World’s Wildlife Needs Cold Fusion

“We are liquidating the earth’s natural assets to fuel our consumption.”

In World on the Edge, Lester Brown of the Earth Policy Institute, writes

“The world’s ever-growing herds of cattle, sheep, and goats are converting vast stretches of grassland to desert. Forests are shrinking by 13 million acres per year as we clear land for agriculture and cut trees for lumber and paper. Four fifths of oceanic fisheries are being fished at capacity or overfished and headed for collapse. In system after system, demand is overshooting supply.”
Lester Brown Chapter 1 On the Edge

Human expansion into the environment for shelter, food, and fuel, exacerbated by the sprawl around cities, is squeezing wildlife into the last remaining islands of shrinking habitat.

What is at stake?

In 1979, 1.2 million elephants roamed the African continent. That number currently is 300,000 elephants. We have lost 75% of the elephant herds mainly due to poaching, loss of habitat and human conflict.
Wildlife Direct Elephant Slaughter is Recurring

Kenyan lion is near extinction.Kenya’s Lions are on the brink of extinction.

Borneo Orangutans victims of logging and fire to clear the land for palm oil plantations, and hunted as resources become scarcer.

Mountain gorillaThe total population of mountain gorillas worldwide is 786 because of shrinking habitat.

The last two hundred in Virunga National Park are victims of resource wars and poaching for food and retail. The DR Congo blocks Soco from oil search in Virunga Park for now, but how long?

North America inexplicably began losing bee colonies. Chemicals in the water supply cause small amphibians to show mutations. A giant Garbage Patch in the Pacific floats unnoticed by humans, but putting plastics into the DNA of birds.

Birds fill up on plastic, then starve to death.

The list is long and depressing.

But this conflict that threatens the futures of both wildlife and humans has a solution – with abundant cold fusion energy technology.

Growing food locally and sustainably is economically viable using cold fusion energy.

The first commercial device of this revolutionary technology is essentially a steam generator, which could provide affordable clean water, as well as hot water and heat, off-grid in the remotest locations to support agriculture, horticulture, aquaculture, and domestic needs.

Designed to run on hydrogen and a recyclable nickel powder, only one gram of nickel can provide 10 kilowatts of thermal energy from a small portable unit, recharging in about six-months.

Cold fusion steam generators can supply heat for greenhouses.
Agriculture, horticulture, and aquaculture all benefit from clean water, and hot water.

Even in cold climates, steam generators can heat greenhouses for organic food all year long.

With plentiful energy, it becomes economically viable to recycle all waste, reducing the need for more virgin resources, and no more plastic into the environment!

With clean and abundant cold fusion energy, we can stop the pollution from fossil fuels and the end resource wars limited supplies engender.

Carbon-burning steam power revolutionized farming in the 19th century. Nickel-Hydrogen Exothermic Reaction steam power can revolutionize world agriculture in the 21rst century.

Greek-shipIn the ancient Mediterranean villages where philosophy and science began, problems associated with increasing population in were taken care of by shipping off a portion of the tribe to a new location, sometimes forcefully, and founding a new colony.

21rst century humans do not have that same opportunity. There is no ‘Unknown’ area on Earth to expand into. Moon base 2020? Not likely without cold fusion energy.

NASA SpaceShip to Mars
Where else can humans go?

On Earth, there is only what we choose to programas Nature. ‘Nature’ can only be a work of Art with the participation of All.

Why should we care about the wildlife of this world?

One of the first philosophers in the Greek world was Empedocles. He lived around 450BC and came from the island of Sicily. In one of his surviving fragments of writing, he relates to his student Pausanias the importance of listening carefully to the words his teacher Empedocles is saying.

And why is listening to the teacher Empedocles’ words so important?

“If you press them down
underneath your dense-packed diaphragm
and oversee them with good will and with
pure attention to the work, they will all
without the slightest exception stay with you
for as long as you live. And, from them,
you will come to possess many other things.
For they grow, each according to its
own inner disposition, in whatever way their
nature dictates.
But if you reach out instead after
other kinds of things – after the ten thousand
worthless things that exist among humans,
blunting their cares – then you can be sure
they will only too gladly leave you with the
circling of time, longing to return to their
own dear kind. For you need to know that
everything has intelligence and a share
of awareness.”
Empedocles 450BC translated by Peter Kingsley inReality

Lion cub
"Please listen to us!"

Cold Fusion Now!

Reality by Peter Kingsley

Earth Policy Institute

You can help animals and birds in your neighborhood by providing fresh drinking water, putting bird seed in feeders, and plant indigenous to feed local wildlife. Refrain from toxic chemical use in and around your home, and recycle even the tiniest of plastic pieces.

To Learn More about Endangered Species

National Geographic

The World Wildlife Fund

Nature Conservancy

Wildlife Direct

12 Replies to “World’s Wildlife Needs Cold Fusion”

  1. Strewth Ruby,
    Now you are striking bellow the belt. I have no defence when it comes to preserving the precious products of the biosphere’s 4.5 Billion year ruthless selection process.

    Our very breath is the biosphere moving in and out of ourselves. We are a part of Gaia. We are our recently developed brain. Our brain is still infantile. It is prolifically producing neurons. The next phase is the pruning of the neurons.

  2. Where does much of the world’s wildlife live today? In the non-arable, suboptimal and marginal lands around the planet; deserts, semi-deserts, swamps and rocky terrain. This is not out of choice of course but out of necessity as humanity has invaded and claimed most of the available fertile land areas. What happens when suppressed peoples, living on the borders of such places, are given the technology to convert such lands into productive, arable acreage – through the use of energy sources like LENR? What happens to indigenous wildlife when people can reshape arid and semi-arid land by desalination of sea water? When the land is exhausted of nutrients, LENR powered nitrogen fertilizer plants will supply the nutrients to rejuvenate it? What happens to swamps and estuaries when the water can be drained using pumps driven by LENR technologies?

    Energy is power, power over the environment. Look at the United States’ “breadbasket” today? Without cheap crude oil to run the combines, pump the irrigation water and produce the fertilizers the U.S. Midwest would regress into a barren wasteland.

    The marginal lands around the world are havens for the remnants of wildlife. With NFE – nearly free energy – such lands will be viewed as new and available resources. NFE won’t save endangered species, NFE will threaten them even more.

    This is not to say that NFE is a bad idea. On the contrary, LENR represents a true renaissance in humanity’s approach to how, when and why it uses energy (or doesn’t use it). But assuming that “growing food locally and sustainably” means that billions of people, dwelling in city slums, decaying towns and failing villages around the world will “grow food locally and sustainably” is a faulty assumption. Quite the opposite it would seem.

    1. Hey Anonymole, Your thoughts are much appreciated. I agree, LENR is not a panacea. It is an *opportunity* for a future.

      The accompanying mental state is our choice to make, and I hope we make the right one.

      LENR/cold fusion technology allows humans to grow food in the cities, and not expand into the “wilderness” that remains.

      This technology allows us to clean the water, restoring rivers and lakes to pristine conditions to support natural aquatic life. City run-off can be cleaned before pooling or draining into the oceans.

      In Breakthrough Power, the author describes the eventual development of cold fusion engines that make it economically viable to use helicopters to selectively log the forest, taking only the appropriate trees, leaving areas roadless, which will support the wildlife living in forestlands.

      There are so many opportunities, but you’re right, its going to take a mental paradigm shift of global proportions to use this technology with wisdom.

      Sure, we will we able to re-shape land for human use, but we have to start now to consciously make decisions that support all life on Earth, as Arthur Robey says “the precious products of the biosphere’s 4.5 Billion year ruthless selection process.”

      There’s no more elephants within light-years.

  3. Unfortunately, it is much worse than is commonly known. I am a believe in Lovelock’s theory that the climate can “flip” quickly to a hot state. Feedbacks are poorly modeled, but ecosystem collapse combined with GHG emissions from a warming Earth will speed global warming much faster than most people imagine:

    “Few seem to realise that the present IPCC models predict almost unanimously that by 2040 the average summer in Europe will be as hot as the summer of 2003 when over 30,000 died from heat. By then we may cool ourselves with air conditioning and learn to live in a climate no worse than that of Baghdad now. But without extensive irrigation the plants will die and both farming and natural ecosystems will be replaced by scrub and desert. What will there be to eat? The same dire changes will affect the rest of the world and I can envisage Americans migrating into Canada and the Chinese into Siberia but there may be little food for any of them.” –Dr James Lovelock’s lecture to the Royal Society, 29 Oct. ’07

    BTW, I have many supporting quotations from experts, and scientific studies to support the above unintuitive view. Thank goodness of LENR – it will pull mankind’s fat out of the fire (so to speak).

    1. “The alternative (to geoengineering) is the acceptance of a massive natural cull of humanity and a return to an Earth that freely regulates itself but in the hot state.” –Dr James Lovelock, August 2008

  4. It is absolutely critical that AGW and LENR stay separate, at this stage of LENR. The last thing LENR needs is to get embroiled in climate change. Let the others connect the dots. The worst thing we can do is allow LENR to be high-jacked by the IPCC, World Wildlife fund etc, To the extent that their funding is dependant on the hysteria they provoke, it is against their interests to no longer have big oil to target. How then shall they raise their money?

    1. You don’t have to accept global warming to accept the facts:

      Wildlife are in trouble as a direct result of human expansion and habitat degradation.

      These are the ones I am addressing as solvable by cold fusion and an intention to create space for all the life on this planet.

      1. While I share your concern for wildlife, this is NOT the forum for this discussion. This would be acceptable for a WWF article, but this is about cold fusion/LENR. I can’t think of how CF would solve the human encrouchment problem, in fact, it may worsen it. It will bring power to remote villages and towns that will no doubt thrive in the new economy. A thriving economy, history seems to say creates human expansion. I say again, LENR stands on the verge of being subsumed by confusing this issue.

        1. Life is messy, clean it up!

          To believe addressing environmental problems with a clean energy solution is bad (because those environmental groups would then have no purpose) is silly.

          Yeah, environmental groups will work against a clean energy solution because it solves the problem they are dedicated to fighting, that’s the ticket.

          If you can’t see how stupid an argument that is, then I give up (if someone won’t acknowledge that 2+2=4, then walk away because you can’t win the argument).

  5. Hi Owen, I believe we’ll just have to agree to disagree.

    The clearing of virgin forest – evolved over millions of years – in order to plant monoculture crops like palms to make bio-fuels has a direct impact on the wildlife that live there: Populations are going extinct.

    The war in the Congo has less to do with diverse peoples thrown together by colonialism than it does with the rich mineral, metal, and hydrocarbon resources that reside there. The result: Wildlife populations are going extinct.

    There are many other direct links between human energy choices, and the environment, and the wildlife that have lived there for millenia.

    We believe this is absolutely the forum for highlighting the effects of new energy technology such as cold fusion.

    Our mission is to broaden the support for this technology, including environmentalists and animal lovers throughout the world, of which I call myself one. I can tell you the response to this particular essay was positive in that particular community, and I’m glad.

    Its true, cold fusion will not solve our problems alone. It requires also a change in mental state, which luckily, as I have studied the work of Marshall McLuhan, I know will occur as well. We seek to direct that change of Mind to benefit the natural world that we humans call home as well.

    If you believe that cold fusion will do little to change how humanity operates, I wonder why you are so involved as an advocate for it?

    Cold Fusion Now feels its important to be vigilant, and be conscious of how we change our society, so we are not slaves to a new technology that runs over our world, and ourselves. We seek to be aware of the effects, and act positively to make a better environment for ALL life on this planet.

    Thanks for you comments. You’ve been a strong proponent of this tech, and we’re grateful.
    I hope you will continue do so as we work to expand the base of support for this important clean energy solution.

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