Jeane Manning on live demo of Defkalion’s Hyperion

Jeane Manning, author of Breakthrough Power, has published an article in Atlantic Rising on her visit to Defkalion Green Technologies new office in Vancouver, Canada where she viewed a live demonstration of their Hyperion thermal generator.

Beyond LENR (aka ‘cold fusion’) to Useful Energy [.pdf] is available for free on Manning’s Changing Power website and describes a generator capable of producing 5 kilowatts of thermal power, with “several times” energy output.

A planned 45 kilowatt generator will be comprised of nine units in parallel. A test generator in Greece is claimed to run continuously for six months producing power at 45 kilowatts. Preferring to call the reaction Heat Energy Nuclei Interactions (HENI), the thermal energy was generated on just 3 grams of nickel powder and 2 liters of hydrogen.

The company moved to Vancouver “after their government failed to help the start-up company.” Canada “offered a stable environment for research-and-development companies, with a support network and fiscal incentives.” Additional labs in Athens, Milan, Italy as well as Brazil will be developing applications with multiple business partners.

Initially a partner with Andrea Rossi, Defkalion and Rossi split after differences arose over contractual issues. Deciding to develop a generator on their own, the company began with the premise that only after achieving stability and control would they scale up to high heat output.

The article quotes Peter Gluck, a chemist and longtime low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR) researcher. “Cold fusion came before its time. It is too complex, too new, too unexpected, too messy, too multifaceted, too dynamic, too non-linear and too weird to be really understood and controlled at the time of its discovery.”

Defkalion’s Chief Technical Officer John Hadjichristos responded “Science is one, and we have to keep it that way if we want to keep on talking with Mother Nature …We cannot see or listen and understand her stories if we stop talking to and hearing each other.”

David Nagel at GlobalBEM: “A new workforce will be needed for LENR”

Sorry video is now Private……….

In lieu of that, please check out David J. Nagel‘s video of his presentation at ICCF-17 here.

Credit for finding and posting the new David J. Nagel preview video of his talk at the Global Breakthrough Energy Movement Conference entitled “A New Workforce Will Be Needed For LENR”.

NUCATDavid J. Nagel is a Research Professor at George Washington University in Washington, D.C. and former Navy scientist who has championed low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR) through both experimental research and education. He started NUCAT Energy to hold workshops for industry, academia, and agencies interested in learning about the history and science of LENR, as well as the imminent technology that is now being engineered by a handful of independent small-labs that will utilize the hydrogen in water to make ultra-clean, next-generation nuclear power.

He has been interviewed by James Martinez on Cold Fusion Radio several times. Get audio and excerpts from the most recent interview here in LENR global impact will be historic and A reasoned approach to funding.

David J. Nagel is also part of the list of professors at U.S. schools with cold fusion-friendly faculty.

Read New Energy Movement board member Jeane Manning‘s report on the conference here. Homepage

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