Gregory Chaitin on cold fusion research: Japan and Sweden are the “only two countries with the political will”

Gregory Chaitin is a Professor of Computer Science and Philosophy of Computing at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Here he discusses the landscape of LENR with Tom O’Brien posting on podomatic. Chaitin gives Andrea Rossi credit for bringing cold fusion to a wider consciousness and mentions Mats Lewan‘s new book An Impossible Invention, which he finds to be an excellent look at the unveiling of the E-Cat.

Go to Tom O’Brien‘s interview with Gregory Chaitin on Podomatic here.

He also touches on the 2014 CF/LANR Colloquium at MIT held on the 25th Anniversary of the announcement of cold fusion, a bit of the science and politics behind LENR, the current lack of an accepted theory, and Japanese and Swedish research.

Chaitin is particularly impressed with Clean Planet, Inc., and newly formed group dedicated to bringing LENR technology forward through funding and support. Listen to Clean Planet’s Hideki Yoshino present some of this research work [.pdf][.mp3] performed by Tadahiko Mizuno and his team at the recent Colloquium at MIT, or watch the video here.

Related Links

Mats Lewan Interview: E-Cat, Andrea Rossi, and An Impossible Invention

2014 CF/LANR Colloquium at MIT presentation archive

Industry and academic partnerships report from JCF-14 meeting

Rossi E-Cat energy “off the chart”