Updates Part 2 – E-CAT Test Aftermath

photo from radio24
Photo from Radio24

After the October 6th Energy Catalyzer test, there’s been continual updates, graphs, number crunching, and speculation on what is next, trickling in throughout the web.

For a good summation of the test as being positive, yet could have been better, and a really good part on the psychological aspects of “inventor” versus “outsiders” which helps understand the possible nature of the testing set up which has been criticized, check out Hank Mills article – E-Cat Test Validates Cold Fusion Despite Challenges

Now an update on the U.S. partnership which I wrote yesterday that it appeared to be no longer. According to a comment on e-catworld it may still be on and the issue could be the shipping of the plant, and the partner wanting to write Rossi’s name on the U.S. bound “send to” portion of the shipment, but due to the serious U.S. legal implications regarding the shipping and hence production of, what they would see as, a “nuclear plant”, lawyers could have advised Rossi against having his name as receiver, and advised that the U.S. company should take responsibility for shipping. The commentator speculates the contract would still be signed, but the inauguration would be in Europe, not U.S.

The U.S. partner? I’ve been seeing speculations on a few sites that it could be Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, as for one that’s where the URL “E-Cat.com” redirects to. On the surface it might not sound as big as the NASA or GOOGLE speculations, but then again:

Kleiner Perkins is not a consulting company. It is a premier venture capital company with several technology funds. They were key to starting Google and Amazon and a number of other major companies. Their Green Fund is headed by Al Gore (former us VP under Clinton), and another major fund is headed by former General Colin Powell.

They are “top dog” in the VC world. If they are actually behind this, then this is as real as it gets.

(NewVisions comment from E-catWorld)

Any designers in the house?

Some updated information on projected pricing, designing, and longevity of the E-Cat from Rossi posts.

Projected pricing-
500euro per kw. (2500 euro for an E-Cat?)

Projected Longevity – “life of the E-Cat is 20 years”

And finally a call out for designers:

Andrea Rossi
October 8th, 2011 at 1:43 AM

Dear Francesco Toro,
The E-Cat basic module “for the People”, that we will put in commerce within months, will be 40 cm long, 40 cm large, 40 cm high, will weight 60 kg, the shape of a cube. I need a design cheap ( I want to put it in commerce at a price of 500 euros per kW) but nice, very nice. I will buy the design which I will choose and everybody has my honour word that I will not use designs not paid. I need it within two months.
Go to the report of Nyteknik (google “Nyteknic E-Cat Test October 6″) to see the pipes position: that will be it.
Please send proposals to
I am sure that from the enthusiasm od our Readers will pop up a masterpiece.
Warm Regards,
Andrea Rossi

Updates on the OCT. 6 E-Cat Test

On October 6th the E-Cat was tested in Bologna, and initial reports back were positive: The E-Cat ran in self sustain mode for over 3 hours.

NyTeknik promised a more thorough follow up article the next day and that, along with a new video of the E-Cat from the demonstration can be found here – NyTeknik article + video

Within this article is a link for a more detailed report and temperature data as well.

Also of note in the article, is the business side of things. The U.S. partner, to whom the one megawatt heat plant was to be shipped to for the end of October test, is no longer. The shipment was blocked due to the final agreement not being satisfactory to Mr. Rossi and his legal team. So it appears the partnership is off, as of now. But, he still maintains that the October launch is on, though the whereabouts not announced.

PESWiki continues to provide updated accounts of the October 6th aftermath, including an email they received today from Rossi – PESWiki Updates

Stay tuned, and in the meantime enjoy the E-Cat music video by The Tom and Doug Show in the post below. Andrea Rossi saw it and responded:


First commercial cold fusion reactor tested in Bologna

The Energy Catalyzer technology, engineered by Andrea A. Rossi and based on the nickel-hydrogen exothermic reactions pioneered by physicist Francesco Piantelli, Sergio Focardi, and others since the 1990s, was tested in Bologna, Italy.

Around the world, scientists active in cold fusion research, along with new-energy enthusiasts, waited for word from the invitation-only demonstration participants. It was believed that scientists from several countries, including a European patent examiner would be attending the reactor run, taking measurements and disassembling the reactor to prove the design’s integrity

E-Cat 1 MegaWatt unit October 6, 2011 by Daniele Passerini
E-Cat 1 MegaWatt unit October 6, 2011 by Daniele Passerini
A regular attendant of the European events surrounding the E-Cat, blogger Daniele Passerini, muted his tweets so as not to ‘steal the thunder’ from the much anticipated report by science journalist Mats Lewan of NYTeknik expected on Friday. Mats Lewan has chronicled the E-Cat demonstrations almost exclusively throughout the many public demonstrations and generated several reports detailing scientific data that have been analyzed throughout the cold fusion community. See all Mats Lewan’s NYTeknik coverage here.

Continuous real-time updates can be found at the Pure Energy Systems special page dedicated to this demonstration.

While the bulk of the information and photos are scheduled for Friday release, 22Passi’s tweets describe an E-Cat running for about 4 hours in self-sustain mode, the condition where the E-Cat is not connected to any external source of power, and the reaction continues indefinitely. If true, and there is no reason to doubt the veracity of that report, this will be a huge victory for Mr. Rossi and his partners, and a successful show of the first cold fusion clean energy technology.

Self-sustain mode was ended purposefully in order to allow the device to cool down for disassembly. Allowing scientists to view the inner components of the E-Cat will prove, at least to those present, that there is no additional input power to the reactor other than the nickel-hydrogen reaction chamber itself.

Some as yet unconfirmed data compliments of Raymond Zreick’s tweets include “the steam was always kept above 110 degrees” and a cryptic “from 15 to 19 the difference in average temperature was 5 ° C (water inlet and outlet water), for 0.6 cubic meters / hour”. That sentence may mean from 15:00 hours to 19:00 hours the difference between the ambient temperature of the incoming water and the Energy-Catalyzed hot outgoing water was 5 degrees with a volumetric water flow of 0.6 cubic meters per hour. This is the data needed to compute the thermal energy generated by the E-Cat reactor and, if true, indicates a very good output of energy.

Multiplying the total mass of the water that went through the reactor in self-sustain mode with the specific heat of water and the change in temperature will give you the amount of energy used to perform that work in joules.

Change in temperature of $\Delta T = 5^\circ$ for $2400$ kilograms of water, using a specific heat of water of $4.2 \text{\hspace{0.7 mm}kJ/kg \hspace{0.7 mm}} \cdot \text{\hspace{0.7 mm}}^\circ C$ gives

$(5^\circ) (4.2) (2400 ) = 50,400 \text{\hspace{0.5 mm} kiloJoules of energy}$.

These preliminary numbers show an energy of 50.4 Megajoules of energy expended to heat the water. Dividing the energy above by the total time 4 hours = 14,400 seconds gives

$\frac{50.4 \text{\hspace{0.7 mm} x \hspace{0.7 mm}} 10^6 \text{\hspace{0.7 mm} Joules}}{14,400 \text{\hspace{0.7 mm} seconds}} = 3500 \text{\hspace{0.5 mm} Watts}$

or, a power of 3.5 kiloWatts, where power is the energy delivered each second of operation. We look forward to confirmed details tomorrow from Mats Lewan.

Some of the media in attendance included Radio24’s Mauricio Melis, Irene Zreick and Raymond Zreick of Focus Magazine, and Radio Città del Capo who interviewed Greek scientist and former ambassador to Italy Christos Stremmenos also there to see the demonstration. Confindustria, an organization representing the manufacturing and service industries in Italy, and Enrico Billi was also reported in attendance.

Italian scientists Sergio Focardi, Giuseppe Levi and Loris Ferrari from the University of Bologna, where the event was held, were also joined by other unnamed physicists invited by Professor Focardi.

Corporate media in the US have ignored developments in cold fusion and there appears to be no coverage on Mr. Rossi’s E-Cat technology at all. However, Wired magazine published an article about today’s demonstration online at their UK site “Cold fusion rears its head as ‘E-Cat’ research promises to change the world“.

When one nickel in your pocket can generate E-Cat energy equivalent to 5 barrels of oil, you can be sure it will change the world.

Cold Fusion Now!

Specific Heat of Water from Engineering Toolbox

Rally Monkey!

Per il signor Rossi, e tutti i colleghi raduno a Bologna:
vi auguriamo il successo di questo test importante
della vostra energia rivoluzionaria tecnologia ed
una consegna rapida di Nuovo Fuoco per il pianeta!

To Mr. Rossi, and all colleagues gathering in Bologna:
we wish you success on this important test run
of your revolutionary energy technology and
a swift delivery of New Fire to the planet!

May we wake up tomorrow
and step on a path to freedom,
peace and prosperity for all the world.

Maggio ci svegliamo domani
e passo su un sentiero verso la libertà,
pace e prosperità per tutto il mondo.

Event Coverage from World Wide Lab:

Steam Heat teaser www.ecat.com

Blogger Daniele Passerini 22passi.blogspot.com
Follow Daniele on Twitter

Forum on Focus Magazine

E-Cat Press Mats Lewan NyTeknik Energi
