Cold Fusion: A Big Idea for Minnesota Energy Research! A Better Comet: Post Bulletin Beats New York Times

That was a nice comet last week… a more spectacular one is due to appear in December

“Cold Fusion: A Big Idea for Minnesota Energy Research” Friday, February 8, 2013, by Tom Robertson, Post Bulletin. (view) The Post-Bulletin is the largest  daily newspaper in Southeastern Minnesota.

From Tom Robertson’s article:

  • The Hunt’s focus on sustainable living is supported by profits from a wildly successful invention Paul devised in the 1990s. The self-taught inventor patented the “turtle meter,” which allows utility companies to remotely read electric power meters.
  • Hunt sold his invention for tens of millions. His company now is using the money for research and development, searching for the next breakthrough invention to sustain the company and its 20 employees.
  • That’s where cold fusion comes in. The technology was first introduced in 1989 by two scientists who claimed they were able to produce excess heat from an experiment that combined hydrogen and electricity with various metals.
  • When other scientists were unable to consistently replicate the effect, mainstream scientists largely rejected cold fusion.
  • When Paul Hunt first started looking into the technology two years ago, he and his son, Ryan, the company’s head of research and development, were skeptical.
  • “Both of us looked at each other here and said ‘cold fusion, I thought that was dead. I thought that was fake,'” Hunt said. “We started paying attention to it. And then we started looking at the history of it, and found out that it really is real. It’s being done in labs all over the world.”
  • In the company’s research lab, Ryan Hunt, who holds a degree in chemical engineering from the University of Minnesota, recently stood over a pair of small, transparent tubes containing ceramic structures that hold pairs of hair-thin wires. The apparatus is similar to ones he saw demonstrated by an Italian scientist at a conference in Korea last summer.
  • Hunt said he and his team achieved the cold fusion effect for the first time just last month.
  • The same unexplainable effect has reportedly been achieved at more than 100 other laboratories worldwide. Most have ditched the term “cold fusion” in favor of the term “low-energy nuclear reactions.”
  • Hunt Utilities Group has teamed with scientists in Europe to collaborate. They post their data on low-energy nuclear reactions online and invite other researchers to review and comment on their methods.


YET… The following New York Times article appears (with no mention of cold fusion). Was the Hunts’ cold fusion research edited out of the interview material?

New York Times – January 11, 2013, Environment section – Green: A Blog About Energy and the Environment – “In Rural Minnesota, a 70-Acre Lab for Sustainable Living” By Bryn Nelson (post)

Within this laboratory of energy-efficient housing, the Hunt Utilities Group, or HUG, mixes high-tech ingenuity with homespun practicality and a touch of whimsy in its drive toward what Mrs. Hunt laughingly dubs “decadent sustainability. ” 

WEIRD… Didn’t the NYT folks go to the Hunt Utilities Group site for background research? Didn’t they realize they were nibbling at the scoop of the millennium?

Did the NYT people read any of the related material… LENR by Paul Hunt or NASA? (NASA)

HUG quote, “For 10 years we have been focused on solar, wind, super insulation, etc. This new energy could make all those things obsolete.”

I doubt that Mr. and Mrs. Hunt, or their son, failed to mention cold fusion research to the NYT interviewers.

What do the Hunts think about cold fusion? Visit the HUG site… (Hunt Utilities Group site) Read the (Feb 2013 coldfusionnow article) which contains the following…

  • “Paul Hunt and his son Ryan formed the Hunt Utilities Group (HUG) and initiated the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project to reproduce and test cold fusion experiments.”



  • “They announced the project at the most recent International Conference on Cold FusionICCF-17 in Daejon, South Korea, and since then, have been experimenting with Francesco Celani‘s nickel wire, making surprising discoveries about the material. Their work is open-source and can be found at”



New York Times is closing its’ “Green: A Blog…” site.  They ask, “Follow Our Environmental Coverage” (link)

WHY should I do so?

I wonder what the NYT “Green: A Blog…” writers feel about this? (list)  Also at…(list)

Or Andy Revkin? “A Farewell to Green” By Andrew C. Revkin, March 2, 2013 (article)

Readers of the New York Times may want to ask the editors… “What’s up with cold fusion now?”

The New York Times editors may answer…

“Censorship of cold fusion research and LENR engineering is our policy.”


How else is it that the Post Bulletin Beats the New York Times coverage of the ‘cold fusion comet’ appearing brightly in labs…

Like the 70-Acre Lab for Sustainable Living In Rural Minnesota?

“Within science is the art of appreciation; the source of all true inspiration.” – gbgoble2013

Paul et al, Thanks for the HUG! Hunt Utilities Group… LENR research and engineering.

Thank you, Tom Robertson and the folks at Post Bulletin.

Thanks, Christopher Johnson and Journal of the History of Ideas, Harvard University.

Cold Fusion Now

Comet… A long haired star that appears from the unknown.

Comet Etymology

c.1200, from Old French comete (12c., Modern French comète), from Latin cometa, from Greek (aster) kometes, literally “long-haired (star),” from kome “hair of the head” (cf. koman “let the hair grow long”) [Middle English comete, from Old English comta, from Late Latin, from Latin comts, from Greek komts, long-haired (star), comet, from kom, hair.] comet·ary (–tr), co·metic (k-mtk) adj.

Word History: Comets have been feared throughout much of human history, and even in our own time their goings and comings receive great attention. Perhaps a comet might seem less awesome if we realized that our name for it is based on a figurative resemblance between it and humans. This figurative name is recorded first in the works of Aristotle, in which he uses kom, the Greek word for “hair of the head,” to mean “luminous tail of a comet.” Aristotle then uses the derived word komts, “wearing long hair,” as a noun meaning “comet.” The Greek word was adopted into Latin as comts, which was refashioned in Late Latin and given the form comta, furnishing Old English with comta, the earliest English ancestor of our word comet.

“Epistemology and Intertextuality in Early American Cometography”

Christopher Johnson


In the winter of 1680-81 an enormous comet appeared in the nighttime skies of Europe and the Americas. This “blazing star” occasioned numerous treatises, poems, pamphlets, broadsides, ballads, engravings, and woodcuts. Evaluating this cometary copia, the historian of science, Pingré, in 1783 observes:

The world was inundated with writings on these phenomena, on their nature, on their significations; for there were still astrologers and cometomantics [Cométomantiens] … I believe that the languages were not even as confused at the Tower of Babel, as were the sentiments concerning this famous comet.

Pingré’s belated impatience with the discursive flood of “astrologers and cometomantics” echoes of course the more general Cartesian objection to the confusion of words and things, a confusion that L’Académie des Sciences and Royal Society dedicated themselves to eliminating. But the arduous nature of this effort in seventeenth-century Europe is exemplified by the numerous, often-conflicting interpretations of the 1618, 1665, and 1680 comets—to say nothing of the unprecedented “new stars” or novas of 1572 and 1604, which were often treated as cometary phenomena.


Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project brings cold fusion back to TV landscape

Paul Hunt and his son Ryan formed the Hunt Utilities Group (HUG) and initiated the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project to reproduce and test cold fusion experiments.

They announced the project at the most recent International Conference on Cold Fusion ICCF-17 in Daejon, South Korea, and since then, have been experimenting with Francesco Celani‘s nickel wire, making surprising discoveries about the material. Their work is open-source and can be found at

While the reporter incorrectly states Paul Hunt as the originator of the name New Fire (that was Andrea Rossi), the story brings ultra-clean cold fusion energy news back to the TV landscape, and we love to hear it.

Cold Fusion Now associate Arthur Robey made this image from some of the Hunt’s publicly available data writing:

Choose the European cell, toggle all the lines off and then toggle excess power on.
Then choose dates from Jan 2nd to the present at 15 min sampling intervals. You will see a steady increase in the excess energy line.

Efficiency μ
=output power / input power (x100%)
=1.091 p.u.

or nearly 110%!

HUG data history

Not quite commercial-ready technology, but for a project started only within the last year, it is a major accomplishment showing the reality of the science.

The self-funded project is seeking financial support and you can contribute. Make a donation at and win a cold fusion “powder cell” constructed by the team!


The New Fire by Ruby Carat

A Fork in the Road to Replication

When you come to a fork in the road, take it! Yogi Berra

Being able to replicate a scientific discovery is one of the mainstays of the scientific method. Difficulty in replicating the Fleischmann and Pons experiment in 1989 has given rise to the widely held myth that cold fusion in fact has never been replicated. Of course this is not true. The number of documented replications runs in the thousands.  Yet, even a number in the 1000s is small in the grand scheme of things. The reasons for this are myriad, including the lack of a clear theoretical understanding of the phenomenon, poor funding, the complicated nature of the calorimetry setup, etc. Aside from those things, there is often the desire to keep important parts of replication process out of the public domain because of lack of patent protection. Because cold fusion has been forced to fly commercial because of a lack of access to funding and support through traditional scientific channels, the technology is being developed under a different model than most scientific discoveries of this significance. Cold fusion is now being developed like a business, including reluctance to share information to potential competitors and closely guarded trade secrets and, concomitantly, absolutely no obligation to the public at large to share findings or methods.

However, things have begun to change in this regard with the emergence of Francesco Celani’s cold fusion wires, and the continuing development of the Athanor/Hydrobetatron of Ugo Abundo and his students and colleagues at the Pirelli High School in Rome.  Although these cells may never prove to be commercially viable, both may provide a replication pathway that serves to provide answers as to how and why, and subsequently disseminate that knowledge widely. When this happens, widespread replication can truly begin.

The recent 8-page article in Popular Science may serve to plant the seed of interest in the general public.  While the article did not endorse the technology per se, it did lend it a sense of credibility that has been sorely lacking for 2 decades.  Popular Science has been a publication read by the educated layman since its inception in 1873.  The importance of establishing some degree of credibility with that demographic cannot be understated.  It was this demographic that brought us the personal computer.  It was after reading an article in a similar publication, Popular Electronics, in 1975 about the Altair 8800, that set Bill Gates out to start a company that would eventually become Microsoft. In addition, the co-founders of both Microsoft and Apple (Gates/Allen & Job/Wozniak) were members of Homebrew Computer Clubs, which were bands of computer hobbyists and enthusiasts who met regularly to exchange information, parts and ideas. In essence, Homebrew Clubs were an early form of crowdsourcing, wherein small groups of technically savvy people worked independently, but in a collaborative fashion, to solve problems and overcome technical difficulties as related to early manifestations of the PC.

Altair 8800

With the recent release of the “The Believers” and several balanced articles in mainstream magazines including Popular Science (Scientific American notwithstanding), the seeds of credible interest are being sewn to a wider audience. As more people become aware that there is something to cold fusion, interest will surely grow and the desire to replicate will surely follow. We saw a wave of replication efforts of the e-Cat last year as word of Rossi spread across the web.  However, these efforts were mostly shots in the dark because Rossi provided so few details. The next wave of replication attempts will be among people with much more information, as both Abundo and Celani have made a concerted effort to provide a great deal of detail with the precise goal of enabling widespread replication.

The Martin Fleishmann Memorial Project is currently sponsoring three groups attempting to replicate the Celani cell. The slide show below outlines the rationale and plan for sponsoring replications.


The three groups enlisted in this replication effort so far are working separately but will be collaborating, sharing information and discussing technical issues. These are the seeds of cold fusion crowdsourcing.  In the video below, a member of the EU replication team receives a shipment prepared by another team, the Hunt Utilities Group.  The shipment includes all the necessary equipment to set up a replication, including the cell itself and a PC with custom software to monitor experimental results. Per the video description:

“This is a trial run for when we are ready to ship second generation reactors around the globe in the event of successful internal Celani replications”.

As you watch Matthew of the EU team unbox the cold fusion kit from HUG, he looks like a youngster at Christmas opening up one of his presents.  Now imagine, if you will, hundreds, perhaps thousands, of others being able to purchase a similar setup for their own replication attempts.  Per

We will be setting up a Crowd-sourcing initiative soon.  It will be listed right here and elsewhere when we do.  The idea of a global, grass roots effort overcoming the institutional biases and bringing this to the attention of mainstream science and industry is so cool.  Of course, a visionary philanthropist who recognizes the potential of this and funds the whole historic initiative also makes a good story.”

One of the groups involved in this replication attempt is, as mentioned, the Hunt Utilities Group of Pine River, MN. This group is dedicated to fostering sustainable living, and has been involved in different alternative energy technologies for at least a decade. On the HUG site there is a section that describes how the group became interested in LENR.  Members of this group became aware of Rossi in January of 2011 and have been following the developments regarding the e-Cat ever since.  Eventually, it became obvious that something very real and significant was happening and members of HUG decided to transition from watching on the sidelines to active participation.

“So, we started studying, built a safety lab to handle hydrogen and nano-powder safely, built a clean room (relative to the rest of the shop) and started gathering and building test equipment.  The fun part is that the learning curve is so steep, we need mountain climbing gear. Our shop staff quickly evolved from a loose bunch of individuals into a focused team. We feel lucky. We also feel a sense of destiny that we happen to have the right team with the right tools at the right time.

Furthermore, the Hunt Utilities Group embraces the collaborative, crowdsourcing model:

HUG envisions a unique approach to collaboration in the LENR field that would ideally catalyze progress for the encumbered information sharing process. With open information sharing via crowdsourced blogging, ideas can be traded quickly without delay. Live data could be posted for review, criticisms, interpretation, and suggestions from peers and collaborators. At the expense of immediate intellectual property rights, the accelerating benefits could prove an invaluable asset leading to certified patents.”   Source.

To help those attempting to replicate Celani, of Austin, TX (home of NI), has set up a cold fusion device verification service.  Per a recent comment on E-Cat World, the service works thusly:

“Harold Puthoff, the CEO, would pass the making of the Celani device to Scott Little, for lab replication and testing, if asked, and have the costs absorbed by the Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin.

Any cold fusion device that passes their testing would be immediately recognized world-wide as “officially” verified.”

In addition to the replication of Celani, replication attempts of the Athanor/Hydrobetatron cell of Ugo Abundo of the Pirelli High School in Rome have spread to North America. There is now a replication attempt of that cell being undertaken at the Gladstone Secondary School, in Vancouver, British Columbia.  This is of course the same city where Defkalion Green Technologies is making its new home.

In a comment posted a couple of weeks ago on the Defkalion Forum, a user with the screen name “HappyRocker,” announced the school’s involvement in an Athanor replication attempt.  A member of the faculty of that school posted a comment on the DGT Forum and requested a visit to the new Defkalion offices in Vancouver. Short of that, this commenter requested a visit by a Defkalion representative to the school to explain the basics and/or lend a hand with the calorimetry setup of their replication attempt. It should be noted, aside from any support from Defkalion with issues regarding calorimetry, the Vancouver school has enlisted the services of an expert in calorimetry from Vancouver’s Simon Fraser University to assist them with this important aspect of the experiment.

Since the original posting, more details have emerged about this work. The school has named their project the EC2, or EC squared (short for electro-chemistry electron capture). They have setup a project blog for students involved with the work, which can be viewed here. In the future they also plan to set up a fundraising effort through, and they hope to sell coffee mugs, T-shirts and quite possibly even replication kits. Preliminary testing in regards to the EC2 project is to begin very shortly.

Gladstone Secondary School – Vancouver, BC

I think the promise of widespread, crowdsourced replications of some cold fusion cell were summarized recently by Jed Rothwell on Vortex-l.  His comments were primarily in regards to the Celani cell but the same could be said of the Athanor, or any other potential cold fusion replication kit meant for a more general audience.

We can hope that the Celani device, replicated by 5 or 10 labs, will convince hundreds more researchers than we now have.

Many of them will replicate, triggering thousands more.  Once you get up to a million people who believe it, money starts pouring in, and thousands get to work frantically developing the technology.

At that point it does not matter how many people still do not believe the technology is real.