Cold Fusion Now! podcast with Jean-Paul Biberian

Jean-Paul Biberian from Fusion Froide
University of Marseille Professor of Physics Dr. Jean-Paul Biberian is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science and author of Fusion in All Its Forms: Cold Fusion, ITER, Alchemy, Biological Transmutations with Foreword by Stanley Pons.

He began researching cold fusion in 1993 until he retired to work in his own private laboratory. He speaks with Ruby about his current research and collaborations, as well as the newly-formed French Society of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science.

Ruby Carat hosts the fourth episode of the Cold Fusion Now! podcast series that surveys the present state of knowledge in cold fusion/LENR.

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Stanley Pons’ Preface from J.P. Biberian’s La Fusion dans Tous ses États translated

Stanley Pons, co-discoverer of cold fusion, left the United States in 1991 amidst an unprecedented assault. Physicists wedded to the 100-year-old standard model of nuclear theory, and whose funding would be jeopardized by this seemingly simpler approach to energy production, ‘threw tantrums’ and attacked with vehemence.

Steven E. Koonin, who left Caltech Institute to work for BP Oil and later became the U.S. Under-Secretary of Energy 2009-2011, Robert Park, then-Director of Public Information for the American Physical Society and author of Voodoo Science, and John Huizenga, co-Chair of the Department of Energy panel charged with evaluating the scientific claims and author of Cold Fusion: The Scientific Fiasco of the Century, were just a few of the men who used their authority to create a myth that ultimately denied funding to anyone interested in researching the Fleischmann-Pons Effect (FPE) of excess heat, and to blacklist all scientific papers on the topic from mainstream publication.

Sheila Pons documented the absurd melee in her editorial ‘Fusion frenzy’ stymies research published in the Deseret News March 28, 1990. For the Pons family, as well as the Fleischmanns, the emotional cost was great.

A new laboratory in the south of France funded by Minoru Toyoda, of the Toyota Corporation fame, was set up to continue research. The Institute of Minoru Research Advancement (IMRA) provided a peaceful, supportive setting for the embattled scientists to work.

Dr. Pons describes his early experience in France in the Preface to La Fusion dans Tous ses États: Fusion Froide, ITER, Alchimie, Transmutations Biologiques (Fusion in All Its Forms: Cold Fusion, ITER, Alchemy, Biological Transmutations) by Dr. Jean-Paul Biberian. Published last December 2012 in French, a new English version is expected later this year.

Dr. Biberian has worked on cold fusion cells for the past two-decades at the University of Marseille Luminy where he was a physics professor until retirement last summer. He is also the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science published by the International Society for Condensed Matter Nuclear Science (ISCMNS).

From the French version, he wrote:
À l’annonce de la découverte de la fusion froide, en 1989, l’ensemble du monde scientifique entre en ébullition. Il serait donc possible de produire de l’énergie illimitée à moindres frais ? Dans de nombreux laboratoires, connus ou inconnus, réputés ou non, chacun tente de reproduire l’expérience dont tout le monde parle. J’ai fait partie de ces pionniers, de cette aventure prometteuse extraordinaire. Mais la fusion froide ne s’est pas faite en un jour.

Laissez-moi vous raconter la petite et la grande histoire, humaine et scientifique, alchimique et biologique, de la fusion froide. Une histoire qui me passionne et qui se poursuit aujourd’hui…

with a Google translation:
At the announcement of the discovery of cold fusion in 1989, the entire scientific world boils. Is it possible to produce unlimited energy at a lower cost? In many laboratories, known or unknown, ‘deemed’ or not, everyone tries to replicate the experience the world speaks of. I was one of the pioneers of this extraordinary, promising adventure. But cold fusion was not built in a day.

Let me tell you the small and the great history, human and scientific, biological and alchemical, of cold fusion. A story that fascinates me and that continues today …Jean-Paul Biberian La Fusion dans Tous ses États: Fusion Froide, ITER, Alchimie, Transmutations Biologiques (Fusion in All Its Forms: Cold Fusion, ITER, Alchemy, Biological Transmutations)

Dr. Biberian has been a colleague and friend to Stanley Pons since they first met in 1993 at the IMRA lab.

Infinity Energy Magazine has obtained special rights to publish the translation to English of Stanley Pons‘ Preface and has made it freely available to the public. [ download .pdf]

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Edmund Storms at NPA-19: What is cold fusion and why should you care? video August 7, 2012

Too Close to the Sun: 1994 BBC documentary profiles early history of ‘cold fusion underground’ June 7, 2012

World Wide Lab September 18, 2011

Cold Fusion, Derided in U.S., Is Hot In Japan by Andrew J. Pollack NYTimes November 17, 1992

Video: 1989 Steven E. Koonin “we are suffering the incompetence and perhaps delusion of …. New Energy Times

European Arts Community in Action for New Energy

Art by Aldo Tambellini 1961

Europe has been a leader in the arts for centuries, creating 3D perspective and ushering in the Renaissance that gave us modern science.

Europe is also a fertile region for cold fusion science, with almost every country represented by some agency-funded or independent research lab. And now, in 2012, European youth culture and the broader arts community are ramping up creative efforts to spread the meme of cold fusion and new energy science.

Writer/Blogger Daniele Passerini provided Italian scientists with a worldwide platform.
The tremendous successes of Italian scientists Andrea A. Rossi, Francesco Celani, and the historic, continuing work of Sergio Focardi, Francesco Piantelli, Vittorio Violante and their numerous talented laboratory partners, have altogether demonstrated publicly both the anomalous heat effect and reproducibility on-demand from cold fusion cells. Thanks to Mats Lewan reporting for NYTeknik and writer/blogger Daniele Passerini of 22Passi, northern Italy has become the center of the universe for E-cat and LENR watchers around the world.

But not long after the U.S. excoriated the pair, virtually kicking them out of the country for announcing a discovery that few could reproduce, the godfathers of cold fusion Drs. Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons operated a laboratory in the south of France, funded by Japanese corporation Toyota.

Today, Dr. Jean-Paul Biberian, who serves as Editor of the Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, the peer-reviewed periodical serving the cold fusion community, researches cold fusion at the University near Marseille, France [visit].

Dr. Biberian recently presented a review of research in a paper Cold Fusion [.pdf] at the 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF-17) held recently in Daejon South Korea, and collaborated with Dr. Melvin Miles and Dr. Iraj Parchamazad on a paper titled The Possible Role of Oxides in the Fleischmann-Pons Effect [.pdf].

Jean-Paul Biberian from Fusion Froide
Now, there is a new documentary about Biberian’s research by filmmaker Jean-Yves Bilien entitled Fusion Froide Transmutations Biologiques et Autres Reflexions Sur La Science. The film is in French and for purchase, but you can watch the trailer for free. (For a Google translated site to English, go here.)

Views of Biberian in his scientific element with close-up shots of his cold fusion experimental cells, as well as the gorgeous natural landscape occupied by explorers for millennia are worth watching, even if you don’t speak French – and you just might be able to catch a few of the scientific phrases more recognizable to students of new energy.

Bilien is a filmmaker with a number of documentaries to his credit, specializing in breakthrough science. Filming Dr. Biberian appears to be his first production featuring cold fusion, and it is very professionally done; makes me wanna do better myself!

An earlier documentary on Biberian’s work by Master-Pro-documentaire bears a similar style to Jean-Yves Bilien, with slow-panning camera work and close-ups of cold fusion cells, yet also includes early French TV news broadcasts of the 1989 discovery. Watch the 30-minute L’ aventure de la Fusion Froide in French here.

Biberian has also collaborated with the broader arts community. This photo shows him working with members of the troupe who performed Fusion Froide from an arts festival several years ago.

But the arts aren’t just for scientists.

“We are the primitives of a new era.”
Aldo Tambellini The Cell Grew 1961

The upcoming Global Breakthrough Energy Movement Conference in Hilversum, Holland November 9, 10, 11 has attracted a number of speakers from the leading edge of alternative science, technology, and social sciences including Cold Fusion Radio’s James Martinez.

The GlobalBEM YouTube Channel houses submitted video statements from a few of the scheduled speakers describing the landscape of new energy research, making their vision a world unto itself.

The conference is being organized by a collective of creatives: artists, musicians, technologists, all engaged in what Wyndham Lewis, the original Vorticist of Great Britain, recognized as the truly modern art – beyond the conventional manipulation of color and sound: the manipulation of whole environments.

Follow the art, and feel the future. The “Distant Early Warning” has been sounded.

Just listen to GlobalBEM conference speaker Fernando Vosso:

And check out the citizens voice on

Cold Fusion Now!

The Deep Reach of Martin Fleischmann

So, the puzzle looks approaching the resolution now. The long lasting excess heat phenomena, currently being observed by several groups in Japan, Italy, USA, etc., will be understood in the extension of their research.

When we will trace inversely in time, we will find the original point of perspective in the Fleischmann-Pons work at 1989.” –Dr. Akito Takahashi

The passing of Martin Fleischmann has sounded throughout the noosphere, where lightspeed assisted in the collective and simultaneous mourning for a Lion of Science who dared follow truth, turning away from the insults of lesser minds without regret, and without reward.

The loss is felt strongly by his family, his friends, and fellow scientists who worked with him on over two-decades of cold fusion research where his intellect and integrity left an indelible mark on multiple programs around the world.

Indeed, Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons created the field of condensed matter nuclear science. Without the public announcement of their discovery in 1989, we might not have the new generation of experimentalists and inventors working to bring this technology to fruition.

Andrea RossiAfter the recent news, Andrea Rossi, inventor of the Energy Catalyzer, a commercial steam generator now in development based on nickel-hydrogen exothermic reactions, an extension of the original electrolytic palladium-deuterium systems, noted that “Fleischmann and Pons were not the first to witness” these mercurial energy-producing reactions, but they “have been the pioneers to speak about the so called ‘Cold Fusion’.”

He said in a previous interview with James Martinez that ‘it was the announcement of their discovery in 1989 that was the “spark that ignited the fire”’ in his own research. [read]

All their attempts failed to produce the real big energy, but the idea to pursue low-energy nuclear reactions has been further followed by many others, myself included“. –Andrea Rossi

Martin Fleischmann was born in Czechoslovakia in 1927, but fled the looming approach of war to Great Britain as a child. As an adult, he traveled the world creating several laboratories, consulting and collaborating with scientists on every continent.

Fleischmann’s influence was particularly felt in scientific circles in Japan where cold fusion science received unprecedented support from academia, business and government. The 1994 BBC documentary Too Close To The Sun features an historical perspective on that support which included that of Technova Corporation, a subsidiary of Toyota, which funded Drs. Fleischmann and Pons’ continued research at a laboratory in France, after U.S. scientists successfully pilloried the pair, forcing a re-location from the “freedom-loving” American continent to Europe.

Dr. Akito Takahashi has been involved in the early Japanese cold fusion research as part of the Department of Nuclear Engineering at Osaka University. Now, also associated with Technova, Inc, he is speaking at the NIWeek 2012 conference beginning this week as well as the 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion ICCF-17.

Before his trip, Dr. Takahashi took a moment to share what Martin Fleischmann meant to the Japanese program of research:

You know the NHE (New Hydrogen Energy) project 1994-1998 was funded by Japanese Government. To confirm the excess heat effect (EHE) by F-P’s D2O/Pd electrolysis was the target of NHE.

Fleischmann visited the NHE lab in Sapporo several times to lead and assist the Japanese team. Unfortunately, the NHE team could not firmly reproduce the F-P claim and the NHE project was terminated in 1998. However, a Japanese company, IMURA-Europe, Niece France, under the Toyota Motors, invited Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons to continue the ‘cold fusion’ research with Japanese researchers. The effort by the company was also terminated soon.

However Professor Fleischmann, as regarded by Japanese as the initiator of cold fusion research, gave a favorable impression to several tens of remaining JPN cold fusion researchers, especially in universities, and a small number of companies, who have found some positive, albeit irreproducible, data during the NHE and IMURA projects. The remained people have continued research works, both experiments extending to gas-loading method with nano-catalysts and theories on underlying physics, and have accumulated more and more concrete data. So, JPN researchers have sincere respect for Professor Martin Fleischmann to this day.

In regards to being an influence in research, Dr. Takahashi wrote:

Of course, Japanese researchers were inspired by the speculation that the dynamic behavior of deuterons fully/over-fully absorbed in metal lattice might cause ‘hither-to-unknown’ and ‘clean-radiation-less’ nuclear energy release. However, the NHE effort was still using the original F-P method (ICARUS device) and metallurgical performances of D(H)-absorption.

After the NHE project, a change of mind pursued ‘dynamic/transient’ adsorption/absorption conditions with nano-fabricated metal composite samples, after the original work by Arata-Zhang based on the idea of Emeritus Prof. Hiroshi Fujita expert of atom-clusters, Osaka University.

The gas-loading method with nano-fabricated samples of pure-Pd, Pd-Ni binary and then Cu-Ni binary nano-particles dispersed in ceramics supporters (ZrO2, SiO2, etc.) have finally provided the present on-going experiments with very reproducible excess heat release and interesting D(H)-isotopic effects probably indicating the nuclear origin of heat evolution. As the electrolysis method, done by the Energetics-SRI-ENEA collaboration, is getting to the similar condition of nano-fractal surface of Pd-metal for meeting ‘large excess heat’, the original F-P cell might have had nano-fractal conditions, albeit accidentally conditioned in uncontrolled way.

So, the puzzle looks to be approaching the resolution now. The long lasting excess heat phenomena, currently being observed by several groups in JPN, Italy, USA, etc., will be understood in the extension of such research line.

When we will trace inversely in time, we will find the original point of perspective in the Fleischmann-Pons work at 1989.” –Dr. Akito Takahashi

After the U.S. had kicked the discoverers of our future energy source out of the country, money from the Toyota empire built them a new laboratory in France. Ironically, Drs. Fleischmann and Pons were interviewed on Good Morning America – from France – in 1994.

Dr. Jean-Paul Biberian, a cold fusion scientist based in Marseilles, France and Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, wrote of the influence of Martin Fleischmann on French research:

Martin Fleischmann played a major role at the beginning of Cold Fusion in France. Georges Lonchampt, who was then working at the French Atomic Energy Commission in Grenoble met him and Stanley Pons several times when they were working at IMRA in Sophia Antipolis. Fleischmann gave him full details of the experimental procedure, and even gave him two of their ICARUS 2 cells. Thanks to his help, Longchampt and his colleagues managed to duplicate, at least partly, the original work. Lonchampt was one of the very few who duplicated exactly the Fleischmann and Pons experiment.

Without his help there is no doubt that the initial program started in France in 1989 would have ended quickly after.

Martin Fleischmann’s influence has not yet been assessed. But as the world turns towards this viable alternative, there will be alot of looking back, and human eyes will see what they want to see.

Martin Fleischmann still lives. I can see him lecture, hear him speak, read his words, and see his face, just as much as I could before Friday August 3, 2012 when he reportedly left the physical world for a freer, larger existence. 0s and 1s dart about the network, framing his presence in the digital space that exists as an external double of our consciousness.

While a virtual visit to Mars is not the same as physically being there, robotic cameras give millions the opportunity to experience a form of space travel to another world. Millions more will meet Martin Fleischmann through his legacy of work, too, as documented by his true peers in the cold fusion community, and available for as long as human civilization exists.

Related Links

NIWeek 2012 Homepage

ICCF-17 Homepage

Watch: Too Close to the Sun 1994 BBC Doc profiles early history of cold fusion underground by Ruby Carat June 7, 2012

Watch: 1994 Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons interviewed on Good Morning America – from France! by Ruby Carat June 19, 2012

Media Dopplers by Chad Scoville
