Massachusetts State government welcomes new-energy industry

An article on Andrea A. Rossi‘s visit to the Massachusetts State House was published today in the Boston Globe business section.

Republican Bruce Tarr, a Massachusetts State legislator from Gloucester active in alternative energy, invited Mr. Rossi to discuss possibilities for manufacturing E-Cat units within the state.

Andrea Rossi speaks with Massachusetts State Legislators about manufacturing E-Cats. Photo Boston Globe

Entitled “Hope, skepticism for cold fusion“, the piece by D.C. Denison described a “roomful of skeptical people”, including Mr. Tarr. Nevertheless, the legislator is open to the economic potential that this new science and technology can generate.

“My thought process was pretty simple: If it works, I want this technology to be developed and manufactured in Massachusetts,’’ Tarr said.

He is not alone.

States across the US are experiencing budget shortfalls that have affected counties and cities with severe cuts to social services. Dropping property values and high unemployment has ground state revenues down further, even as costs increase. Unemployment funds have reached extreme lows and some states are close to running out of benefits for jobless workers.

Fresh technology based on a new kind of physics is a godsend to State budget committees. Cold fusion technology is in the nascent stage, and Mr. Rossi’s steam generator is the first step in a wide-open field of research and development that will generate new roles and jobs for people worldwide.

1 MW Energy Catalyzer
1 MW E-Cat comes in a shipping container.

As a thermal energy generator, the Energy Catalyzercan be used for heating work spaces or as a hot-water heater at a fraction of current costs, and its clean, a welcome development for environmental programs which have seen their budgets slashed too.

The fuel is hydrogen, the main element in water, and the reaction occurs in a powder made of nickel, the same metal that is in a US 5 cent piece. There is no carbon dioxide emitted by this reaction and there are no radioactive materials used.

Further developments will integrate thermo-electric generators that can turn the steam into electricity. When electrical costs are one-tenth, or even one-hundredth, of what they are now, global economies will be rocked by change, with local economies standing to benefit. Cold fusion energy technology does not need to be connected to a grid system.

It’s easy to see why states are courting the inventor of the first cold fusion energy technology to be released. As Dr. Michael McKubre noted in his recent public talk, “Energy is currency.”

Since States can’t print their own money the way the US federal government can, cold fusion power will have to do.

Related Links

Hope, skepticism for cold fusion by D.C. Denison from Boston Globe November 28, 2011

E-Cat North European Sales Division

SRI International: “What happened to cold fusion?” video of a public talk by Dr. Michael McKubre posted by Ruby Carat November 21, 2011

Tom and Doug interview Andrea Rossi on E-Cat’s Future

Tom and Doug, the pair that brought you “I Believe in the E-Cat“, has followed up with another fabulous audio selection, this time an hour-long interview with Andrea A. Rossi, the inventor of the Energy Catalyzer conducted on 11/11/11.

The E-Cat is the first commercial product based on condensed matter nuclear science, the science that describes the many types of cold fusion reactions, and is now on the market for industrial and agency use.

Tom and Doug have devoted a page on their website to the E-Cat where you can download the .mp3.

In the interview Andrea Rossi talks about the E-Cat product and the inspirations for it, the plethora of websites that have sprung up in support of it, and the backlash this simple, clean energy technology has inspired.

No big news will emerge over the next few months, as the day-to-day work on the 1MW E-Cat units will consume the bulk of attention, says Mr. Rossi, though he does make a jam date to play the drums with the two songwriters as he likes to relax with a little jazz skins.

Jam on for Cold Fusion Now!

Related Links

Tom and Doug “I Believe in the E-Cat” by Ruby Carat October 7, 2011

First Commercial Cold Fusion Steam Generator For Sale by Ruby Carat November 4, 2011

First Commercial Cold Fusion Steam Heat Generator For Sale

Order your Energy Catalyzer today!

It is the first thermal energy generator to be powered by the reaction between hydrogen and the metal nickel based on two-decades of research that began when Drs. Fleischmann and Pons announced cold fusion in 1989.

Essentially a hot-water boiler, the generator creates steam heat. Currently, coal-fired power plants create steam heat to make electricity for the power grid.

Energy Catalyzer 1 Megawatt
Photo: Daniele Passerini 1 MW Energy Catalyzer Steam Generator
The E-Cat steam heater is mobile, and does not need to be connected to a grid. The first sale was reported to be for use as a mobile heater for ‘remote camps’.

The units sell for $2000 per kilowatt housed inside a standard steel shipping container that will ship anywhere in the world. Sterling Allan of PESN who attended the recent deal-closing demonstration reports that all products are currently designed for industrial and agency use, and “smaller units for domestic use by individuals, [will be] ready in about a year’s time” citing pending certifications as the delay.

Potential buyers have a complete demonstration available to them before purchase including the opportunity to fully test the E-Cat generator to their satisfaction.

The high-energy return for hydrogen fuel that reacts inside a tiny piece of metal is akin to the energy generated by fusion. Fusion is where the central portions of atoms combine together releasing enormous amounts of energy many times greater than the chemical burning of oil, gas, or coal.

Conventional theories of fusion claim the process can only occur in the Sun, under intense pressure and heat. Hot fusionists have attempted to re-create those extreme conditions in the laboratory for half-a-century without success in generating over-unity power for more than a a second or two. Cold fusion occurs by as-yet unknown processes that are described by modern physics concepts of phonon resonance and quantum transitions inside a nuclear active environment.

Interactions between the hydrogen and the atoms of the solid metal occur that create heat, and even transmutation products, at room temperature. Updating the current theories to incorporate this phenomenon challenges mainstream scientists adamantly against investigating this very post-modern phenomenon.

Andrea Rossi
Andrea Rossi invents first commercial cold fusion energy generator.
Engineer and inventor of the Energy Catalyzer is Andrea A. Rossi. Having researched for two decades, many laboratories around the globe have regularly observed between 2, 6, and 25 times the energy return in these types of system. Mr. Rossi has managed to gain more than 200 times the energy return, and do it on-demand, a natural requisite for a commercial product.

He has also demonstrated his units in self-sustain mode, whereby there is no input power, and the energy return is exponentially increased.

The nickel-hydrogen exothermic reaction does not use radioactive material, and does not generate radiation like today’s nuclear power plants. There is no chain-reaction and no runaway scenario. If the generator gets too hot, the nickel powder melts, stopping the reaction.

This technology promises to disrupt the fossil fuel economy by generating cheap power from abundant fuel that is ultra-clean, mobile, and independent of the grid. The transformation will not be easy. Dr. Edmund Storms chatted with Cold Fusion Now about “Transitionhere.

Graphic artist Ashley Swanson from Miami, Florida illustrated the dense energy return for tiny amounts of fuel with this picture you can put on your website.

Nickel vs Oil
Put this graphic on your site.

O my peoples!

This is a fresh era for the new-energy movement. The courageous efforts of independent new-energy scientists who have labored for twenty-two years without funding, without recognition, and without respect, will be realized in the delivery of a revolutionary technology that they alone deserve commendation for.

If you are a business with heating or steam needs, contact the Leonardo Corporation about their E-Cat product line and get cold fusion technology delivered to your door today!

Cold Fusion Now!

Related Links

E-Cat orders being taken after a successful launch by Sterling Allan PESN

Leonardo Corporation homepage (previous bio-diesel product line showing)

E-Cat Northern Europe distributors homepage

Ashley Swanson graphic artist

Dr. Edmund Storms on “Transition” by Ruby Carat Cold Fusion Now October 24, 2011

Oil to Nickel: The E-Cat Energy Equivalence by Ruby Carat Cold Fusion Now October 4, 2011

E-Cat test: One-half a megawatt — self-sustained

The testing of a proto-type 1 Megawatt nickel-hydrogen reactor today appears to be a success. The Energy Catalyzer, or E-Cat, a thermal energy device that runs on a fuel of hydrogen and hosts the reaction in a nickel powder generated 479 kilowatts of power over 5.5 hours in self-sustain mode.

Sterling Allan of Pure Energy Systems was in attendance and wrote the positive report here. He took this video of inventor Andrea A. Rossi making a statement in response to a Radio Citta del Capo reporter’s query “if the test today was a breakthrough”:

Self-sustain mode means that there is no input power to continue the reaction. In this state, when the input energy is zero, the energy-out over energy-in ratio becomes infinite. The energy was computed by measuring the difference in temperature of coolant water flowing through the reactor as it turned into steam.

Why the unit performed at 479 kilowatts and not 1 Megawatt is unclear and may be due to “a glitch”. In the late-night report released by Mr. Rossi, Domenico Fioravanti, the lead engineer testing the unit and representing the Customer, indicated the system of gaskets will need to be upgraded as there are some “leaks”. [Download .pdf report formatted by Mats Lewan here along with temperature data here.]

The decision was made earlier in the day to test the unit at a lower power in self-sustain mode, rather than the full 1 Megawatt capacity. Nevertheless, generating almost one-half megawatt of power with no input over five hours is a huge accomplishment.

According to the report, the 1 Megawatt unit is composed of 107 smaller 10 kilowatt units connected in parallel and housed in a shipping container. Each 10 kW unit comprises three 3.3 kilowatt units together in parallel.

University of Bologna’s Dr. David Bianchini detected no measurable radiation above the background level being emitted from the device.

Fascinating video by Mr. Allan shows the set-up:

In attendance along with Mr. Allan was New York Associated Press reporter Peter Svensson who had exclusive story rights through midnight, but since it will be days before his story makes it to the wire, Sterling Allan and Mats Lewan were able to release their articles this evening. NYTeknik science journalist Mats Lewan has covered the E-Cat demonstrations regularly and wrote this article here. Rounding out the media were also

Scientists, engineers and specialists in nuclear physics from France, Sweden, Russia, China, and Italy were also present, indicating the strong interest from around the world in this revolutionary energy technology.

The still unknown Customer for the E-Cat reactor is reportedly “happy” with the test, and ready to make the sale. Wherever the unit ends up, we are looking forward to the first commercial cold fusion energy reactor on the market, and the many more to come.

Related Links

Bologna 28 ottobre: primo resoconto del test dell’impianto da 1 MW di Andrea Rossi by Daniele Passorini 22passi Blogspot October 29, 2011

First commercial cold fusion reactor tested in Bologna by Ruby Carat October 6, 2011

Edmund Storms on “Federal Support and the ‘Rossi Effect’

The testing of Andrea A. Rossi’s 1 Megawatt proto-type nickel-hydrogen reactor is underway in Bologna, Italy. Reportedly conducted for a customer from the US, there is limited access to the private event, although Sterling D. Allan from Pure Energy Systems is attending and will be posting his impressions here on E-Day: Tracking the 1MW Test.

What is 1 Megawatt? This article from Hank Mills and Mr. Allan describes it in easy to understand language. Given an average electrical usage of between 1 and 1.5 kiloWatts per home, a 1 MegaWatt unit producing electricity could power between 750 and 1000 homes.

It should be noted that Mr. Rossi’s reactor is a thermal energy device that produces steam heat and not electricity. However, as a first step in a revolutionary new energy technology, this is the beginning of an era for the development of ultra-clean power from hydrogen.

While negative press continue to prejudice this science, the effect of Mr. Rossi’s demonstrations technology has increased the level of awareness in the public about cold fusion research.

Here Edmund Storms talks about how a commercially available device will affect the attitudes in the political class.

Mitchell Swartz of Jet Energy, a cold fusion research company that has developed the Phusor and Nanor reactor, has put together some quotes made by accomplished individuals that reveal bias towards the new, the unfamiliar, the revolutionary, for even the smartest people can’t always imagine what’s possible.

Consider this statement:

“There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home.”
Ken Olson Chairman and founder Digital Equipment Corporation from 1977

Cold Fusion Now!


Related Links

How much is One (1) Megawatt? by Hank Mills and Sterling D. Allan from PESN

Skeptic Quotes Through History collected by Dr. Mitchell Swartz Cold Fusion Times
