The Open Power Association at has published Report No. 11 describing the set-up for an upcoming replication of the Parkhomov-style E-Cat.
What follows is a slightly-modified google-translated English translation of the report. Open Power’s Ugo Abundo provided these pictures of the construction of the cell. See more detailed photos and read the original report in Italian here.
Report No. 11: Design of re-runs and enhancements of A. Parkhomov reactor (inspired by the E-cat) at Open Power Lab
The experimental campaign ITAbetatron will also include the replication of the process that is believed to take place in the E-cat and the study of its variants, with the aim of enhancing its performances such as controllability, efficiency, etc. by the adoption of specific criteria that inform such our experimentation.
Based on the recent experiments of the Russian scientist Alexander Parkhomov, of independent reports on E-cat, and the experiments began by the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project, we must put the emphasis on the serious safety problems, both in the preparation of reagents and in the execution of experiments.
In this regard, we will provide the details of the equipments that have been chosen to carry out the campaign, just launched, the results of which will be presented and discussed at the conference ICCF19 on April 2015.
The experimental set-up is divided into 4 sections, modularly composable:
1) gas supply, with refillable cylinders of hydrogen adsorbed on metal powders, and cylinders of Argon, with adjustment of individual pressures and the possibility of mixing;
2) room glove-box manipulation in an inert atmosphere, for the loading of reactive species in the capsules steel interchangeable;
3) the reaction chamber for housing the reactors, by containing them in an inert atmosphere in a pressurizable container and very resistant mechanically;
4) the discharge section, with safety valve, expansion tank and filtered collection of the powders in case of explosion, chemical abatement of hydrogen.
Composing subsystems 1), 2) and 4), we get the gaming system in preparation safety of reagents, composing subsystems 1), 3) and 4) is obtained in the reaction system security.
The reactor consists of a ceramic tube which houses an externally wrapped around resistance Nichrome, having access internally to a tube removable and interchangeable housing-sealable stainless steel samples at the ends by means of threaded screws sealed with stops in thread-adhesive ceramic by high temperatures, for containment of reagents.
This tube is wrapped in tape, ceramic fiber for high temperature, and has a ceramic tube in direct contact with the ceramic tube interior, for the accommodation of the thermocouples.
The whole is inserted in a copper coil for the cooling water or air, further insulated and contained in a stainless steel tube exterior.
The apparatus constituting the group-reactor heater-chiller, is contained in the chamber 3), powered by the subsystem 1) and connected to the subsystem 4).
A variac guide sending the current, once the rectified by a bridge, to the heater, and a watt meter records the power fed after filtering with a low-pass filter and an isolation transformer.
The measurements of the thermocouples are recorded by the computer interface.
The difficulty to operate at the high temperatures involved has made necessary tests of thermal resistance tests of the apparatus, as well as the dangerousness of the reagents has required the adoption of manipulation in an inert atmosphere, with recovery of any dust in totally enclosed system.
The Open Power Association at has published Newsletter #15 devoted to the E-Cat test report.
A .pdf of Newsletter #15 in the original Italian can be downloaded from
The newsletter begins with a Review by Luciano Saporito of a new paper by Ugo Abundo hypothesizing on the E-Cat reaction. We reproduce the full Review here in English and also provided are links to two Abundo reports on the E-Cat.
About the Ugo Abundo’s hypothesis for explaining and enhancing Rossi’s E-Cat reactions, via R.M.Santilli’s Neutroids
By Luciano Saporito
Open Power Association Rome, Italy
Such a hypothesis, in the opinion of the writer, is very important from the scientific viewpoint, because of Andrea Rossi, standing the related trade secret strategies, at date maintains undisclosed the nature and function of the unknown substance that catalyzes the behaviour of E-Cat reactions towards its extraordinary performances. Consequently, the third-party tests on the reactor, at date, cannot be considered scientifically complete and exhaustive , owing to the lack of knowledge about all parameters involved in the reactor operation.
Exclusive finality of the above mentioned tests is verifying and certifying the continuous operation of the reactor and the related COP. Indeed, such results were awaited by researchers of the field and public opinion since beginning of Rossi’s claims.
It should be noted that the novel independent report dealing with the Rossi’s reactor performances: shows transmutations that cannot be explained via Quantum Mechanics, specially owing to the impossibility of proton skipping the coulombian wall and the inadequate cross-section about proton electronic capture in the operating conditions.
On the other hand, considering both the energy concentration amounts and the isotopic changes shown in the comparative analysis between reactants and ashes, no doubt is allowed: low energy transmutations does occur.
Thus U.Abundo hypothesized a model according to which new neutron-like particles can interact with Lithium and Nickel nuclei, in the specific isotopic occurrence in the reactants, leading to the proper isotopic chain detected in the ashes.
The paper functionally reviews a systematic synthesis of research work of prof. Ruggero Maria Santilli by decades, since the founding of a new mathematics, then a new physics oriented towards the solving of the neutron structure problem, preliminary to the understanding of the change of viewpoint needed for conceiving and employing the models leading to the idea of neutron-like neutroids and their behaviour.
Now, we will recall page 29 of the above mentioned independent report, where some hypothesized reactions are detailed. The report explicitly underlines the impossibility that the reactions may occur, notwithstanding their capability to account for the observed quantitative isotopic content.
p + 7Li → 8Be → 4He + 4He
p + 58Ni → 59Cu
The reaction equations might result admissible if the proton to be involved, helped by an electron, were in a bound state (Santilli’s Neutroid) masked as a neutral particle, so avoiding the coulombian repulsion to enter into the 7Lithium isotope nucleus, turning it into the unstable 8Li one: the latter can thus experience a β-decay, holding the proton in the nucleus, leading to 8Beryllium, decaying into α particles.
The following equation can be obtained via the first of the previous ones, by simply adding an electron to both members:
(p + e) + 7Li → 8Li → 8Be + e → 2 α + E
The possibility of burning the 7Li isotope by employing neutroids is particularly relevant in the cosmological research field: indeed, in astrophysics a problem known as “Cosmological Lithium Depletion” is everywhere present.
It deals with the lack of interpretation about the observed 7Li presence less than the one as predicted by theories concerning the relative abundances of elements. The above mentioned considerations might represent a solution to the indicated discrepancy standing the chance, near the stars, of finding very high magnetic fields, in the regions involved with stellar prominences, of magnitude order greater than 1012 – 1014 Gauss, capable of inducing neutroid formation.
In a similar way, a bound proton (Santilli’s neutroid) can enter in a 58Nickel nucleus, turning it into 59Ni, emitting the masking electron, holding in the nucleus only the proton, thus generating 59Cu and so on, for higher mass Ni and Cu isotopes:
(p + e) + 58Ni → 59Ni → 59Cu + e + E
The neutron-like particles don’t need the notorious 0.782 MeV per proton, to turn it into a real neutron, capable to penetrate the target nucleus, thus leading to the transmutations to be explained.
Such particles, whose existence was firstly hypothesized by Don Carlo Borghi and successively theoretically justified and experimentally detected by R.M.Santilli, were called, by Don Borghi himself, “neutroids”.
Fig, 1.Neutron as a Hydrogen atom Energy level. [from J. V. Kadeisvili, The Rutherford – Santilli Neutron, Hadronic Journal, 31, 1-114 Institute for Basic Research, Palm Harbor, Florida, U.S.A. (2008]
Fig. 2.Proton and electron captured by magnetic field. [from J. V. Kadeisvili, The Rutherford – Santilli Neutron, Hadronic Journal, 31, 1-114 Institute for Basic Research, Palm Harbor, Florida, U.S.A. (2008]
If confirmed, the model would constitute a great confirmation of Santilli’s Hadronic Mechanics, from the microscopic world roots to the cosmic boundaries, furtherly (from the industrial applications viewpoint) capable to explain and foresee the best geometrical and physical configurations for the esoenergetic reactions (clean energy production) towards the occurring of optimal COP conditions.
This new viewpoint could open new perspectives to LENR insights, now supported by a complete theory such as Hadronic Mechanics, accounted it is an extension of Quantum Mechanics to the case of interacting particles at distances about a nucleon diameter.
Of course, the model verification asks for an extensive experimental work, already independently started in Italy at the OpenshareLAB, under the Scientific Direction of U. Abundo himself. In the same time, the experimental work in the U.S., at least about some aspects, is directly supervised by R.M.Santilli.
We must thus hope that together with the incentive concerning the consequent industrial interests (related to large investments), the free research too will find the needed resources, both economic and human, to achieve the goal to drive all Mankind and Earth planet towards the benefits related to the new energy technologies promising a clean, inexhaustible and inexpensive energy. Luciano Saporito
Neural Calculus Lab
J. Von Neumann Foundation
A recent, independent-party report shows that Rossi’s E-Cat reactor produces an excess heat that cannot be explained via quantum mechanical or chemical processes, thus supporting the possible presence of new nuclear processes. In this paper, we recall the studies by Don Carlo Borghi on the synthesis of the neutron from the Hydrogen, and the systematic, mathematical, theoretical and experimental studies conducted by R. M. Santilli on the neutron synthesis via the covering hadronic mechanics and chemistry. We review in particular the detection of an apparent new bound state of a proton and an electron called ”neutroid,” which is solely predicted by hadronic mechanics with the characteristics of the neutron except spin zero, thus being different than Mills hydrino. We then recall Santilli’s new series of ”nucleoids” which are given by conventional nuclides when absorbing a neutroid or nucleoid, and illustrate their es- oenergetic decay into stable nuclides. In this paper, we submit the hypothesis, apparently for the first time, that Rossi’s E-Cat reactor converts, at least in part, Hydrogen into Santilli’s neutroids by therefore avoiding the Coulomb repulsion between protons and nuclei present in current interpretation. The use of Santilli’s nucleoids and their esoenergetic decay then allow a quantitative interpretation of the excess heat in Rossi’s reactor. We close the paper by indicating the reasons according to which Santilli’s new species of MagneHydrogen offers realistic possibilities to enhance the energy output for Rossi’s as well as other Hydrogen-based nuclear transmutations.
PACS 03.75.Be, 29.30.H, 67.65.+z
A nuclear battery Nickel-Metal Hydride Lithium as a promoter of the reactions in the E-Cat? [.pdf]
by Ugo Abundo
Open Power Association
Combined analysis of the scheme of construction details of the apparatus and methods of operation deduced from the patent application by A. Rossi (link) and the processing of information about the chemical composition of the “charge” as stated in the report of third parts (link) shows some key considerations for the interpretation of the performance of the E-Cat.
a) There is a strong analogy with the functional diagram of Lithium batteries Nickel-Metal Hydride (Nickel, Lithium, Hydrogen are the major components identified in the report mentioned): the splitting of the ‘hydride, the release of the proton and its sale Nickel , according to the scheme of the half-reaction from the left to the right of the conventional battery, with simultaneous release of the electron and the creation of electrical potential gradient, and raising the performance in case of micro and nano particle sizes:
Li Li ↔ H + Heat + H ++ e-
b) The evolution of hydrogen is promoted by rising the temperature (which for the Lithium hydride must reach about 500 ° C), as urged by the resistance heaters employed, leading to a rise in blood pressure, useful for the purposes of the absorption of hydrogen from part of Nickel.
c) The heating is carried out in a variable (cyclic), creating thermal gradients that trigger dynamic phenomena in point d), leading to static avoid saturation and to promote a continuing effort to “flow” of protons, essential parameter that blems and maintain fusion reactions (as reported, among others, by F. Celani), with the chain of production of isotopes of Ni to increasing mass, up to decay and the obtaining of Cu.
d) The presence, in the charge, of contiguous particles with different chemical composition, justify the hypothesis of a thermoelectric effect, because of the strong thermal gradients involved and that for Soininen ? cl = en & hl = en can produce high local gradients of electric potential acts of the so-called “Energy Localization” by B. Ahern, they agree F. Celani and G.Vassallo both the theoretical and experimental (ICCF18, July 2013) http: // in order to accelerate the charged particles and make them reach the required energy to achieve the transmutation esoenergetic.
e) The need for adjustment of the promoters of the reaction, under the dual production and efficient use, is well understood by the long period of time that was required for the development of the reactor Rossi. Lacking clearly even in the E-Cat this criterion, the occurrence of reactions random disordered door, to avoid reactions catastrophically unstable, to limit unnecessarily the COP in such conditions as to ensure the absence of explosions, forcing it however to values well below those potentially obtainable with controlled reactions; in this direction, the activity of current research at OpenshareLAB adopting a series of criteria arising from a deep theoretical analysis, the results of which will be announced soon systematized.
Full article
“The scientific method” according to Richard Feynman
“In general, we look for a new law by the following process. First, we guess it (audience laughter), no, don’t laugh, that’s really true. Then we compute the consequences of the guess, to see what, if this is right, if this law we guess is right, to see what it would imply and then we compare the computation results to nature, or we say compare to experiment or experience, compare it directly with observations to see if it works.
The Open Power Association’s recently released Newsletter #13 contains a wealth of news and information touching upon science, politics and the environment. Below are selected excerpts of interest to cold fusion readers, google-translated and slightly modified to facilitate understanding.
Luciano Saporito: The new chemistry “magnecules” (a term coined by prof. Ruggero Maria Santilli) paves the way for an energy revolution unprecedented in the development of clean technologies and even able to restore the environmental balance strained by two centuries of use of traditional fuels. Even for the non-specialist it is possible to approach these issues by reading the book by RM Santilli “magnecular structure with the new fuels.”
Full article:
“Phones in Space”
A next-generation smartphone will be the heart of a small robot that will start in a few hours for the ISS. Here’s what will be its tasks and the live video of the launch.
SPEHERES, the robot with the brain … Google. | NASA / AMES
Full article:
Excerpts below are google-translated to English, then, in some cases, slightly smoothed out.
Dear Friends, there is much news this month!
It is a matter of pride for us, as well as honor, be able to announce that Our Scientific Director Ugo Abundo has been officially invited as a speaker at: “First International Workshop on on Nuclear Syntheses Without Harmful Radiations”
Organizers: A. Bhalekar (India), C. Rope (Italy), and T. Vougiouklis (Greece)
Session 110 of the ICNAAM meetings in Rhodes, Greece, September 22 to 26, 2014
TITLE: An Intrinsically Irreversible, Neural-network-like Approach to the Schrödinger Equation and some Results of Application to Drive Nuclear Synthesis Research Work
010 NEW REPORT: Open Power Association Main aspects in the modeling of an electrolytic cell: effect of parametricoinvolti.
Study of Anomalies [.pdf]
Theoretical Analysis: Prof. Michele Di Lecce
Experimental Campaign: Prof. Ugo Abundo
It is also experimental evidence for the presence of anomalies that existing partial models do not wholly explain, first of all the “negative resistance” that many cite as a condition for the possibility of direct extraction of electrical energy from the natural oscillations of the plasma.
This report also analyzes the main aspects of the behavior of an electrolytic cell, in order to gain a following consistent pattern that frames the role of the parameters involved, and operational status, the complexity of the response to the operating conditions.
The data of the experimental campaign (more than 400 structured tests) conducted by varying the interelectrode voltages, the exposed electrode surfaces, the interelectrode distance, the temperature, the concentration of electrolyte, reading the resulting intensity of the circulating current and detecting any scintillations to the cathode and electromagnetic waves (frequency and intensity) show different anti-intuitive aspects.
It will be the task of a subsequent report grant the concomitant phenomena, and often antagonists, in order to obtain a model of the mechanisms, with some parameters to be estimated by means of ad-hoc tests, usable as a forecasting tool for the design and operation of equipment for plasma electrolytic.
To a classical scheme of the electrolytic cell and its power supply system, is added, in parallel to the electrodes, a series RC circuit with the load (lamp), to which the alternating voltage is monitored extremes generated, which turns on the lamp.
Full report:
We are pleased to announce that by unanimous decision the Executive Our Association “Open Power” resolved to ‘inclusion as Honorary Member of: Prof. Walter A.N. Valeri “For scientific merit and Scholars”
4 In the scope of the conference “Innovation and Research” held in Assisi June 28 last was the official candidate of the MFMP (Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project) and Francesco Celani for the Nobel Peace Prize.
“Innovation Research Conference on the trails of Matter and Spirit,” Gen. Murace delivery to Bob Greenyer, Francesco Celani and Ubaldo Mastromatteo for Live Open Science for Peace.
ALWAYS PRESENT! Interviews with major initiators of cold fusion in Italy:
Profs. Giuliano Preparata, Emilio Del Gudice and other researchers with limited funds braving the hostility of the official academic culture and started the first fundamental studies that have contributed to the present results. The interviews were extracted from a RAI program: Format of a few years ago.
PROF. CHRISTIAN ROPE ON GRAVITATIONAL WAVES “GRAVITATIONAL RADIATION OF FUND AS SNAPSHOT OF THE UNIVERSE PRIMORDIAL” Much has been made recently of the so-called gravitational waves, also because of the ‘”Antenna” for the detection of the same which is under construction in Cascina, near Pisa, the famous Project VIRGO …
Full article:
“Turn Tesla patents car open-source” Elon Musk, we free the way for the creation
ARTICLE copleto:
“Environmental Crimes 213 billion a year”
Did you know that the global environment-related crime in the name of profit goes over to any rules and rule on the enforcement of ecosystems has a turnover of about 213 billion dollars every year?
Full article:
“Greenhouse gas emissions: just 18% from the livestock sector”
The FAO report: “In his 2006 report ‘Livestock’s Long Shadow’, – true milestone on the subject – FAO had found that 18 per cent of all greenhouse gas emissions were caused by the livestock sector, taking into account the entire life cycle aggregate. The final report on greenhouse gas emissions will take the same approach, but using updated data and providing a disaggregated analysis of the different production systems, as well as indicating solutions for manufacturers, for the processing industry and for the political organs. ”
Full article:
“THE SECRET OF SHAME ALEMA” FEPES (Foundation for European Progressive Studies
2008 to present, the FEPS has received 16.7 million Euros!
Massimo D’Alema is committed to the FEPS, Foundation for European Progressive Studies. The former prime minister has been president since 2008.
And the public support for our Open Power Association, which is responsible for identifying energy “cheap, clean, inexhaustible”? ZERO EURO! How so?? This type of research study is unimportant? Or maybe we are not as good as those of the “FEPES”?!
Newsletter No. 011 – June 2014
Dear Friends,
Also there are many news this month!
page. 2 “OPEN POWER” has opened an office in London
page. 3 “Survey of the occurrence of species of symbiotic algae subjected to weak electric stress (microvoltaggi)”
page. 5 “Historic 25th Anniversary Meeting at MIT Cold Fusion”
page. 6 “Cold fusion: the E-cat greek has come to an end”
page. 7 we indicate the website:
page. 8 Please note the website:
Page 9 Please note a wonderful website!
Page 10 There segnialimo’s website: “Foundation Homa”
Page 11 There segnialimo the website: “GasPiro”
Page 12 Please note with pleasure the Blog: Marco Giai-Levra
page. 15 “Energy Festival 2014”: interviews with protagonists
Page 16 “Unidentified Flying Objects Crashes in a small Village in China!”
Page 17 “Siam three small tubicin …”
Page 18 “Archeology, Anthropology, and interstellar communication”
Page 20 “The animals are born libei!” 1
We are pleased to announce that Our Association “OPEN POWER” has opened an office in London with these references:
Ugo Abundo Communications, an Open Power facility
3rd Floor
207 Regent Street
“Detection of occurrence of species of symbiotic algae subjected to weak electric stress (microvoltaggi).”
Experiments conducted by researcher Quirino Puppies, a member of the Open Power.
The system under study is composed of three elements:
a) A cell containing biological substance, which acts similarly to a stack;
b) a system for the transmission of electrical signals;
c) a culture of algae, and in electrical connection with the system), by means of the system b).
The device Rotoverter (RV) + Alternator is a device consisting of two identical three-phase electric motors connected to each other by a joint where the first (PM) serves as the main motor and the second from the alternator. It is a technology that modifies an electric motor making it capable of producing much more power, using less energy than normal.
In addition, modifications can be applied to “rotoverter generators,” in an attempt to obtain overunity …
“Historic 25th Anniversary Meeting at MIT Cold Fusion” by Christy L. Frazier
Sincere appreciation is extended to the speakers for reviewing summaries of Their Work. Photos are courtesy of Ruby Carat at Cold Fusion Now.
“Cold fusion: the E-cat greek has come to an end”
Interview by Roberta De Carolis (NextMe) Franco Cappiello (Mose Ltd)
particularly in the materials section, you can read: “Space full or empty space” by Marco Todeschini, Edited by Fiorenzo Zampieri.
The Foundation Homa
The foundation Homa was born in Novara May 4, 2009, from ‘initiative of a group of friends, united by gratitude for the infinite potential and wealth that nature provides to humans every day. Its purpose, therefore, is to endeavor to facilitate the spread of a lifestyle distinguishing trait of the coexistence between humans and nature on the basis of mutual respect.
The activities that pursues Homa, in Italy and abroad, aiming to raise awareness and education of individuals to environmental issues. To work to raise awareness, Homa combines an active part of research that aims to design simple purificazionedell’acqua technologies for the production of renewable energy and the promotion of natural farming.
GasPiro is a “green idea” where they merge together innovation, ecology, economy, issues more relevant than ever, especially in this period, themes, this, that a more careful observer have always been the pillars of our “modern civilization”, which should co-exist in harmony, but often we do prevail one over the other.
GasPiro, in about a year, has evolved since its prototype base for cooking / pitched to his older brother for use on energy requirements, demonstrating that the road taken, even if uphill is the right one. The research done in recent years has absorbed times and charges; Research is expensive, even the failures they are, but they can always go back to their mistakes, which if accepted humbly open to new solutions.
HEADING: “Pills of Wisdom”
PILL 008
Animals as living beings have the right to be respected and loved. Their freedom must be defended! Animals should not be used, enslaved. Also the respect for human life passes through respect of life of all other living beings. The ‘Man will make an evolutionary leap and realize true peace only when also learn how to protect the lives of animals. We are not owners of the lives of animals. Our animals are often also friends, and they give us so much love and joy … You do not need to eat animals! There are alternatives: cereals, legumes, various seeds, fruits and vegetables. We live very well from vegetarian to … C ‘is then the milk and its derivatives, and then there are also eggs, which give us the cows and chickens, both animals can be raised with love and respect, in the wild … What need c ‘is therefore to inflict suffering and death on animals? In slaughterhouses, with hunting (hunting would be a sport?) … Not to mention that the so-called “scientific research”, which is just business, and that involves practices of real torture against so-called “animal Laboratory “(guinea pigs?). There are no laboratory animals! There are only living beings, in this case animals, which have their own sensitivity, which are born free and on earth! A “science” that inflicts pain is not worthy of the name, but only a tool in the hands of ignorant people, poor and often sadistic …
L. S.
From Open Power Association Report OO6 by Ugo Abundo and Luciano Saporito, these excerpts are google translated from the original Italian:
Best wishes for the new year 2014 from the staff of Power!
May you be peaceful and happy, and make the most of your projects in the spirit of “open” and sharing, possibilente …
Dear friends,
In this latest report, compiled by Ugo Abundo, is communicated in an articulated manner the state of the art of the important work of our team.
In particular, it is shown that, as far as we are concerned, our attention is paid to all those theories, working hypotheses, and experimental ideas, even different, that through a clever synthesis can contribute to achieve the results that we hope for, namely: the discovery of a new energy, economic, inexhaustible and clean, for the welfare of ‘humanity and the survival of Planet Earth!
In particular, our research is oriented to the extraction and production of electricity (electric power) directly from LENR (from Plasma, the Zero Point Energy, etc.), with Overunity.
I do not hide the enormous difficulties faced by our work carried out only on voluntary basis, and in almost no financial aid from the institutions, and so on. While the waste of public money, and the depredations of all kinds, especially in our country, they are all on the agenda.
Recall that the logo refers to the meritorious and innovative activity and REVOLUTIONARY scientific methodology that is known as the “Live Open Science”, introduced in October 2012 by a group of researchers of the International Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project (MFMP) .
Their website, exclusively for the exchange of scientific information, has so far been visited by more than a million Internet users.
The metolologia of Live Open Science was also recently nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014! More information is HERE.
Our Logo!
Maybe some good soul wants to nominate even modest We Rircercatori of Open Power for the Nobel Prize for Peace? Certainly this would help a lot also working on our new energy!
Francesco Celani has published “Improved understanding of self-sustained, sub-micrometric multicomposition surface Constantan wires interacting with H2 at high temperatures: experimental evidence of Anomalous Heat Effects”. For .pdf, click HERE
See our collection of articles, including “HOW MUCH ET INERTIA” by Stephen QUATTRINI and “Quantum Space Theory” (QST) and “THE ATTEMPT TO FLY HIGH NO MORE long overdue” by Ugo ABUNDO and Francis SANTANDREA, by clicking the “WALL” to address:
“We are humble, but we develop our talents, without false modesty, always remembering that: to understand a poem must be Poets”
—Luciano Saporito Open Power Association
Google translated: The long period of silence after our meeting of Coherence 2013 Conference on 15 October has seen us working on three major parallel fronts:
the experimental set of cathodes that now allow “direct” energy balances in the reactor to be measured, the Calorimetric response times compatible with the demand for scientific precision, and the development of a special protocol of optimal loading of the cathodes, in tune with the functional constraints introduced by operations with the apparatus (pilot program).
a powerful work coordinating the responsibilities that belong to the Association: to outline a route to a leap in quality of energy yields theorized about, and the study of solutions for the direct extraction of electrical energy from LENR any apparatus, to which the experimenters demonstrate performance in Overunity, if adaptable to the conceptual core set forth below (theoretical program).
a separate design of experiments for new generation reactors that aim to build on theoretical indications and to come to integrate with the phenomenon of which must be an expression (pilot program).
The title deliberately recalls a paradigm exposed long ago to duet with Francis Santandrea on 22Passi, according to which the very different interpretations of this experimental research area can traced back to a common central core whose identification and investigation not only promise to improve the understanding of said specific interpretations, but give rise to a design “synergistic” that is enriched with all aspects and should especially avoid the risk of phenomena antagonists.
In this ambitious goal are collaborating, directly or with their previous work, Francesco Celani, Antonella De Ninny, Fabio Cardone, Santandrea by Francesco Domenico Cirillo, Luciano Saporito, Paola Pieravanti, Michele Di Lecce with Alessandro Burgognoni, in Ugo Abundo and many other precious companions on this journey.
For the first point, it refers to a subsequent communication, to be issued at the completion of the experimental campaign in progress.
As for the second and third front, we have the pleasure to present the following preview for readers!
Conceptual core
We recall the same name as in the previous post we [translate]including different types of experiments integrating mainly in the context of a metal matrix condensed capable of accepting hydrogen in the presence of a driving force for loading (pressure, voltage , etc.) and subjected to stresses (plasma, laser, ultrasound , etc. .), also using additives that catalyze one or more steps of the reactions.
He spoke to outline the equipment as triodes generalized (if any third electrode for adjustment) proposing to introduce, if they are not already ‘ constructively present, a cathode (metal matrix), an anode, an interelectrode voltage, a voltage intracatodica, half conductor (electrolyte or ionized gas, eg. hydrogen).
To give a concrete example of adaptation to the paradigm suggested, in a nanostructured (or cathode monolithic, metal layers, powder or composite) reactor cathode wire, it is possible to introduce an anode facing from which starts a voltage relative to the cathode while fed to its heads under less tension, the loading is no longer created by the gas pressure but by the inter-electrode voltage across the void of ionized hydrogen (or the voltage of the electrolytic cell), an RC circuit would extract electrical energy, by means of the download autopulsante in scheme resistance negative (see below), from the source of excess claimed abnormal, be it of Zero Point or LENR (even, possibly, as reported in some papers, from the thermal energy content of the external environment).
In the literature, a very diverse aspects and implications of the different approaches have been addressed, both in experimental and theoretical.
At the moment, our commitment is not intended to discriminate the validity of competing theories. On the contrary, we consider all the interesting working hypotheses that are internally consistent, to help in the search of the interrelationships between parameters governing the phenomena.
The strain appears to be more effective as a preventive measure, the electric force that directly participates in the charged particles (protons or electrons) within the appropriate paths by making them “buy” the necessary energy and local concentrations under the action of the electric field.
It is, as repeatedly stressed during our presentations, to act both on the field of loading (or deloading, more promising because it does not directly limited by processes in the effect of saturation) and on the migration of the charges through the latex.
The stress then is the administration of periodic pulses of high peak, extremely steep, and very high load-bearing, powers for durations so low as to cause only small energy input to the system.
The techniques implemented using the latest state of the art equipment in the field of production and impulse control, and of K. Shoulders EV (Strong electron), show bundles consisting of an incredibly high number of energetic electrons.
The adoption of nanostructures is presented as a must for the emergence of behaviors that have been predicted theoretically by several authors (B. Ahern, etc.) relating to far-from-equilibrium conditions and the consequent possibility of localization of energy above threshold levels for the activation of nuclear reactions.
It must not necessarily consist of nano powders, but preferably micro-structure surface nano-powders, in combination with ceramic powders to avoid sintering.
Of fundamental importance is also the presence of alkali or alkaline-earth elements as electron donors.
Systems with two/three active components may raise the synergistic effect. For example, combining metals with significant difference between the Fermi levels, or using piezoelectric or pyro powders, which enhance the effects of the localizations of temperature or of electrical impulses.
Important as well is the experimentation on the stresses in metal colloids. We therefore realized electrodes of metalloceramici to nanoscale structure, and a more easily handled powder.
Were designed (and is currently under construction), three different reactors, based on cathodes in electrolytic mixture of powders:
a radial configuration, serial and serial Shoulders;
two pulse – integrated reactors (which perform both the function of on-site production of the discharge, that the use of ) high voltage, one electrolyte, the other for operation in vacuum;
a vacuum tube for replication and enhancement of the experiments of P. Correa, using nano-structured cathodes also metalloceramici.
Extraction of electricity
And ‘ all clear how simple heat production (medium or high temperature) is in itself already a high goal, if achieved by processes that do not require non-renewable fuel, do not produce CO2, do not pollute, and the next step, the transformation of thermal energy into electricity, in addition to requiring high temperatures and a cycle of transformation with machines in motion, always presents low yields.
Thus the need for a direct production of electric energy from processes with unclaimed Overunity is much felt by justify a significant research effort.
The experiments for the extraction of current of P. Correa with Glow Discharges in vacuum tubes, those of A. Chernetsky with Spark Gaps of J.L. Naudin and our plasma electrolytic, have in common at least a fundamental point: the existence of a part of the diagram IV with negative slope, the so-called negative resistance zone, in which a voltage increase corresponds to a decrease of current.
According to the theories, processes are assumed periodic spontaneous reorganization of the plasma, negative entropy, the so-called negentropy.
From the sustained spontaneous oscillations that arise exerting the plasma in these conditions, it is possible to extract energy directly as electricity through an RC circuit consistently sized to agree with the frequencies of pulsation of the plasma.
In accordance with what is stated, we are determining the values of the optimum parameters for our configurations and for the corresponding operating ranges.
Whether it’s energy or Zero Point of anomalous excess energy, the complex plasma – circuit can extract the energy available and ennobles the form electricity.
It remains to be seen whether, and how much, electricity has pulled from Overunity, but it is certainly a crucial first step towards the efficient production of electricity, a method which deserves to be given an adequate trial.
In addition, the direct provision of electricity brings us closer to the day when we will have self-reliance of equipment, allowing machines to generate enough power to power themselves. —Ugo Abundo Open Power Association
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