Photo from Radio24
After the October 6th Energy Catalyzer test, there’s been continual updates, graphs, number crunching, and speculation on what is next, trickling in throughout the web.
For a good summation of the test as being positive, yet could have been better, and a really good part on the psychological aspects of “inventor” versus “outsiders” which helps understand the possible nature of the testing set up which has been criticized, check out Hank Mills article – E-Cat Test Validates Cold Fusion Despite Challenges
Now an update on the U.S. partnership which I wrote yesterday that it appeared to be no longer. According to a comment on e-catworld it may still be on and the issue could be the shipping of the plant, and the partner wanting to write Rossi’s name on the U.S. bound “send to” portion of the shipment, but due to the serious U.S. legal implications regarding the shipping and hence production of, what they would see as, a “nuclear plant”, lawyers could have advised Rossi against having his name as receiver, and advised that the U.S. company should take responsibility for shipping. The commentator speculates the contract would still be signed, but the inauguration would be in Europe, not U.S.
The U.S. partner? I’ve been seeing speculations on a few sites that it could be Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, as for one that’s where the URL “” redirects to. On the surface it might not sound as big as the NASA or GOOGLE speculations, but then again:
Kleiner Perkins is not a consulting company. It is a premier venture capital company with several technology funds. They were key to starting Google and Amazon and a number of other major companies. Their Green Fund is headed by Al Gore (former us VP under Clinton), and another major fund is headed by former General Colin Powell.
They are “top dog” in the VC world. If they are actually behind this, then this is as real as it gets.
Any designers in the house?
Some updated information on projected pricing, designing, and longevity of the E-Cat from Rossi posts.
Projected pricing- 500euro per kw. (2500 euro for an E-Cat?)
Projected Longevity – “life of the E-Cat is 20 years”
And finally a call out for designers:
Andrea Rossi
October 8th, 2011 at 1:43 AMDear Francesco Toro,
The E-Cat basic module “for the People”, that we will put in commerce within months, will be 40 cm long, 40 cm large, 40 cm high, will weight 60 kg, the shape of a cube. I need a design cheap ( I want to put it in commerce at a price of 500 euros per kW) but nice, very nice. I will buy the design which I will choose and everybody has my honour word that I will not use designs not paid. I need it within two months.
Go to the report of Nyteknik (google “Nyteknic E-Cat Test October 6″) to see the pipes position: that will be it.
Please send proposals to
I am sure that from the enthusiasm od our Readers will pop up a masterpiece.
Warm Regards,
Andrea Rossi