Gerald Celente on “the biggest element that could change the world in a positive way”

Gerald Celente is singular in his field.

Founder of the Trends Institute and their signature publication Trends Journal, he features new energy in his forecasting work. An early subscriber to Infinite Energy magazine and friend to Eugene Mallove, Celente has been following and writing about cold fusion since 1989.

Why is he so alone among forecasters? Gerald Celente answers in this CFN exclusive.

Gerald Celente“Whether it’s infinite energy, or the economy or geopolitics, people have belief systems, and it’s very hard to break out of them, so they have a very narrow vision of the future,” says Celente.

“For example, in the political realm people will say things like I’m a Republican or a Democrat, I’m a liberal, I’m a conservative, I’m left-wing or right-wing. We don’t care who you are or what you believe in. We just look at the facts. It’s what is.”

“And to think that here we are in the 21st century and fossil fuels are our main source of energy, it’s a fossil idea.”

For the rationale, Celente loosely quotes from his nationally bestselling book Trends 2000: How to Prepare for and Profit from the Changes of the 21st Century published January 1, 1997 and translated into eight different languages:

“Looking back from Galileo to the Wright brothers to Wegener and his theory of continental drift, all through the history of science, there’s a sequence of breakthrough discoveries that are automatically dismissed and derided by the establishment of the day.”

“Newspapers ignored the Wright brothers’ flight in 1903. Scientific American claimed it was a hoax. ‘For the next five years – with the Wright Brothers routinely flying test-flights around the field at Kitty Hawk – experts continued to argue that heavier-than-air machines were scientifically impossible.'”

“And the special interests are big roadblocks. Do you think the coal or oil or gas industry wants to see a competitor that could put them out of business?” he asks. “Can you imagine Exxon Mobile going out of business? Think of what refrigeration did to the ice business. There’s no more icemen around!”

“There are special interests that have their ideas of what the future should look like and whether it’s going in that direction or not. They are blinded by their desk-vision, and I have no interest in special interests.”

“In the end, people want results”

“I go back to those days when Infinite Energy magazine was born. I remember what happened with Fleischmann and Pons, and their inability to replicate the experiments,” Celente recalls.

Magazine covers on May 8, 1989
Magazine covers on May 8, 1989

“I don’t know if it was a matter of money or a matter of science, I don’t judge those things. But going back to those days, I can tell you the high-expectations for an alternative energy were actually much higher than they are today. For someone who has been writing about it all those years, I remember the excitement and the massive coverage it was getting.”

And he doesn’t mean the conventional alternatives of wind, solar, geothermal or bio-fuel.

“Whether it’s cold fusion or hydrino power, whatever it might be, when the results are there, they’ll forget who said what, and who was right or wrong. But now, I can’t believe that we’re so locked into the 19th and 20th century ideas of energy and its potential.”

“If we could build an atom bomb to fight a war with a Manhattan Project that wasn’t compromised by special interests – we could have a Manhattan Project of alternative energy, if the will was there, and the money was there, and if the special interests weren’t there.”

“Necessity is the mother of invention, and I think out of necessity, we’re going to see that new invention, if it doesn’t come first out of the human spirit. But again, there’s so much holding it back.”

“The biggest factor, of course, is money”

Regarding the problems that independent labs have protecting their intellectual work, Celente says, “We’ve written about the strangle-hold the patent office has on new patents, too. Without the achievable goal and the money, it’s all small ventures, and people are trying to protect their rights as well as trying to develop the system, so it’s very difficult without the money.”

He wonders when the billionaires are going to “do something really big with their money. They could make this thing happen in no time.”

According to Celente, an angel isn’t the answer, just “an enlightened human being.”

trend-tracking-88“When I wrote my book Trend Tracking back in 1988, the government had spent $13 trillion fighting the Cold War. That number’s probably quadrupled since then.”

“Look at the moronic things they’re doing every day: fighting wars, losing old ones, starting new ones. Look at the money they wasted on this F35; it’s going to cost a trillion dollars. That could have brought us an alternative energy.”

He continued, “As of March 31, the United States Congress appropriated more than $54 billion to support the ANSF Afghan National Security Forces – just this year. This is according to And as of March 31, the United States has spent $10.4 billion on equipment and vehicles, meaning the American tax-payer paid for that.”

“Neither the will or the money is there,” he declares.

“Alternative energy could change the entire economic paradigm. It is the biggest, biggest element I see that could change the world in a positive way.”

“Imagine being off the grid and getting all the energy you could need. Imagine how our foreign policy, and that of the rest of the world, would change. There would be no Iraq war, there would be no Libyan war. It was about oil, it certainly wasn’t about weapons of mass destruction and ties to Al Qaeda, they didn’t have any. But Libya has some of the finest sweet crude oil on the planet. The whole middle east situation changes.”

“To me, at this time, alternative energy is the holy grail of civilization”

“It could be much bigger, for example, than the boom, and the whole Internet revolution. You saw what that did. This could trump that by thousands of times. It’s one of our most important discoveries waiting to happen that could really be a civilization-changer.”

“But as my father would say, may his soul rest in peace, ‘don’t get upset, we’re dealing with people who have little minds.’ So that’s it, we’re dealing with people with little minds, and they just can’t see the big picture.”

“Scientific and industrial opposition may slow the energy revolution”, writes Celente, but they will not stop it, and we can look forward to “a revolution on the order of the discovery of fire”, making it possible for people to live the alternative lifestyles they believe in.

trends2000From Trends 2000:
The energy revolution will be the single-biggest investment opportunity of the twenty-first century. Its ramifications will extend to practically every aspect of human and planetary life. To profit from the trend, potential investors should start familiarizing themselves with the field thoroughly and immediately, and keep abreast of developments before they become official. Recommended reading Infinite Energy magazine Post Office Box 2816 Concord, New HampshireGerald Celente Trends 2000

Freed from reliance upon established institutions and infrastructures, access to free energy can “make a life of voluntary simplicity, self-sufficiency and techno-tribalism” based in a “psychology of inner freedom”.

Cold Fusion Now!

Related Links

Trends Journal taps new energy again Ruby Carat

The Wright Aeroplane and its Fabled Performance from Scientific American Vol. XCIV No. 2 January 13, 1905 page 40 courtesy Mississippi State University

The Wright Brothers and Cold Fusion Jed Rothwell


Trends Journal taps new energy again

Gerald Celente has once again brought new energy to the attention of investors and policy-makers by including a story on Defkalion Green Technologies in his Trends Journal, according to a post by Peter Gluck.

Trends Journal Institute 2013-Spring-JournalThe publication is of the Trends Research Institute.

It has been quite a while since Celente has spoke publicly on cold fusion and other new energy technologies. Sterling Allan‘s Pure Energy Systems has a Top Five Exotic Free Energy Technologies listing of breakthrough technologies that got the attention of Celente, and made it into the Trends Journal 2011.

In 2011, Celente put new energy as a top trend for 2011 and called cold fusion the greatest investment opportunity of the 21st century. While the earlier inclusions focused on Andrea Rossi‘s Ecat technology, this piece focuses on the differences between Rossi and Defkalion’s prototypes.

This excerpt is from Gluck’s posting New Energy trends paper about Defkalion Green Energies:

Alex Xanthoulis, Defkalion’s CEO, is quick to emphasize that the company’s products differ sharply from Rossi’s. An unnamed “major US organization,” he says, has compared Rossi’s and Defkalion’s devices on 14 points. “It found only two the same – the use of hydrogen and the use of nickel,” he says. “Otherwise, the two are completely different.”

There are other points of departure.

Rossi’s early devices, like the inventor himself, also were quirky. The temperatures they would reach weren’t predictable; they produced only a few watts of excess energy; and, when shut off, took varying lengths of time to stop producing heat.

In contrast, Defkalion’s machines reportedly produce heat at precise temperatures that customers require and can be shut off within a few seconds. The devices also produce energy up to 10 kilowatt-hours, not single watts as others have. The nickel-hydrogen fuel modules can easily be pulled out and replaced when depleted, a task that should need to happen only every few months.

Defkalion’s first product is called “Hyperion” and will enter the market early next year. A cube about 20 inches on a side, it will be marketed as a heater or boiler for homes and light industry needing up to five megawatts of power.

The second product is a larger-scale reactor that can be used to drive turbines or even cars, trains, ships, space satellites, and planes. Defkalion reports fielding inquiries from hundreds of companies around the world and has chosen to partner with at least 10 large ones – including three vehicle manufacturers, a utility company, telecommunications firms, and a maker of aircraft – to continue research and development. Some of the companies already are testing commercial devices using the reactor as a power source.
–THE SEARCH FOR AN OIL-FREE FUTURE by Bennett Daviss The Trends Journal Spring 2013, pp 30-34

Defkalion Green TechnologiesThe mention of proposed Hyperion generators contradicts earlier statements implying Defkalion would not focus on consumer products per se, but license their technology for others to manufacture. However, as technological developments rush forward, adapting to new information is required and plans and strategies change at light-speed. All pathways to a marketable generator must remain open.

ecatdotcom-logoRossi’s heat output seems somewhat low according to reports by European scientists who have witnessed public demonstrations of the Ecat. However, it does appear that many spectators to this drama confuse the two rival technologies and distinctions must be made.

Hopefully, Defkalion’s first public demonstration planned this August at National Instruments NIWeek 2013 will make those distinctions clear.

New energy trend is strong

It has been three years this month that Cold Fusion Now was activated to promote clean energy from the hydrogen in water. Turning the science into a commercially-scaled technology still eludes new energy researchers, yet wider awareness and support has been generated, and more private investments made. The Trends Research Institute has been one of the few forecasting agencies who recognize the importance of this technology.

It is unknown how many new labs are opening up. I know of at least two fresh and fairly well-funded ventures in the U.S. which prefer to remain under the radar without publicity, and probably more than that, with at least that many in multiple countries around the world. The number of people working on solving the problem of cold fusion, also called low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR), lattice-assisted nuclear reactions (LANR), quantum fusion and the anomalous heat effect (AHE), has increased dramatically over the last three years, most of whom have dreams of a marketable device, despite the lack of a definitive theory describing the reaction.

While a large-scale coordinated research strategy would most likely accelerate the engineering of a usable technology, the absence of funding and patent protection forces hopes on the efforts of small independent labs, most of whom are working in isolation from each other.

Google’s search trends results reveals the general interest over the last 12 months. The most popular search term remains “cold fusion”, the name we choose for describing all the multiple terms listed above. Highest peaks occurred during July and August when the International Conference on Cold Fusion ICCF-17 met in South Korea and National Instruments celebrated LENR at NIWeek 2012. A third big bump happens over the MIT IAP Cold Fusion 101 course in late-January.

Ecat, the proprietary name of Rossi’s steam generator, is the second most popular term, a word which many people mistake for the entire field of research. Ecat search interest peaked last fall around the time of the Ecat Conference in Zurich, Switzerland.

LENR, LANR, quantum fusion, and AHE all have devotees, but LENR is most used by the institutions who eschew the stigma of cold fusion.

Google searches have trended flat or slightly downward since the big conferences last year. But the enthusiasm is global, beyond borders and regional dialects. We expect the search engines to be maxing out on cold fusion for this year’s conferences.

Gerald Celente and The Trends Research Institute are bold enough to call it as they see it, without concern for appearances. While giants sleep, the underlings continue to build the intellectual infrastructure of a new energy tomorrow. Usually, being on the leading edge is lonely and frustrating. But if trends continue, this edge will be the springboard for many in the field to not only pay their rent, but provide a clean source of energy in a people-powered world.

Cold Fusion Now!

Gerald Celente puts new energy as a top trend for 2011

Gerald Celente of Trends Research Institute has put new energy as a top trend for 2011.

He made the statement on Eric King‘s King World News interview for Wednesday, December 29, 2010.

He rattled off a list of various methods of energy generation such as using permanent magnets and hydrino power, putting cold fusion at the top of the list saying there would be many investment opportunities in this area!

Go to the Trends Institute website and download the Preview of Top Trends for 2011. He doesn’t write the words there, but it’s clear what he means.

On his Trends Research Institute Media blog page, the Top Trends for 2011 video runs through a couple trends on his list. At about the 4:40 mark, the list is says “Alternative Energy”, and the host skips over it quickly.

In the segment on Fox News from New Years Day, he mentions the “new energy revolution” at the 2:48 mark, saying a little more about “scientific visionaries and entrepreneurs”.

You have to subscribe to the Trends Journal to get the full scoop. Who’s got a copy??!

Just back from a couple weeks out of town and this is great news to get. And anyway, where else can you put money?

There is no where else to go.

Join the new energy movement and keep talking about a transformation of technology that will change the way live on this planet.

Funding LENR research will start a whole new economic paradigm, employing skilled workers, developing a path for young scientists, and jumpstart a new manufacturing sector based on a new energy technology.

The time is now to go after funding. Gerald Celente just put out a little sunshine – better make some hay!