Cold Fusion Now! podcast with Alan Smith

Alan Smith is Director of, an online shop dedicated to supplying open science and LENR research with laboratory needs. Alan has spent a career in various fields related to materials research and engineering, with a focus on polymers, and is the author of books on craft subjects. He is also a moderator on LENR-forum.

Alan Smith talks with Ruby Carat about what people are shopping for! Alan also describes his experiences designing lab experiments and his plans for a live LENR demonstration at the New Energy World Symposium this June 18-19, 2018 in Stockholm, Sweden.

The fifth episode of the Cold Fusion Now! podcast series that surveys the present state of knowledge in cold fusion/LENR can be found on our website at or subscribe in iTunes.

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Successful Defkalion demo has scientists wanting more

Press Release –From: Attilia Cozzaglio <>

Google translate (original Italian below):

Cold Fusion: After the streaming of 22 and 23 July, Defkalion has decide to make more accurate measurements on his apparatus.

Saturday night, July 3 (Editor – August 3?) at 20:00, and then repeat Sunday the 4th at 23:00, Moebius will broadcast on Radio 24, a new chapter on the controversial story on cold fusion (better defined LENR, Low Energy Nuclear Reaction).

On July 22, Moebius and TRIWU ‘organized a streaming from the Defkalion laboratories of Europe in Milan, devoted to describing how a cold fusion experiment works in general (also this definition is controversial), during the streaming in which it was amply clear that the appointment was far from presenting as a demo.

On 23 July, at the request of the International Conference on Cold Fusion taking place in Columbus, Missouri, Defkalion organized a long demo of about 10 hours, at which – since broadcast live on the Internet – was attended by a very large number of people, almost 30 thousand contacts, among which were many technicians. Specifically designed for an audience of 200 physicists gathered in Columbus, who watched for an hour and a half, there were many requests for clarification on the apparatus in operation.

This suggested to Defkalion the need to investigate aspects of the measurement.
In the interview on Saturday 3 July (Editor – August 3?) in Moebius will explain the various aspects of that decision.

The streaming video of the July 22 and 23 are available online at


Fusione fredda: dopo gli streaming del 22 e 23 luglio la Defkalion
decide di effettuare misure più accurate sul suo apparato.

Sabato sera 3 luglio alle 20, e poi in replica domenica 4 alle
23,all’interno della trasmissione di scienza Moebius, in onda su Radio
24, un nuovo capitolo dedicato alla controversa vicenda sulla fusione
fredda (meglio definita LENR, Low Energy Nuclear Reaction).

Il 22 luglio scorso Moebius e TRIWU’ hanno organizzato un streaming
dai laboratori della Defkalion Europe a Milano, dedicati a descrivere
come funziona in generale un esperimento di fusione fredda (anche
questa definizione è controversa), streaming durante il quale si è
ampiamente chiarito che l’appuntamento era ben lontano dal presentarsi
come una demo.

Il 23 luglio la Defkalion, su richiesta delle Conferenza Mondiale
sulla fusione fredda in corso a Columbus nel Missouri, ha organizzato
una lunga demo di 10 ore circa, alla quale – era ovvio, essendo in
Internet – ha partecipato un numero decisamente ampio di persone,
quasi 30 mila contatti, fra i quali moltissimi tecnici. In
particolare, poi, da una platea di 200 fisici riuniti a Columbus, sono
arrivate, per un’ora e mezzo, molte richieste di chiarimento
sull’apparato in funzione.

Questa perfomance ha suggerito a Defkalion la necessità di
approfondire alcuni aspetti della misurazione.
Nell’intervista di sabato 3 luglio a Moebius si chiariranno i vari
aspetti di tale decisione.

I video degli streaming del 22 e 23 luglio sono disponibili on line su

Info :

Defkalion Hyperion demo to be broadcast online

Video: Dr. Bob excited about Defkalion demo

Hyperion-R5-set-upDefkalion Green Technologies has scheduled two public demonstrations of their Hyperion core reactor next week concurrent with the 18th International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF-18).

Defkalion originates from Greece, but now has their main lab in Vancouver, Canada. Labs dedicated to applications for the steam generator are in part located in Brazil and Milano, Italy. The two demos will occur from two different locations in Vancouver and Milano beginning on July 22, 2013, concurrent the ICCF-18 Defkalion poster event occurring in Columbia, Missouri, USA.

The intercontinental event can be viewed online at Triwù Web TV Innovation streaming.

From Cold fusion: the E-cat Defkalion announced officially at the end of the month?, originally published in Italian by Roberto De Carolis:

“There will be an official announcement of this technology during ICCF 18 (International Conference Cold Fusion 18) at the University of Missouri (USA) […]. For those interested you can see this Internet transmission of all phases of the experiment, power, performance and off – he wrote about the CEO of Defkalion Europe Franco Cappiello – In this broadcast will participate in two independent scientists and two science journalists at international level, in addition to a component Cicap.”

According to Dr. Bob, details about the events will be posted on EGO OUT and Defkalion Green Technologies websites prior to the demos.


A Visit to Defkalion Green Technologies by Jeane Manning Expanded article for Infinite Energy #110

Defkalion: “We’re not selling products, we sell technology”

Defkalion Green Technologies ICCF-17 presentation paper [.pdf]