John Varney Canadian Energy Initiative

John Varney is an engineer and passionate energy activist in Canada. He formulated a Canadian Energy Initiative – Let’s Start Now [pathway002.pdf] and has written many letters to Canada’s political and business leaders about the need for change.

And may I thank you, dear friends, for your activism towards a new energy future. With Earth systems in seizure, building a 21st century living arrangement will require a power source radically different than what we have now. We are all on the front line of change.

> From: John Varney Dated: September 14th. 2016
> 33 Eastmount Ave. #1005
> Toronto ON M4K 1V3
> Canada
> Tel: 416-274-7279
> Attention of: Ruby – At Cold Fusion Now – this document is important to the Cruise Industry and your staff will be well served if you have the courage to bring it to their attention.
> Strategy – It is imperative that the governments of the fully industrialized nations [UK, Canada, USA, Germany, France, Japan and Russia] recognize the approaching disaster of extreme climate change and build a cohesive and unified political and industrial action group to phase out the use of fossil/fissile fuels within a few years for power generation by introducing the new technologies described herein of renewables plus direct electric energy cells and within two decades for the global transportation networks, by integrating the barium titanate solid state supercapacitors with clean power production for total electric propulsion
> Rolls Royce [together with the Cambridge university team researching energy], with their fine track record of innovative excellence and their opportunity to serve the greater good [Mitigating the approaching disaster of extreme climate change], are well placed to build, test and prove the EC40 prototype of the Direct Electric Energy Cell that will likely revolutionize the production of clean, powerful, compact land-based electric power and when used with the emerging “Supercapacitor” technology will enable the immediate commencement of a retro-fit program [applying to all industrialized nations] for all the worlds transportation networks, into a state of electric propulsion [thus reduce polluting emissions to land, sea and air to almost zero within a few decades].
> The UK would form a cohesive consortium with – Canada, America, Germany, France, Japan and Russia in launching this technology to the world rapidly. What a great and progressive opportunity.
> From: John Varney Dated: May 30th. 2016
> 33 Eastmount Ave. #1005
> Toronto ON M4K 1V3
> Canada
> Tel: 416-274-7279
> To: Researchers, Manufacturers in the power generation and transportation industries, Governments and the media.
> The pollution of land, sea and air by the use of fossil/fissile fuels over the past century, is the leading cause of global warming, climate change and the acceleration of species extinction.
> The global society is now united in calling for drastic action by governments and industry [via existing and emerging technologies] to mitigate the approaching chaos and devastation of extreme climate change.
> The only action that will achieve an acceptable remedy is the elimination of the use of fossil/fissile fuels for power generation, all forms of transportation and for the elimination of the manufacture and storage of nuclear fuels and nuclear weaponry.
> This new concept of the “Direct Electric energy cell” converts basic fusion reactions from pure hydrogen gas [contained at extreme pressure and temperature conditions within a special catalyst cartridge consisting of a matrix of vertically aligned nanotubes] to isotopes of hydrogen , namely deuterium, tritium and finally helium. These isotopes are stripped of their electrons [which flow to the anode plate] whilst the remaining ions flow to the cathode plate and thus form a dc. electric current [measured in AMPS]. The dc. current is then allied to a variable voltage [applied to the anode plate] that provides the means of exporting dc. electric power from the cathode electrode, at a very wide range of power operating typically from 2% of max. continuous rating to 100% of max.continuous rating [from 1000 vlts to 50,000 volts]. Further processing of exported power will transform the dc. power to ac. power at the voltage matching the local grid.
> When fully tested and proven the Direct Electric energy Cell will be specified via a universal, thorough and comprehensive document that will enable all industrialized nations to enter a mass production program [of utmost urgency] that is stable and globally managed. The net result will be the complete conversion [replacement] of all the world’s fossil fired power generating stations as well as all of the worlds nuclear [fission] power generating stations within a period of a few years. The subsequent dismantling of this multitude of redundant plants will produce major global projects that ensure the process is environmentally friendly.
> For the auto and aero engine manufacturers, incremental improvement [over time] of engine efficiency is no more than a feeble and convenient “lip service” to the grave challenge facing the global society and actually prolongs the use of fossil fuels on the boast of high efficiency. With the enormous manufacturing capacity [world-wide] now available, existing and emerging energy technologies [urgently tested and proven] can be rapidly implemented around the world to establish an infrastructure of clean energy power generation within a few years and can subsequently, effect a new era of electric propulsion [for the entire global transportation networks] within a few decades.
> This is an invitation to you, to be involved in developing these concepts [without any obligation to the originator John Varney, for protection of his legal rights or for any involvement by him in any business ventures that may propagate from your testing and proving programs].
> About me: Now long retired after an extensive career in engineering starting in 1956 – 1961 [apprenticeship plus college degree HNC mech].In the 1960s with Rolls- Royce on aero engine design and then nuclear submarine reactor design. Subsequently in several heavy industries consulting on process plants, steel plants and power generation.
> I now enjoy creating new and progressive concepts for government and industry for them to initiate proving and testing and to subsequently [and urgently] build a vigorous global business without any legal or business obligation to me.
> I am choosing not to be active in any initiated program but if kept in the loop of project, will be happy via email to make any suggestions that may maintain progress.
> Pathway to clean energy
> A brief window of opportunity has opened for human society to make a crucial break with fossil/fissile fuels before the climate change chaos threatens our survival. The attached document presents the technology and strategy for our collective action.
> The renewables of wind and solar energy sources, would be complimented with a new raw fuel of “water”, which with a process of refining via electrolysis, will form pure hydrogen gas that will support basic fusion reactions [known as LENR].
> When this new, clean power generating source of “Direct Electric Energy Cells” is integrated with the emerging and remarkable energy storage technology of “super-capacitors “, we then have the opportunity to transform all the global transportation networks via retrofit of existing systems [and later by building new networks] to electric propulsion.
> Not only is the pollution of the atmosphere, oceans and land masses arrested, but global industry will be energized to accommodate millions and millions of new long-term quality jobs to help close the gap between rich and poor.
> This vast global undertaking, as it gets underway, will be the greatest project ever contemplated by mankind and this pathway will create a global, political and industrial cohesion that will demand stability, inclusion and equality giving future generations a prospect of hope, health and a thriving aspiration for life.
> John Varney

How could cold fusion reactors replace coal-fired steam power plants?

Graphic: copyright CO2CRC

Because the grade of heat generated [and recoverable] from the cold fusion processes [as of now] is modest in relation to furnace temperatures of conventional power plant [ which are in the range of 2500- 3500 deg.F (1400C-1900C)], it is not obvious to me how the existing furnace/ boiler plant can be efficiently utilized for the cold fusion processes.

However, if the CF energy cell is used directly to generate saturated steam at pressures in the range of 500-3000 psig. (pounds per square inch gauge) where boiling temperatures would be in the range of 470-700 deg.F (240C-370C) [respectively for the pressure range] and then, a separate CF energy cell is used to directly superheat that steam to 750 deg.F (400C) for a 500 psig. and to say 1000 deg.F (540C) for the 3000 psig. boiler, then that superheated steam [for what ever steam pressure system is used] could be routed to an existing steam turbine plant [with the return treated and de-aerated condensate returned as feed to the new CF fired boiler.

In summary, the existing fossil-fired boiler plant [including all fuel/ combustion air/ furnace/boiler/ash systems/flue gas systems, are all deactivated and preferably removed, and the new cold fusion powered boiler together with the cold fusion powered superheater would be integrated into the existing steam turbine generating plant [including the steam condensing plant and, of course, a modified control room].

This whole project would certainly drastically reduce emmissions to zero, but would be very costly, I suspect, because of labour costs of dismantling the majority of the power station.

It may be a better option to build new power station using the new CF boiler and superheater plant with a custom designed and compact steam turbine/ generator plant in a small modern compact building.

With the most appropriate and efficient small 25MW cold fusion powered station I would suggest the following :

Boiler outlet conditions : 500 psig. sat. steam [at 470 deg. F (240C)]
Superheater outlet conditions : 470 psig. steam at 750 deg. F (400C)
Steam Turbine outlet conditions [to steam condenser] : 1 psia. @ 10% wetness.

The practical steamrate for generating electrical power with this relatively simple, small and compact station is about 9 lbs/ kwhour so the total steamrate from the small boilers serving a single multi-stage steam turbine/generator system which exhausts to a steam condenser is 225,000 lbs/hour.

Scientists would decide how much steam capacity each boiler/superheater combo would have and that would determine how many units would be required to meet the total steam demand.

Note: The use of steam for electric power generation [via boiler and steam turbine as presently done] is really 20th. century technology and all forms of cold and hot fusion should seek to find DIRECT electrical generation processes that harness ion transfer in conjunction with an external excitation field.

The use of steam at high pressure as an electrolyte, may however make use of an abundant commodity that facilitates extreme process efficiency, and this applies to the pressurized CIHT unit where high pressure steam is extremely efficient as an electrical conductor [the electrolyte] permeating the catalyst fill [consisting of back to back catalyst discs] through micro gaps in the catalyst structure. Further the basis of direct electric power is when a stream of ions or electrons flowing and driven by an existing voltage potential, will interact with an external excitation field thus creating export electric power.


This proposed and detailed [perhaps speculative] bold upgrade to the original BLP – CIHT unit could be a blockbuster in that a compact direct energy CIHT based system, offered in a wide range of sizes and used in multi-module applications for the power generation industry, but more importantly, for the shipping industries [from private and recreational craft to commercial shipping and naval shipping including surface vessels and submarines].

This conceptual unit [or units] could be installed in the ships engine room and bypass the existing electric generating plant with out the costly removal of that plant [or in the case of nuclear powered vessels deactivate and bypass the entire systems of the existing reactor compartment].

See details on The PRESSURIZED CIHT Unit [.pdf]


To: Industry and Government

The following letter was sent to Blacklight Power (BLP) in the hope that the original CIHT unit [now apparently redundant because of the promise and enthusiasm for their SF-CIHT project] could be revisited with a prospect of being commercially viable as perhaps, a second alternative to their main project [with the SF-CIHT]. I hope you find the following interesting

John Varney

To Dr. Randell Mills
Dated September 3rd. 2014 -[Rev 1 dated Sept. 4th. 2014]

From John Varney

Using saturated steam at 500 psig as electroyte – Generated in a small adjacent pressurized electric kettle.

The steam passes from the inlet chamber via a porous anode disc and a porous [non conductive] catalyst containment disc, through the stack of catalyst discs, to the other catalyst containment disc and then the cathode disc to the outlet chamber.
This vertical cylindrical unit with the steam inlet chamber at the top and the steam outlet chamber at the bottom will have an effective stack height of say 36 inches and a disc diameter of 12 inches.
The shell, with an internal diameter of 12.06 inches will be made of a non-conductive, non-porous material [perhaps a composite material] of suitable thickness to contain the steam pressure. The design conditions of all pressure parts shall be generous to withstand temperature excursions that may occur during the three phases of operation [ charge phase, discharge phase and idle phase ].
The complete exterior of the pressure vessel will be applied with a 4 inch layer of insulation such that little heat will be lost from the unit during operation in the charge or discharge phases.

A small, compact and simple electric steam generator or kettle [constructed of same material as pressure vessel for the CIHT unit] will provide a low feed rate of saturated steam [at a final pressure of 500 psig and derived from a distilled water feed]that will be maintained throughout all three phases of operation.
In the event of over pressure due to electrolysis in the charge phase or a temperature excursion during the discharge phase, bleeds from the top or bottom chambers will be automatically activated to re-establish the operating pressure and temperature. If some condensation is occuring within the CIHT unit then this will be handled with a steam trap serving the bottom chamber.

With regard to bleeds, [following experimentation, showing magnitude, frequency and causes of pressure/temperature excursions during the charge or discharge phases] it may be practical to initiate, on commencement of charge, a continuous micro-bleed [from the bottom chamber] and to have a slightly larger bleed to automatically cut in when serious over press/temp occurs [that can not be corrected with the micro-bleed]. The accumulative loss of steam with such a system could still be small and acceptable [energy wise] whilst enabling the unit to operate smoothely without ongoing operator interface.

Note: The unit may be mounted in a horizontal position, but care taken to drain minute condensate effectively to steam trap.

When the steam condition in the CIHT unit has gradually increased and is stabilized at 500 psig, the charging phase may proceed and with a 36 inch total layer of catalyst discs to be penetrated, the voltage required may be substantial [perhaps in the range of several hundred volts]. When the charging energy approaches zero, the electrolysis [charge] phase is ended and the discharge phase can begin.

Only experimentation will indicate the optimum conditions of discharge or the consistency, duration, magnitude of exported energy.
It is probable that temperature or pressure excursions will occur and will require focused attention to remedy.
One would not be surprised if the basic performance signatures of the pressurized CIHT unit were indeed found to be remarkable and encouraging.

John Varney

I trust you find the above of some interest in that it would provide a secondary option to your promising SF-CIHT unit.

Electric Car

The Electric Car
and then,
so much more to raise your hopes

An important note to the reader

This document leads in with new technologies for the electric car. Later, at the end of this document, via a clickable reference, it identifies a total scenario, in some detail, of the remarkable hot and cold fusion technologies that will be applied to power generation, marine propulsion, aircraft propulsion and space propulsion.

The transformative nature of all these [largely proven] energy technologies is that they are totally clean, safe and are free of toxic materials of construction and produce no toxic or harmful effluent – in fact they represent the end of the era of combustion [as a source of power or propulsion].

John W VarneyAfter studying Mechanical Engineering, author John W. Varney migrated to Classical Atomic & Nuclear Physics at the Naval College in England. A member of Institution of Nuclear Engineers, he has designed aircraft jet engines, nuclear submarine primary systems design, steam plant design for power generation, application of gas turbines in power generation, and general consulting for industrial projects. Born 1939 in London, England, Varney is now retired and a single grandfather who works to promote Dense Plasma Focus (DPF) fusion technology as a clean energy alternative to fossil fuels.

Who locked the garage door on our Super electric car

Is it Santa Clause or the Wicked Witch?

Surely it can’t be the oil and auto industries, because what on earth could they have against a transformation of all road vehicles to the simple, clean, efficient and lower cost electric mode ?

Surely it can’t be the reality of a sudden and total global collapse of fuel sales to road vehicles. The fine corporate executives who have the awesome responsibilities of building a better world for themselves would not dream of compromising their future if it meant abandoning the addiction to power and wealth, even as such a selfish strategy denies any benefit [of an improved environment] for people and all other species that inhabit this planet.

Such is the world today, populated by a vast majority who have the care and passion to nurture their families against all odds that reality throws at them, and a small minority whose privilege of financial success and a position of power has blinded them to the profound gifts of service and compassion for others.

Technology suppression and deception exposes the public to avoidable dangers.

Boeing’s Dream-liner problems with lithium-ion battery fires, is a grim reminder of suppression of technologies [technologies that threaten the future of fossil fuel vehicle propulsion].

GM and elements of the Military-Industrial complex became involved in ownership of the new technology of ultracapacitors for the express purpose of burying the program in the back waters of suppression so that vehicle propulsion [land, sea and air] will survive in the profitable domain of combustion engines.

Blacklight Power have developed and proven [with an energy source classified as a variant of cold fusion] a remarkable and transforming CIHT unit [Catalyst Induced Hydrino Transition] that will compete with the ultracapacitor battery when it has been scaled up for use in all road vehicles. This exciting technology is, without doubt, a target for any agency with an agenda to prolong the use of combustion engines in all road vehicles.

The following documents provide the evidence for the promising scenario [and political and industrial challenges] that will be experienced, in the emergence and global transformation from combustion to electric power for the car and all road vehicles:-

Car duel history



Engine verses Electric Energy Ratings

Protocol Sedan

Protocol Sports

Email John Varney


and then, so much more to raise your hopes

John Varney: Small-scale fusion is “a matter of absolute urgency”