“Secrets of E-Cat” Book Review and Q&A with author Mario Menichella

Book Review “Secrets of E-Cat
by Brad Arnold

Brad Arnold read Mario Menichella‘s Secrets of E-Cat almost immediately after the English version was released so we asked him for his impressions. Following his review is a Q&A with author Mario Menichella.–CFN

“The aim of this essay, therefore, is not to determine whether the E-Cat is an amazing product or the scam of the century – this verification and the scientific validation is only a secondary theme of the book, although it is treated in some depth – but to bring an understanding of how it works to all those who, like me, would like to try to replicate it.” –Mario Menichella Secrets of E-Cat [pg 6].

The 144 page e-book “Secrets of E-Cat” is a good read. It doesn’t dwell on the politics or gossip surrounding Rossi – in fact the author is friends with both Rossi and Focardi – but instead it analyzes the mechanics of the E-Cat, or Energy Catalyzer. Since Mr. Menichella is an inquisitive physicist, he was able to lend more light than heat to the subject.

What is the E-Cat, how much energy does it produce, how is an E-Cat made, what is the secret catalyst, and what are possible theories for why LENR Ni-H (Low-energy nuclear reactions Nickel-Hydrogen systems) work. These are the questions the book explores. Safe to say that Rossi’s secret Italian sauce is still secret, but never the less several interesting possibilities are raised. It really isn’t fair to the author that I steal his thunder by going into specifics, but it is curious that iron is found in some of the products of Rossi E-Cat reactions.

There is an analysis of Rossi’s treatment of the nickel before it goes into the reaction chamber – what size particles and if he selects for isotope. Rossi said he tried about 10,000 experiments – there are a lot of combinations. What the book made clear was that Rossi was the first to be able to get a large amount of energy from nuclear fusion reactions at relatively low temperatures.

If you want to build a LENR Ni-H device, the book could very well help you do that, even fingering a nickel powder distributor, but don’t expect 6 (to 200) over unity. It feels good to know the basic working principles behind the E-Cat, but I wish the author had been more specific about the energy density of nickel (this is an important subject, because the more energy dense nickel is, the more spectacular LENR technology is).

At one point, the book mentioned that Rossi’s 5kW E-Cat used one gram in 5 days of continuous use. Then later, it was theorized that a 10kW E-Cat would use the same. That would mean that (as the book says) nickel was 100,000 times as energy dense as diesel fuel. I’d like to contrast that with the claim Rossi made on his patent application, which was that a gram of nickel was equivalent to 517 tons kilograms of oil. That would mean nickel was over 5 hundred million thousand times as energy dense (according to my calculations).

Editor’s note: Yes, Mr. Arnold’s calculations were correct. However, there is an error in the patent application that has been addressed; the available energy is equivalent to 517 tons kilograms of oil per gram of nickel. [NYTeknik]

Thus, the calculations in the book are correct. “1 gram of oil can gives a chemical energy in the order of electron Volts, while 1 gram of nickel can give – in a typical nuclear reaction – an energy in the order of MeV, which is about 10^6 larger.”-Mario Menichella

By the way, all you need to do to figure out energy density is to calculate how many grams of (for instance) oil would be the same as a gram of nickel. Just go to this site and plug in 517 kilograms, and you get the answer 517,000, which means that 517,000 grams of oil equals a single gram of nickel in terms of producing the same amount of heat energy (the nickel in a LENR reaction, and the oil by burning it).

Also according to the book, Rossi was sometimes getting 200 times the return energy. In public demonstrations, Rossi’s E-Cat was only getting a little over 6 from unity. The issue is safety. Right now the E-Cat is limited to lower temperatures and more electrical usage because the reaction (which, by the way, takes a few minutes to initiate) must be controlled, or it could spike and explode (any pressured container, even a small one, is a danger).

I suppose a lot of this will become clear as the mass media picks up on the story. We are all looking forward to Rossi’s 1 megawatt E-Cat being introduced to the public the last week of October. Until then, Mr. Menichella’s book “Secrets of E-Cat” is a good substitute and primer. — Brad Arnold

Author Mario Menichella
Author Mario Menichella
Q&A with Secrets of E-Cat
author Mario Menichella

CFN Mario, you are the first to write a book on the E-Cat. What are your impressions of the technology?

MM Your question would require a long answer. I think that the E-Cat produces excess energy, but in this moment we do not know, through an official test or certification, how much it is. However, the machine is able to function in a self-sustained mode, as declared in an interview by the Italian physicist Giuseppe Levi: he saw the machine operating for a long time without electric energy provided in input during a private test lasted 18 hours, at the beginning of 2011.

A few weeks ago, on September 8, I met Andrea Rossi in a meeting I organized in Bologna and he told me that his 1-MW prototype is guaranteed to have a 1:5 input/output power ratio: i.e. if, I have 5 thermal kWh in output for every electric kWh provided in input.

CFN This is very exciting news…

MM Yes, I do not want to bore your readers with calculations, but I am a physicist working also as energy consultant, so I have made an accurate estimate, for a customer, of the cost of 1 thermal kWh produced with a 10-kW E-Cat sold at a reasonable price of about 20,000 euro, corresponding to 2,000 euro/thermal kWh, as Rossi has always hypothesized.

The result I found is surprising, because such cost is less than the half that in the case of the alternative technologies in the heating field: heat pumps, solar panels, Diesel boilers, natural gas boilers, wood chip boilers, electric stoves. So, the E-Cat, with the current 1:5 input/output power ratio, has already the potential to revolutionize the heat market, especially in the temperature range 175-500 °F (80-250 °C). It can also be used, with savings, for medium or large cogeneration applications. The above power ratio, instead, is not enough for a pure electricity production.

CFN What prompted you to write this book on the E-Cat?

MM The obvious answer is because I am a writer on science and this is my job. However, I wrote my last book in 2006, and I did not plan to write a new book in my life. But a series of coincidences led me to change my decision. When, on February 2011, I read about the first public presentation of the E-Cat made on January 14 in Bologna (Italy), I immediately understood the potential of such a machine. So, I write to Rossi to compliment with him. But I was really involved in this adventure only when I was contacted by Claudio Puosi and his wife, Vessy Nikolova, to organize a popular conference on cold fusion and E-Cat in Viareggio, an event which held on July 23, 2011, with the contribute of Sergio Focardi (through a long recorded interview) and Andrea Rossi (interviewed in real-time by phone). Then I decided not to disperse the information I had on this argument, and I wrote an instant book, with a somewhat investigative approach.

CFN Who is the audience you wrote for?

MM I wrote for many years long articles on single scientific hobbies in Italian magazines and in dedicated web sites, describing interesting fields like: amateur seismology, model rocketry, search for meteorites with a metal detector, and so on. My model was the old famous book “The amateur scientist” by C. L. Stong. The E-Cat is one of the most intriguing topic for an amateur scientist, because it is an object with a huge potential and a fascinating mystery regarding its core, the “secret catalyst”. But my public is not composed only of amateurs. Due to the economic importance of such invention, I think that small, medium and big companies could be interested in trying to reproduce a similar device, not to say about many open-minded researchers in Universities and other scientific institutions, who are now changing their opinion on cold fusion (and LENR).

CFN Is it really possible for a competent amateur to replicate the E-Cat technology?

MM Theoretically, yes, because you can split the problem in two parts. The first is to replicate the old apparatus developed by Focardi-Pianteli in Siena, with its input/output power ratio of 1:2. It is well described in many scientific articles, so it is not an impossible task. The second part of the problem is to discover the “secret catalyst” used by Rossi, and this is more difficult: you need to be very lucky!

However, it is a fascinating enterprise, and you can also try, in your experiments on the Ni-H cell, non-standard routes to achieve an energy gain: world literature on low-energy nuclear reactions is full of different kinds of techniques for loading the gas in the metal and for providing some forms of excitation to the system, and they are the two typical key-factors to trigger a cold fusion nuclear reaction.

CFN Can you confirm that NASA is interested in Francesco Piantelli’s nickel-hydrogen system?

MM Yes, I can confirm, but not from news coming from Piantelli or collaborators: our sources of information are in USA. However, you are touching a very “hot” topic. Behind cold fusion there are big interests both in the civil and military field, but I am not authorized to reveal the entire information I have. Today, public information is only a little part of the “reality” on cold fusion: everything else is covered by some kind of secrecy. For example, some of the hypothesis on the secret catalyst used by Rossi – that you can find in my book – are supported by confidential information that I could not reveal explicitly. I can only say that, probably, Piantelli will be – directly or indirectly – involved in experiments/research funded by the USA through NASA.

CFN How does Mr. Piantelli’s work differ from Mr. Rossi’s?

MM Piantelli described quite precisely the experimental apparatus in his patents, and anyone was able (or tried) to replicate it. The main differences from Rossi’s work are two. The first is that he does not use a catalyst, like in the old Focardi-Piantelli experiments. The second difference is that we know for sure he uses nanostructured nickel, created through a very expensive dedicated machine. He works mainly on the nickel geometry, even if in his experiments other 5-6 factors are important to trigger the nuclear reaction.

CFN What is it that makes Italian researchers so successful at LENR?

MM The mean level of Italian research in physics is very high: Italy is the main contributor, in terms of people involved at every level, in the experiments of nuclear physics performed at CERN (Geneve). Another factor is creativity, which is quite typical of the Italian researchers. Also luck, obviously, has a big role. We do not know how Rossi discovered his secret catalyst, so we are missing an important piece of information about his “route to success”. However, success requires also patience and many unsuccessfully attempts.

CFN Thanks for the good news, Mr. Menichella!

Related Links

Know the Secrets of E-Cat press release by Ruby Carat CFN September 23, 2011

Secrets of E-Cat by Mario Menichella from Consulente Energia

Viareggio Cold Fusion conference: science, politics, and an Italian competitor by Matt Ivy CFN July 23, 2011

CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research Geneve, Switzerland
English homepage

Convert Units from tons to grams at www.convertunits.com

Cold fusion reactor photographed on New York tabletop

Advertising is the greatest art form of the 20th century.”
–Marshall McLuhan

As advertising grew up post-WWII North America, it attracted the best and the brightest of the society to work on campaigns that sold consumer products to a giddy nation looking audaciously towards a future of plenty for all. The new technology of television swelled the ranks of consumers and changed the message of advertising: simplistic, straight-forward information about a product was replaced by iconic image evoking an environment. One didn’t buy the product, you purchased the image that the product summoned.

If that was true in the 20th century, how about the 21rst?

Cold Fusion Device Used in FedEx CommercialPsychology, brain imaging, and market focus groups are all elements of advertising research that seeks to penetrate and forecast the purchase habits of a consumer society using all available digital technology. With billions of dollars spent in marketing research, is it then surprising that cold fusion is found in the imaginative elements of the TV landscape? The talented “creatives” that put these moments together on shows like Fringe and commercials for FedEx are tapping into a collective unconscious that now resides outside our bodies in data clouds amongst the noosphere.

A recent FedEx TV commercial called Test Shipment aired on the Golf Channel and featured a glowing blue cold fusion device that would test the integrity of transport before sending the real treasure of golf clubs.

Thanks to BBDO New York for sharing these photos of the device that was designed and built by Station Film.

Cold Fusion Device Used in FedEx Commercial

Cold Fusion Device Used in FedEx Commercial

In Understanding Media: Extensions of Man, McLuhan wrote:

“Ideally, advertising aims at the goal of a programmed harmony among all human impulses and aspirations and endeavors. Using handicraft methods, it stretches out toward the ultimate electronic goal of a collective consciousness.

When all production and all consumption are brought into a pre-established harmony with all desire and all effort, then advertising will have liquidated itself by its own success” [pg 202]

Cold fusion has seeped out into the commons, soon to be as familiar as Coca Cola. Two decades of labor without positive recognition will be just a memory when The Product materializes from the marketplace, and high-density ultra-clean energy from the hydrogen in water spawns a merchandise line that Billy Mays could only dream of.

Cold Fusion Now!

“Ads are the cave art of the twentieth century.”
–Marshall McLuhan

Main Chamber at Lascaux, France
Paleolithic Caver Art Main Chamber at Lascaux, France dated 15,000BCE-9000BCE

Related Links

FedEx flies cold fusion device by Ruby Carat August 31, 2011

TV show “Fringe” Features “Cold Fusion” in Opening Title Sequence by Eli Elliott February 25, 2011

Understanding Media: Extensions of Man by Marshall McLuhan from Wikipedia

Media Dopplers by Chad Scoville from C-theory

Know the “Secrets of E-Cat”

Secrets of E-Cat by Mario MenichellaA new book called Secrets of E-Cat by Mario Menichella, has just been released in English.

Trained as a physicist, Mr. Menichella writes on science topics and has several published books with titles such as “Interstellar Travel” and “Future Worlds“. He worked as a press officer at the headquarters of Italy’s Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) and was an organizer of the conference Has cold fusion become a reality? held in Viareggio, Italy this past July.

Mario Menichella
Mario Menichella
In the book’s Preface, free to download here, Mr. Menichella recalls how as a child he was attracted to

“an “eighth-century” physics – a kind of physics that allows you to make an important discovery in a one-room laboratory while spending only a little money – exactly the opposite of today’s physics, which requires research machines that are increasingly large and expensive, and have to be run by ever-larger teams of scientists.”

He contrasts the increased complexity of scientific experiments over the last millenia with the relatively simple components of Andrea A. Rossi’s Energy Catalyzer; his book is, in part, intended as an aid to the curious and capable in their attempts to re-construct the revolutionary energy-producing device. Chapters like How Is An E-Cat Made? and Discovering The Setup are a compilation of the publicly known information organized as an orderly reference, while Towards A Possible Theory surveys the ideas that have been offered as an explanation of the phenomen.Secrets of E-Cat

Ever wonder what the special ingredient that makes the E-Cat have such a high thermal energy ratio is?
You have only to turn to Chapter 5 The Secret Catalyst for Mr. Menichella’s input.

Sergio Focardi, a physicist whose long-time research in nickel-hydrogen systems makes him one of a handful of experts in this technology, was interviewed by by Mr. Menichella during the conference in Viareggio. You can watch a video of that interview in Italian here.

Sergio Focardi interviewed by Mario Menichella in Viareggio, Italy
Sergio Focardi interviewed by Mario Menichella in Viareggio, Italy July 2011

It’s not easy to keep track of all the E-Cat clues. Message board posts, emails, and YouTubes are constantly updating the cloud with freshly revised data. Maybe “the book arrives too late”, but this early effort at summarizing what is known about the Energy Catalyzer is sure to be one of many undertakings that attempt to document this revolutionary energy technology in book form, and Mr. Menichella’s background makes him ideal to detail this process, as well as the figures leading it forward.

And as this technology matures from Mystery Science to Household Appliance, we can look forward to many sequels.


Related Links

Mario Menichello homepage in English.

Viareggio Cold Fusion conference: Science, politics, and an Italian cometitor by Ivy Matt July 23, 20011

Sergio Focardi The Father of Ni-H Cold Fusion from 22 passi d-amore e dintorni April 14, 2011

Consulente Energia http://www.consulente-energia.com

Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare http://www.infn.it/indexen.php

The Virtual Marshall McLuhan by Donald Theall The book arrives too late, quoting Lamartine 1830 page 285

Department of Energy policy continues to ignore revolutionary new energy

Keith Owens of Cold Fusion Energy, Inc. asked the Department of Energy DoE what their “stand” on cold fusion was.

The response was a clear statement of their policy: cold fusion does not merit any attention:

From: Afzal, Shahida [mailto:Shahida.Af…@science.doe.gov] On Behalf Of Opdenaker, Albert
Sent: Monday, September 19, 2011 4:05 PM
To: ‘Ke…@cfeis.com’
Subject: Cold Fusion

Dear Mr. Owens:

This is in response to your e-mail message to Secretary Chu dated September 13, 2011 in which you asked to know where the Department of Energy stands on “cold fusion.”

In 1989, a review panel that had been charged by the Department concluded that reports of the experimental results of excess heat from calorimetric cells did not present convincing evidence that useful sources of energy will result from the phenomena attributed to “cold fusion.” To quote the panel, “Hence, we recommend against the establishment of special programs or research centers to develop cold fusion.”

In 2004, the Department organized a second review of the field and that review reached essentially the same conclusion as the 1989 review. The Department’s Office of Sciences does not provide any funding support for “cold fusion” research.

Al Opdenaker

Fusion Energy Sciences
Office of Science
US Department of Energy

Cold Fusion Now sent a letter to the Secretary of Energy last October that got no response.

Recently, a second letter from Cold Fusion Now to the Department of Energy response saying “it is clear the topic of low energy nuclear reactions remains highly speculative and that the purported mechanism has not yet been validated by the physics community as a reality.”


It seems hopeless to solicit funding from this crew at the DOE with Under-secretary Koonin, a known cold fusion opponent.

“We are suffering from the incompetence or delusions of Fleischmann and Pons.”
Current Under-secretary Steve Koonin quote from 1989

And it is interesting to note that the respondent here writes from the department’s Fusion Energy Science office, the hot fusion wing.

But these letters are not in vain. Writing a letter is a lesson in expressing a complicated issue in a one-page petition; collecting signatures is a fun time talking with the people on the streets; we learn more science, and made new pals along the way. Every action adds to the momentum of cold fusion as a clean energy reality. And we are on the verge of new technology that will change the world!

The Department of Energy will be the last in line for their device – and it’s going to be a long line.

Next up: the Energy committees in the House and Senate….

Supporting Links

Documentation of Department of Energy Review of Cold Fusion from LENR Library at www.lenr-canr.org.

Cold Fusion Energy, Inc. homepage Under Construction

Keith Owens from About me.

United States Department of Energy http://www.doe.gov/

DOE Fusion Energy Sciences http://science.energy.gov/fes/

Advanced Research Projects Agency -Energy http://arpa-e.energy.gov/

The Ramifications of Free energy.

How did we manage to become this many?

What changed?
We discovered a magic energy source. Fossil Fuel. To be precise, Oil. And the oil is going away.
Numerous sources are adamant that Peak oil has been reached.
None of this should raise eyebrows by now.

But what is the connection between Oil and population?

“In their refined study, Giampietro and Pimentel found that 10 kcal of exosomatic energy are required to produce 1 kcal of food delivered to the consumer in the U.S. food system. This includes packaging and all delivery expenses, but excludes household cooking).20 The U.S. food system consumes ten times more energy than it produces in food energy. This disparity is made possible by nonrenewable fossil fuel stocks. “

from here.

In other words each calorie of food we eat is produced using 10 calories of oil.
We eat oil.
This has enabled us to breed prolifically.
Now, if we never found safe nuclear energy the Business as Usual scenario of the Limits to Growth team would play out.

And this is what the Business as Usual graph looks like.

So what would happen if we had copious amounts of energy?
Well for starters we could extract phosphorus from ocean water.
Phosphorus is one of the limiting factors, due to its position in Adenosine triphosphate, ATP, the energy carrier of all living organisms. It so happens that all the rich deposits of Phosphate are depleted. Lower grades of ore require more energy of remove the “other stuff”.
We could also continue industrial farming which is now in jeopardy because we shan’t have anything to fuel our Headers.

All this too has been modeled by The Report.
Here is what happens if we double our resource base.

Look what happens to pollution. Look too at the steep downward slope of population. This is not ideal.

No folks.

Now that we have an infinite amount of energy, population pressure is going to force us to leave this gravity well. We have to cut the umbilical cord.

But all is not Buck Rogers of Hollywood, or even Star Wars. As a matter of fact Hollywood is not an authority on the colonization of space.

Dr Gerard K O’Neill is or rather, was.

He asked his students “Is the surface of a planet the right place for manufacture?” “No.” And took it from there.

This is what they proposed.

We are going to do what we have always done when we have used up the possibilities of one geographical location.

We are going to move on.
This time we are going Up.

Love it or hate it, we have no choice.
