian LANR Patents and LANR by Coulomb Explosion on the former e-Cat Site.
    Why not expose the Rossi fuel to intense laserlight for heating ommiting the electric resitor heating, and see what kind of debris are left.

  2. It would appear that the Belgain Ministry is taking an interest in your patents Mr Von den Bogaert.

    We find this missive.

    “Dear Sir,
    I have the honour of informing you that the demand for a Belgian patent filed on 21/4/1989 under the application number 08900444 is the object of an inquiry of the Ministry of Defense by application of article 4 of the law of January 10, 1955 concerning the publication and application of inventions and factory secrets regarding the defense of the territory or the security of the State .

    In accordance of article 5 item 1 of said law, it is forbidden to you from now on, except for explicit permission, the invention for which you have filed a patent application to publish its contents and especially to file a patent appli¬cation in a foreign country or to assign a licence .

    The grant of a Belgian patent or the possible transfer of the patent application to the European Patent Office or Inter¬national Office of the World Organization for Intellectual Property will be postponed or retarded if such is necessary in view of the examination of the Ministry of Defense “

  3. To Mr. Arthur Robey, Dear Dir,

    The BE-patents resulting from the patent applications, viz. BE1002780, BE1002781 and BE1003296 have been allowed to publish 2 years after their filing,so well out their priority year blocking the possibility of further filing in other countries! As far as I know no tests on the feasibility have been done, but I suppose that the problem of surmounting the Coulomb barrier by “Coulomb Explosion” has triggered the publication blocking for fear of misuse. Coulomb explosion by rapid abstraction of electrons from conductive clusters containing fusionable matter , e.g. by intense laser exposure, is well known (Jortner- Israel). MY IDEA IS TO ABSTRACT THE ELECTRONS IN LIQUID LITHIUM BEING AT HIGH POSITIVE VOLTAGE USING THE BLASCON reactor of Fraas (US-patent) but not using the laser.

  4. Please have a look at the Chinese cold fusion invention under publication number CN103021476 A and some analogue in BE1003296 using Coulomb explosion of deuterium-containing clusters at high positive voltage .

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